Are they coming out soon


Attached: DEEB1DF4-551B-48B5-AEA7-4E58C68E1516.jpg (1600x1600, 255K)

Other urls found in this thread:[CODENAME]_[SPIRIT

le september xd

leakfag here video is coming tomorrow at 9 P.M.

Double nigger

I'm playing with them already. What're you waiting for?

end of the summer probably
meaning next month

Nintendo forgot

Probably after Evo, while the in-depth trailer is premiered during it.
I doubt Nintendo would announce a new character at Evo anyways.

Attached: pepeplushsit.jpg (4032x3024, 1.92M)

Some DQ spirits leaked via Nintendo's CDN servers (supposedly)

Pic related is a flier from a Japan 7/11. The date in the upper right is the day the flier is to be taken down (August 4, 2019). The going theory is that Hero will release by then.

Evo 2019 (Aug 2 - 4) is next weekend, falling in line with the 7/11 date. Nintendo announced a Smash Bros. Direct during last year's Top 8 and had Smash Ultimate playable at the venue, so it's not impossible that they'd drop an announcement this year too.

Some """leakers""" (VR Plant, who had insider info on some Mario Tennis shit I guess) say "soon," and supposedly when VR Plant says "soon" he usually means "within the next couple days"

Attached: 1564149694748.jpg (2142x1436, 514K)

With the release of the Spirits on Nintendo's servers. It's probably sometime next week, though there is a possibility of it being tommorow, at least up to 10am est time. If it's not out by then, expect it by the 30th/31st

dount click any of these links
it creates mustard

Why say this? They always release the images to there and is where we got the clean renders for Joker. You can even get all of Hero's renders as well.

It's actually really strange, since the Joker render was put up only a few hours before his trailer dropped and then the patch came out about 24 hours later. So everyone was kind of expecting a repeat, but we got nothing. Maybe this time there won't be a video. Maybe we will simply get the patch dropping.

>Why say this?
Idk, I didn't know where they came from or whether they were real. I just copied the links from a previous thread. I didn't know about the Joker or Hero renders either. I don't know how any of the CDN server shit works lol.

Here's hoping for tomorrow, I guess.

Attached: 1563928643977.jpg (3547x2012, 239K)

Yup, more spirits were found in the list.
This one actually evolves to the fully grown version.

It really is coming soon and Hero seems to have gotten a comparable amount of spirits to Joker. Though not as many as I would have hoped.

Good stuff, user. Thanks! Oh, there was some other shit about "DQ games only release on Saturdays so that kids don't skip school to play them" soooo maybe tomorrow? With all the spirits popping up, I can't imagine it's too much longer.

Well, there really is no telling how long the renders have been sitting on the site, but I know for a fact at least that they weren't there last month. I even remember back when the Joker render was first shown and I tried to alter it to brave_slime.png and nothing came up. So certainly as far back as April they weren't there. So they could have been sitting there all of July and no one just noticed until now.

But if they were adding them in July, I don't doubt that July was the target month and Saturday is a possible release, all the way up until about 10am EST, as by then it will be midnight Japan and I don't think DQ have released on a sunday. Nintendo also have never done sunday stuff either, so I doubt anything will go on by then. The best bet at this point is 30th/31st and if we want to get extreme, then they are holding off till the end of EVO, after the 4th. Plant came out early on Jan 29th, a tuesday, while it's official release was Feb 1st, a friday. So they don't seem to care much for what weekday they release on.

Also, in case anyone was curious about Persona spirits. They use the jack code name. I've tried banjo and nothing comes up.

Now I'm curious as to what codename they could have given Banjo. I'd think something along the lines of "rare" or even "dream" as a reference to the Banjo-Kazooie prototype.

Attached: springhmm.png (584x348, 442K)

“”Leaker”” says on the 31st but I doubt it

Attached: 44DDAC31-25C4-4EBB-A704-F5687239B9A6.jpg (640x717, 223K)

Most of the time code names are chosen to save space. Like sometimes the names are still the japanese, just in romanji. Others it's translated. Most of the spirits in the code are translated for their file names, some with exceptions. I would expect banjo to simply be banjo in the code, though maybe they would go with Rare, as it would be easy to make sure that other spirits would remain grouped with him. I'm sure all the spirits like Blast Corps that were somehow in the base game are coming with Banjo, so it might be easy to check that. Got to use some of the Japanese names too. Blast Dozer

I don't. Releasing at the last possible moment seems to be Nintendo's prerogative when they can help it. A release at this point and the ad for the 7/11 doesn't make sense. A warning to remove before the 4th? Why have the release be a week before that? 31st to 4th makes more sense, just enough time that people might have missed the news and need a reminder, but not enough time passed that point that the ad would need to remain.

I'm tired of smash updates breaking my custom firmware

Does anyone have the URL's for the Persona spirits here? If nothing else, mass guess-and-checking might be able to render some results should the logic ([CODENAME]_[SPIRIT NAME].png) be the same.

SeeIt works with all of the spirits. But you have to put in their full name _ is used as a spacer.

Tried looking for a grunty.png with the following codenames to no result so far:

Like I said, all until last month, Hero didn't have any spirits up for viewing. So I expect to give these all another go every month at the least. Next time, we need to catch this as early as possible. They might upload them the month that they are going to put out the update, or they might do it the week of. Who knows.

I hope they put release dates on when the DLC characters so I wont have to see these fucking threads

then you'd just get countless countdown threads

>Are they coming out soon

Yes. Whenever that VR Plant fucker says anything it usually happens like 1-2 days later.

They never will. Nintendo likes the surprise and speculation, as it means people continue to talk about and keep Smash fresh in peoples minds. It's a perfect marketing strategy. If they knew, they would just simply put it away until then.

I would say that things just got a little too out of hand because of their own screw up of the ad for their july releases and people assuming it would be RIGHT NOW. With a better understanding of their hints, less speculative threads will get made expecting the release every week. So you shouldn't have to worry about this kind of stuff for Banjo.