Why do so many people consider games like Raidou, Digital Devil Saga...

Why do so many people consider games like Raidou, Digital Devil Saga, and Devil Survivor to be Shin Megami Tensei games while at the same time denying that Persona is one too?

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the title shin megami tensei is literally in the title, i don't think anyone denies this

>the title shin megami tensei is literally in the title
Thats localization bullshit

Persona went on to become the mainline and didn't need the suffix to be carried in the west anymore, Moreover SMT fans are eternally salty over it and Persona fans just don't care but both know its lineage so it doesn't even really matter.

Raidou doesn’t have all the gay dating sim shit persona fans suck dick for.

The umbrella term for all of these is Megami Tensei, get it right.
Only SMT I-IV see mainline SMT
Other SMT is SMT If... SMT Imagine, SMT NINE, and SMT Strange Journey
Devil Survivor is it’s own series
Devil Summoner is it’s own series
Megami Ibunroku Persona is it’s own series
DDS is it’s own series
All of these fall under Megami Tensei.

I know this. My question is why people will make SMT threads and talk about things like Raidou and Devil Survivor, but deny Persona from this.

Because they’re SMTbabby retards who don’t know shit about the series, and because Persona makes them seethe.

Because persona's big enough to warrant its own threads and people make SMT threads to specifically talk about games in the Megaten franchise other than Persona, ya dip

I've been playing Innocent Sin and it feels more like an SMT game than it does Persona. Really puts how Persona 3 changed the series into context.

Attached: Persona5.png (1813x1035, 1.26M)

Then they should say Megami Tensei thread minus Persona or something ya dip.

No they shouldn't, you should just stop being retarded

SMT fans not wanting to talk about Persona (post 2) or vice versa, and both sides not liking the style/themes of the other. Not counting the outliers who just like the games of course, those guys don't participate in what you're asking about though.

Though I'd say it's mostly justified in this case given the amount of Persona threads they have access, that does not mean that they have to be such elitist pricks about it.

They’re still labeling it wrong, retard.

The way they are doing it is like making a Final Fantasy thread but getting pissy when someone starts talking about Final Fantasy Tactics. Sounds like you're the only retarded one if you think this is an intuitive way of doing things.

Yet I and countless others figured it out just fine, you're the only one with a problem
Sorry, I'm gonna hold on to my previous hypothesis of your being retarded

you're saying that there isn't already enough persona discussion?

Just because other people are wrong about something doesn't mean they are right, it just means they are all wrong and making themselves look bad for not knowing the difference. Imagine being elitist about a series when you don't even know what games are and aren't a part of the series.
I'm saying they need to start learning the difference and specify they don't want Persona if they are going to say SMT and include games that aren't SMT.


But they don't, you should just stop being autistic
Seriously man, this is one incredibly autistic issue you've chosen to crusade for
Everybody knows the difference, nobody cares though aside from you

Cause prrdonsnis for people who need to have sex, except 5 5 isnfor people who like stylish menus

Here's the thing:
Megami tensei is the name of the francise.
The old testament of digital devil saga on NES & kyuuyaku remake is the first games on the francise & also its a game adaptation of the books expect the sequel.
Shin megami tensei is the new testament of the series that isnt based on the books & the first series that released on SNES
Persona is indeed a megami tensei game but different from the rest because of its settlings
The others are spinoffs.
While SMT has a dark atmostfere of apocalypse sometimes
Persona has a light atmostfere of high school anime sometimes
Here's a bonus for you:
Devil survivor has a serious dark atmostfere for survival
Strange journey has a atmostfere of that almost you were in hell, a combination of comfy & uncomfy.