Yea Forums in 2017/18

>Yea Forums in 2017/18
KEK Shitch is gonna flop hard! WHIIIIIRRRRRR!

>Yea Forums in 2019
pic related

I called this back in 2017 and yet you called me an autistic retard.

Attached: 6e8.png (3070x3850, 3.63M)

I'm getting weird mixed signals here

will s0nycucks ever learn?

what the fuck are you on about

Best game library of all time.

Attached: PS4-Games.jpg (1304x2468, 3.1M)

Get a load of this autistic retard!

You are an autistic retard for remember a reply to a post you made in 2017

Based Nintendobro

I was predicting the Switch's success as well as the shift in attitude on Yea Forums.

a few good games
>no mans buy

come on man

>being so poor he can’t have a ps4 and a switch

Attached: 2B4A15E0-11A7-4361-A1A4-FA4B763C93C3.jpg (313x313, 19K)

Not based

Fucking god you fucking faggots are so god damn annoying with your faggot console war bullshit, how the fuck is this not a bannable offense but me posting the N word is now?

>the switch's success
Are you still predicting it? Cause it hasn't happened yet


Everyone knew switch would do fine and that the board is full of nincels

>I called this back in 2017 and yet you called me an autistic retard.
You're an autistic retard for getting invested in console wars AND a wojak poster

Attached: 1563753996028.gif (300x300, 2.88M)

>no Bloodborne
what a shit advertisement
>inb4 Bloodborne wasn't out yet
Yeah, still a shit advertisement

Attached: Bloodborne.jpg (1920x1080, 172K)

It's pretty likely to outsell the XBone by Dec 31, this holiday season is gonna be it's best yet thanks to the lite.

>listing multiplats

Attached: 213.jpg (512x512, 30K)

Hey sonycels do it too