Games where the protagonist loses again in the sequel?
Games where the protagonist loses again in the sequel?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Wont pay his party members
What a cheap ass
Holy fuckin shit. That thing is still alive?
That's Joe Biden. Sanders gave everyone a raise and capped their hours to 40 when they were working 70+ before.
Joe is literally using internship loopholes to force his staff to work without pay or benefits.
He's the antagonist. The protagonist and good guy of the story is Trump. This guy is just a communist Jew.
he refuses to die until capitalism dies, so he's basically immortal
>Joe is literally using internship loopholes to force his staff to work without pay or benefits.
>Sanders gave everyone a raise
how can corporations give a raise with the new limitations he's going to put them under?
oh yeah this is definitely a videogames thread
>get capped hours
>make less money a week
wtf I love based commie Sanders!
>Not Yang Gang
What else would you expect from a Jew?
kys yangneet
>$1000/month UBI
>rent and cost of living goes up to offset it
yayyy free money for landlords thank you based yang
So how does Trump being a fierce defender of Zion play into this narrative?
This thing is still alive too BTW.
trump hates jews, retard
no its because they make salary, and were working too much so he offered them more to make it 15 bucks an hour, they (being the union) declined and wanted more, so he capped their hours instead to make sure they dont make less than 15 / h while also negotiating
Hey. Name the time this has happened.
Head start: Minimum wage was once hiked to double what it was. Come back with your notes on what happened then.
You sure? I could have swore he was lambasting enemies of the Jews last I checked Fearless Leader's twitter feed.
please fucking die before trump leaves office, the butthurt will be delicious
yeah thats the 1 thing thats fuckin obvious to me, every single person in usa having 1k /m as if the price of literally everything isnt going up
>Voting for a Chicom shill.
Facts? In my political thread? Get out of here.
Literally pays them $15/hour minimum and they are unionized.
no no no user right wing Israeli nationalists are definitely the same as european/american marxist kikes! Drumpf is just another zion shill and he's killing those poor muslims!
Because Democrats defend Muslims
It’s as simple as that.
Games where a character with amnesia tries to recap past events.
holy shit trump may actually win again
>good guy
>just another rank and file neocon who wants to protect the elites and deep state
>hires a team that wants to wage war with the entire world (except israel lol)
Because unlike a UBI minimum wage in a functioning nation would rise with inflation, if anything, before then people were worse off and making less
>voting for a literal meme candidate
Why not just do a write-in vote for Ross Perot instead? He's more likely to win than Yang, even as a corpse.
>you now remember all that MUELLER TIME cringe bullshit
>the end result only strengthened trump
Which policies in particular are you referencing? I can't give an answer if you say "limitations!" like it means something.
In general I could say if we move to a Universal Health Care plan not dependent on support from employers, employers will be able to give workers more hours and use the money they would have had to use to pay for employee health care to increase wages or use the money in other areas. As it stands no, companies like Walmart force workers to work part time hours so they don't qualify for manditory assistance. By switching to a single payer Healthcare plan it will save everyone money and reduce spending compared to our current national Healthcare spending by 17 trillion dollars.
>Good guy
It's opposite day again
>DLC character beats final boss
there isn't a single elected official in the west who openly hates on jews or israel
He just recently accused those four roasties of making anti-Semitic comments. I have no idea why /pol/ thinks he's /ourguy/.
>but those Jews are dif-
Didn't even have to fucking say it
Yeah but this invalidates my straw man, please delete this post
>kike socialist btfo again
Fucking based.
They are salary so having capped hours actually further increases the money they make compared to hours worked.
Sorry, downvote and hide my post!
he will
no one in the dmc will come close
>Bioshock infinite
I’m sure I’m missing a few
>tfw voted for both Sanders and Trump in 2016 and will do the same in 2020
I hope she dies so the supreme court becomes stacked and then minimum wage, child labor protections, and monopoly laws are all abolished and Protestantism becomes mandatory
More of the "good guy" side ally that claims to support the main party in public, but is revealed to have sold them out to the big bad long ago later on.
>it's another amerimutt politics thread
Pro-tip: nations like Poland, Hungary and Italy for example are way more right wing and nationalist than your republicans. Hell Greece has a literal fascist party (golden dawn) in their parliament.
You guys cannot even enforce your own borders.
The battle between Zionism and Communism has been ongoing for more than a century. Possibly longer than Marx wrote his Judenfrage.
YANG GANG 2020 ;)
>calls out israel and aipac
>right wing and left wing career politicians descend on her
>she hold her ground
she's absolutely based
>right wing countries are shitholes
no surprise there
The World Wars?
Cry of Fear train scene
Far superior to the US mutt. Enjoy being a minority in five years.
As opposed to leftist utopias like Venezuela, Venezuela and the Soviet Union?
I nearly forgot this is the videogame board.
minorities in the US live better lives than non-minorities in those shitholes
not even memeing
Yup, she's based.
didnt he have a huge team of people helping him? hes just responsible for the report, doesnt mean he wrote every word and memorized it
>literal cucks and actual mutts stepped on by everyone
>superior to anything
Lmao the us has afghanistan-tier living standards.
Have AC
have AC
Could you cool it with the racism already?
thats what happens when a large group of people dont give a shit about reality and parrot the literal opposite of the report given. I genuinely underestimated the power of blind faith with complete disregard to whats true.
>Dems will make Trump's two terms a non stop cope of pushing the idea that he cheated to win the election
>Europeans have no AC
imagine the smell
the UK itself is poorer than mississippi, the worst US state
Rather live there than the jewnited spics of niggerica
how about all of western europe in current day?
Game where the villians kookiness is only noticeable to the player, but the characters in the game are completely oblivious to it until it's too late.
That's not a problem because what Europeans do is take a shower.
Unlike Americans who would rather cut their foreskin than washing their dicks.
>western europe
neoliberalism isn't leftism
so in the literal dirt with turk/moor mutts, literally starving, and dependent on american tourism just to survive?
Only because you use average income instead of median. Average income skews your results greatly because of all the billionaire kikes you have.
The only country in western Europe that's actually leftist is Spain, which is currently under a socialist government, and Spain is the country where refugees escape from.
Subaru_kitten on Snapchat for daily nudes :)
it's also by median income, and GDP per capita
every american politician left of hillary just wants what western europe already has
Dead Space, Isaac stays losing
That would still be an improvement over america lmao.
>jewnited spics of niggerica
stealing this
And even then, Spain itself is still just another modern western capitalist nation part of the US-NATO hegemony.
Spaniards are just lazy faggots that want neetbux so they keep electing socialists that end up still upholding capitalism
>subservient mutt nation dependent on america
>improvement over america
You forgot
>poses with pride parade
>defends trannies in sports
>wants white men surveilled
thats true only with a full and complete accounting for debts, many of which go back to the 1500's and before. Turns out that trying to run a nation and later empire without a central bank (for a while at least) is a recipe for financial ruin and they are still paying for that. Also a lot of "government assets" are technically owned by the royal family and thus dont appear on audits
But if we are talking about median income per capita of shit like that holy crap are you intensely wrong
Reminders trump supporters are literally communist propaganda
>he thinks nations like switzerland are leftist
But I want to keep my AC
if that's the standard then not even bernie is a leftist
Greece doesn't depend on the jewnited spics, juarez. The only gibs it gets is from the EU.
Please elaborate.
But bros, now these men and women will be out of jobs and at the end of the day less money! Wtf I thought pay raises were supposed to make people richer and not cut their hours in half?!
The elected party is currently considering doing a pact to form government with unironic communists who think there's literally nothing wrong with Venezuela.
>games where the villain wins again in the sequel
He hates jews so much that his daughter married one
More like good goy
The EU is owned by America
>tfw america will be the next brazil/south africa after whites become a minority
she can survey me anytime i want
while naked and having sexual intercourse with me, if you catch my drift
Actual communists do not support the current Venezuelan government. You're thinking of retarded authoritarian tankie fascists that support anti-US dictatorships.
>Ok fine, Trump is bad
>but it's because of COMMUNISM!!!!!!!
>wants white men surveilled
do you people really think this is a thing to worry about? White people still control the vast majority of the western worlds wealth and hold almost every political office. Do you really think there is a genuine threat of white people becoming second class citizens when we hold all the cards?
And that’s a bad thing
As long as the US exists, there will always be a threat to white people.
California itself is doing pretty well for a non-white state.
Russia shilled trump as apart of the plan to bring back the USSR
His ties to Russian communist influence are there
>Evil, establishment side has young, fun, and quirky character who secretly has a high power level
what are you referring to?
White men are already second class citizens you dumb cunt
Not likely. What will happen instead is the perpetual battleground that is the Middle East will expand into South America and then into North America. War is the lifeblood of globalism and it will continue on perpetually. Europe will be looted as well, the elite are fleeing to New Zealand.
Too bad she crashed hard into the wall.
bu-bu-but i saw that theres homelss people in big cities so obviously california is a failed shithole
>Highest poverty rate
>ranks as having the worst living standards of any state now
>open borders state where illegals flood in endlessly
>residents are fleeing and moving to other states to shit them up as well en masse
Why is he the only one pushing student loan forgiveness?
but the establishment hates her guts. The democratic party establishment is falling all over themselves trying to condemn and rope her and omar etc in while trying not to look racist/sexist
it's hilarious honestly
>lowest quality of life and education in the nation
>facing brain drain as everyone moves out to Texas or Florida
>doing pretty well
>CHR high enough to recruit more party members
>INT so low that she hurts herself and her party every turn
Nah, bro
Too bad she's literally, irrevocably stupid.
Because everyone else likes seeing college retards miserable.
>regular droughts
I'm thinkin its based
it blows me away that people can unironically think this. Again, we hold all the cards and control everything thats important. Are you really so scared that brown people having any wealth/power at all makes you shit yourself?
It's actually a lot better than it used to be.
I'm currently posting from the area in LA with the highest rate of violent crime currently and it's like disneyland compared to 20 years ago
>companies have money and future money from loans
>companies pay candidates with some of the current money so they ensure future money comes to the company
omg you're so uneducated, Bernie will give back power to the people by having them sit around at home doing nothing! Can I get a woop woop for Bernie?!
>wanting to work more hours
What’s the point of low effort jewposting
Thread theme.
Go to bed Steve.
What has Trump actually done that actually fucking matters?
Who is coming down to the border to help build THE WALL? I’m going to start a concrete company and get rich!
>dude ignore the poverty, the rich people are extra rich and thats what matters
bad look fella
this kind of nuance is lost on trumpers. Everyone to the left of Mitch Mcconnell is a hivemind who simultaneously control everything but are also weak cucks as far as they are concerned
That's because you're posting in Anaheim.
Maybe because it’s absolutely retarded
Embassy in Jerusalem
I know more about her feet than her politics.
everyone else wants the elites to stay rich and all other citizens to be under the boot of bank loans and debt just to get entry level jobs
Mods are asleep and I'm feeling fantastic
Don’t make me post it
He just got money from Congress to fund THE WALL
Seething tradefag.
They love her, she’s being set up to be killed for propaganda purposes. It’s all an act
Made more trannies kill themselves than normal.
He's still dodging collection calls.
nope, according to the statistics anameim and even compton aren't close to the worst right now
I already payed off my loans.
All these other fags get theirs for free??
>literally the only class that it is open and lawfully okay to discriminate against openly
whatever you say jewboi
Oh. I thought you were making a joke.
Fuck that noise. College is a choice. If you can’t get a job where you can pay off your student loans in a couple years, then you shouldn’t have gone to college. That simple.
>I already payed off my loans.
you wasted money bro
>Tulsi is a progressive woman of color
>literally everything the left could ever want and also she's appealing to right-wing voters as well
>but she says war is bad so now they're falling over themselves to promote candidates nobody wants, ensuring another four years of Trump
Why are they so fucking stupid
>move to california
>it's actually good
Why is Yea Forums always wrong?
>trade school
>costs no money
>have a job ready
>college fag
>pays an amount he can't afford
>lives the rest of his life working to pay that debt
>that's if he finds a job in the first place, since college has almost no effect on that
>leave college a communist, too
Bad decisions shouldn't go unpunished.
Sucks to be you.
Her anti-israel stance is the only based thing she is. Still a dirty leftist mudslime.
Never ally with a serpent to rid yourself of a rodent
What part of salary don't you understand? They make the same amount of money regardless of hours worked. He increased pay and capped them at 40 so they wouldn't be slaves.
I swear people are retarded. I've seen the same people point and laugh at Japan for having 80+ hour work weeks then turn around and say it's criminal that Bernie isn't forcing his staff to work slave hours.
I wouldn't put it past career politicians but they clearly despise her and her coalition. It just makes it all sweeter that they have to post lukewarm statements saying that they're glad she exists
What happened to making Mexico pay for it trumptard? Couldn't even strong arm a 3rd world country into giving him border money lmao, and somehow that's a win.
Sounds kind of like how everybody to the right of bernie is literally hitler.
>Embassy in Jerusalem
oh so nothing. But on the flip side he is completely ignoring the emoluments clause in the constitution and is both taking bribes from large companys/foreign governments, as well as our tax dollars to personally enrich himself
glad we got that straight
Yes and no. It's relative to where and how you live. We also have large amounts of people who are homeless, we really don't know how much tax money is going toward useless shit, people are still being fucking who want to use up insurance money which is why some people have to hire some poor bastards to watch for fraud. If you go near the LA county areas, roads get blocked every so often and in construction for god-knows when. Our priorities are shit. Property taxes are fucking high for those living on the lower-end middle class. Anyone who still thinks this place is a paradise is fucking dumbass.
Have fun waiting for loan forgiveness that will never come.
Tick tock interest just went up a little bit :^)
Meanwhile I'm debt free, living my best life.
You're better off that way. When she first came into the spotlight, I had hopes that she could shake up the Democrats like Trump did for the Republicans, but I cannot believe how fucking retarded she turned out to be. Everything to come out of her mouth is the dumbest shit I've ever heard, and she actively cost New York City millions in tax revenue because she thought that Amazon would be GETTING tax money for some fucking reason.
Problem is the job market is fucked, especially STEM fields. Pajeets ruined everything.
No one cares. The wall is going up, fucking libscum. Cry harder.
>isn't forcing his staff to work slave hours.
this is what's wrong with americans
Sometimes bad things happen too good people.
Most of the time bad things happen because people are stupid and make poor decisions.
Not even the far left believes that liberal arts students deserve a free ride.
If i was actually funny and not lazy I would have completed that connection into a joke. I'm actually in the area that ice cube movie was made
maybe if you stop making concentration camps people will stop comparing you to nazis
>People should be making $15 an hour minimum?
>What about us, we're you're staff?
>... ... ...
>"Bernie cuts campaign staff hours, but hired more of them. No pay raises."
She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, of course she’s a retard. She’s probably LITERALLY inbred.
Tranny detected.
I'm debt free and it don't change the fact that the economy sucks.
What about all of europe?
Kind of like how if maybe you stop being a nation wrecking jewish hivemind people will stop calling you dirty kike rats?
>an entire political ideology based on spite
>somehow convinced everyone else that their opponents are arguing from emotion
It’s funny because the comparison to concentration camps is actually apt, because the holocaust didn’t happen.
When are you getting a new boogeyman?
>Law that says that people must eat a bucket of shit every day not repealed
The idea of college loans being forgiven is because the loans themselves are predatory and rely on an 18 year old to sign into a life changing decision of tens of thousands of dollars in debt
What ABOUT them?
>implying anyone who actually lives in her district wanted Amazon
>Industrialization is taking away jobs also importing massive amounts of people isn't and giving them all free healthcare is a good idea. I'm going to give everyone $1000
Get fucked leftist subhumans.
She genuinely started out in the lower class. But she sold her soul to the corporate devil, and that's what matters. Billionaires pull all her strings. Her PR still likes to parade the fact that she used to be a waitress around as if it makes a goddamn difference, though.
>an entire political ideology based on spite
This is the left. It’s dragging down others to stay in the hurtbox. You hate yourself and the world.
>Have fun waiting for loan forgiveness that will never come.
I don't have any loans though.
That and the price for degrees in america is so overblown to a ridiculous degree. and make no mistake the degrees are necessary to even get an interview. By design the current system makes no sense.
>Says the ideology of LET THOSE POOR DYING PEOPLE IN
They aren’t forced to go to college. Fuck you, my debt has been paid and I don’t want to pay yours, too.
When the old one finishes killing itself off in a few years.
>trusting establishment media in 2019
They're in full smear mode
Anything written about a candidate other than Warren or Biden is going to be a smear
>essentially a food analogy
Where you can actually get a free university and postgrad education? I don't know if even the right wing over there thinks that's a bad idea.
why do you faggots keep making threads like this? You have you own fucking board. Just go back.
>Legal adult agrees to borrow money and pay it back later
>signs contract stating this
Europe is a literal dead zone that contributes nothing and is waiting to die. It’s a stagnant people. Already extinct. It’s a puppet of corporate America
Maybe we should build a WALL between our subchans. Oh wait, only one wall is FUNDED right now and it’s the TRUMP WALL. WE FUCKING WON YET AGAIN
But they earn a wage, where is this salary coming from?
Yea Forums is for funposting. if you want to discuss muh precious video games then fuck off to r/gaming
It's not free user, that's the problem.
well when the entire selection is total trash without teeth and only crippling ideas you may as well try and pitch the moderates like a creepy molester or someone who lied about their ethnicity for decades for financial gain.
>I don’t want to pay yours, too.
you benefit from the bank's taxes
you'll never escape that you are more of a debt than a benefit
>le jewish maymay
well memed by good man
>just lay down and die, everything is meaningless anyways
Go fuck yourself you nihilistic faggot. Not everybody is as selfish and self-centered as yourself.
Seething glowie. You caused this and you can end it.
wow i'm really seething
>The debates were today and yesterday
whys there no one for those tired of it all
theres no big boss or G W or Alexander to rally behind
its just boring at best and usually evil
Actually Americans are worse than the Japanese when it comes to unpaid overtime. Also little or no benefits.
Except no? European universities are still monumentally important to research.
Why are americans always at each others throats instead of working together on policies that'll benefit everyone?
Kind of like
>Le nazi maymay
Ah yes of course that is why white men are discriminated against. Such as getting a ton less money in scholarships to get a degree. Going massively into debt to pay for your education is a privilege that only white men get to experience. Those god damn white people.
Making libs cry is what I do. I wonder if tears will make a good mortar for THE WALL THAT WERE BUILDING RIGHT FUCKING NOW
There's good and bad when it comes to capping hours. In France, the cap hour is 25 hours but there's a huge downside to it. You are prohibited from working more hours. This is also bad for those working by the hour for today. For example, amazon may have raised the wages to 15 dollars an hour but they cut your hours below the 30 hour limit to apply as full time. They don't want to pay for health care and they removed stock options. There's more people in the workforce at the cost of individuals who want to improve their standing. This is coming from someone who works in a UPS store, took business class alongside others who work in Amazon warehouse in Buena Park.
they're next tuesday fuckin tard
Because multiculturalism is trash and causes distrust and infighting, even among racially homogeneous groups.
This is what you have to look forwards to.
>thinks discrimination and media libel is any kind of threat when we hold most of the power, finance and knowledge anyways
No, it is only the whining of the weak such as yourself who would rather complain about it on the internet instead of persevering in the face of adversity. Nobody roots for the reigning champion because he doesn't need the support.
>Be Amazon
>Raise your minimum wage to $15 dollars because Sanders pressured you
>Reduce your employee's hours by 5 so the raise doesn't matter
Idk how Amazon could reasonably give their employees a raise with their 30 billion in profit
This, if you want to tell someone has a mad on for AOC, see them say her scuttling the Amazon deal was a bad thing. Fact, Queens id doing fine without Amazon (Who'd still skirt taxes) and North Virginia is currently getting buttfucked by them.
Nobody actually does that, dumbass. I'm guessing you're a europoor? You just have leftists there, pushing leftist bullshit. It doesn't actually benefit everyone.
You aren’t going to make it
Because the rich have tricked people and lobbied heavily to push the idea that policies that we benefit the overwhelming majority of US citizens is somehow bad because someone who makes 10 billion a year might only make 2 billion a year
The WALL will benefit everyone. Liberals are too blinded by trannies to see this.
Because ideology is a sport.
>carries the team
>republitards still whine
>dude if you dont care about the tawdry bread and circus clownshow of american politics then you're a nihilist
put some effort towards caring about things that actually matter, like starting a family or learning how to play an instrument or teaching yourself a new language or reading philosophy. red vs blue politics is a fucking show, stop giving a shit and get a life
Who is this "we"?
Speak for yourself, faggot.
You sound like a "fellow white man".
5 star post
Shitpost about videogame though, politics are just for people so bored with their life that they have to look for anything to make their pathetic existence meaningful so they just bait the shit out of each other. Like it's always the most weakest and insecure people that do this shit. Like how can you not see how utterly unimportant you are?
Wtf I want to pay more taxes now
I didn't cause shit, you fucking braindead child. You caused endless bickering about this bullshit every time you talk about it ON A FUCKING VIDEOGAME BOARD WHERE IT DOES NOT FUCKING BELONG.
I swear, I love how fucking Yea Forums doesn't have any goddamn mods until someone comes along and dares to have a fucking different opinion about VIDEOGAMES, then it's LOL BANNED TROLLING, OK NOW CARRY ON WITH YOUR ENDLESS OFF TOPIC SHITTING ON EACH OTHER
Xenophobia, propaganda, military industrial complex, evangelicals, list could go on, but honestly, isn't it the same story pretty much everywhere?
Make what? I'm not european
>dude bro just stop caring about this massive thing that affects literally everybody on the planet lmao just learn a new language haha
You were right about starting a family, but then you turned into a faggot.
Because progressives have changed the definition of "everyone" to mean every sub-100 IQ retard from south america, africa, and the middle east.
Liberals are SEETHING that their precious GDP is going to be spent on THE WALL instead of welfare.
>fucking mexicans need to get out of our white country
>if you dont want to be held in a concentration camp you shouldnt leave your warzone country and just let your family die instead
>hahah libtards we are going to spend billions on a wall that does nothing but you hate it so hahaha
>i dont know what you are talking about, the other side is the spiteful ones. You know, the people trying to get universal healthcare.
>just don't vote goyim, everything will be fine
Lol. Fuck off, kike.
Actually trump is stealing that money from the troops.
>Thinking this proves anything when the reason most of those counties voted Republican in the first place was because they were sick of being fucking poor
Can I still be a Quaker?
>repealed the ACA mandate, which just makes healthcare costs go up, without providing a replacement, after failing to repeal Obamacare multiple times with Republican-majorities in Congress
>involved us in a trade war that caused us to subsidize our farming industry with billions of taxpayer dollars because they can't sell shit to china
>tried to introduce tariffs on steel for Mexico and Canada but dropped them after realizing they're retarded
>tried to renegotiate NAFTA into the USMCA, even though it's near functionally identical to the previous agreement with the exception of the US being able to export 3% of dairy to Canada instead of 1% and all three countries agreeing to make 75% of automobiles manufactured in US, Canada, or Mexico to avoid tariffs instead of 62%
>ended up dropping the TPP entirely instead of renegotiating, giving China enormous levels of influence over the South China Sea
>enacted a series of travel bans that have all expired, that were effectively pointless anyways because his own Department of Homeland Security admitted that they didn't target countries where terrorists frequently originated from (and even if it did it wouldn't make a significant difference)
>removed us from the Iran Deal for basically no reason, which basically everyone except Saudi Arabia criticized and dropped the US global reputation for keeping and maintaining deals
>pandered to neocons by pumping billions into the military, appointing conservative judges to the SCOTUS, removing 83 environmental regulations and passing Paul Ryan's tax bill
>separated a bunch of undocumented immigrant children from their parents and sent them to concentration camps
>declared a "national emergency" for the wall and involved the US government in numerous lawsuits, said wall still has not been constructed and only replacement fencing has been built
>gave Kim Jong Un and Duterte legitimacy as world leaders by giving them attention
Wtf I want to benefit exponentially more from taxes now, instead of still paying taxes and getting fucking nothing.
No one cares jew
What did he do now and why are Democrats retarded
They're not fleeing warzones they're just poor...
>fucking mexicans
>if you dont want to be held in a concentration camp you shouldnt leave your warzone country
Mexico is a warzone? Really? Since when?
You should really stop posting while you're behind.
Mexico is a shithole because of Mexicans. They made it like that and any place they gather in large numbers will end up just like that.
Good thing Trump ended all the wars. The troops should be glad they’ll get experience in construction (THE WALL) instead of being welfare queens.
>He says as he makes a mortgage payment for a house that's not his, but belongs to the bank and cries about rates
Imagine being so underage you ever consider paying more taxes, ever, in any situation whatsoever.
Get your life sorted out.
Because we've cultivated a culture of tribalism conflated with morality, so Americans believe that their party is the "right" and "good" party and that anyone else is not only incorrect, but also evil
Our political system is also filled with establishment hacks who will say and do anything to keep themselves in power for as long as possible
The mainstream media is effectively a puppet for Big Gov, manipulating the population into voting the way the elites want them to
Things have been especially bad the last few years because of a combination in declining trust in the media/government and the appearance of populist candidates on both sides
The American political landscape is a thing of nightmares
Don't want to be held in a camp?
Don't tresspass.
It's literally that fucking simple.
Yeah in the white areas
t. SoCal
>loadsa potential tax revenue and six figure jobs for NY via Amazon HQ
And that's the story of how a single commie mommie ruined everything.
They love war more than they hate Trump.
They also removed stock options so having full time benefits especially is out of the question. UPS drivers have it worse. The trucks have no air conditioning, the dark colored metal gets hotter as the sun is blazing, the people who HAVE gone to the hospital after passing out still had to go to work the next day.
There. How's that. Now end this fucking cancer and take it to /pol/ WHERE IT FUCKING BELONGS. Fucking moron children.
Mexico is the third-wealthiest country in the western hemisphere. Stop acting like it's a hellhole that people need to escape from, you fucking racist.
The most brainless zoomer post I've ever seen.
mexicans will stop fleeing their country once the CIA stops actively funding and controlling their cartels
Most states the deed is held by the mortgagor not the mortgagee (the lender), and rates are dangerously low right now that another crash is near guaranteed
You do not know what you are talking about
>Ended all the wars
>Sent more Troops to the middle east
>Just vetoed an attempt to get us disentangled from the Saudis in Yemen
Stealing money from the troop.s
As a black man allow me to be the first to ask
>detention facilities are LITERALLY concentration camps
I fucking wish. There'd finally be less spics.
where you at bro
Nice argument. “I want to pay more taxes, anyone who disagrees must not pay taxes”
i dont like how yang structured his version of UBI very much, but yes keeping money moving is how one keeps an economy healthy. Giving poor people money that will go directly back into the economy in the form of buying consumer goods is a way better option then having them all be broke because there are no jobs and grinding things to a complete halt. That benefits no one, even the ones at the top.
I hate this bullshit "common sense economics" that treats large scale macro economics like balancing your personal budget. Its jsut not the same and the same principals dont apply
>Sage takes 60k in loans for her gender studies degree
>Commodore Sanders wants tax payers to pay for this shit
Yeah no you made your choices now you have to live with them
pretty cringe bro
How about student loans debt is forgiven for people with useful degrees, and people with liberal art degrees pay it off? No increased taxes and smart people with STEM degrees can get back to making America great again without debt holding them back.
Isn't the national IQ bellow 100 without including minorities?
t. 133 IQ spic
Poors are the majority and our politicians are pandering to them and telling them to vote for free stuff.
That's why I'm paying attention.
That's still not your house. That's the bank's house.
Get your life sorted out
The TPP was fucking stupid. There were plenty of reasons to list why it would be bad when it's a potential copyright chaos.
fucking lmao
>le reddit brain number
yeah im sure your vote will matter next time. it never did before but im sure it will next time.
Also I believe there's ambulances that just hang out outside of Amazon Warehouses because employees regularly collapse from exhaustion.
Poor corporations
Taxes were higher in the 50s and 60s by a wide margin and people seem to be nostalgic for those days.
>lol dude just give up lmao there's nothing you can do
>everything is pointless haha why bother trying
There's that nihilism again.
>quoting nobody
checks out
I suggest you take out some student loans and get an education.
How is getting basic necessities in return for their labor that keeps society running "free stuff?"
Mine is compsci with a focus on information systems. Is my degree useful?
Taxes were high but no one paid them. Welcome to loopholes.
>ended all the wars
he barely accomplished jack shit in Afghanistan despite having troops there stationed forever
>only decent Democrat candidate
Congrats to Trump on winning 2020
You can't have "policies that benefit everyone". There's always someone that would like the other choice. However common people must be kept at each other's throats over cultural issues so that the powerful and wise will have enough space to conduct important policy like war or economy.
The personal is political.
He didn't give them a raise, he cut their hours. Doing this to employees who aren't salaried would actually cut their wages. Bernie is a fucking retard.
no u
People were nostalgic for those days because it was far whiter and batshit leftists did not infest the nation.
He also employed heavier weaponry like MOABs. Now he's currently surrendering to the Taliban in peace talks.
Up yours
Why would any self-respecting white man ever champion leftism when it's going full throttle in order to destroy white culture?
Take a look at this newest 'iteration' of the classic british historical myth - King Arthur. Now a proud, black woman.
Come the fuck on. Wake up you retarded niggers.
They already get that, it's called money and they get it every payday.
Um excuse me buck why don't you go clean your room and cry while watching disney movies it's what real bloody adult lobsters do.
>completely forgetting the counterculture and hippies
he said "to my recollection" so he doesn't get into legal trouble.
Its his own legal trap he uses on other people.
Warren's a pretty good sub, but the conservative bias media will bury her since detailed plans are for pussies when you can talk about Indian blood.
Most millennials are porn-addicted failures waiting to die. No chance of having self-respect.
He ended the Korean War
He ended ISIS
He ended Iraq
>muh afghanistan
Small potatoes and a drop in the bucket compared to the major wars he ended. Plus he said he’s going to pull out of Afghanistan this year.
hmmmm incorrect. In fact there were way more communists.
good. fuck them. zogbot childkillers can fucking starve for all i care
Hello fellow BP user.
Not in the 50s which was the peak american dream and the most prosperous for its citizens.
Wasn't Mexico paying for the wall? The hell happend to that?
except one of these things is an outlandish conspiracy theory that i chock up to being a meme rather than assume everyone who makes a jew joke really believes a jewish cabal run the entire world in secret, and the other one is just the reality of whats happening right now. There is ample direct evidence readily available at your fingertips.
Its not a meme, jews streamed into europe fleeing instability violence in russia and they were rounded up at the border. This was quite a few years before the deathcamps and before jews in germany were rounded up. The comparison is very direct
Because he's a dipshit. Most student debt is owned by the upper class. Student debt forgiveness would be a net transfer from the poor to the wealthy, and retards actually fall for it.
>never heard of beatniks
But the amount of money the receive has decreased while the prices demanded for said necessities have increased.
Isn't that just some magic the gathering bullshit?
What does that say about literally anything, much less prove?
Who were shut down hard by based hoover and the FBI. Now you have bugmen openly flying hammer and sickle flags.
>dude Trump isn't a conservative
>spent 700 billion on defense
>removed 83 environmental regulations
>appointed conservative SCOTUS judges
>passed Paul Ryan's tax bill
>appointed Goldman Sachs and Exxonmobil to his cabinet
>has 80-90% approval with Republicans
How the fuck is he not a conservative? He does all the generic conservative policy proposals and has regularly pandered to them throughout his presidency
Pay attention, he raised wages AND reduced their workload. They're working for about the same salary in a regular 40-hour week instead of 70.
Holocaust is flat-earth tier retardation
>ews streamed into europe fleeing instability violence in russia
Ever look into why that happened?
Or why they were kicked out of 109 countries over the course of history?
He never actually specified HOW so you're gonna have people interpret it any way they possibly can to still make him correct.
Yeah man what happened to Quest for Camelot that was some real white culture
He’s not a hyper-Christian like the Bushes and Reagan, so liberals are confused and say he’s not conservative.
As an unmutted white man I fully support destruction of British culture. They brought on us colonialism, multiculturalism and capitalism so may they suffer the consequences.
I'll fucking take beatniks any day over the insane sjws and trannies we currently have.
It was clear he had no plan, wasn't really expecting to win, and just filled his cabinet with rank and file conservatives and says yes to whatever they and fox news says.
I don't know what people were expecting, it was clear he just likes being in the spotlight, he doesn't really want to do anything himself.
Don't forget he's a traitor. Treason has always been the conservative thing.
Conservatives were the loyalists during the American revolution who fought against Founding Fathers.
Conservatives were the Confederates who betrayed and fought the United States during the civil war.
Conservatives gave approval to the Nazis or were isolationists during world war II.
Liberals/Dems and Conservatives/Repubs are almost the same party realistically, one just cares a bit more about welfare than the other.
That's only on paper, in fact, with the fact that during Eisenhower era that people failed to account in tax breaks. So it's doubtful to say that people REALLY often paid 90% taxes or that high. Interestingly enough, with respect to inflation and population increase in 2018, more taxes have been collected despite the new tax last year. This is coming from someone who took macro last year who looks at the data from the OECD report (if I remember the name correctly).
>He ended the Korean War
This is completely laughable, the "Korean War" already effectively ended decades ago with the establishment of the DMZ. There's just wasn't an official peace treaty signed on paper. It's nothing more than Un taking advantage of Trump's ego and pretending that Trump got an accomplishment (in return for getting recognized as a world leader by the US).
Mexico was never going to literally pay for the wall you fucking retard. He meant “pay” as in revenge. “YOURE GOING TO PAY FOR WHAT YOUVE DONE TO AMERICA, MEXICO!”
Me? I just don’t like how they say wa’a like a baby instead of water
As a Slavic man, I fully support the your destruction along with the bongs and mutts overseas.
At the end of the day, us Slavs will be the last huwhites standing. We will inherit the Earth.
Memes aside, I fully agree with you here. Which is why I think it's a terrible choice to import third world, low iq laborers.
It raises the cost of housing and lowers the average pay of unskilled labor, not to mention welfare.
A nations first duty should be the well-being of its people.
wtf I'm a Conservative now
America was the bad guy all along...
I would assume from a budget, which is why they pay salary. We have X money to cover the campaign so all of you will be paid Y dollars regardless of hours so we don't overspend.
The budget I would assume comes from the 2 million dollars in donations they have received, plus whatever Bernie is putting into it.
Does anyone unironically still support Trump? He's done jack shit other than jerk off on Twitter. Or is that all it takes to reel in the zoomers?
so did the jews deserve the holocaust or did it not happen? I can never keep the story straight when dealing with nazis
>A nations first duty should be the well-being of its people.
No. It should serve those at the top.
IQ is just astrology for incels
How about games where the protagonist surrenders during every battle and ends up losing due to lack of XP?
But user, you were never the American in the first place...
>cannot even enforce your own borders
Pfft. (You) buy trump's lies! Git Gud, man.
Our borders are fine. Only 39% of Merca is dumb enough to fall for the caravan fearmongering.
They started blabbing to the media about an internal matter that made the candidate look bad. I'm normally on the side of the worker, but some incompetence can just not be forgiven. This is basically sabotage. Even if they were honest and well meaning the loudest mouths need to go because they show an incredible lack of good judgment for what the job requires.
>The proponents of the Hart–Celler Act argued that it would not significantly influence United States culture. President Johnson called the bill "not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions."[21] Secretary of State Dean Rusk and other politicians, including Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA), asserted that the bill would not affect the U.S. demographic mix.[22]
Demonrats need to hang.
He accidently admitted trump was innocent under oath.
>A nations first duty should be the well-being of its people
The important people, at least.
>has caused economic recovery for the working class for the first time in decades
>the left desperately denies this and keeps pretending that he's another Bush (while idolizing Obama, who was actually another Bush)
>failed to build wall when he had majority republican everything
>failed to btfo the jews
>failed to benefit the working american as he ran tariff wars, only jobs he "made" are temp and highly volatile
>his tax cuts to citizens is way worse than the ones to the rich, guess which one has an expiration date, thats right, the rich xut has no expiration while yours does
>has wasted money on dumb shit like that parade to wave the USA's money at NK and China while he leaves ICE underfunded so their new influx of illegals are being sent back home to the US because there's NO FUCKING ROOM
>now he's running for re election with the exact same rhetoric as before
>zero infrastructure improvements
Why would anyone still support Trump unless they're a retard, a boomer, or a kid stuck in 2016?
I'm voting Yang. Least that would fuck up the dems AND the republicans
There's literally nothing wrong with isolationism. World police bullshit is destroying the world.
> cut hours
> still get the same amount of money every week
> this is bad
>zero infrastructure improvements
lol dems and their roads.
Objectively false. It is the single most accurate metric in determining the future success of an individual.
No, all people.
>enforce borders
The FUCKING WALL is LITERALLY being built now. Libtards lost, YET AGAIN
Imagine thinking only Nazis detest the most hateful group on the planet
What do you define as economic recovery
>literally record number of illegals entering, numbers not seen since bush
Off yourself leftitranny.
to be fair we're 56% because of illegal immigrants flooding in
fake news. Affluence is a stronger determinant. It's even correlated with "IQ"
Pretty sure that was the democratic party at the time. The lines between the republican, liberal, conservative and democrat have been skewed over history.
>cut hours
>same pay
You've never had a job, have you?
>failed to build wall when he had majority republican everything
Didn’t you hear? The WALL is being built now. He WON and the Supreme Court got it funded.
Do you have such a short attention span you forget that that was LITERALLY HIS 2015 CAMPAIGN YOU FUCKING RETARD
>>spent 700 billion on defense
That's a Neocon meme. A true conservative would arm the population to the same level as the military.
>>removed 83 environmental regulations
Being anti-tree hugging hippy faggot isn't conservative, it's centrist.
>>appointed conservative SCOTUS judges
He based it on who would uphold the law better. A tranny lover or an actual normal person.
>>passed Paul Ryan's tax bill
Only because he's a cry baby faggot bitch.
>>appointed Goldman Sachs and Exxonmobil to his cabinet
So changing from corrupt politicians to savvy businessmen is conservative?
>>has 80-90% approval with Republicans
Because he's not a cry baby little bitch, like you.
Destroying the world is objectively a good thing, the elite will simply leave the planet by the time it happens, which will be before everyone realizes who fucked everything up.
The only people who matter are the elite.
>we will provide for you. we will give you money. we will give you free healthcare. we will take care of everyone including non citizens. we will reform our terrible immigration
>we will cut taxes. protect our borders. protect our rights
its all so tiresome
>has caused economic recovery for the working class for the first time in decades
Also wages have continued to remain stagnant even though productivity has massively increased
You opinion was bought
No, it proves what happens when you implement a $15 minimum wage. Hours get cut and total payrolls will fall for hourly workers.
I don’t like Sanders but I honestly would bet on him winning. If Harris wants to win she will go for the jugular on Biden (which she is doing) and the two will hurt each other. Sanders wins Iowa as a result, wins NH anyway, and has enough momentum for Nevada. A divided field aids him.
That being said the best choice would be Kratos since GoW1 and 2 he kind of loses still.
I think you missed the point of that post entirely
>IQ is just astrology for incels
kay then
>Gas lighting
As expected of traitors.
If you put the modern parties back in in the 1860s, Lincoln would have been a Democrat and the Republicans would have been the south.
we are still bombing 8 and sometimes 9 countries and have active combat troops in all of those countriesyou mentioned, and lots of them at that. Not to mention the absurd increases to the military budget and the utterly pointless brinksmanship with Iran.
Donald Trump can say in the same day that "we are going to bomb the crap out of them" and "we need to get out of pointles wars" and people will only seem to hear the one they want. Its fucking maddening that the same man gets hailed as anti and pro intervention and no one sees any disconnect.
why havent jannies deleted yet
I don't recall him saying anything about roads.
What do you mean, lord tranny?
>don’t get health care
>get raped by the big pharma Jew
If he loses it's because his campaigners are shit at their job.
>obama bails out the banks and all other industries which caused the crash
go dilate
but that post just said all his policies were conservative and you just generally agreed
The entire complaint was they were working long hours. They were payed above $15/hour working regular hours.
So they cut the longer hours.
All our IPs are getting warned for abuse in 12 hours
I'm not convinced Trump had much to do with it.
Democrats are, have been, and always will be the slavemaster plantation party. Even in the 1960s they were lynching blacks and filibustering the civil rights act.
The demographic change only happened after Lyndon B. “I’ll have those niggers voting blue for 200 years” Johnson. Real dependable I guess.
Because they love pwning the libs, too.
I'm not a Yank but I'd vote for Yang just to observe the results an active UBI system. I don't know any country that has unconditional UBI. It's not like you have to worry about getting the short end of the stick because your Deep State fucks you and everyone else in the world over anyways lmao
>obama bails out the banks and all other industries which caused the crash
No, Bush did that. He literally signed the bailout bill
I unironically can't tell if you're a braindead zoomer, or a boomer suffering from dementia
This is what a fringe right wing nut bag using no true scotsmen looks like.
Saw the headlines for this a while ago, he (or whoever does the management) cut their hours from OVER 40 hours a week down to just the standard 40 hour work week. Basically, the union was doing what unions are supposed to do and managed to negotiate fairer hours.
Bernie may label himself as a democratic socialist but democratic socialists are still overall in favor of capitalism, so this actually is completely congruous with his beliefs. Maybe it'll piss off his more left-wing supporters, but that's about it.
>Also wages have continued to remain stagnant even though productivity has massively increased
Not the guy you're talking to, but this is a shitty lefty talking point. Total compensation has been increasing alongside productivity. Increasing compensation has mostly come from benefits rather than wage increases because of government mandated benefits.
Why do you type like a propaganda youtube video title
>back thenpraises venezuela for socialism
>today praises denmark and scandanavia countries for their socialism but they're aren't
can this guy get a clue?
I hope eveyone is banned. Only newfags can't ban evade.
Look at this clown.
One of the reasons why theu went to negotiations was because the top managers were making too much money and their contract at the time stipulated they have to pay more for their own health insurance. Bernie is actually giving them more money AND covering all their health care expenses.
he talked aobut infrasturcture over and over again at his rallies
just do some googling and you can find lots more stuff just like this
if you hate the democrats you should vote for bernie, because him winning would totally destroy the party. if you love the democrats vote for trump
>A true conservative would arm the population to the same level as the military.
Based economically illiterate retard
aren't most of those temp jobs for the government?
>bush has a rise
>suddenly near the end of his career drops the moment obama gets elected
But Yea Forums told me jannies were a bunch of sjw discord trannies yesterday
could it not be that no one or not enough agrees with him? He just needed to throw more money at the campaign?
Former Amazon monkey here. There was an EMT on staff in the building for this very reason.
Yeah no, it can also be considered a tactic to get brownie points and more support. SUDDENLY, THIS MAN HAS A CHANGE OF HEART AND DECIDED TO CUT HIS WORKERS HOURS BY 30 HOURS LIKE A GOOD MAN. One way or another, there's always gonna be a catch to realize. Like how Amazon did to its workers by raising their wages. How do you know that they are earning the same at 40 than it was at 70? That is a huge 30 hour difference pay that is quite difficult to pay with an increase. There was probably cost cut that was not mentioned. Like any other person who donates to charity like how McDonald's does it, it's considered a tax deductible.
This is the actual objective reason why this position is not only immoral, but untenable.
College indoctrinated liberals like to pretend they are the champions of equity and justice, but their policies spit in the face of the poor
>>obama bails out the banks and all other industries which caused the crash
No he didn't
He's just a demsoc doin demsoc shit
Games like this?
You’ve seen my videos? Which was your favorite?
>still falling for the red vs blue shit
Yikes. You are all under 100IQ.
Thanks for confirming you're just a retarded zoomer falling for the trump memes. Like everyone else.
Wrong, those were the conservatives. Also you're intentionally ignoring the realignment after the Civil Rights Act was passed where the conservatives fled the Democratic party for the Republicans.
Also Conservatives were always the ideology of slavery. The modern conservative was created after the French Revolution and they wanted to bring back the monarchy. Today they've adjusted that to be the billionaire oligarch who keeps his workers as wage slaves. The Republican party supports that cause full throatedly.
If you consider many low-end jobs pay less than minimum wage, it will mostly be a cost-time benefit on the employee's end
And even if those hours get cut, you still need to make up for the lost labor by hiring additional employees which increases the amount of vacant positions in the low-end job market
Who do you think is arguing in these threads
Why is this thread still here?
>Democrats are, have been, and always will be the slavemaster plantation party
Also you fucking retards all the salary negotiation stuff was for salaried workers. They get paid the same regardless of the hours worked, they just got pay capped. Just because you've literally never worked a job that doesn't pay hourly doesn't mean all jobs are like that, christ.
So mad. So edgy. So Confederate.
Have you seriously forgotten what happened in 2008?
Russian election interference
Actual sizable policy wouldn't be in effect during a president's first year
Hour capped I mean goddamn it
Based TRUMP is above that divide. The WALL will be beautiful GRAY.
I support both Trump and Bernie. Every other candidate is globohomo.
Why do Americans always talk about politics? Are you all genuinely interested? No one in my country seems to give a shit.
You shouldn’t try to argue solely resorting to pilpul nonsense, especially when people fucking died.
Wow, Joe’s got my vote then.
Does it matter when the policies proposed can cause a crash by themselves?
You mean the same founding fathers who ONLY let whites immigrate and become citizens? Yes?
>Trump and Republicans are the biggest supporters of Israel yet /pol/ continues to support them
Being apathetic about politics is just as bad as being too invested in it.
Tell that to the black families who had their family members killed by democrats in the 1960s
Based non-establishment user though I think Trump is mostly still a dipshit
You’ve just never had a leader as inspirational and wise as TRUMP after a disasterous tyrant like OBUMMER.
Dr. Goldbergs Circumcision Circuit Pro: GOtY Edition
>He literally signed the bailout bill
So did obama
putting gains into benefits inherently skews the gains toward the upper percentage points of workers. Lots and lots of people work jobs that dont give benefits and have thus not seen any of that gain and thats a pretty massive flaw in the system. Yeah the talking point isnt a comprehensive nuanced look a the entire picture, but to imply theres no truth to it is going way way too far
>dropped the iran deal where the iranians were building missles anyways and forced them onto their knees with sanctions
>withdrew from bullshit tpp
>pulled out of bs nafta and actually got mexico and canada to agree to a deal, as well as get mexico to crack down on illegals
>made progress with north korea
This shit is mainly just foreign policy stuff. Trump isn't a dicksucking appeaser like Obama, so he just wrecks shit and rebuilds. But its worked pretty well so far. Ecpnomy is strogn, even with tarriffs, nigger.
Yeah no, there's actually plenty of Republicans and conservatives who care about welfare policies. A communications professor whom I've taken actually thinks we should support some of them. He also someone who supports illegals who are actively pursuing citizenship who have proven their worth. He once showed a clip where an illegal crossed the border and actively worked to get a greencard and is working as a neurosurgeon. Alot of people may call themselves Republicans or any other party but really, it depends all on your viewpoints. Something that even people like you wouldn't care about.
>hasn't been to /pol/ recently
ton of zionald threads get made daily. it's a tulsi board
How is anyone this retarded?
They will gladly let the rabbi cut off their foreskins if it means making a tranny upset.
>neocons are the biggest supporters of Israel
They were not perfect, but we can look at that through the lens of history and improve upon it.
Conservatives do not given how they actively want to have an authoritarian government. Then again, conservatives are inherently authoritarian, so it makes sense.
he also gave everyone money with the stimulus package.
Shadow the Hedgehog and (to an extent) Kingdom Hearts 2
>Farmers languishing in more poverty than ever before
I love Israel too
Schizophrenic post
How does someone look at a small part of a graph as evidence
Because /pol/ never had principles, they're just shills for a cult of personality.
Remember when Obama wore a brown suit? The GEE OH PEE shit their pants all over Fox News. The unpresident of the electoral college ordered his AG to disobey congress and his party just let him. When do I get to leave the Twilight Zone?
where's the lie?
Chill homie I specifically said "a bit"
>Conservatives were the loyalists during the American revolution who fought against Founding Fathers.
It was literally a conservative revolution you sperg. The entire thing broke out after Britain decided that reversing 200 years of policy and procedure regarding how the colonies were treated and ran was a good idea.
I can't tell if 2020 is going to be amazing or awful.
currently it's two companys that handle loans and they make a killing owning college students souls. I'm not eggman tier i.q. But i would imagine these types pay politicians to look the other other way when their sole reason for existence is jewing college kids
>You mean the same founding fathers who ONLY let whites immigrate
Literally nothing wrong with that.
>forced them to retaliate and plays victim
I'm not saying this like I hate trump for it, obama did the exact same thing with russia. But economic sanctions are basically acts of war.
I will not let you lie like a filthy fucking ingrate and pretend Amazon does their local any good.
Not an argument
After Johnson signed the civil rights act it was viewed as an attack against other southern democrats; they largely switched parties after this, which was taken advantage of by Goldwater's use of the southern strategy to cement that voter base.
Nice fanfic
The brown suit thing wasn’t as bad as the Arugula Incident.
Dems are gonna force Biden when he's even more unlikable than Hillary and Trump is gonna win again lol