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That Japanese plagiarist undoubtedly had a great taste in music
lol i didnt know about this until i looked up the song now.
>cut the soundtrack for the HD collection even though 99% of tracks were completely original
>include one of the truly obviously ripped off tracks a the main lobby song in DBFZ
what did nips mean by this
>include one of the truly obviously ripped off tracks a the main lobby song in DBFZ
which song?
I like Stratovarius, black diamond is my fav tune from them.
Saturday Night's Alright by Elton John
Holy shit the memories from that game. Coming to literal blows with my friend because I paused it right before he beat me and almost hit the return to menu button.
i meant which db song?
Budokai story mode actually had the best shortened version of DBZ saga's story ever created.
The way they condensed the story got all the perfect moments without missing too much, the voice acting was the best performances the Funimation crew ever did, the music was perfect, and the animation was cool though obviously aged now. For most DBZ moments when I think about them, it's often the renditions from this game, ESPEcIALLY the Cell saga moments.
i love this instrumental of cha la head cha la
one of my favorite lines
This is what plagiarism proves. Every. Single. Time.
This one was my favorite budokai 3 track
The animation is pretty great in my opinion, since it is quite faithful at recreating scenes from the manga without the fluff the anime adds.
>Classic Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Recut: 23 hours, 1 minute and 15 seconds worth of actual show footage cut, all of which was filler in one way or another in order to follow the original Dragon Ball manga as closely as possible.!wixRFaYD!cMFTr3WJYFiL-jnscuw7Lw
iKaos is working on a “perfect” version of DBZ by combining the best quality video with the most American English and Japanese dub options available, for both nostalgic and completion purposes.
Dragon Ball Kai (改; Kai meaning “renewed” or “revised”). Nearly all tracks from the Japanese broadcast are here, including the unreleased tracks that never made it onto a CD.
>If anybody wants Dragon Ball GT: Grand Tour (Dragon Box) synced with English audio along Dubbed Next Episode Previews here you go
Thanks for all that, but isn't the GT Dragon Box video quality nearly identical to Funimation had?
Budokai 1 was so great
>"beat" the main story
>click on the icon for it after finishing
>there's new missions
>beat all of them
>get What-If missions for each arc
>fucking Cellin
>do the world tournament stuff
>main Teen Gohan (as you do)
>beat all 3 modes
>get fucking Great Saiyachad
>unlock a Mr Satan Bonus game as well
Just talking about all this makes me want to replay it.
Post em
Fav what if
It was great, but going back to the Budokai combat system feels very stiff and basic after Budokai 3. Makes it a bit hard to go back and replay when your options are pretty liited. Back then it was still like a worse Tekken before they added a bunch more DBZ mechanics to the system.
Will DBZ:K dethrone B1 in the cutscene department or will it fail like all the other games? Budokai 1 still has the best fucking cutscenes and that's really embarrassing, the newer games should have beaten it already.
Yes, going back to play Budokai 1 isn't the same when you're not stopping the combat every few seconds to play paper-rock-scissors and watch an unskippable 15 cut scene
Based links user
>Budokai 1
>cutscenes are fully animated with camera dynamic camera angles and proper lipsyncing to words
>all subsequent DBZ game cutscenes
>flat back and forth camera angles with barely any animation and generic mouth opening and closing movement instead of lipsyncing
If you're getting put into Dragon Rush it just means you're shitty at the game. Enjoy your punishment for not gitting gud retard.
At least it's not FighterZ where you get hit once and have to put down your controller for thirty seconds through blockstrings, combos, and 17 minutes of Bardock lvl3's eh lmao
Not being able to do beams without hitting punch four times first was awful. By Budokai 2 things were fine.
Sad, isn't it?
The PS3 HD collection is solid right, theirs no reason to go hunt down a greatest hits Budokai 3 or anything?
Was Budokai 2 worth playing? I missed that one entirely.
>What was with the cel shaded gamecube Budokai 1 release
They cared more with Budokai 1, it was the first stateside Dragonball since Final Bout wasn't it?
Speaking what's Yea Forums's opinion on final bout? I loved it as a kid but it's not like there were many options
>Hyper Dimension will never be topped
budokai 2 had some exclusive fusions
i think it is for at least the what if fusions
Final Bout starts and ends with Biggest Fight. We played it because it was fucking Dragon Ball, but I always liked Ultimate Battle 22 better at that time.
Honestly when there's a new shovelware DBZ game out basically every year, it's just not viable to properly animate the same scenes and voice act them over and over and over again with care every year.
I mean think about how many different times across all dubs of the anime and games that cover the anime storylines the voice actors have had to stand in the booth and scream slightly different versions of the same lines. They've been doing that shit for more than twenty years. I'd go nuts having to voice Vegeta blowing the fuck out of Dodoria again and saying a very slightly different variation of the line and "HHHHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"
Even at 12 years old I just never really enjoyed 22
Legends was the shit, I thought that was the greatest Dragonball game out there. I even put effort into flowing to story to unlock SSJ Goku early and everything
I love this fucking song so much. I've heard a lot of power metal since I first heard it and it's still one of the very best. Pretty much only Blind Guardian at their best and a couple other tracks like Nothing to Repent by Noble Beast come close to it.
Was there anything besides Tiencha and the alternate Satan/Goku fusion?
Super Buu absorbed Cell and Frieza
Failed fusion dances
Still remember how some moments were changed, like Vegeta losing to the reflected Spirit Bomb or Super Perfect Cell blasting Trunks after fighting SS2 Gohan instead of on revival. Still great overall.
Also Tiencha and vegeta.
>Buu stealing Frieza's ojou-sama laugh
>Cell giving zero shits
>Yamcha and Tien
Fuck, I love this game
Block your path Unless you used heart virus capsule
Thank you budokai 2.
which version?
i need more power metal in vidya
shit is great
Thank god for the mexican One piece AMVs for showing me these
Is there a DBZ game in existence where the Kid Buu story fight isn't fucking stupidly difficult?
>implying the final boss of the final arc shouldn't be hard
i never got blisters from playing the ps2 version. you're a palmlet.
I wish more games had power metal osts
>Blocks your path
Hyper Dimension if you're not bad
I wouldn't say the voice acting was the best. There were a ton of stiff lines but it delivered the key moments well. Now Cell, that may have been his best delivery.
Buu absorbing Vegeta was the best. The Brian Drummond impression was a nice touch.
I like how Funi has respected Drummond's performance, down to getting him to play Copy Vegeta in that Super filler.
Makes me wonder what their issue with Peter Kelamis is.
i still listen power metal from time to time, for me it's sonata arctica
>friend uses to tell me gokule and tiencha were real
>Thought he was just being "that kid" and was bullshitting me
>Find out years later he was fucking right
I felt like such an idiot
No clue. First instinct is that Sean doesn't accept any Goku voice other than Nozawa and himself. There was that We Are Goku panel with just the two of them, but a panel for Vegeta had Drummond, granted that was more recent and after Copy Vegeta.
Imagine if Kelamis voiced Black.
>imagine if Kelamis voiced Black
Loved it for what it was. I spent a lot of time trying to "unlock" ss4 gogeta and ss3 gotenks(one of those bullshit rumors).
I liked 18's 3rd costume in Budokai 2.
forgot pic
cute feet
hell yeah dude. is that what op is referencing, was it in budoikai 1?
Eagleheart for me.
Sean schmel
The funny part is that dragon ball games also ripped off black diamond. They ripped off a few stratovarious songs
It's too bad I don't trust anyone on this site or I'd use those links.
imagine the schemmel
Challengers aka Budokai 1 Namek theme was clearly ripped off from that song. The song is a banger though so the ripoff is fantastic. Here's a mashup of the two:
If the way they did the story for Budokai was beat for beat given the HD treatment and expanded upon it would legitimately be the best DBZ game to ever exist. There would be zero contest regardless of gameplay.
Ultimates really should have been given the capability to be directly challenged. Beam Struggling this Ultimate would have been the shit.
Chadly won.
why don't they just reuse lines for those scenes. They've recited Raditz to Buu so many times that the files have to be there.
>everyone insults and spams teach for being late
>it results that he was just sleeping
Kek. Poor guy
Chris Sabat admitted that he rewrites some lines to write his own jokes in the Super dub and video game dubs.
What do ya'll think?