Is there really a problem with "unrealistic" bodies in video games? Everyone agrees that it's fine in art and many would say video games are indeed an art form.
Is there really a problem with "unrealistic" bodies in video games...
>Is there really a problem with "unrealistic" bodies in video games?
There is no problem at all with unrealistic bodies in any media format.
Plenty of people do have problems with it, but absolutely none of them have arguments against it that are worth entertaining.
Art isn't real.
Videogames aren't real so why is the censoring and outrage over everything that avoids that fate so great?
Imagine Mario impregnates Rosalina and he is now the god of the new baby universe in her inside her.
It can look really bad if your game has absolutely no regard for anatomy
See battleborn for example
*jaw drops*
*eyes pop out of head*
*tongue rolls out*
*picks up jaw*
*fixes eyes*
*rolls up tongue*
*buries face in tits*
I see now.
Of course theres a problem
It's very desireable to have unrealistic attractive bodies
They entice and please the gaze of consumers and it can be easily abused.
The currently meta narrative agenda is to make enjoying such bodies less wanted so they can't quite be abused so much to the point every game is a fringe porn game
I mean, logically its just pixels and shapes but humans are REALLY fucking easy to abuse.
source please
We currently have a pedophile locked up with confirmed ties to several prominent politicians, former presidents and the current one. The last thing we should be worried about is anime milfs.
better drawn than trafficked
That's not the problem. The problem comes when the men that you don't like are attracted to the unrealistic bodies.
maguro-071 nina nishimura
I do too, but be real, we're all kind of sick of how easily japan is abused with moe/sex culture and while I want the world to appreciate sex appeal for what it is, more people get enticed by it than they really should be to the point its a goddamn drug that needs regulating or at least demonising to a point where it doesnt consume everyones minds.
Last thing we need is another Japan where everything is made to appeal the specific mundane brand of otaku.
god please you
When did the Amazon from Dragon's Crown enter our reality?
Mariotehplumber will seethe at that image
>Everyone agrees that it's fine in art
Not television, film, comics, or really any form of visual art anymore.
It's just women squawking is all. When a woman sees an image of a superior form to themselves it makes them feel less about themselves because they're incredibly competitive and petty. If someone more attractive than them exists, they immediately go to "That's fake that's not what real beauty is REAL women have [insert X trait that they possess here] that is damaging to body image attractive women are body shaming me by existing those bodies are realistic and so shouldnt be allowed to be presented beauty is a social construct but I also have the right to feel beautiful and if you assail me feeling beautiful I can act against you I could look like that too but [insert excuse here] and no one could possibly really look like that real woman who actually exists who looks like that how dare the heteropatriarchal male society find women who have visual indicators of fertility to be biologically attractive that's oppressive men should be forced to find me attractive instead and all representations of women that would appeal to a male should be banned and boycotted the human form needs to be concealed because it is sinful these representations of women should be put in burqas to conceal them because I'm a feminist and women shouldn't be shown to be sexual beings however if a woman is sexually promiscuous that's empowering but only if she's unattractive to men otherwise it's only patriarchal service and..."
tldr - women are psychotic and feel threatened by other women they'll never even meet or don't even exist
No. Also, "unrealistic" is a pretty meaningless term. I mean, habmve you seen some real bodies? If a character in a game looked like that people would also call it unrealistic.
>posts a fake body
At least post proper natural beauties to btfo the roastie legbeards
Doesn't he just seethe at rosalina in general?
Imagine if we could harness the that autism.
Non-cumbrain people think it looks retarded.
To use it for good instead of evil?
The problem with video games is that the vast majority of people, including the people that create them, still subconciously think video games are for children.
To generate energy and for space travel.
people with his autism most likely have skeletons in the closet
Imagine building a Comet Observatory IRL powered by Mariotehplumber's autism at the core instead of the Power Stars. The sheer rage of just being in the home of the girl he hates so much would power it for centuries, maybe even millenia.
this is satire, not autism
>not inverted nipples
Not really. There hasn't been a "THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" argument made about game content since like Jack Thompson in the 00's.
What's really happened is that censorship of videogames has shifted from Conservatives, mothers, and Christian groups in the 90's and 00's complaining about GTA, shooters, and other troublesome game content, and instead moved to leftist intersectional feminism vocal minority instead. And the funny thing is that they're FAR more effective than the religious Conservatives ever were fifteen years ago because they're actually integrating themselves into the game creation instead of only complaining and nothing more.
The right leaning censorship and moms of the 00's were pretty much just scoffed at and ignored because all they had was some loud voices. However nowadays, game developer studios have been incrementally taken over by left-sympathizing or leftist creators in general because game development has become more accessible than ever. The kids go through their art design degree and apply around game studios and things progress from there. So when feminists piss and moan about something, they have a sympathetic ear in the gaming studios that agrees with them to make changes, and they have sympathizers in all the left leaning media.
No one gives much of a rat's shit about 'muh children" anymore. Instead it's "muh womyn" and "muhnorities". People realized you get what you want far easier if you play the racist/sexist card than you children card.
Is it really satire if you're spending hundreds of dollars on merchandise just to spite the people who like her?
I love character! Let me prove it by posting horribly off model art while acting that they looked like this all along!
>muh unrealistic bodies
>meanwhile, in reality...
I still got a couple minutes left on the video, but it really feels like he's having a laugh because he keeps turning innocuous actions into highly charged sex scenarios
I've got a problem with unrealistic expectations in videogames, starting with OP (faggot).
If you think that looks similar to OP's pic or even most anime or game girls you are retarded.
reality isn't real