So, I know this is a retarded question to ask BUT, is there a way to play Minecraft windows 10 edition without windows 10?
So, I know this is a retarded question to ask BUT...
ya play it on ps4, xbone, switch
women don't like getting fucked by pigs, their penis is literally just a tiny tentacle thing
Dogs however can please a woman much easier. I don't know about horses, i think they love suck on a cock that big but horses don't really like it much.
how do you know this?
I have nothing to add to this subject matter other then my Gf use to jerk it to women getting fucked by pigs and I helped her out while she watched these videos.
good thread
Banned for replying to off topic :^)
i was just being totally honest in my post, you're nothing but lies
I want to get my friend windows 10 so we can play a realm together but he has windows 7
based zoomer
wtf theres actual videos?
Did you oink
Back to Facebook you fucking normalfag.
Sauce is Dr.BUG for those curious.
what the fuck dude this has got to be bait
Why would you want that?
This shit is a massive downgrade from the Java edition
>java edition
>runs like shit
>windows edition
>runs fine
me on the bottom
>help her out
H.. how?
made pig sounds while fucking her up the butt
Is having a girl that's into beast that rare?
a smash thread died for this
>jerk it
Butt that would mean ur “gf” has a dick
This just gets worse and worse huh
>no mods
Stay cucked
>gf use to jerk it
Your BF* used to masturbate to it.
He's not a girl.
>other "then"
>my "gf"
>"use to"
So you and your other mentally ill tranny friend watched some hentai videos and fucked eachother's asses?
>he doesn't know the way a pig cums
You fool.
you just know
>gf used to jerk it
>jerk it
Why cant you just be honest and call it like it is, user? Why do you have to be disingenuous to yourself and others?
why are Yea Forumsirgins so obsessed with trannies that have have to ruin every thread with their fetish