So when did you realize that Three Houses was shit and Conquest is still the best game in the series?

So when did you realize that Three Houses was shit and Conquest is still the best game in the series?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Conquest is the best game in the series.
Is this nigger serious?

Conquest was the best at being complete irredeemable shit, get fucked.

There's no way 3 houses has a worse story than Conquest. In fact there's no way any video game can have a worse story than Conquest.

I never really undrestood the hate for Fates (outside of the obviously terrible writing)

That said, Three Houses does exactly what Fates did and does it better in every single way.
Even the petting.

Conquest is a better tactical game but Three Houses definitely isn't shit.

Play new mystery of the emblem and stop being a casual pleb.

conquest was only good cause it had best fe girl

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Because 99% of players play on easy/casual and are only interested in the story and characters while ignoring the gameplay.

When I saw Camilla wasn't in 3H

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If you dont play Classic, you are not playing FE, you are playing a visual novel.

but what about casual lunatic?

>he likes mashing START and wasting 10 hours on the same game using the same units and strategy

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I'm not that far into 3 houses but I'm enjoying it a lot more than conquest so far

Conquest has good maps but the shitty writing in supports fucks it over hard. It also has a nonsense overarching story.
Three Houses does well by keeping a modest balance of all things instead of over-focusing in one are
Birthright and Revelations, even on harder difficulty, are braindead.
The lack of weapon durability and the over-emphasis on a half-assed hub world mean that there's never such a thing as resource scarcity.
And the characters were generally not nearly as engaging

Why would you do that when the rewind mechanic exists

good taste my dude

>muh writing
No Fire Emblem game has ever had good writing, why do autists get so hung up on this? It's never been the point of the series, ever. You never see the Japanese fanbase getting worked up over it the way you see Westerners sperging out about it.

>My favourite waifushit emblem is better than the new waifushit emblem

For me it's Sacred Stones

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If you think only gameplay matters, then you're playing the wrong franchise. Stop wasting your time in these threads and go make a Darkest Dungeon thread or something

Fire Emblem has been a waifushit series since 4 at the absolute latest

>If you think only gameplay matters, then you're playing the wrong franchise.
The gameplay has been the only worthwhile thing about this franchise ever, maybe fappable character designs if you're into that kind of thing. The writing has always been shit. You're a special kind of retard if you actually think your favourite FE has good writing.

>No Fire Emblem game has ever had good writing
Well, not that story in games is important yet certainly is expected in genres like FE games. FE7 and RD were pretty good here, Genealogy is the best here either way.

Everything from Japan has been waifushit since the 90s, zoomer

>gameplay shouldn't matter in a videoGAME

Kill yourself.

Sure, poorfag, keep telling yourself that

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Just play the fucking games already.

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This, imagine actually giving the best game in the series shit because the writing didn't suit your autistic tastes, as if they ever mattered at all.

>best game in the series
How many F.E have you played? have you played new mystery of the emblem at all?

Too easy, even on lunatic classic, casualized mechanics, waifubait, bad story, the actual complete version of the game cost $90


>Fates/Conquest is the best entry of the series

Or Genealogy? Best game not just in the series, but in the genre

>muh "waifubait" is bad! sexy women gross!
Fuck off snoynigger, and don't come back.

True, that's how you spot plebs when it comes to TPP. The story isn't relevant and it was a great game yet with flaws because unfinished.

Conquest is ass, though. Some chapters are challenging and well-designed, but everything else about it is shit. I can barely express in words how happy I am to finally be able to move on from the shitshow that was Fates.

>waifubait as a negative

What was preventing you from moving on from it until now? Because it was the latest mainline game and you couldn't just stop playing it despite not enjoying it until the next mainline entry was released? You have got to actually be autistic.

Geneagoly is great but its easy.
New Mystery has great difficulty and maps (chapter 3 map sucks though)

>Conquest is still the best game
It wasn't nearly as good as the older games in the series it aimed to emulate

>make a new friend
>friend happens to like fire emblem
>feel the unwanted need to play cards extremely close to the chest and to downplay all of my positive opinions about the games and make a disparaging comment about it before I give it praise.
>Example: I know the story isn't the greatest, but I like this one a lot.
I hate this fandom and this place.

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Take a break from this shithole, it's only going to ruin whatever social life you have.

It's the most recent one, so it's all most fans want to talk about. That's what I was sick of.

And, no, for the record, I did not enjoy it.

Waifubait is bad because it leads to monotone women who pander to one specific kind of audience and monotone makes who sit there and comment about how well they pander to those audiences

>Conquest is still the best game in the series?
>implying it ever was

I liked playing the campaign maps and the music was really good, but I felt no desire to play any of the extra maps or replay the game. It was fairly challenging on Lunatic and pretty fun, but imo not really that much fun afterwards.
Not him, but fire emblem has had love interests since the beginning, but the whole trashy dating sim style dialogue and characters with their "squee the protag look in my direction" is the worst of writing from the late 2000s and 2010s harem anime. It's fine to have romance or even make it a big part, but this lowest common denominator "dae but this character design is HOT" is lazy if the women themselves are annoying to talk to in game.

You're full of shit, people haven't discussed Fates in years, it's been all about Heroes, Echoes and waiting for Three Houses. You just have an autistic burning hatred for all things Fates. Simply not enjoying the game and occupying your time with other things is not enough for you.

>No Fire Emblem game has ever had good writing

There's a difference between "bland", "shit" and "quasi-coherent nonsense where every other scene pulls something ridiculous out of its ass only to never be mentioned again".

>It's never been the point of the series, ever.

>So you go to an American football game. I dunno why. All kinds of weird stuff happens in hypothetical situations. Just go with it.
>The NFL has decided they want to give the sport a bit of highbrow class, so they’re having players come out to enact random scenes from Shakespeare’s plays. It’s terrible. Everyone is wearing mouth guards, so you can barely understand what anyone is saying. Since it’s just a bunch of random scenes there’s no sense of investment or drama. And since the actors are football players, the acting is pretty much intolerable. Half the guys are punch drunk and can’t even remember their lines.
>The crowd either boos or sits in stony silence during these scenes, but the coaches don’t give up. Every 15 minutes the game stops and you have to endure more mangled Shakespeare.
>At half time you’re talking about this with a friend, shaking your heads and wondering why the NFL went to all the trouble. Then a guy a few seats back starts yelling at you. He’s a burly guy in facepaint and a team jersey. He’s gesturing at you with his ten dollar beer and shouting, “Dude! Who cares if it’s good? Football has never been about the story! Just shut up and watch the game!”

Conquest's terrible story doesn't keep me from liking it, btw. I'm not even a storyfag. I would honestly prefer them to just have a barebones excuse plot to barely contextualize maps rather than waste resources on dialogue and cutscenes. Until then I'll criticize them wasting my time and their money on slop.

For getting some extra challenge out of genealogy, I reccomend a no holy blood run

Whatever user


>nooooo women being sexy with one-note personalities like they have in real life isn't enough, it's extremely problematic and you have to write women as though they are men with tits instead!

Gameplay isn't the only thing that matters. Obviously in a game like street fighter, I'm not gonna care too much about the story, more about the characters, and prioritize almost entirely on the mechanics.
Why the fuck can't this stupid damned board realize that different games are good for different reasons. There are a ton of games that are focused on core mechanics, there are a ton that are focused on relaxing and music (like katamari damacy), there are those focused on story with some interactivity, and then there are games (usually most fall into this category) that focus on 2 of these. It should say something when Conquest had some pretty good gameplay but it wasn't fun enough for me to come back and play the game. Why would I consider it the best when sacred stones and path of radiance also had really good gameplay and a good story?

Yesterday after playing 3H. That shit's Birthright tier.

t. has never actually spoken to a woman in their life besides their mum
They are not deep. Not personality-wise.

Where is the connection?

>Nooo muh womens cannot have a personality then I have to acknowledge that they're human
Yeah go cry in your basement while your mom feeds her special little man some tendies

>it's extremely problematic
No it's boring, lazy, and trashy.
>with one-note personalities like they have in real life isn't enough
hurr I'm on Yea Forums and women suck, accept me guys please? I'm not talking about real women, Bad characters are bad characters. I didn't like the male cast of conquest either
>you have to write women as though they are men with tits instead!
What are women written as though they're women? What part of ditzy harem writing strikes you as "writing women?" nobody said you should write a man and then make them a women lol. Women in japan literally laugh at otaku who think that harem women are how they are or "should" be

Guys I'm playing classic hard and just did the auxillary practice battle. Felix died but I still have him. Does the practice battle not actually kill my guys off if they fall? Thank fuck if so

>anyone who doesn't like this game is a homo!

>Does the practice battle not actually kill my guys off if they fall?

>t. has never actually spoken to a woman in their life besides their mum
haha guise women are dumb haha
the majority of people in the world aren't smart. There exist interesting men and women out there, and games and media are about interesting stuff. the women in conquest are neither "realistic cuz all women are dumb" nor are they interesting characters
I'm not asking for realism, I'm asking for interesting characters. Conquest had no interesting ones, male or not, but japanese writers are now being extra lazy with women because they slap some tits on, draw a smile, and make them super ditzy and weebs eat it up

Playing Three Houses right now and I agree.

For some reason Conquest was the "Hey, what if we made actually interesting maps?" game. Like IS specifically designed Birthrights to have boring easy maps and designed Conquest to have interesting challenging maps. Then Birthright sold way more than Conquest and IS obviously decided to stick with the boring easy maps because Three Houses is Birthright mirrored in map design.

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Now THIS is edgy

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Yeah and that's a bad thing. I don't want realism in my fantasy games


It really isn't. There are two people in this world that will actually try and argue that women are deep: women and incels who will do anything that might earn them favour with the women they want to have sex with

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Yeah but that's boring gameplay stuff, the important question is how is the writing?

Three Houses has petting?

Okay, but what about the other 7 billion in the world?

My sisterwife Elise front and center on the boxart!

>trailers show timeskip where everything goes to shit presumably because byleth isn't there
>wonder where he goes that's more important than stopping the continental war
>pirate game and get to timeskip
>he literally falls off a cliff and gets knocked unconscious for 5 years before some random farmer wakes him up
>this happens in every route

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What route?

Now here's a post worthy of Reddit gold. You earned it you glourious bastard.

It has tea parties where you can move the camera around. It's weirdly Senran for a Nintendo game.

You have not had sex

They really need to sell this series to Sony, now there's a company that understands that writing is important in a video game.

Have you ever played a single FE game? The maps in TH arent too far off than maps from PoR or Genealogy. Conquest is literally the only game in the series where they just went GIMMICK GIMMICKS GIMMICKS.

Spoken like a true shallow bitter virgin lol. Maybe you should stop hanging out here and go outside more, you'd realize there's more to people than just your shitty anecdotal evidence based off your autistic approaches to women. But here's the best piece of advice I can give since you apparently keep running into lame bitches; Get better taste.

No. If you pull off a really good tea time you can zoom into their face and have a conversation made of quicktime events to boost support

Nah bro, you're over thinking it.

Women are human, and the number of "deep" women is about the same as the number of "deep" men.
You talk like you've never met a "deep" woman, but how many men that you've met can you honestly say were legitimately "deep"?

Assholes transcend gender.

Women aren't deep, or romantic, or funny, and so on because they simply have no need to be. There's no societal pressure for them to be. That's not what the vast majority of men look for in a mate. It is, however, what a majority of women look for in their mate, which is why the role of comedian, poet, songwriter etc usually falls to the man, while the women spends her efforts making herself look as breedable as possible. It's just the way our species evolved.

See There's really not anything more to say on the matter. Acknowledging this truth does not equate to hating women, or anything silly like that.

sony doesnt develop anything, they pay people to put games on their console

>falls off a cliff and gets knocked unconscious for 5 years before some random farmer wakes him up
That's our IS...

>All women behave EXACTLY the same and every society values women EXACTLY the same so my sweeping generalization of over two hundred billion people that have lived throughout history is totally accurate and not up for debate

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I’m with you on this. The actual reason people get butthurt over Fates is because there’s a western culture thing where the protagonist must be super strong and admirable and Corrin is naive and sheltered. The most popular lords in the west are one note one man army types

Your emotional outbursts over this really aren't needed. Again, this does not make women "lesser", or men superiour, or anything of the sort. Men and women are simply different; complimentary. Our brains are literally wired different due to millennia of evolution and sexual selection. We are wired by nature to play different roles not unlike countless other species on this planet. There's no need whatsoever to get upset and start hurling insults in a tantrum.

You're spot-on, but most here will never admit to this being the root cause. Different cultures, different tastes.

>Again, this does not make women "lesser"
>Even though I literally just got through talking about how women ARE "lesser" because they have no need to invent or create or improve themselves

>Despite the thousands of years of evidence showing women doing exactly that

But the art is shit.

probably a bad thread to ask in, but how is the localization of three houses? Better than IF, or is it pants on head retarded?

It's WAY THE FUCK better than IF, in that there's a lot less lolrandumb bullshit. The dialogue did come off to me as a lot more naturalistic.

That said, I'm sure someone who's autistic enough could find something to complain about.
I didn't wince at any specific lines.

I found Fates to be horrific.

I haven't found any Three Houses scene awkward sounding and I'm like 5 hours in.

There's nothing really as obnoxious as Pickles, but on the other hand dialogue feels uninspired and samey. It's readable but bland.

>shit localization
>shit story
>shit characters
>b-b-but mu gamep-

FUCK OFF, it means jackshit when the whole game is fucking horrible lmao.

Conquestfags were always going to say Conquest is the best, because it's their first (sometimes only) game except perhaps Awakening, and Three Houses doesn't have their waifu or a clone of their waifu.
That said, Three Houses does look eh.

>because they have no need to invent or create or improve themselves
does this make someone lesser in your view

That's a horrible analogy. A real football game doesn't allow you to press a button to skip literally everything in an instant.

Doesn't matter. It's provably incorrect.

Not really, any more than "black people tend to be dumber" is disproven by Malcolm X.
Not the same person by the way. I don't quite subscribe to the theory that women are inert and men are active, but that you'd call the former "lesser" speaks to some kind of unconscious bias on your part.

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Im like 6 hours into TH and the maps are already better than anything Birthright lmao

Well when the game puts so much emphasis on the supports, I start to weigh them more heavily
Awakening had the generally best written supports and Fates had some of the most dogshit ones
Three Houses has been better in that regard. It doesn’t make the mistake of mistaking hobbies for personalities like Fates did

You don't play FE for the story, they're always full of asspulls.

It’s not that writing matters that much but when I have it sit through so much of it, I start to think about it more
Past games had very boring plots but that’s a different level of shit from nonsense plots
I’d almost say Fates’ stories were entertaining in how absolutely d-movie tier they were.
You can’t say not to judge the story when they put so much emphasis on it as if they want he audience to focus on it too

the story of fire emblem fates is incredible

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>You're going to go out of your way to have an off-topic discussion to correct people about the "proper" place of men and women in society, and how much more effort men put in than women
>Somehow, this means I'M the asshole

Okay buddy

>Even though I literally just got through talking about how women ARE "lesser" because they have no need to invent or create or improve themselves
I didn't even hint toward this idea.
Allow me one last attempt to get you to see reason by asking you a few questions.

Regarding the ones you are aware of, how many relationships have started as the result of the male, to some extent, actively taking the charismatic role to win over a female who he is attempting to court? Approaching her with wit, romanticisms, myriad displays of social prowess, and so forth, as she idly takes it all in and uses these things to help decide whether or not he is worthy of her time?

Conversely, how many relationships that you are aware of have started as the result of the female, to some extent, actively taking the charismatic role to win over a male who she is attempting to court? Approaching him with with, romanticisms, myriad displays of social prowess, and so forth, as he idly takes it all in and uses these things to help decided whether or not she is worthy of his time?

If you answer honestly, and understand the relevance of these questions to the discussion at hand, you will understand why women have significantly less developed personalities than men do. Again, this does not mean women are "lesser" than men, or vice versa, just wired for a different purpose, and ultimately complimentary to one another as the result of our evolution as a species.

then what's the sauna for?

>The sole purpose of a personality is to get relationships

And I thought *I* was autistic

How unintelligent do you actually have to be to arrive at this conclusion?

Bitch, you're literally using "How to get relationships" as a metric for a "deep" personality. It's right fucking there.

*ahem* I uh couldn’t help but notice the lack of mention of awakening in this “best fire emblem” thread, welllllll according to metacritic and it’s scores of every fire emblem game, awakening is the HIGHEST rated fire emblem game in the do what you want with that information I suppose

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You actually read that post and this was what you took away from it? You have got to be american or something. Anyway, this whole conversation reminds me of this Christopher Hitchens piece. It begins as an explanation as to why there are no good female comedians but touches upon this general subject later on (and ties into the previous premise):

>Have you ever played a single FE game?
Yeah and that's why I can safely say that Conquest is one of the best ones. The series has the potential but IS just wants every game to be UNGA BUNGA with one super poweful unit killing everything during EP.

Unfortunately, no, that was not the purpose of that post in the slightest. It was demonstrating the male-female sexual dynamic in regards to the courtship process and the ensuing imprint this has made during the development of human cognitive functions via sexual selection.

Shut the fuck up. Do you know how much of a fag you sound like? It's like a woman asking for there to be no husbandos in her video games. Turbo dyke.

I honestly think it's in the top three. It's pretty great. It gets a bad rap because it's the first game to deviate from the "Pure" Fire Emblem formula, but I liked it a lot.

>It's not about sex at all! It's actually all about sex

I'd say Conquest (on Lunatic) is the second best after Awakening on Lunatic+, OP. Nowi and Elise are also best wife material in any FE game to date.

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Liking Awakening is one thing but liking Lunatic+ is something that I can't even understand.

Didn't they hire a mangaka to write the story or some shit? I thought it was hyped up which is why it being so shit stands out.

You're all over the place with your argumentation. First you claim that I claimed, quote "The sole purpose of a personality is to get relationships", which is simply not true. Then you claimed that I was "literally using "How to get relationships" as a metric for a "deep" personality." Now you're saying that I'm saying "it's all about sex". You're not actually doing anything to disprove the primary point which was made or even making a point to understand it; instead you are throwing out as many diversions from that point as possible and demanding that I explain myself for attempting to make arguments that I never actually made in the first place. If you want to debate somebody, you need to do so with a clear mind, not with emotional outbursts.

I want to agree but then I remember shit like the Kitsune map and my blood pressure gets dangerously high.

They hired a mangaka who writes fairly generic shonen to write the story and... he wrote a fairly generic shonen story. Fates is far from deep, but so is the guy's usual fare. Japanese audiences knew what to expect and were largely okay with the end result, for some reason Westerners had much higher expectations, not sure why.


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>Women don't have personalities because they don't need personalities to get sex. This applies to literally every woman unilaterally

>That's demonstrably untrue, my dude

>Whoa whoa whoa if you want to be taken seriously, you need to cut it out with the emotional outbursts

Honestly only reason i didn't pick up the game As shitty as the story is the characters and gameplay well make up for it

Whoops fucked up

>Three Houses is Birthright mirrored in map design

It's regrettable because it really does seem like you want to have a discussion about this, and you have made a lot of attempts to do so, but you are struggling to fully grasp the central point in the first place. You are coming at it from several different angles and then find yourself ricocheting off in the wrong direction. For what it's worth, the post where you implied that "It's actually all about sex" was the closest, relatively speaking, of your attempts to understand the point, but only in a very broad sense in that the only discernible purpose of the human race in general and the single-largest underlying force propelling our species is to propagate. Even still, that doesn't fully encompass what was being said.

>trying this hard

I recommend you stop replying to my posts at this point.


I didn't even call you an asshole, I just said you might subconsciously value action and vigor higher than passivity and domesticity. You're making lots of assumptions. You're starting to seem like an asshole because of that.