Uncharted 4 thread

This is unIronically the worst game I have ever played.

It took me 3 weeks to beat it, because I kept getting tired and leaving to do something else.

This shit is the exact opposite of a video game.

>No replayability
>Climbing simulator

You name it, they don't have it.

They took everything that made the other 3 games decent and said "fuck it. Let's make the worse installment in the series!"

They treat fun like an obnoxious obstacle so that the player can get back to the among and unpredictable story.
You can't even change characters after beating the game, so now there is absolutely zero replayability in this piece of shit.

They wanted to make it a cinematic experience so bad, and they couldn't even do that.
The story is mediocre at best.

Fuck this game, it betrays everything the fans actually liked.

Attached: uncharted-4-a-thiefs-end-normal-hero-resp-01-ps4-us-21dec15.jpg (960x600, 155K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Not sure why that autocorrected to "among"

All the staff who made the first games fun got exiled from ND so that TLOU team could take over.
As such they cobbled together the story and made it play like TLOU even though it's a different game to Uncharted.

>worst game I have ever played.
it wasn't that bad, but everything else you said is pretty much true. I did think that 1 is the worst in the series though.
there's also one fag who posts the same half a dozen or so webms to try and prove the gameplay is some masterpiece.

I felt same way when it was first released. Its a slow burn, but you can enjoy it. Kinda meant to reflect how far we've come with graphics. It was also the 30 anniversary of the studio and the farewell to the character because Naughty Dog is not making anymore Uncharted games.
My only issue is the dialog between the Drake brothers are just bland.

you're retarded. Any true fan of the series who isn't a jaded fuck / just hates new ND games because of Druckmann / muh Commiefornia would see this game is great. It's main problem is that it paces itself like a movie, so the beginning especially is super slow. And some of the writing is pretty hammy for how seriously it takes itself vs the old games, but most of it is on par with the other games if not better (disregarding people's preferences for supernatural shit). Everything related to the combat and gameplay has been improved and expanded upon. The guerrilla warfare type combat with regaining stealth and whittling down a platoon of enemies I've not seen in any other TPS like this.
I replayed the shit out of it using the encounter select, and that's not even mentioning the multiplayer. And Uncharted 2, one of my favorite games, had just as much climbing. The gameplay loop has always been combat - climbing - puzzles

Attached: Uncharted 4_ A Thief’s End™_20160926221408.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

It’s the best game in the series. What’re yah smoking?

>Uncharted 4 is hot garbag-

Attached: Uncharted 4 China Lake.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

and here he is.

The gameplay is an improvement from previous game for sure. Shame about the UC4 story but it was still better than UC3 which was a mess in both story and gameplay department. I feel like they tried to erase UC3 from existence with UC4 and UC4's story actually makes a lot more sense if you skipped UC3 completely.
They still fucked up in PvP multiplayer but PvE co-op missions with the raid bosses were pretty cool.

Really? Worse than Uncharted 1?

>This is unIronically the worst game I have ever played.
Then you haven't played a lot of games. And U4 isn't even great.

I liked 4 myself, but I found Lost Legacy to be more fun, may even replay it someday over all the others since it's the shortest one

Attached: 1558457552202m.jpg (664x1024, 68K)

Why is the gunplay so absolute shit in these games? Physics are lame. Movement is rubberband-y as fuck. Shotguns are lame. Melee is lame. Why is ND so bad at this? Fucking trash devs.

Naughty Dog likes to polish their games down to a nub.

Typical contrarian niggers.
Uncharted 4 was a great game, not a 10/10 or anything but still a very pretty, fun game

They're polishing turds.

It's just arcadey. Aiming for center of mass is most effective because the enemies flinch so unpredictably for headshots.
Melee is not lame considering this is a shooter, not a melee game. There's a gameplay mechanics reason for your cinematic-grappling with your enemy instead of doing a regular old thwack like Halo: because it makes sure you cant just go rolling around KO'ing enemies in plain sight of all the other enemies. Melee is easy to overpower lone enemies with, but it's a risk. You have to make sure the other enemies don't have line-of-sight to shoot you before you try meleeing one of them, because if they do you will get caught in a struggle with the guy you were trying to melee and get killed by people shooting you in the back

Attached: melee fail.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Oh yeah I remember that "fight", that lasted only 6 minutes.

It's not arcadey, it's just hollow and shallow. If you want to play real TPS games, refer to Max Payne 3 and Vanquish. Even Rise of Tomb Raider has superior gameplay than Rubberbands 4. Hell it's funny how the devs that made TLOU then forgot all their experience from making that game, resorting back to substance-less plastic combat.

Also dynamic difficulty is for gay furries.

I've played plenty of games.
I haven't played all games though.

But the ones I have played are actually fun.
The closest thing to this in terms of boredom is FF15 & FF13

everything is made to service feeling like a decent player without actually having to put in any effort or skill to do so.

FF15 is way better than this IMO.

It's definitely arcadey, have you even played it? The combat feels videogamey as fuck, just like the old games (which I doubt you played either since you're suggesting it should've had the more realistic style combat of TLOU)

>Also dynamic difficulty is for gay furries.
I thought we were talking bout Uncharted, not Resident Evil? Not that RE's dynamic difficulty is even bad for RE games, but Uncharted has set difficulties and hard is actually hard, while crushing is hard as fuck.

Attached: shoot the red thing.webm (960x540, 2.96M)

It's not arcadey. It's just shallow. You have to go behind cover all the time stalling momentum. This makes it not arcadey but just a boring piece of shit with unsatisfying gunplay and PS2-tier physics with no ragdoll.

I just played this game too OP. I bought it about 3 weeks ago. I was so underwhelmed by the gameplay. Like story is fine, I guess. Nothing too great. Graphics were amazing, of course, that's what everybody said about this game, but the gun play... the gun play was so tired and boring. The grapple hook was under utilized, I mean I remember that was the big innovation with this game, you can use a grappling hook. I thought that meant you could use it anywhere, now that would be awesome. If I could grapple hook a dude over the side of a cliff. But no, just context sensitive points. Half the game feels like mindless climbing on rocks. There's no challenge to it, it might as well be a cut scene. And with the story, I don't like how "adult", or I guess daytime movie of the week, the story felt. The interactions between Drake and Elena are all cringe, the part that really made me roll my eyes is when she fucking finds him at the bottom of a fucking cliff in the middle of a jungle. That's where the writing falls apart. I still like Sully, and the graphics looked nice. That's about all I can say.

Have you tried the multi-player? I dicked around a little, that seems really fun. And the MP is 60 fps, which is super jarring after 12-15 hours of 30 fps gameplay. The whole game should've been 60 fps. Uncharted 2 is still the GOAT, and I'm glad this franchise is over. Naughty Dog should start writing romance novels and get out of gaming.

What the christ is wrong with you OP? Literally everything about the first 3 games is improved in 4. What alternate reality are you posting from?

>It's definitely arcadey, have you even played it? The combat feels videogamey as fuck, just like the old games (which I doubt you played either since you're suggesting it should've had the more realistic style combat of TLOU)
I've played every main game in the series and you're dead wrong.

Dude... did you just call this??What. The. Fuck. What is wrong with this guy? You stay on Yea Forums all day and night waiting for an Uncharted thread? I'm about to die from cringe overload.

You use cover (just like in real life!), but you are moving literally all the time, up and down and every direction. If you don't constantly relocate, you get flanked and flushed out w/ nades, and your cover gets destroyed (which can just happen via getting shot at by the guys who're rushing you w/ armor or who're entrenched in cover far away from you).
And relocating gives you the chance to regain stealth and ambush enemies, whittling their numbers down until you can take them all in a straight fight

It sounds like you're just one of those anons who says "game has sticky cover? it's automatically bad, I don't need to have actually played it to know." Not like sticky cover games are even a big oversaturated thing in the market anymore, at all.

>PS2-tier physics with no ragdoll
But there is ragdoll, and what do you think is so wrong with the physics?

No, I just happen to be on Yea Forums anyway. I havent posted about Uncharted in like a month. It's just when I see stupid threads like this I have my webms to back up my arguments as video evidence.

>anyone who disagrees with me is stupid

You ever think you might have the stupid opinion? Seems like there's plenty of reasonable people in this thread with well-thought out arguments and they seem to dislike it. Maybe somethings wrong with you.

Game not like I want so game bad

yeah, something's surely wrong with me for agreeing with the rest of the world instead of this forum for depressed weebs with their fringe opinion that the game is garbage. 99% of you just hate druckmann and california and so hate Uncharted by proxy, I know very well how it is.

>Seems like there's plenty of reasonable people in this thread with well-thought out arguments and they seem to dislike it
Don't see them chief. OP sounds like an actual insane person for example.

funny i feel exactly the same as you but about Ocarina of time.

I feel that Uncharted 4 is not all that fun a game for a person who doesn't put a lot of effort into getting good at the game. I'm one of those people who didn't spend a lot of time getting good at the game although I was good enough to finish on Crushing difficulty.

However, it seems like the game is really only fun if you're really, really good at it. Playing on the easier levels is just too easy and the difficult levels result in a not so good player hiding and ducking all the time while avoiding the computer's unlimited supply of grenades. There's a user on YouTube called "guv" who has posted videos of his playthrough of the game. The guy is insanely good at the game and he easily mops the floor with the computer on Crushing difficulty even with the HUD disabled. I wish I were as good as that guy but, as it is at the moment, I find it more fun to watch his game play than to play the game myself.

>You use cover (just like in real life!),
So now it's a simulator kek.

I had a blast on the hardest difficulty but it's a one time only thing

>did you just call this?
yes. he shows up in the majority of UC threads and even threads that aren't related. it's not to hard to notice when it's basically the same posts over and over.

I agree completely. Crushing is frustrating as hell for how hard it is but you just feel so good when you get to the level where you can pull it off perfectly. Then it's exhilarating.

I think normal difficulty can still be pretty fun though if you go full balls-to-the-wall aggression like this:

Attached: Uncharted 4_ A Thief’s End™_20161120044219.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

Of everything you can say about Uncharted 4. Repetitive and no replayability are the last things i would chose.
It does have MAJOR pacing issues and there were way too many climbing sections.
The gameplay is objectively the best in the entire series though.

It’s fine until they chain you to your wife for Henpeck Girrrlpower Adventure Time

You are either thinking of someone else, or living in the past. I used to do that shit in 2016 because there were just so many people to argue with and the arguments always went became so technical with talking about the game mechanics, but I havent argued like in this thread for at least a month, and then I maybe did it once in the month before that too.
Maybe this guy you mean this guy ? You should be able to recognize me by how I talk much more easily than by the webms I post, if you're not a brainlet. Maybe someone else is reposting my old webms, I haven't been watching really

I agree 100%
That Elena ex machina in the forest really pissed me off. I hate when any story has a character like Drake that just has Lady luck with them 24/7.

I have tried survival. Loved it, bought a lot of skins and played it for hours.
But it gets repetitive so I've gotten bored of that.

I just hope they don't ruin TLoU 2 with this "cinematic only" shit.

Of course. lol any game is better than this, as long as it tries to be an actual game.

>ugh, uncharted, a climbing simulator
>ugh, mario, a jumping simulator
>ugh, smash, a fighting simulator
>ugh, rdr2, a horse riding simulator
>ugh, bloodstained, a demon killing simulator
>ugh, botw, a climbing simulator

Attached: 7b38d3753bbaded68d06b5b74f21fcb3.jpg (290x299, 15K)

>enemies die when you shoot them
so now its a simulator huh lmao

Crushing difficulty in uncharted games are the definition of "artificial difficulty".

They aren't challenging or require any real strategizing.
It's just "shoot bullet sponge #3848", that's not to mention the impossible situations they put you in with no cover.

Calling Uncharted a climbing simulator is being generous since it's most braindead shit imaginable.

>But there is ragdoll, and what do you think is so wrong with the physics?
In fact they have the most advanced physics i have ever seen in a game because it completely merges with the animations.

Cause climbing is such an intellectually stimulating activity huh?

It can be, you could make it actually platforming like the Core Design Tomb Raider games or the 3D Prince of Persia titles.

I have mastered crushing and you have no clue what you are talking about. Everything you said is completely wrong. Especially artificial difficulty; Crushing even has unique enemies that are not present on any of the other difficulties in the game (the master-wrestler gas mask guys who rush you and grapple with you to hold you down while others shoot you).
All the encounters have different enemy spawns and armor levels for them for each level of difficulty; they don't just increase their HP and decrease yours. On one encounter I know that they spawn a pair of kevlar assault rifle enemies that work in tandem with eachother to sneak around the sides of the map and flank you simultaneously from two angles at once - but only on crushing difficulty. Also their vision cones and vision range in stealth mode and their immediate accuracy go up for each difficulty rank.
And enemies still die in one headshot on all difficulties

The game isn't like the other 3 or better, so I'm mad.

I wouldn't have a problem with it if it was advertised as a completely different experience.
Problem is that it removes everything that made the other 3 enjoyable, and doubles down on the boring shit. With no forewarning.

Or 3D platformers are generally just easy as fuck and you didn't notice because you were a literal child when you played them.

TLOU's pacing worked because the game is genuinely atmospheric and the characters are way more complex than Uncharted's, so it wasn't really a bother when there were half hour long stretches of just them talking
Trying to apply the same pacing (except maybe even a little slower) to a swashbuckling adventure game has to be one of the dumbest moves I've ever seen in game design. Uncharted's characters are fun but they're not really complex. Having well over half the game's runtime dedicated to quiet moments with those characters just makes it really tiring and uninteresting
The good bits of UC4 are still good at least but they're stretched far too thin

TR and PoP are Battletoads tier compared to Uncharted.

No, platforming in videogames is never really that fun. It never comes close to approaching how fun combat is in videogames. The platforming in this game is reliable and easy to make the movement for the combat more fluid and easy

They're not, grow up already.

>is reliable and easy to make
i.e. everything is plainly marked and you have to try to actually fail at making your jumps.

>3D platformers are generally just easy as fuck
The High Road
The Road to Nowhere
Jaws of Darkness
Piston It Away
And I mean the originals not the N.Sane versions so don't come at me with your pill box faggotry
You were saying?

why are there no fucking spoopy monsters in it like the rest of the series?
it's just not the same without it

Anything is more fun than Uncharted's automated bullshit, especially if it's in service of shitty cover shooting with hitscan enemies and HP regen.
Even if you somehow manage to die in Uncharted you get set back like five seconds before you miraculously failed, it's retarded.

I don't know what any of those games are.

>Even if you somehow manage to die in Uncharted you get set back like five seconds before you miraculously failed, it's retarded.
Well in PoP you are set back 3 seconds and you provided it as an example of a thinking man's platformer. I just don't think your arguments are very well thought out and you seem to simply react negatively towards uncharted for no real reason.

Well the problem was also that Uncharted 4 was in dev hell and they had a ton of climbing sections that had different mechanics designed around them. They talked about how they had more SOTC like climbing and stamina gauges and everything but they had to scrap everything because the moment to moment gunplay was terrible when you couldn't climb up and around the arena like in the other uncharted games.
The climbing was then designed to be in service of the gunplay (which was the right decision) but they couldn't just remove all of the climbing sections from the game because they simply didn't have the time to do it. Reminder that UC4 swapped leadership in spring 2014 and that resulted in development essentially getting restarted. The game was planned to be released in 2015 but it was hit with delays as well all know.
TL;DR they couldn't rely on the characters for slow moments to keep the pacing flowing as well as previous titles and the climbing sections weren't supposed to be as long and numerous as they were.

>Well in PoP you are set back 3 seconds and you provided it as an example of a thinking man's platformer.
The difference here is in PoP it's an ingame resource you expend, in Uncharted it's infinite.

Yes but how significant is this difference when in both games a couple tries is more than enough to get past whatever platforming section you're in?
I like both these games but please stop pretending that PoP is all that different from uncharted.

>I don't know what any of those games are
Ok user, now tell me you were pretending to be retarded. How could you not know what ND were originally famous for?

>How could you not know what ND were originally famous for?
I don't really play many 3d platformers, also weren't they famous for Jak?

It's actually possible to fail the platforming in Prince of Persia and you have a set amount of mistakes you can make. In Uncharted you'll never fail the non platforming and even if you somehow did it would just set you back in time a few seconds beforehand.

... user, seriously... Are you that clueless?
Learn your fucking history

Stop being a fucking retard user. PoP had some of the best 3D platforming ever. In Uncharted you hold the dpad up.

Attached: 54000249.jpg (600x375, 36K)

Uncharted's platforming is a bit braindead, but U4's is the least braindead of the series and it looks very pretty. Plus it's much more entertaining than riding your horse in RDR2 or rowing your boat in GOW, or just driving / running around on foot everywhere like in every other game. It takes longer to figure where to go than it does in those games too, despite the white chalk. It's just a means of traversal to break up the combat, which there is a lot of

Attached: cave.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

But you didn't mention crash bandicoot?

I'm not saying it didn't, I'm saying that in terms of difficulty they're not all that far apart.

Why would anyone want to repeat sections that they already did? You're not going to sell something fun with a dumb attitude like that.

They're names of highly challenging levels in the games ND themselves made. The point is ND COULD make highly challenging and fun platforming, but they aren't.

>You're not going to sell something fun with a dumb attitude like that.
user... Dark Souls exists

>Why would anyone want to repeat sections that they already did?
It's called not being a casual retard and understanding that real games have punishments for failure. Also if the game is fun it'll be fun to play it again.

You mean the game with checkpoints all over the place and monsters you can easily run past?

And what pray tell happens if you die?

Come up with an argument instead of a bunch of insults next time, someone might take you seriously.

Well that explains it. I have played crash before but who remembers what the levels were called?
Anyway the actually difficult crash games had 3d visuals but still played like 2d games.

I explained why someone would want to repeat a segment they "already did". It's because real games aren't just some one and done deal you casually stroll through without improving your skill.

You know that only one in that list is heavily side scrolling focused. The others are all normal 3d platforming and far more challenging than anything ND has thrown out recently.

>far more challenging than anything ND has thrown out recently.
That much is true, in terms of platforming anyway.
Uncharted is not even a platformer really, just a 3rd person shooter with quick platforming segments that serve only to break the pace.
I just don't think that these segments are even worth comparing to full fledged platformers.
PoP is also a lot more action focused like uncharted so I think that comparison is fair.

Platformers are dying out in general. ND wants to appeal to as many people as possible, and most people think falling to your death over and over is bullshit. Especially if there are not many checkpoints. Also there is no way to set a difficulty slider for the platforming, so in Uncharted they make it "accessible" for everyone.
They should have had less of it and had more combat, but then they wanted to appeal to all the fags who don't want the combat in the first place and just play on easy for the story.
But whatever I can just do encounter select on crushing and I'll have a good time replaying only the combat. I did the same thing with chapter select in the old games

Meanwhile Uncharted 2 is one of the greatest games of all time
4 would be great if the pacing wasn't fucked and there was more combat, The Lost Legacy fixed this to an extent

Attached: Uncharted 2 heli-fight.jpg (1920x1080, 446K)

>Platformers are dying out in general.
Is that why the remake of Crash sold over 10 million and that Nintendo's platformers continue to sell millions of copies?
Sounds a lot like the opposite is the case.

>one of the greatest games of all time
best game in the series maybe. no uncharted game is anywhere close to the greatest game of all time.

Source this shit nigger, because I've never heard of any of that.
The word was that (based)Amy Hennig wrote the game so Nate wouldn't use a gun until halfway through, and there was a very complex melee system they couldn't get to work. And basically her ideas were to complex for the time constraint.
I've never heard anything about what you're spewing about though.

Attached: Amy Hennig.jpg (1280x720, 226K)

That's subjective and opinion based

it is officially my objectively subjective opinion.

And you are indeed entitled to hold your own opinion, my good sir.

It is from the same source as what you just said. Neil Druckmann being interviewed for something I don't remember where.

Well that was probably just Cuckmann hamming it up because he was butthurt. I kinda wish we had got Hennig's version of 4.

It is very easy for you to say that Amy Hennig is just based and flawless and that Neil is a cuck etc. but you never know. Uncharted 3 had some serious problems and if it is true that the melee system was too complex and the thing about the climbing system is true, then I understand why there were so many climbing sections for no good reason.
The ambition of advancing all of the mechanics at the same time without being sure if the design of each of them would synergize/support the overall philosophy is commendable but, nevertheless, mindless and stupid. It reeks of not having a fleshed-out vision.

Maybe so, but we will never know. Still can't blame Amy for the shit pacing it ended up with.
I do enjoy the combat a shit ton, that's the main reason I love the series. 4 just had nowhere near enough of it

>Still can't blame Amy for the shit pacing it ended up with.
No. But you can't blame Neil either. He and Bruce had to pick up the pieces you know.

>cinematic only shit

Doesn't it feel like it was designed by 2 completely different teams of people? It's like one group wrote the story, the other group designed the levels and the gun play, and they just mashed them together with no regard for fluidity. When they go overboard with the PG romance and adventure story, it feels like whiplash when you're murdering 30 guys with machine guns and dynamite a minute later. This trend of making teen movies and sprinkling something resembling gameplay around it needs to stop. Give me back my fantasy world video games with cartoonish characters. Leave realism out of it.

Remember when Uncharted 4 got a bunch of 10/10's at launch and not only journalists but average players called it the best in the series?

Then everyone forgot about it in a month.

They picked them up and rearranged them in a shitty way. Cuckmann is a shit writer

low IQ response

low testosterone response

Nah. Id say your response was lowtest. You'd have to be a whiny little bitch to say dumb shit like that. I bet if we met you would be shaking in your fucking pants little wh*teboi.

Yeah well if we really did meet you wouldn't even have pants on, because I would have already discarded them without you even noticing.

What you said. I hate (((druckmann))) but UC4 was an undoubtedly great game. Solid third person shooter, unnecessarily slowed to a grinding hault during the flashback missions, otherwise great

>Dood... did you like totally call that? Wow who could've ever guessed someone would EVER post a webm. Totally called it bro haha UPVOTE

It ain't that bad. It's a 4/10 game. Uncharted games have never been more than 5/10 games so this is an average entry imo.

It was a fun, simple game. The contrarian niggers are the ones who gave it GOTY and praised it to high heavens. The game is a 4/10 objectively. Decent enough.

nah faggot is at least an 8

are those niggers? i love games set deep in tropical africa where you kill tribal niggers and militias in warzones

I never finished the story mode but the multiplayer was really fun.

They definitely added more cutscenes and less gunfights to this. Weakest uncharted when it comes to replayability.
Also, the crosshair is retarded, they made it impossible to get headshots now. At least the other 3 games are still games, rather than movies. This is more of a movie where they only made the gunfights just to sell it as a game. It sucks when you look at all the new details and animations.

If you for even a second believe that the 3 prior games play better in any way then you're legit deranged.
If you like 3 more than 4 then you're also clinically retarded.

Attached: 1319026957187.jpg (360x235, 21K)

The 3 other games don't drown you in cutscenes and long walking sections. For all the gameplay improvements, they're meaningless if 2/3 of the game is just exposition.
In terms of levels and combat, uncharted 2 easily tops this.

>The 3 other games don't drown you in cutscenes and long walking sections.
Memory of a goldfish, right there. Or just selective memory with nostalgia pumped up your ass.

>For all the gameplay improvements, they're meaningless if 2/3 of the game is just exposition
U4 is the least linear and most open game in the series. It even has huge areas in which you can play at your own pace.

>In terms of levels and combat, uncharted 2 easily tops this.
Never has someone been so more incorrect.

The level design, combat design, aiming, controls, encounter design, pacing, flow, organic guidance, puzzles, movement options are all lightyears better.
The only thing 2 has over 4 is the narrative being more interesting and the villain was slightly better, eeven though he was generic as hell.

>Memory of a goldfish, right there. Or just selective memory with nostalgia pumped up your ass.
Bought and replayed all 3 games with the Nathan Drake collection at the start of this year. Had more enjoyment in terms of combat and player control than 4.

>U4 is the least linear and most open game in the series. It even has huge areas in which you can play at your own pace.
Oh bravo, you got 2-3 open levels , the rest are walking sections that you can't skip. The prison escapes both from Drake and Sam's levels are heavily linear and scripted. Drake's especially, and that's the 2nd level.

>The level design, combat design, aiming, controls, encounter design, pacing, flow, organic guidance, puzzles, movement options are all lightyears better.
again, all worthless if all you have are 5 minutes of combat, before the 15 minute walking exposition takes place then the cutscene starts. 2 had the perfect mix of combat and puzzles, and the least walking sections, if barely. Nothing in 4 has come that close to the moving train section in 2, even the open levels. Also, the aiming was way better in 2. You could easily pull headshots and the crosshair wasn't autistic like in 4.
In general, 4 has the worst replayability, unless you select the combat levels in the menu. Aside from the first and 2nd level, 2 is enjoyable to replay all the way.
They definitely aimed for a more movie like experience than game, after Amy got kicked and the kike from Last of us got control of it. You can see the walking sections got pulled straight outta the Tlou. And for a combat fast paced series like uncharted, 4 suffered.
>The only thing 2 has over 4 is the narrative being more interesting and the villain was slightly better.
Aside from graphics, improved stealth and animations, 2 is above 4 and hasn't been topped since. You probably started gaming this or last gen near it's end. No one likes long cutscenes and long forced walking sections, aside from you cinematic zoomers.

>Bought and replayed all 3 games with the Nathan Drake collection at the start of this year. Had more enjoyment in terms of combat and player control than 4.

And you're probably not even aware of the alterations, despite this.

>Oh bravo, you got 2-3 open levels , the rest are walking sections that you can't skip. The prison escapes both from Drake and Sam's levels are heavily linear and scripted. Drake's especially, and that's the 2nd level.

I'm talking that the entire game is less linear and even combat encounter are way more open and allow for more player agency. But please pretend that the older games don't have any linearity or it's so incredibly infrequent. Be delusional.

>again, all worthless if all you have are 5 minutes of combat
At this point it's crystal clear you're delusional. That this isn't a conversation, only you wishing to scream that your ideas are correct. So there is no point at all in wasting even another second on someone as close-minded and delusional as you. Feel free to feed into your close-mindedness that you "won" the argument. The only one that suffers is you.
Enjoy your dead thread.

>unIronically the worst game I have ever played.

you haven't played mny games then


Based Retard

>And you're probably not even aware of the alterations, despite this
I played all 4 games, and you think i can't see the differences ? this is some zoomer tier argument
>I'm talking that the entire game is less linear and even combat encounter are way more open and allow for more player agency. But please pretend that the older games don't have any linearity or it's so incredibly infrequent. Be delusional.
There are only a few open areas where you get combat in 4. They are good, i never denied that, but the rest of the game is walking exposition. I'd rather take linear levels that have more and fun combat encounters, than 4's long and boring walking sections. How dare i want my video games to still feel like video games and not movies...
>At this point it's crystal clear you're delusional. That this isn't a conversation, only you wishing to scream that your ideas are correct
You haven't addressed any of my arguments , just simply shilled for Naught Dog's fuck up of 4 all this time. It is the weakest and shortest in terms of player control and combat. I already explained to you why. Because of faggots like you, we have games that have 2 hours of gameplay and 3 hours of cutscenes. Enjoy when Tlou2 will be an even bigger walking simulator.