Death Stranding – Heartman Character Spotlight Trailer


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How many Yea Forums directors will be in this game?

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This was actual, legitimate kino.
Alright I guess I'm back into the Kojima hype train again.

I like this, cant wait for his spotlight

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This looks beyond retarded.

What is it about Kojima that he can make really good trailers for his games?

anyone able to read some of the backings on the movies?

I'm already dead

>uses tracking shots with no cuts

absolute kino incoming

>Del Toro and Refn fully animated and look very similar to the actual people
>some random people voicing them. I haven't heard Del Toro talk that much, but man Refn is going to be jarring

The lightning on his yellow thing reminds me of MGSV ; ;

Cutscene direction looks million times better than MGSV with it's shaky camera

it is not his voice? i thought refn is doing the voice too.

He can barely speak english

When are we going to see gameplay that isnt just walking around empty fields

>Refn and Del Toro being able to sit and do likely hours of dialog
Hell fucking no. They got them for the models and someone else is doing mo-cap and voice

I hated everything Death Stranding related because of the huge teaser fest it was and the gameplay was disappointing as fuck, but damn I loved the concept of this character. It's so stupid


I assume he is your R&D guy, which means he will often die mid sentence. I hope Kojima is autistic enough to keep track of when he should or should not die

Love the ramp up as we get closer to release. Real excited.

Less than 4 months now. I hope we get a gameplay stream like the MGSV ones. We have so little of this compared to MGS4/5

I honestly hope we don't

The soundtrack of this game is so fucking good.

I bet it's going to be a walking simulator.

>Cold Heartman

Fragile Character Spotlight Trailer WHEN

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of course he is. I only got hyped again after learning that Refn that turbo autist was involved. He likes cool shit, maybe this game will have it. I'll probably watch the movie version on youtube though, I don't think the gameplay will be gratifying

It's not Refn's voice. What the fuck is the point of using their likeness, then?


>"The 21 minutes I spend here, all down time. Time spent waiting to go back to the search."
So he spends most of his time dead, as a spirit in Hades or the "other side"? That doesn't seem suspicious at all.

imagine unironically reading the script of Blue is the warmest color, reading it will have nudity and sex scenes,agreeing to do it and still cry because you're upset with how it was shot

No, he's "alive" for 21 minutes, and then when he dies he has 3 minutes to run around "on the beach" looking for his family or something

The director was abusive, it has nothing to do with the script or how it was shot

So seems like Heartman probably has some condition that causes his heart to give out every 21 minutes (I expect Kojima will say its some kind of SVT because of the AED). In a post Death-Stranding world, this lets him travel to the 'other side' pretty readily and come back, and here it was literally described as a sort of beach.
Hilarious how this one trailer explained more than everything else combined.

This game looks dumber with every piece of information that comes out
I'd enjoy it if it was supposed to be a stupid b movie but it's Kojima, there's no way he isn't going to act like this is the Citizen Kane of games
Remember when he tried to pass off Quiet being naked as an important story element and not just him being horny?

It's probably for the best that we get less info, because MGSV had streams literally a month or two before release with tons that ended up cut from the game. Was ridiculous, they should have known that close to release what is/isn't able to be included. Nothing from the Mother Base videos ended up in the final game

When you die you're gonna have a trippy as hell "respawn" screen

and then he shot a movie with 30 minutes of sex scenes and showed it in Cannes as a big fuck you to everyone. I hate everyone involved for being dumb and pieces of shit

She complained that they made her repeat the sex scene way too many times.

>he isn't going to act like this is the Citizen Kane of games
Why doest it bother you? Play it\watch it on youtube if your intested or just ignore if you don't

>"everything before death stranding of course..."

what did he mean by this?

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post yfw tomorrow your youtube will be flooded with how the beach is the same beach that we saw in the first Death Stranding teaser a long time ago and you tubers will make a 10 minute videos talking about how smart Kojima is

>there's no way he isn't going to act like this is the Citizen Kane of games
Why would he?
He even downplayed MGS2, that game that Yea Forums praises so much, as being just a bunch of 80s action movie and anime tropes put together, and that the whole "post-modern" thing was nonsense.

it's only ok when Kubrick repeats the scenes too many times

>3 cuts in 37 seconds
Still, you have a point. What a game this is going to be.

Because he's got his head up his own ass. The games not gonna be good when Kojimas jerking off the whole time
He takes his games so seriously that he said we'd be "ashamed of our words and deeds" when people asked why Quiet was naked. I'd respect him if his answer was "because I like girls" but he just tries to make everything into a bigger deal than it is. A guy who dies every 21 minutes is a fucking stupid idea that would work in a comedy, not a serious story driven game

Refn is fucking autistic, dude, he wouldn't be able to voice act or emote for shit.

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The release date trailer explained a lot more than this.

>singleplayer movie
god damn that shit looks boring

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with every new trailer this game looks less and less interesting to me.

GoW already did this "one-shot" camera thing

It's a shame he didn't get Goose.
Between him, Refn, Qualley and Kojima's writing DS would be 100% autismkino.

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It's disgusting that thinking about anything at all is generally considered "autistic" by kids now.

some ideas work when they are taking seriously, the 21 minutes thing is so stupid that I like it but the quiet thing you know what's up so you can't take Kojimbo seriously because he doesn't go the Yoko Taro route and just say he likes girls. I think most of us unironically can detect when something said or done is soul or souless. Quiet story is soulless because you know he just wanted to bang her

although im completely against putting actors in video games but i genuinely would be happy if goose was in DS

He's a movie nut and edits his own trailers. picks their soundtrack and directs them.

Refn is actually autistic though.
>threw a table at a wall in film school and got expelled, then re-did the scene in Bronson
>directed Drive even though he failed his driver's license exam like 7 times
>directed OGF only so he could visit toy shops in Thailand then got upset because his wife put his toys in the attic
>can't shoot his movies in non-chronological order
>color blind
>lost virginity at 24
>proposed to his first girlfriend (now wife), she initially said no but kept the ring
>daughter doesn't call him Dad or Papa, calls him "Jang" the same nickname used by his adult friends and family
>believes in Thai ghosts because his daughter sees them and Jodo told him some spooky shit reading tarot cards
>literally wears a towel when he's shooting a movie to keep his energy inside him or something
>can't pick his own clothes, wife does it for him
>Mads says he can't talk to him outside of movie sets because he can literally only talk about cinema
>kissed Goose on the red carpet at Cannes
>kissed Elle on the red carpet at Cannes
>cried on live Danish TV
>talked about fucking on live British TV
>has deluded himself into thinking he's close friend with David Lynch, randomly brings up "David" in conversations, while other people have no idea who he's talking about
>despite his wife trying her best to dress him correctly, he still attends event dressed like a teenager while everyone else is dressed properly
>almost got to his now wife to run away on their second date because he told her he was going to show her a beautiful, emotional film and then forced her to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>described The Neon Demon as being about him picturing himself as a 16-year-old girl
>constantly kept mentioning that Elle Fanning had "just turned eighteen" at Cannes until there was little more than awkward silence in response to that notion

I still need to watch his documentary

Completely irrelevant that another game, it's still more unique and interesting than a cut every few seconds, and more games should do it.

This is fucking gold holy shit

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I get where you're coming from, but i just don't care. I fucking hate quiet as a character, but him rambling about words and deeds on twitter doesn't have any effect on the way i perceive the game

/ourguy/, but imagine unironically believing anything Jodorowsky says

I wish Goose would be the last reveal

This is going to be the most pretentious wankery ever.

Kojima is on fucking crack

>another 2 min teaser

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I can't hate the guy, he basically made a high budget exploitation movie with Neon Demon and before showing it on that masturbation fest that was Cannes he showed some Giallo remastered. That's the only reason I'm hyped for the game, he likes cool shit and maybe he saw some of that in kojimbo's story

If he's just in the game, I'm gonna fucking lose it. Have Kojima and Goose ever met?

>Refn: What am I thinking about now?
>Gosling: Legos
>Refn: Correct

>My Chemical Romance
>fucking everyone has eyeshadow in Death Stranding for some reason

Is Kojima currently going through his emo phase or something?

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>A whole week later...
>"I was just kidding you, what I was ACTUALLY thinking about was trains."

There's nothing special. Even repeating assets reused.

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And don't forget about Margaret Qualley.

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So that's why Yea Forums likes him? I'll be honest I never heard of the guy until he was confirmed in DS

That, and that he makes some pretty decent movies.
And nowadays, when everything is just capeshit and capeshit wannabes, even the fact that someone tries doing something original is worth paying attention to.

Apart from the loosing virginity at 24 and wife choosing my clothes part, I'm still far from the autistic level of that guy, it's giving me hope. but at the same time I'm kinda jealous .

Could use more blur, i dont know anything about graphics but something is off.

Oh no it's retarded

>says that was visit 218550
>dies every 21 minutes
This mother fucker has been dying every 21 minutes for 10 years now.

So it's not actually Refn acting in the game, it's just his likeness?

>I never heard of the guy until he was confirmed in DS
You never saw drive or valhalla rising?

Kojima ready to dump reedus for gosling just like he did to Joosten.

>DS is out in November

Wait, why did I think it was coming out in 2020? Fuck, I'm still not sure if I should buy a PS4 before it comes out so I can play it at release. The story is interesting but what the fuck is the gameplay

It's just a body scan.
They did plenty of this with MGSV.
All of the soldiers you find in the game are programmers from the game and one of them is the main composer of MGSV's soundtrack.
If you already have the technology and equipment to scan, it's cheaper and faster than designing characters by hand.

Then it turns out this is one of the 10 cutscenes in the game....i hope am wrong and kino kojima with long cutscenes is back

>most cut scenes are hidden behind in game shit like in Phantom Pain

Death Stranding will be peak angsty emokino.

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I bet it's going to be a package delivery/dead whale avoidance simulator.

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Has Gosling even done any movie recently? He doesn't even have a capeshit spot. He be doing Kojima games soon enough

>You'll be able to go wherever you want, even the Moon.
Reminder that Kojima spoiled the DS ending in the Kojipro intro cinematic.

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He would've tweeted about it, but the fact he met NWR and has him in the game makes me wonder if Goose is either just too busy or too expensive

Facial animations need a lot of work but then again, this is the Horizon engine so I have little hope.

So is this game a 10 hour cutscene or something? I see almost no actual gameplay.

I want Yea Forums and their buzzwords out.

>incels are mas
color me shocked

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No. Which is pathetic given how long I've been browsing this site but Drive is on my watch list.

Do, is this actually gonna have a strong narrative and characters and plot and shit, unlike MGS V?

He was ment to be the antitesis of a chad, and he won the game my bros

Ignore the fags, Drive is complete waste of time. A dead raccoon can act better than Gosling


Might have an actual story arc, satisfying ends to characters, and a conclusive ending. Might just be hours of gameplay between any story progression which is compromised like 50% of shit we have seen in previous trailers


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I hope not, MGSV's lack of focus on the plot is the reason it's the best MGS.

>So is this game a 10 hour cutscene or something?
One can only hope.

Pig disgusting.

The ludens were the very first things that were shown. Before the name Death Stranding was even revealed. It was spoiled from the very beginning

I'm still going watch it and form my own opinion eventually. Why would I not want to experience something for myself?

>kissed Goose on the red carpet at Cannes

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Terrible taste.
Emo aesthetic is peak cute.

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Dude, the only reason it isn't the worst is that MGS 4 exists. Even Peace Walker was better.

>really good trailers
>literally just a cutscene from the game

Drive is fantastic. A very unique film but ultimately kino as fuck. You'll understand all the memes afterwards.

The reason it's the best it's because it's an actual videogame and not a movie.
I hope the same happens with Death Stranding, where I can ignore most of the plot.

>British voice on a Danish man
Should've called the game Uncanny Valley.

What is with the spooky white ghost they are just ignoring in the background?

Pretending to have mental health issues and passing fads are not.
>facial piercings

>Ignores gameplay trailer
Only Yea Forums...

Piercings are not tied to emos, people of all kinds have them.

MGS4 had better game mechanics than every predecessor.

Every Metal Gear has been "an actual video game", the only one overdoing it with cutscenes was MGS 4 and I'm not gonna defend it. 1, 2, 3 and Peace Walker all had substantial gameplay and a lot of creative mechanics.

I never said they were you fucking goof.

No it didn't.
Hell, 1, 2, 3 and PW suffered from how stupidly clunky they were in gameplay.

Why do insults keep getting more and more pussified.
People on the internet are starting to sound like fucking Ned Flanders.

that's why I'm worried about DS. We haven't seen anything good about it . Just press X to build latter in an overnanimated mechanic that wastes you a couple of minutes every time you do it

>Ignores gameplay trailer
>90% of it is cut scenes with the rest being walking around and using ladders

Why do retards ask questions without a question mark?


people getting banned everywhere are training themselves to behave. pavlov's

>overnanimated mechanic
It's literally a ladder extending itself.

>wastes you a couple of minutes every time you do it
It lasts like 2 seconds.

Well, i disagree. mgs2 for example was really fast, responsive and easy to read, this game shines in vr mission

Because everything else is extremely mysognistic, racist, etc.
And since nu4chan, and specifically Yea Forums and Yea Forums are filled with stupid redditors, they bring in their retarded reddit behaviour here.
Like this recent swarm of cucks who censor themselves randomly.

Millennials are all scum, a generation of betas.

What a kino trailer...

>Not Another Beach Movie

>only has 21 minutes
his collection is all anime isn't it

You sound like a dork

What weird ass shit will DEADMAN be about then? Literally always dead?

Except, even though it's a stealth game, you can't do basic shit like crouching, the camera placement is absolutely retarded, so much that the game acknowledges is crap with the Soliton radar, and even aiming a gun and shooting is cumbersome.

MGSV is literally the only game in the entire franchise that had some attention put into the gameplay, the rest MGS games had gameplay with the production values of indie games.

You forgot to mention that he couldn't read until he was 13

That could still go either way. I don't exactly expect it to be much more than a typical Open World Third Person action game, what it really depends on is if it's gonna have good level designs and strong action setpieces. And if the actual traversal is gonna be fun. All that stuff about ladders and bridges makes it seem like the actual act of navigating the world is gonna be a pretty big part of the gameplay.

Wouldn't be a Kojima or MGS thread if people weren't blowing shit out of proportion.
So how is Heartman's taste in cinema?

>>Ignores gameplay trailer
I don't blame him

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There is nothing wrong with topdown camera

Setpieces sound like linearity, so I hope it has none.

there's a reason they cut it during the gameplay reveal trailer user. First time you do it it's probably feel fine, wait until you have to do it on the 30th time

>webm ends seconds before combat
Based retard

More like Kojima going DO YOU RIKE MY MOVIE TASTE?

Why would you use a camera that restricts your vision in a stealth game?
Even the game itself needs a mechanic to counter the fact that you can't see what's in front of you without stopping on your tracks and activating the first person view.
Kojima himself admits this is crap when MGS3 got a third person camera with Subsistence, and not a single other MGS featured that camera.
It was an idea from someone who clearly didn't know they were making a stealth game at all.

You didnt see gunplay and boss battle from japanese version did you huh? Plebs I swear

calm down doofus

if we have to go by that 3 second scene in the ww1 setting the gun play will be pure dog shit

>bare bones combat
sasuga wojimbo

They seem to be actively avoiding showing any gameplay that isn't related to travel.
The E3 2018 trailer even cuts the moment he reaches a base and pulls out the gun.

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>Like this recent swarm of cucks who censor themselves randomly
it's a m*me ya dip

>Setpieces sound like linearity, so I hope it has none.

It's what MGS V was sorely lacking, which is a shame, because moments like the first Sahelanthropus encounter or the Man on Fire fight were easily some of the best parts of the game. The only Open World game that was actually fun despite having very few linear setpieces was Zelda Breath of the Wild and even that had some.

>most of the trailer is cut scenes aside from 6 or 7 seconds of running away and a single shot of aiming a weapon

I got tired of open world gimmick when GTA V was released and a huge part of the map was a wasteland just to make it bigger and you could barely do things exploring it, just looking at vistas. And the places we've seen so far are just waste lands. I'm not looking forward to spending 5 minutes walking to place A to B or 3 minutes riding a bike every time because the devs do that just for the sake it

cringe, but redpilled

>because moments like the first Sahelanthropus encounter or the Man on Fire fight were easily some of the best parts of the game
No they fucking weren't, they were awkward as hell, specially the first Sahelanthropus fight where you had to stay hidden for like 7 minutes standing still to call in the heli.
Those are the worst missions in the game by far.

There was gunplay in 2019 trailer where he was moving around shooting some skeleton in world war setting. For 2018 much probably wasnt ready, Kojima said 100 times that it was silent trailer with no combat etc

The only thing this "game" has going for is wacky story that makes no sense and a gorrillion hollywood actors
gameplay will probably be mediocre phantom pain
an already mediocre game

Call me old, but I hate the trailer without gameplay.

Yes, everything is a very epic meme and everything is very ironic and sarcastic
We behave like redditors, talk like redditors and spam reddit memes but it's all okay because it's le ebin irony.

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Most of the rooms in mgs2 are small as shit, you can see almost everything at any gven time. Can't say the same about mgs3 yeah

>the combat where he starts jump punching them while wearing heavy equipment
that was some retarded shit

You just don't get it, bro. It's kino. Kino!!!!

dumb zoomer

Realism has overstayed it's welcome and has done nothing but proof that, unless your game's aim is specifically to be realistic, it's going to hinder the game.


>castrating the gameplay because muh realism

Truly a Yea Forums CHAD.

No you couldn't, it was in MGS3 where you could see further with the top down camera.
MGS1's and 2's camera was fucking awful and I always wondered who the fuck thought this was a good idea.
Seriously, why do it?
Why not use third person cameras?
This offers only disadvantages.

I like Refn.

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gmanshilllives made a good point while talking about Ion Maiden I think saying how realism sucks because devs start getting worried about how a body would react IRL and the old stuff let your imagination go wild so the devs could try different things with sprites. He was on to something, same thing can be said about 2D and 3D animation

>my body is ready

No bro the gameplay will be le comfy kino

>everytime a game does something stupid these retards will defend it by saying REALISM BAD

>Do you read, Sam? Listen to music? Watch films?

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>twenty minutes of love
>less than 20 minutes long
wtf Charlie Chaplin?

you have to leave

If he could have gotten Lynch, it would be some kino that would literally make me buy a ps4

>gameplay needs to be slow with sloppy wind-ups for everything cuz the guy has a heavy suit

It's one thing making a plot seem realistic or plausible, but realism can't affect gameplay, it will always make it worse, like RDR2's gameplay which is utter garbage because of how Rockstar is obsessed with making games as realistic as possible, which has resulted in cancers that plague this industry like characters not inmediatly turning around because they need to make an animation of them turning and then walking.
It's the reason Rockstar's games since GTA 4 are shit, and why all of Ubisoft's games are shit.

Yes, you could. With exeptions like that one guard with binoculars on big shell, who you can only see in first person if you playing on EE with radar off. And in og mgs3 given how vast some of the areas were you more often than not can stumble accidently into some guard

>muh its fun
>muh its comfy
I can already see the damage control

>no shaky cam
>absurd concept
>movie and short movie trivia
god damnit I'm hooked again lads

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>GTA4 was shit
poor taste

It's a real concept applied to whatever catastrophe happened

what the hell did he say that was wrong though. Look at the Lion King 3D and the old one during the Hakuna Matata segment, the 2D was bursting with creativity because it wasn't trying to mimic reality

Pretty sure the premise has already mentioned that the "Death Stranding" was cataclysmic event that altered reality in some way (causing all the weird shit and concepts we saw in the trailer)

>or you could have an option to temporarily drop your heavy equipment in order to fight properly

Especially when ds gets 90+ metacritic and sells several millions in the first couple of months, the damage control on Yea Forums will be real.

it's a cameo exchange because kojambles did a cameo in his tv show

Pre orders are already projecting it to be his highest selling game yet.

oh shit forgot about his tv thing, is it good?

>just get naked dude

The cameo is just a cameo, no lines or anything. The show itself is good if you like Refn going full Refn.

>it made money thats why its good

The show itself? Yeah. Kojimbers cameo is like 10 seconds long

I was joking

god damnit

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Or a sci fi exoskeleton that allows high strength and movement while encumbered....

You better save this for november boy, you'll need it.

Haha stop posting cretin

>realism can't affect gameplay, it will always make it worse
You must hate those gameplay segments in DS where you have to use a ladder and other real life climbing equipment to realistically get through areas instead of BING BING WAHOOing it

>21 minutes maximum of time alive
>must take breaks every 3 minutes being dead
Well Yea Forums? What games would you play during the "downtime"?

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>where you have to use a ladder and other real life climbing equipment to realistically
lemme just climb a mountain with a 50 meter long ladder that stays put and doesnt move when walking on it

>wears a giant heavy backpack that he could drop
>HURR you gotta get naked

Hotline Miami


Yea Forums


mgs peace walker

>playing games on downtime
21 minutes fap sessions bro, gain autoerotic asphyxiation and hit climax JUST as time ends, experience ultimate bliss every 21 minutes BRO

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>tfw an all zones run in Necrodancer fits 15-20 minutes

Perfect answer, user. Good job.

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>contains climbing equipment and a giant ladder among other things
>not heavy

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The cinematography is awkwardly wide angled and holds for way too long when he's talking. is the kino aspect supposed to be because it feels like a B movie?


Do you also get confused about how Iron Man can fly?

>we don't get to hear Refn's goober voice and acting


Yeah I agree, the video game is too videogamey, I really hate ludonarrative dissonance as well

He shoots the squid monster in the Japanese version too

of course this soiboi brings up capeshit in his argument

>loses the argument
>better start name calling
Feeling bad about getting proven factually wrong?


>compares death stranding to iron man

>wtf how can a guy in a super scifi suit do super stuff
Do you even have anymore ground to stand on with your argument? You triggered by capeshit? How about Kamen Rider? You less triggered now?

why have him use ladders and climbing equipment instead of just giving him thrusters like iron man lol? or a scifi exoskeleton that can jump really high, that'd be epic

If you haven't seen TOTDY you don't know shit about Heartman.

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Woah there buddy, you must be using some sort of super suit to be moving those goalposts so fast. Now you're upset the super suit isn't enough like Iron Man? May I suggest you go back to watching Iron Man then?

this is not a game, this is someone who wishes he was a movie director

>hideo kojima is not a game
Nice observation.


sorry soiboi I'm not interested in capeshit

>he says literally right after complaining Sam isn't just like Iron Man

massive kek

it's called sarcasm you literal autist lmao

>never able to play league again
Holy fuck I'm free

>i was merely pretending

I'm surprised this game is ready to be released so soon. It's been 3 years or so? I expected a lot of delays.

dead cells

>>almost got to his now wife to run away on their second date because he told her he was going to show her a beautiful, emotional film and then forced her to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

There was one delay with the voice acting strike. Not every game is MGSV.

1 duel in reflex arena / quake live

>he is forced to skip the ED or OP of every anime
Don't think I could do it.

>there are people who don't do this every time

still can't believe Amazon gave him full creative control and then were surprised by the result

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You can just stop and resume though.
gay pleb

You better give us some lea's feet kojimbo

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>subjecting yourself to spoilers


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>All from before Death Stranding™.
roll credits

Here's your feet shot buddy

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How is that impressive in a video game?


He's just saying all the books and movies he has are from before the Death Stranding.

he's not autistic
he's ultimate Chad

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wow, not only am i not sony's audience anymore, but i think i'm not a part of kojima's audience anymore either

you are my cock audience for tonight gay boy

idiots think this is good lol

>The 21 minutes I spend here, all down time, nothing more. Time spent waiting to go back to the search. My body may be present, but my soul is on the beach. I'm already dead.
The music right as he says "my soul is on the beach" gives such an air of mystery

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in movies this is something to admire but in video game with virtual camera it is cheap as fuck

Did he just outautismed shit out of Goose?





The idiotic comments about this shitty video are the dumbest I've ever read.

I bet kojima actually thinks he's being kino by doing something that is only impressive in movies

refn is a hack

...she she actually autistic, and not just meme autistic? Because her mannerisms here are...super on the spectrum.
>unusual palm heavy clapping, as if not understanding HOW to clap but replicating it from observation
>nobody else is clapping, seemingly inappropriate clapping?
>avoid eye contact with most everybody in the room, keeps clapping even when she sees nobody else is, keeps clapping when the interviewer starts talking
>looks down and watches herself clap
>heavy forced blinking

Yes she is.

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A good shot is still a good shot regardless of how it is captured.

I'm not sure, why are they presenting us the characters on youtube instead of letting us discover them in game. Usually when a game starts having supplementary material in advertisements it's always been a flag. Guys i don't think this is an excerpt from a cutscene.

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Kojima always seems to do this kind of shit

What are you talking about?
He did the same with MGSV.

I'm not sure what you are talking about but this clip was intended as something to show for the San Diego Comic Con panel. It then later got leaked so they decided to throw out the official one on their channel.

So basically you just made up that games don't have character trailers, and you just made up that this is not an ingame cutscene for no reason, and you are worried about that?
Are you stupid?

>a beautiful, emotional film and then forced her to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
That movie really is beautifully shot and would easily be educational to anybody who's interested in directing or producing.

This. The Tin Tin movie was widely praised for doing shots like that using animation to do shots not reasonable in live action film.
By the way watch the Tin Tin movie. Just wanted to take a moment to shill that film. Great cartoon.

I was convinced it was fucking drugs until this. Now I'm convinced that she's cute a fuck. I love attractive autistic women.

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Just don't look up her feet.
They are busted since she used to be a balette dancer.

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>"I wrote to my mom saying: 'Look, I don't think I want to be a dancer any more so I'm going to quit ballet and stay here. I will have this and this income next week.' I laid it out in a way that she couldn't say no because I was so organised."
She's very clearly on the spectrum. Essentially the runt of the litter. Her sisters were debutantes, and she kind of got carted off to ballet school to be put to some kind of use. Ended up acting. I want to protect her and raise our fucked up kids.

I'm not a footfag, so I don't give a shit. That she repels footfags makes her even more ideal.

>calling a fucking videogame "A MOVIE"
Literal fucking reddit cancer with reddit memes.

You're waifu a shit.

Attached: smash.webm (640x640, 571K)

>endless fun facts about 21 minute short films, music, and books
Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.

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it's Yea Forums meme you mong

talking of refn, i've seen drive and it's one of my favorite movies. what else would you recommend i watch of his?

>kojimbo will show all the cutscenes through trailers
>the game will be short and unfinished
It's MGSV all over again.

MGSV was unfinished, but not short.
Took me 50 hours to get to the end.
And if it's not a movie, i'm glad.

mgsv if anything was way to long

>I want to protect her and raise our fucked up kids.
It's too late.
She got Kojambo'd.

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Kojima does shit like this all the time. We got a very basic character description and have no idea how his story's gonna unfold.
In this case, it was leaked by Refn, though the way it's formatted tells me that it was eventually gonna get released.
We may end up getting other basic character backgrounds drip-fed to us later.

I really liked Valhalla Rising, and so far I'm liking Too Old to Die Young. TOtDY is incredibly slow paced, though, so be warned.

Asians can't even break hymens.

So you're saying...

> one of us

Tell me shit like this when it's discovered that Sony fired Kojima and separated him from his own team.

Kojima doesn't work for Sony, Kojipro is now an independant studio, like Platinum Games, it's just they are now making a game for Sony.
They can't fire him from his own studio, idiot.

Seriously, what's up with MGS and Kojima threads that always contain the people who knows the least about videogame development?

I know how it goes. "character trailer" implying there will be this and more but when you start the game there are huge gaps where crucial exposition is needed to link plot threads together.
Oh no Kojima i'm not doing this again i'm not playing Sherlock Holmes with you and your desultory scenario.

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What his name again?

Konami only forced him to quit because they didn't want to make more Triple A games and focus on smartphone games.
That's not going to happen at Sony, specially when their smartphone division is a fucking failure and the Playstation division is the only one holding everything together.

Kubrick was a huge asshole who was hated by actors too, so there's that. Imagine bullying someone so hard their hair literally falls out; that's what he did to Shelley Duvall in The Shining.

Then don't pay attention to the story.
The story is the worst part of Kojima's games anyway.
I played all of MGS and I still don't know what it's about.
Talented writers will never touch the videogame industry, so it's not worth paying attention to them.

live softman

Now think about what you said. Kojima's head of the company and calls the shots. Why would he make his own game unfinished when his only unfinished release was only unfinished because of his former company's executive decisions?
It makes even less sense since Kojima knows he absolutely has to make this game work if his company's gonna go anywhere. It has to be a complete product, and he's been in this business more than long enough to understand this.

>104 days until the game releases
>still no videos of anyone actually playing the game

this game is going to be so shit

honestly i hope it turns out to be just like MGSV because having kojidrones to defend it would be absolutely hilarious

Im actually hating this game the more and more i see of its pretentious bullshit, and i LOVE MGS. This game is going to be what The Evil Within was to RE4, never let your visionary dev go full retard out in the wild on his own. I dont want to see fucking brad pitt or whoever as my main character because i will never see anything but brad pitt

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>It makes even less sense since Kojima knows he absolutely has to make this game work if his company's gonna go anywhere.
The only thing he needs are sales and a good rating.
The rest is all completely irrelevant.
MGSV was the best selling MGS in the franchise despite the cries about it being unfinished, and it's rated high everywhere.

What's the opposite of a kojimadrone?

Die Hardman's got me wondering, but I'm really curious about Deadman's codename. We've seen him in Hades, so he can easily go there. Those stitches on his head have something to do with that.

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I can only think of equivilents rather than opposits: Mikami-drones.

>he needs a complete game
>when most games nowadays come out unfinished and untested
Also, what the fuck is up with people now speaking like corporate mouth pieces?
Who the fuck refers to a videogame as a "product" outside of suits?
Is this just another for of millennial corporate worship?

That's what the name of the event is called in game.


But will it top kinos like TPP's prologue or 4's ending?

No it's fucks me up. I like stories, reading them, viewing them. I like watching characters interact.
When i read a book there aren't blank pages where i'm supposed to deduce what's written on them and there isn't character backstory told in the add for the book.
I open the game and everything is there, it makes sense because it's actually written down and it exists it's that simple you spiced up gook.

This. CGI animation can still be gorgeous.

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Fucking dropped

Imagine being SO autistic you roll-back to Chad by not giving an iota of a shit.

True. It's unironically one of the best films ever made. What really surprised me when I watched it was how much horror was really generated by the atmosphere, scenery and script, with the gore as an afterthought.

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>The rest is all completely irrelevant.
Not for a startup company, and again there's no reason why he'd intentionally make an unfinished game when he can easily just finish it. This is also supported since he had a finished script that caused Sony to pick up the project, and everyone aboard has confirmed that all cutscenes are shot and scripted. He's got the resources and the team for this, along with full support from his partnered company, which he infamously didn't have with Konami.
You have zero understanding of how frustrating it is for a creator to leave his work unfinished.
I don't even have to cite the many games that he's directed that are all finished products.
You're deluding yourself.

haha yeah

people who hate this game like a video game company that doesn't even make video games anymore

Nah, games improve from lack of story.
Storytelling has never and should never be the focus of a videogame.
Everytime a game does it's a complete failure.

>This game is going to be what The Evil Within was to RE4
When you put it like that I'm a little nervous

Big LargeMan

Oh no, he can finish it and he probably will.
Just saying that he doesn't need to.
Quality is irrelevant towards a videogame's sales nowadays, unless it's offensively bad like Mass Effect Andromeda.

I loved Evil Within.

hes doing it again isnt he? just like mgs5 hes showing 90% of cutscenes before the game is out

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Got it in one.
Contrarian is also acceptable.
That this game triggers Yea Forums so hard makes me like it more and more.

The Evil Within games are underrated.

More like Shitno lmao.

>before a brief character introduction
>he's not showing enough! this game has nothing in it!
>after the brief character introduction
>he's showing too much! shut it down!

That film was good, but this scene by itself tops everything. I genuinely thought Pixar had used a live animal when I saw it in the theatre.

Attached: Toy-Story-4-cat.jpg (948x435, 264K)

>brief character introduction
thats all the game will even have you dumb nigger

>he didn't like evil within
Holy fuck the age of vidya pleb filters can't come soon enough.

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TEW 1 started off real strong but had several really bad part
TEW 2 was a lot better overall but sadly sold a fraction of what the original did.

>This game is going to be what The Evil Within was to RE4
Sounds great

Sure, if you pretend the half second transition he has from the beach back to life is all there's gonna be with zero context it's easy to believe that he doesn't have a story arc at all.
It's pathetic how badly you want this to be a disaster. Get off Yea Forums for awhile. It's rotting your brain.

She's blinking manually... just like you are right now

Don't hurt qts.

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>This game is going to be what The Evil Within was to RE4.

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>TEW 2 was a lot better

TEW2 was OK, but it lacked the abject rage that permeated the entire atmosphere of TEW1. I can only describe TEW1 as really fucking angry, and that's exactly what I loved about it.

Wow, what an amazing oscar winning actress winning it for best female performance in Death Note.
Bravo Hackjima.

At least it's not justen

>That this game triggers Yea Forums so hard makes me like it more and more.
Goddamn couldn't have said it better.

Attached: tenor.gif (220x165, 285K)

One of the best animated movies in recent memory, and by fucking far the best mocap movie. Damn shame they dragged Jackson over to do The Hobbit shit when he could've been directing Tintin 2 like he'd planned.

For some reason I want to make her look at me and maintain eye contact before fucking her autistic brain up just by kissing her.

Tracking shots aren't even impressive for modern movies, let alone for a video game where it literally takes zero effort.

Bro, you're on Yea Forums. You have zero authority on what's objectively impressive.

I know I'm going to enjoy the cutscenes, but I'm still extremely worried about the gameplay.
Four months left until the game is released and they still haven't shown unedited gameplay loop footage.

can someone provide me a big list of kino to watch? does Yea Forums not have a wiki?

Nothing wrong with that, you just want an autistic gf.

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wait for tgs

Bane CIAman

What I'm saying is that quality isn't irrelevant in the long run, and when you're a new game company you have to play the long game until your feet are firmly on the ground. Sure, Kojima has star power, but that can only go so far. Other huge dev names who've gone independent have destroyed their reputations just with a bad debut, and Kojima himself has expressed concerns that Death Stranding is a make or break endeavor.
If DS is unfinished in any way it'll be in the form of bugs and poor balancing; things that can be fixed with updates down the line. The narrative and missions, I can almost guarantee, are gonna be completely finished (barring potential sequel hooks), which I can't say for MGSV.

Because Kojima has realized literally no one cares about the gameplay of his games.
He made MGSV, a game focused on it, and people still would only talk about the plot and making up stupid theories, to the point where people literally complained about the game not being a movie.

>Goose will never hold you tight and smooch you
bros... I can't go on like this

I think you're talking to a Konami-chan

Geoff Keighley made some vague comments about the lack of gameplay and how it was likely coming. People are taking it to mean Gamescom but who knows.

H-he figured it out guys... they now know you have to be retarded to enjoy kojima trash. Our secret is out wtf

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The only reason tracking shots were impressive at some points is because you have to make sure that the camera doesn't film any of the gear/personnel from the production. In a virtual environment it's literally baby tier.

Watered down open world killed TEW2 and you know it. Horror games are not meant to be fucking open world. Ironically the best parts of TEW2 were when they turned into linear sections for some bosses

Honestly I can see some serious gameplay in the form of survival and hiking, like he's trying to apply concepts from MGS3 in a setting on the scale of MGSV. And there's more than enough gunplay and enemy maneuvering in the trailers to tell me that it's gonna be at least somewhat on par with MGSV's combat systems.
I agree that he's turning his focus on telling his audience that the game'll be more cutscene heavy than MGSV, but at the same time I think it will only be more cutscene heavy than MGSV, and not go full MGS4. It might be on par with MGS1 with its cutscene percentage, but that's a guess.

>Honestly I can see some serious gameplay in the form of survival and hiking
Remember when walking simulator was used as an insult for games? You drones are saying this shit like it's a good thing now.

Oh, you're talking purely technical. I'm speaking aesthetically. Making something look good doesn't necessarily mean taking the difficult route.

I finished it you retard, but that doesn't make it an RE4

>hiking is the same as walking
You were walking around in MGS3 and had to deal with environmental hazards, genius. Same fucking concept.

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why is it that kids and hacks undervalue montage in favour of long tracking shots? do they think the length of their shots will make up for their tiny dicks?


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>ammo types
>blood loss
>looting shit
You gotta stop with the walking simulator argument. It's dead.

Learn to pronounce
noun: hiking

the activity of going for long walks, especially in the country or woods.

Yes retard, hiking is literally just walking. Now go eat whatever shit kojima will feed you.

lets go hiking together

Aesthetically tracking shots won't mean good scenes by themselves. They can be good or bad. In the trailer the shot is neither, it's pretty much average.

>especially in the country or woods
AKA an unbeaten path, complete with environmental hazards.
Snake did a fuckload of hiking in MGS3. You calling that a walking simulator?

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>you're talking purely technical. I'm speaking aesthetically

oh fuck damn lmfao

so norma is essentially kojimas new snake

>ruffy dark voice

If anything, The Evil Within played it way too safe, by no means is it a product of pretentious excess.

>Sometimes you gotta avoid stepping on black goo while you walk... pretty intense huh
Get real, it's a walking simulator.

>Yes retard, hiking is literally just walking.
Walking is literally just walking. Hiking is walking in places people don't normally walk, like the goddamn woods.
For example. If I go for a walk to the corner store, I'm not at risk for getting mauled by a bear.
I go hiking in the canadian forest, however, that risk is quite a bit fucking higher.

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>some kind of SVT because of the AED
fucking what?

Nigga you retarded or something? Can't read? The definition is right there. It's just going for a long walk lol.

>lol those are 2big words

You step in black goo you end up getting tentacle-fucked by a shark. The walking simulator argument has been a losing battle from the start and you were legitimately retarded for latching onto it.

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Jesus Christ you've gotta do better than this.

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oh so it's E.Y.E.

>technical is a big word

Attached: ....png (447x417, 316K)

I mean I don't know what else I can do. The definition is right there for you to read. Not my fault you can't understand the words in it.

Neither of you have played the game, shut up.

Do you even know what a video game is?

You're the one who has no idea what the difference between the woods and the sidewalk is. You've never hiked off trail in your life. Probably never hiked at all.

No, but at least I know what combat in a video game looks like, and I've seen plenty in this.

>tentacle-fucked by a shark

Almost everyone alive has hiked since it's just walking for a long distance...

>2 frames scattered in between all that walking footage
Sure thing

Jesus, i thought the game was going to be shit after the last trailer.
But scenes like this make me want to buy it. Even if it's going to be a "cinematic experience".

I like the idea of a guy who essentially “dies” every 20 ish minutes. That’s the length of a modern day TV show episode. His life is basically unfolding over hundreds of thousands of episodes of the worst show in existence — life after an apocalypse.
He’s representative of both the unending misery and the short-lived attention span of the modern man. We move on to the next episode every 20 minutes, utterly conditioned to lose all focus after the credits roll. The next jolt of the theme song awakens us, not remembering any of the morals or pains of the previous life.

I ate like 5 weed gummy bears an hour ago btw.

You're so far up your own ass you've redigested your own shit. If the game gave you fifteen minutes of unfiltered gun/stealth combat you'd just whine that the game was showing you too much and you'd change your narrative. Deny this all you want, but you're a dime a dozen on Yea Forums, nothing anybody here hasn't seen a thousand times.
Last (You).

That's plenty to debunk walking sim meme

It's even worse for him than that. That 21 minutes is just him waiting for the three minutes he has whenever he dies to do the thing that keeps him moving forward.
Here's the closest thing to gameplay the game has shown. Bravo kojima, truly you are a genius.

>2 short clips form a trailer is combat, therefore it's a walking simulator
Meanwhile actual walking simulators have 0 frames of combat in the full game.

You just said it's a walking simulator, and then you post this what the fuck..

>flagrantly ignoring the tentacle shark boss, the various stealth elements, and the trenches of hades
>having to change the soundtrack to make it look goofy
The only shill here is you, Chuback.

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heartman more like feels badman

>it's definitely a walking simulator for real!
>shows combat as proof

Attached: tenor.gif (220x165, 793K)

It's literally the second video that pops up on youtube if you write death stranding combat.

How many walking simulators let you change ammo types?

>Game is clearly shit
>Story probably shit
>Hyped and leaked just enough to force you to play


Oh I'm sure, Chuback. I ain't giving you another view. Best of luck with your channel.

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Write it down, you'll see. You won't be able to help yourself from checking you weak willed little bitch.

Advertizing and begging are against the rules, bucko.

Don't watch the video I don't give a fuck, it's not mine. But you can't deny that it's the second thing that pops up on youtube if you search for death stranding combat.

I miss back when Kojimbo didn't show any combat. fucker just had to kill the walking sim theory.

>literally the second video that pops up on youtube
kek no it isn't

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It looks more like an orca whale than a shark, especially considering the stranding theme, and then look at the tail on this thing.

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Yeah, I can agree with that. Tentaclewhale doesn't have the same ring to it though.

Finally no dumb fucking shit about parasites or people with burned faces talking shittly about nonsense. The cutscene looked fine, but after V I'll remain skeptical.

>he didn't play Dear Esther Ultimate Edition
That fucker made Doom look like Mario Golf.

Reminder: "Ludens" was designed by Yoji Shinkawa based on the logo of KojiPro's online marketing consultants hired prior to the announcement of the "new" studio.

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>never been to jail

What unironically gets me is when people censor shit in their own fucking youtube comments.
If I see one more "f*cking" or "effing" I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown. I'm also on board with the pavlov's dog thing. I don't think they're aware of what they're doing.

People cry about muh empty open world but i unironically hope its empty and big as fuck with some cool spots that arent show on the map, just so i can wander aimlessly searching for cool destroyed shit.

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They hate western spirituality and personal philosophies since they want us all to be exactly the same and equal. The love this middle eastern trash like hinduism though.
If you show signs of reading books and being spiritual, you trigger their reminder that they are empty shells so they go to the easiest option, anger (you are autistic).
Fuck them, keep reading fren.

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Who gives a sh*t?

Based and colossuspilled.

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I feel the same thing, but Refn really does show very clear signs, and I'm sure he's aware of it himself. If you can append autism to any famous person, Refn really is a strong candidate.

mein neger

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>lost virginity at 24
h-haha how autistic

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>00:00:03 until death

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Nah, that dead eyed expression really is just her autism. Kojima's saving his dick for Mads.

True but it is more frightening.

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So. much. GAMEPLAY!!!

God i fucking love the music of this game, is so... 80's with its synths

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Don't make me hope for a Moby Dick boss.

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>Sleep is the tricky one

Yeah so, how does he sleep?

Don't make me do the actual math.
But did you account for the fact he is then dead for 3 minutes, meaning each cycle is actually 24 minutes?

I can't imagine he sleeps well. Probably just drops from exhaustion when he gets revived a few times.

Goose is going to be in it. I can feel it. He will be the ending credits reveal ala MGS.

>You may have stopped the Death Stranding Sam... but there is still another phase. Life. Life Stranding. You thought you saw things in the Death Stranding. Monsters... Its only begun.
>Who are you...
>No one.
>DRIVEMAN - A man who has only one drive: LIFE.
>Slam to black

Why did he choose the 21 min cycle? Whats so special about that number

Reports say he contacted Refn just to get to Mads.

That isn't impressive in a video game though

god I love her.

we already know his backstory though.

Attached: woolhardman.jpg (800x1065, 375K)

All I can think, when combing his life cycle with his death cycle, is that it's a reference to the 24 TV show.
21 minutes is also about your average TV episode, and I can see an early version of Heartman just talking about TV episodes the way Para Medic talked about movies before Kojima decided to write in short films and music.

There's a sleep schedule out there that has you doing 20 minute naps, called The Uberman cycle. Eight naps, spaced equally apart. It works out to a total of 2 hours of sleep every 24 hour cycle.

The problem of course, as with all polyphasic sleep experiments, is if you fuck it up it drives you insane

Attached: Uberman.png (160x199, 8K)

Fuck you skull face has a good backstory and his motivations run deep. He was a great villain.

kill yourself

>The problem of course, as with all polyphasic sleep experiments, is if you fuck it up it drives you insane
I mean if you have no choice, I'd imagine you'd do your damnedest not to fuck it up.

Is Death Stranding the game Kojima has made in the shortest time ever? Was announced in 2016 and is releasing this year.

Is this summary good?

Refn gave him Mads. Del Tore gave him Reedus. I think both of them want to be part of Kojima kino. Too bad it is sold as a game. It would be better as a movie.

MGS2 was probably his shortest. He turned in his design document in 1999, game released in 2001.

And I would think that would be horrifying and traumatic but he seems pretty cool about it. In fact he mentioned the 21 minutes as just being downtime, he's pretty cool with it at this point.

Depending on how he "dies" he may not have a choice, he might just nap and eat it in his sleep and wake up 3 minutes later.

I'm curious:

WHAT he's looking for
HOW he kills himself
ARE there side effects

I don't trust any youtube video shit until the actual game is out, even then. Way too many Vaati wannabe's out there just combing threads like these or making their own shit up. The best thing you can do for yourself is simply not obsess about it, or think about it.

>WHAT he's looking for
Isnt it his family?

What he's looking for and how he kills himself are already answered.
He's looking for his family, who's presumably dead. No idea why yet.
As to how he dies, it ties into his codename. He has a fatal heart condition that kills him every 21 minutes. The machine on his chest defibrillates him.

I don't know. Is he? is this in a video somewhere? He didn't mention in this one.

It is the river styx. All of the people there are waiting to cross over into paradise, and he is trying to find his loved ones only to be pulled back before he can find them. Gold is also really important to Charon which the giant boat most certainly is meant to be. I wonder if all the people at the bank have the cash to board or if they are those that have to wait one hundred years before they are able. I don't think Kojima is going to go that far, but he certainly is playing with a shit load of different religious 'after lifes'. I'm in.

So the shorter development time the more kino? Interesting theory user

21+3=24 minutes
218550 x 24= 5245200 minutes
5245200 / 60 = 87420 hours
87420 / 24 = 3642.5 days
3642.5 / 365 = 9.979 years
Maybe some leap years in there so roughly it's been 9 years.

Kojima said it himself in comiccon.
He described Heartman during his panel.

>mathfag willing to write it out for the lazy wagecucks like me that are too exhausted to think

Shorter development time means fewer reasons to delay, which means fewer production problems.
Look at FFXV. 12 years of one fuckup after another.

Also Refn said suggested Keanu but Kojima wanted Mads.

>it's been 9 years.
Absolute fucking kino.
Kojima made the right fucking call here. Keanu can be a good villain, see Man of Tai Chi, but Mads is one of the legitimately great villains.

Attached: FxmhEgi.jpg (705x395, 63K)

He already explained what happens in the game when you 'die' a couple years ago. You have a limited time to swim around and try to collect objects before you come back to life.

gold is an important element in a lot of cultures, and is also an important conductor in electronics. A thing that brings other things together. A STRAND, IF YOU WILL.

Game dev time seems to reside in a sweetspot of 2-5 years. Anything longer and it's likely it's stuck in development hell and it will be flawed on release. Shorter than 2 years and it's likely to seem rushed.

>Game dev time seems to reside in a sweetspot of 2-5 years. Anything longer and it's likely it's stuck in development hell and it will be flawed on release. Shorter than 2 years and it's likely to seem rushed.
Good assessment. Even RDR2, which I consider nearly perfect and one of my favorite modern titles, ended up having flaws that can easily be attributed to an engine that went out of date during development, and the reason for that is because the cycle was around 8 years.

The hourglass is cool.

Attached: hourglass.png (310x365, 100K)

Funny, I was actually thinking about Rockstar when I went out to 5, since their games take for fucking ever but are almost always "near perfect"

A shame that their much smaller, less ambitious, but just as good games don't get more attention. Like The Warriors

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought of this

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Kojima seems to be going maximalist with this.

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Die-Hardman is a Wolverine/Deadpool type character he exists in a state where he cannot die. This is in contrast to Deadman, who is permanently in a state between life and death, just as Sam Porter Bridges. And to Heartman who is without purpose to live, and with reason to die.

Is Shinkawa doing the design of the technology and characters?

That's a big reason why I'm interested. Before this info came out I had all kinds of theories about the Death Stranding as a dimensional rift, or a time fuck up, or some other kind of spacetime thing. Now I'm starting to realize that the game really did take the spiritual route.

Die-Hardman is essentially a decommissioned "prototype" Homo Ludens.

Yeah, character and monster designs by Shinakawa.

We are going Quantum boys

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I know you're theorizing, but I like it.
Looks like it.

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>still impressed by tracking memeshots
please tell me you're falseflagging

I like tracking shots in video games because cuts can look sloppy as shit.

But they already showed one. It looks more like an ally compared to the monsters in the game trailers though.

Attached: LUDENS Moby Dick.png (1240x544, 474K)

What's that floating thing there?

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I love seeing Reedus fully decked out in his exploration gear just sitting on a couch. It looks so goofy.

This is going to be the game of the millennium.

Fuck imagine. We're already getting a giant BT in some form anyway. It might fucking happen.
That wax guy? Not sure, but I think it's hanging off the ceiling.

God i am so fucking hyped for this shit, Kojima and Nomura are the best at creating fucking retarded stories that are entertaining as shit.

Baldur's gate

I'd have a third and fourth gen collection. Go full /vr/.

>Gets film directors to act in his game
Power move by kojima-sensei

the story will be a bigger trainwreck than kingdom hearts

Does Heartman always end up in the same place where he "dies"? If so then i'd assume him finding what he wants is impossible as he never makes any progress but maybe not seeing as he hasn't stopped in 9 years so he probably moves forward a bit

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Kokkoku is the only modern OP I can stand. Why the fuck would you watch that garbage more than once?

>his heart allows him to travel between life and death
>it's hard for him to die
>he's dead
*PATH cello solo intensifies*

Attached: DIE-RUSEMAN.png (1400x933, 742K)

MGS at its most complex wasn't as fucked as Kingdom Hearts.
This doesn't look that way either.

And thats a good thing

Three possibilities: he always goes to the same place, but there are different groups of people in it every time, he ends up back where he was standing last time he got pulled back to life, or he pops around at fucking random.

does Yea Forums actually like this piece of shit?

Not gonna lie, monster looked cool as fuck, and that gameplay looked awful, just awful.

Yea Forums is a liberal cesspool that wants to legalize pedophilia, so they love him.

Yikes. Apocalyptica in his trailer was cringe. But this is seriously dangerous for 50 years old man.

Might be a model of one of the ghosts that are attached to BTs by their umbilical cords.

I honestly like that it looks slow as fuck, like the main protag can barely move which fits as he is an heavy ass suit

Story is the only thing that matters in a game. Gameplay only exist as a means of immersions into the story.

4th possibility, although not likely, where he dies determines where he goes to in the dead world. But that would basically require that place he lives in to be mobile.

I can factually tell you there will.


I want to fuck the teen degeneracy out of her.

>gold is an important element in a lot of cultures, and is also an important conductor in electronics.

Attached: Patek.jpg (1761x1484, 290K)

Oh shit, I like that possibility.

>fucking her teenage angst away
>implying emos wanted to do anything more than fucking endlessly

>ywn be part of a team of horny Japanese men asking qts to scan their body parts
I honestly don't care if fucking her constantly will solve her problems. I'll do my best.

Yeah, but like I said, he clearly has a home there and that would require that room to be in an rv or mobile home.

why does her feet look better now?

Still, though, if you're right, Sam might have to end up taking him somewhere.

That's exactly what she would want you to do.

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She was probably referencing the dirt on her soles in the game.

>not a single shot fired

Just because that guy was playing like a faggot doesn't mean I will.

oh gosh

this might kill the illusion but most of the stupid shit he does is because of his danish humour, which is autistically retarded already

They might have been attention whores, but these girls were beautiful.

>>almost got to his now wife to run away on their second date because he told her he was going to show her a beautiful, emotional film and then forced her to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

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I started suspecting this when the camera slowlly panned into his teary-eyed face and he just stared into it for a full two minutes before it cut.
It was like he directed that interview himself. Anybody got the webm?

...Wait Apocalyptica is bad? I liked the cool violin stuff. Is it actually en emo band? Did I fall for this trap?

Attached: Concern.jpg (443x503, 80K)

Probably started using moisturizer and one of those exfoliating stones.

It's almost like you're allowed to like things regardless of bullshit conceptions of what retards on the internet think it is

No, it's not an emo band. They're a symphonic metal band who play cellos instead of guitars. Nearly everything in that track is cellos.

Attached: 1024px-Apocalyptica_-_Ilosaarirock_2009.jpg (1024x681, 122K)


That was the main reason I liked their songs, I am just wondering how they are lumped together with MCR and Eveanesence

They aren't. Teenage metalheads and emokids were just really bad about putting Path in their AMVs.
It boils down to a cringe group happening to like a good band.

For example:

Like every trailer you fucking dumbass

Its Darren Jacobs, he did MGS voice too

Most of the Plant chapter was reused assets and backtracking

So kinda like all the weebs that use Metallica for their AMVs so it's mostly just guilt by association.


It's like a nearly shot-for-shot adaptation that scene in Taxi Driver where Travis Bickle took his date to a porn theater.