I woke up a couple nights ago and this part of my thumb/hand was hurting and it hasn't gone away, should I be worried...

I woke up a couple nights ago and this part of my thumb/hand was hurting and it hasn't gone away, should I be worried? Should I go to a doctor?

Attached: 20190726_234949_1.jpg (2448x2756, 1.04M)

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user, it`s too late...

How did you take the picture if you have both your hands in the shot

your pain will slowly start to escalate to the point of your thumb being cut off being the superior alternative to the hell you will be living

welcome to the life of carpal tunnel syndrome

I got your mom to do it

please don't scare me
give me a straight answer
why would I just wake up one night with it hurting, I don't even play vidya super often or intensely so I don't understand

>Let me ask a video game board.

just get a damn carpal tunnel brace and sleep with it on

This affects all video gamers eventually.

>Should I go to a doctor?
no of course not, doctors aren't for health problems silly! you should consult multiple video games forums and get a consensus.

it's the tism

but I don't even know if that's what I have
I don't want to invest in fixing a problem when I don't even know what it is

Maybe you slept on your arm wrong? Or were you sleep fapping again?

Wtf I'm quitting vidya on monday.

>should I be worried?
>Should I go to a doctor?
Not much they can do for you unless the pain becomes debilitating or interferes with daily life. Just let it rest a few days and see if the pain subsides.

video game forums don't charge you hundreds of dollars for a checkup

The video game board seems like the place I would ask about my health problems too

This guy is retarded don't listen to this bs. Chances are you were just laying on your hand or ripped the joint. Wait a week and then visit a doc if you don't feel better. Carpal tunnel in the best case only requires a brace for your wrist, in the worst a very small easy operation. But I doubt it's carpal. It usually starts with numbness.

and you get what you pay for

it's like $12 user

go to the doctor and stop asking neets on a japanese image board dedicated to video games.

You're fine you hypochondriac, you probably just lied on it wrong, I did that with my leg once and it hurt for a couple days straight. If your hand still hurts 3 to 4 fays from now, go and get it looked at, but honestly you're probably fine.

does this mean I need to stop playing Vidya for a while

Attached: pearl_says_fuck.jpg (1024x1024, 80K)

>my hand hurt i want to go to the hospital

the state of americans

If it hurts when you press that part of your palm it means your steak is medium

I'm a doctor and this looks like a case of gay aids to me.

>I don't even play vidya super often or intensely
>a few days without vidya? noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Look up de Quervain’s Tenosynovitis. The constant moving back and forth from using analog sticks and hitting buttons will damage your thumbs over time. If this seems like what yu have, get it taken care f, I've been ignoring it and it just gets worse, it ruins your hands.

yeah go to a doctor, same thing happened to me and I ended up not being able to move my thumb and had to get physical therapy

dan tis hapnnd to m and now both thmps and indx fings are nmb, visti a doctor beofre its to late

Carpal Tunnel. Go to a doctor. Very treatable. If you let it go too long it might require surgery.

You should hold hostage decades of archiving splendor.

Ahahaha what a retard, you fell for the keyboard and mouse meme, what did you expect from using something designed for writing to play videogames?
Should have used a gamepad, you know? The thing designed to play videogames? Well served

>not being able to work a phone's camera with your feet


Delete your site and it'll go away.

That happens to me too OP not sure why, even stopping for days and coming back it ends up the same.

It comes and goes. I ended up getting some finger exercisers and using those and it worked well.

>he doesn't know the gamer hand

Look up decuervains. I got the same thing like a year ago. Be more mindful of how you're twisting your wrists, buy a carpal tunnel brace and sleep with it on.

Dequarvain Tenosynovitis

Go see a doctor, you probably sprained the fuck out of it and should probably get it wrapped and take some anti inflammatory meds as it heals.

it looks like a black people name

>named after a Swiss physician

this checks out

The veins in your wrist probably have been pressed on over the long periods of gayming.

Welcome to snap city

its nerve entrapment brainlet


go the doctor you bumbling idiot

there is a vein which can hurt, I had this, too was uncomfortable to sleep for some time until inflammation faded away, but your case could be something else maybe just muscle pain

what kind of a low IQ response is that? you must be non-white

Give it a good old yank and see if it cracks. That fixes my fingers.


look at this alien nigger

My right has gotten half numb, half tingly lately. Now that slight numbness has spread to my arms and fingers. What's happening to me?