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Other urls found in this thread:



Byleth's too much of a dom to sub to dogs.

any game for this feel?

Attached: 12321.jpg (1055x724, 141K)

what ps1 game is this?

Blunder of the year.


its funny because your barely exaggerating
im p sure i seen better looking ps2 games

>no shadows at all

FF2 XII looks better.

>dogs and cats have 0 collision
>you can literally walk into dogs

Attached: 1543459600298.jpg (175x188, 42K)

Show me a ps1 game that looks like that

Why does Nintendo always fail at this one simple thing

Attached: judgment_of_the_furbag.jpg (542x535, 41K)

other games dogs are pettable, just not FE

This made me angrier than I wanted it to.

Taking lessons from Game of Thrones, I see.

Attached: 1505787982311.png (788x890, 631K)

Why do wh*toids love kissing dogs?

Attached: thot.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

>Mario Odyssey
>Breath of the Wild
>Mario Maker 2
>Luigi's Mansion 3
It's like Nintendogs stole all of the dog interaction.

Attached: detective_pikachu.jpg (880x480, 69K)

>nintendo making games for ps2

That's standard wolf behavior. They greet you by licking your teeth and mouth, similar to how you would hug someone.

post the rest

i could watch that all day, probably

he's literally raping her

>49 seconds
Oh, there it is.

user that's a wolf

Attached: THERES_A_THIRD_FLOOR_BASEMENT_TOO.jpg (100x174, 4K)

I have a dog

Attached: whaaaat.jpg (1302x977, 306K)

People aren't wolves, user. No matter how many fictive headmates you have you're still human and nothing can ever change that.

>Chocolate lab
Do you play main Ryu and enjoy water without any ice?


t. pitbull owner

Fucking kek

I'm a dog person, but come the fuck on.

Attached: tenor.gif (220x258, 195K)

all doms are weak to anal so all the dog has to do is miss to turn her into a slobbering submissive

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That's a cute dog, user

Attached: FF Doggo.gif (300x200, 368K)

It's not surprising that a megumeme poster is retarded.

No way fag.

Attached: chibi.gif (191x184, 262K)

Crash bandicoot

I thought you could do a lot of shit with BotW tho

Why are the graphics so fucking bad?

Fun fact, the dog in the gif is actually dying.

Nothing is more basic, default, and unmemorable than wanting to subjugate a dominant woman. Literally eat white bread and drink room temperature water you xeroxed, shallow, simpleton.

Attached: __hikari_and_team_galactic_grunt_pokemon_pokemon_game_and_pokemon_dppt_drawn_by_li_sakura__655d1ad29 (784x630, 221K)

>Fun fact, the dog in the gif is actually dying.
na he just has a bad case of arthritis.

We're all dying

No it’s a dog, kys Huey.

she looks like she fucks ____

I don't usually bitch about graphics, but this game looks like shit. Type-0 on the PSP unironically looked better than this.

the dragon loli in her mind



Now I want to see that being drawn, drawfags better get to it

You can play with the dogs in BotW and feed them.

And yet.

>true dom
>weak to (x)
No, you don't understand!

You can feed them and make them feel loved with your presence but YOU CAN'T PET THEM

Attached: 1447099674227.jpg (439x550, 165K)

this honestly ticks me off.
why would you add domestic animals in any game and not add the ability to pet them?

>The art style clash

What the hell...

This happens when the background item designers aren't in the same room as the character designers.

Is this dark chronicle?


Sure, it's nice when a game is packed with small details to fiddle with every now and then but why would not including this single feature that in no way affects the gameplay or actually does anything at all, ruin the entirety of the game?
Whenever I've played a game that has simple things like petting dogs or playing instruments or some small interactions with the world, I only ever do them once or twice in the entire playthrough and then never again.

Why have these details when they don't matter at all? At this point it feels like they're just trying to fish points with it from brainlets who think "OHHH YOU CAN PET THE DOG, SO MUCH CARE WENT INTO THIS GAME", and then the rest of the game is a dumpsterfire. I'd rather have a game with satisfying, good, polished gameplay throughout the entire playthrough, than a half-assed attempt at a game and then jam-pack it with minute details like ability to pick your nose, fart, kick cans on the street or playing some ball throwing minigame at an abandoned basketball court.

I just want a button prompt for an animal NPC. It can be as simple as a text box saying I pet the animal. It's not that complicated.

You just KNOW

but why do that in games when you can do that in real life?

But you CAN pet the dog in Astral Chain

>make a post like this about the cats
>no likes
>this dude posts about the dogs
>20k likes and 3k retweets
Catfags blown he fuck out, I guess?

imagine giving a fuck about likes and retweets
I'm gonna sleep good tonight

jesus christ, and poeple made a big fuzz about sword and shield graphics, this shit literally looks like a low effort ps2 game

You just know

I have a baby dog. Dogs are cool.

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>throw a stick in front of doggo
>it doesn't fetch
shit game

if you refuse that greeting from a wolf it will likely get mad and bite your face and forcibly pull you into it shes being smart by not resisting

Does this shit at least run well if it looks this bad?

Hmmmm, very nice, very educational.

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xD HECKIN' DOGGO xD floofer woofer pupper xD

Attached: 蝉時雨.png (1280x620, 154K)

Lmao you just hate that no woman could ever really be dominant over anything but her children before they become 13. Literally everything is more dominant than a woman.

White girls fuck dogs

I want to kill it slowly and throw it into a grinder that I mix other meat in and make sausages that I'll cook up for my elderly neighbors

what kind of dog is this?

this but ironically

Virtual dogs deserve to be pet too


Darkest Dungeon.

Attached: Sabrewulf_CharBio.png (782x1216, 205K)

The only thing I know about this series is that it has waifus and shit. Apparently it used to be like advanced wars.

you're one step away from being a cuck, brother

is this game devoid of lighting? why does it look so ugly and flat

Attached: big dog.webm (1280x720, 1.3M)

>Not even a jpeg dog

my dog died two months ago, she was only nine

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__ ___ ___

Attached: cute wolf.webm (720x404, 1.99M)

And your parents want you to get a job.

Why need niggers when dogs and horses exist

Damn you just know....

I am in every way but physical, a wolf

>dog is like 18 years old
>gonna be gone for a year and she'll probably pass during that time
feels bad man

Or wh*te "people" for that matter?

Don't cry because it's over, user.
Smile because it happened.


>The only thing I know about this series is that it has waifus and shit. Apparently it used to be like advanced wars.
fire emblem was never as good as advance wars desu


Was it autism? She just howls at nothing with them for several minutes.


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>she'd rather do that instead of me
I don't get it bros... I'm just as hairy and savage as that wolf so why no me?

How can humans even compete?

Isn't one of the dogs in Mario Odyssey literally a Nintendogs model?

why the fuck can I not internalize that the game series literally called Nintendogs is a Nintendo product. You could probably put me in a room in a few months once I forget posting this, ask me what dog related franchises Nintendo has been involved in, and there's a 50/50 shot I won't remember.

Is this the designated petposting thread?

Attached: dog.jpg (1320x2560, 327K)

Wolves era autistic, they howl at nothing every day. She's just trying to fit in.


Why do those models looks so shit? What the hell Nintendo?

>scratches self
>eye pops out
Good fucking lord.

Fucking based breed user

>Being so shit at the game you didnt even unlock the petting feature yet, so you have to storm Twitter and spread lies

I had_ a dog.

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I haven’t seen any footage of the game but the screenshots look hideous. I know “looks like a ps2 game” is a meme but I mean

I think the problem isn't so much "you can't pet the dog" as the devs just throwing in background animals as an attempt at detailing but not even giving them collision, let alone interaction. It'd actually be better if they just left the dog out of the game and not called attention to a detailing aspect being poorly done.

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My dog died today :(

Once you realise how fucked up the anatomy of a pug is, it's hard to see the "cute" sounds they make as anything but just really, really sad.

Well if she doesnt do it the Wolf wont trust her

Holy shit those graphics are bad.

Poor pugs got the short end of the stick evolution-wise. This guy snores like a motorcycle and would probably have sleep apnea if he didn't sleep on his side all the time.

My condolences, user. It's been almost ninte months at this point but it still sometimes hurts to come home and she isn't there to greet me.



Attached: the best dog.jpg (1074x1094, 75K)

I apologize for exposing myself.

Your dog looks like an old man its fucking creepy

KoTOR and Stalker SoC

What SNES game is this? Please OP you can't just post this and not answer, these graphics are pretty impressive for the console they're on

I hate FE so much
Tokyo Jungle

I feel you man. My dog was 18 years old and she just disappeared one day in the middle of the winter. She went missing and there was a huge blizzard that day, and we never saw her again. No body, no paw prints in the snow, no indication of what may have happened to her. I know she's long dead by now, but just not knowing what happened made it far worse. I spent 3 hours walking around in driving snow looking for her and came up empty. She was such a great companion through university... would sleep right beside me in my bed at nights and just chill out and keep me company while I studied.



>licks his asshole, licks his dick, eats shit it found on the ground
>this video
Give me one good reason not to hate women anons


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Forgot pick... I loved this old girl.

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Still more palatable than your nasty mouth

Speaking of petting, when I Praised Edelgard she said "It tickles" in japanese but text just said she doesn't deserve praise. Give me back my petting!

Did any family member leave around that time as well?
user.. Usually, dogs don't disappear on their own, especially not dogs that are nearly 20 years old

But can I kill the dog in Fire Emblem: Three Houses?


Likely not, you can't do that in Echoes.

Sort of. She was inside before my dad left in the morning, but disappeared within roughly 30 minutes of him leaving, so she must have somehow slipped out the door behind him when he left. Where she went after that, though, we have no idea, because we never found a body, even after the snow melted. My worst fear is that she got snatched up by an eagle, as we live in a rural area with woods all around and eagles are quite common.

What do you guys think of my dog and cats?

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me on the right

looks like he's another part of the carpet

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very cute but your cats probably need to have their food time monitored i'd rate them 7.0/10

Charismatic cats
Soulless dog

Only the black one is a chonk. But I struggle to control their food, because the black one always eats far more than the lil one.

Maybe I should get one of those automatic food dispensers that opens to their microchips.

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What an awful way to cope with a dogs death


Attached: 31223.jpg (189x267, 21K)

Loving dogs is a primal instinct as humans evolved alongside dogs. It's literally the most chad thing one can do

triggered dogcuck

>virgin carpet vs chad copter

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>projecting this much

These are hilarious and depressing at the same time
Mostly hilarious

Obviously, its free exp
>running from random encounters

i wish pugs weren't so fucked up anatomically. they are nice dogs, i never met a pug with a bad disposition

Bloody Roar

imagine being this platinum mad

Haven’t seen someone this assblasted in a while

do you guys think a toadline pitbull would make a good companion?

Attached: toadagi4months[1].jpg (1088x869, 341K)

>automatic food dispensers
Going to heavily recommend not doing that, user. It will fuck up their appetite for life. Our cat, as a kitten before we got him, ate from an automatic food dispenser and he has always been incredibly anxious about food ever since. He's the only cat we have in the house, he's fed at regular times every day, but he still wolfs his food down, and if for whatever reason the food is later than his regular times he inhales it and then pukes it up afterward. He's a nice cat overall, very affectionate, but he just has major food problems and I blame the automatic dispenser.
For all I know it might be okay for you because your cats are older and there are only two of them instead of a whole litter, but I'm just giving my anecdotal experience.

cute dog
i had a dog that looked just like her pass away a few months ago. he lived to be 16.

Attached: 1564011337856.jpg (231x250, 9K)

I can see them get troubles with that when they are kittens. The grey one was very fast and greedy about food for the first year of his life here, after I got him as a kitten. I think the owners didn't feed them enough and he was used to fighting over food with his siblings.

But he's since grown out of that behavior. Idk what else to do to get chonkers weight down, because I work rotating shifts so my own hours are not regular at all.

I hope you figure something out, user. You seem to have nice pets.


No one gives a fuck wojackposter. Go cry to fucking reddit with you faggot sobstory about your dead fucking dog.

I will always remember my first and only dog, he was a golden lab and I'll never forget the day he chose me.
I was taken to a farm by my mother when I was 5, and I was brought to a room with a litter of labs, and the couple who owned the farm said "take your pick:.

But I couldn't, I thought it would be unfair to all the other puppies, but I couldn't take them all with me. So I sat quite a bit away from them and waited for the one that would choose me, and he did.
As I waited only one puppy came to me, and when he did I picked him up and I knew right away what to name him.

I named him Buddy, because I knew he would be everyone's buddy, and I was right. He loved everyone and everyone loved him.

It's been 20 years now and I still remember him like it was yesterday, I had to let go of him 4 years later as my parents divorced.

He was left alone in our yard for quite a few days (although my dad did visit him during the day), and the last memory I have of him was of me leaving with my dad after saying goodbye and looking back to see and hear him howl.

It's been 20 years now, and I can still hear him howling.

Attached: 1548495800188.png (215x434, 91K)

>Bullying someone over their dead dog

you are truly the worst poster

like a fighter jet

Yes and when it wants to hump her leg it would be a bad idea to resist. She's really better off letting every wolf in the pack knot her, just to keep them happy you know.


>Can't pet the dog
I bet Reeeddit is furious.

I, too, have a dog

Attached: 20180421_093842.jpg (1572x2609, 2.43M)

Perhaps she doesn't wish to offend the dangerous wolf.

That's a good dog user

Attached: 20190627_104802.jpg (1769x1908, 547K)

>short end of the stick Evolution wise

We literally designed them to be like this. It was pure artificial selection. Which, is a mechanism through which evolution occurs, yes. But, "short end of the stick" implies that they were unlucky due to random chance.

Is he overheating?

Are big boys good boys?
Does being big make you more good?

What are those marks on his tongue?

Birthmarks. Both of the dogs I've had, had them. One's tongue was almost halfway black.

My dog seems to be feeling funny.

Attached: bad-dogs.jpg (352x431, 62K)

Because he has a pack of Chad friends.

>The way her cheeks bulge out from how deep the wolf is going
Oh Lord.

>tfw not big pupper to breed your sissy ass

God i hate being a gay zoophile

Aight senpai lemme spell it out for you
How many rabbits / birds / cats / boar have you hunted in the last week?
Yeah, you're a huntlet. Gtfo

are those actual graphics?
wtf nintendo?? look at the ground oh nonoonononononon HAHAHAHHAH
look at the top of his head OH NOONONONON

Quick gimme a good dog name. I really like Major for a small breeds.

pugs make me sad and should they should be illegal to breed.

Pepper, if its Brown and black and small

im the idiot that gives my dogs actual human names cause it amuses me





hey calm down lady maybe go get your butt stuffed and you'll feel better

Jackie chan

I want its name to be Spaghetti.

Shin megami Tensei 1

Golden’s are truly man’s best friend. No other dog breed even comes close.

It is possible to become the leader of the wolf pack, but it is necessary to adopt their customs.

I had a chocolate lab when I was very little. Ran away and never came back.
Now I have this little runt and she’s the best.

Attached: 96010BBF-2071-4449-9230-C0554FC6122C.jpg (4032x3024, 3.88M)

Should be illegal to breed pugs the way weve been breeding them, but I love them. I just want them to be healthy

Dogs are the most narcissistic things a human could create.

Very cute dog, good post user

Left 4 Dead 2

Attached: l4d2charge.png (377x606, 321K)

Imagine being so misanthropic that you hate dogs. You hate life and joy so much that you can't even appreciate a beautiful symbiotic relationship and pure companionship. Im sorry user

I don't understand why people feel the need to touch animals.
Does this mean I have no soul?

>could create

Attached: EBD475C6-EAB1-4D05-A9A7-1A33561A9E92.jpg (4032x3024, 3.13M)

IS, not Nintendo. Why does everyone think graphically shit games like Pokémon, Xenoblade Chronicles and FE are first party developers?

Wario Land.

Attached: Ashley.jpg (1024x752, 134K)

>tfw mine died 17 days ago

You can do so much with them. Yet, you cannot pet them.

Damn... to bad the average western Nintendo fan doesn't give a crap about Fire Emblem.

>Love dogs
>love all the different types of breeds.
>Slowly starting to get fucking tired of corgis and shiba inu.
>my dogs of choice are probably going to be rare and expensive when i finally have the ability to get one.
>Im plannig on adopting from shelter too so its only going to be the same boxers/bulldogs and the like.

Being a terrier fan is suffering(fox terrier being the best)

No joke I literally saw a girl kiss her dog in front of her boyfriend. Imagine getting cucked by Poochie.

St Bernards are pretty big and they're like the gooddiest dogs in existence, so yes.


Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.07.23 - (3840x2160, 1.89M)

Love the dog, not the breed.

>”user-kun, lets play Mario Deluxe on your switch”

Attached: CCA56105-B18D-48F0-8FC1-11F48B23D91E.jpg (600x800, 85K)

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

Our dog got her summer haircut

Attached: dog.jpg (466x960, 168K)

i get you, i really get you, all dogs are wonderful. I just think its a shame that some dogs overshadow overs, all dog breeds deserve attention and love.

You're close, but you're wrong. Goldens are tied if not 2nd place to (healthy) GSDs. I may be biased though

Attached: Best Breed Best Boy.jpg (573x1169, 698K)

It gets better with time, trust me.

Monster Hunter World
Odogaron tail whip

who photoshopped that anime character and nintendog onto a w95 game screenshot

Beautiful looking dog, hope she went peacefully.


my golden retriever was the goodest girl I named her sandy because of the hurricane that happend a week prior and the color of her coat. almost named her crinkles because of the adorable way the fur around her ears naturally grew like a crinkle style and she ran excitedly towards any crinkle sounds like plastic water bottles. died at age 12 with me holding her. in my grief I got a new dog a south african ridgeback and this guy doesnt listen to anybody and he kinda pisses me off but I dont really want to give him up because I would feel bad.


>My worst fear is that she got snatched up by an eagle
What kind of shit dog would get snatched by an eagle.

That can't be sanitary.

I have a dog as well.

Attached: dog.jpg (720x960, 128K)

RIP user's doggo. I hope it was painless for her.

Attached: HOAHH, THERE'S A HOLE INSIDE MY BOAT.gif (350x200, 941K)

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Agreed. It should be illegal to breed dogs for traits that are harmful to them for the sake of aesthetics.

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haha it has the proportions of the new pokemon starters

Fucking reddit seriously.

They look comfy.

Do they get on well? Dogs and cats being friendly is the most fucking wholesome thing.

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Pepper is a good name for a small brindle dog.

>Dogs are reddit

Attached: 1560552856281.jpg (705x684, 65K)

Far more than you think
In Alaska Eagles are fucking terrorists out there
Anything under 30 lbs is liable to become eagle food

Hello fellow dog owner

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Attached: cat.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>game has dubstep
>but no sick Yoshito Sekigawa guitar riffs
There's still plenty of good shit here but what'll you do.

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>You can pet the dogs!

Why are Nintendos so childish?

Attached: finalsoy.gif (480x418, 118K)


Jesus kek


I swear so many wolf biologists are female

You know why.

Thanks, gonna post this in beastars thread to shitpost about the mangaka's fantasy

My dog died three weeks ago.

Now I have no one in my life other than browsing Yea Forums all day

Monster Hunter Iceborne soon.

What games do I play based on my shitty spaghetti and great dog

Attached: IMG4995260210392581618.jpg (1512x2016, 554K)

Nice Joke Braindead Troll, Try Harder...

Some 1st party nintendo games here and there, always playing some kind of first or third person shooter, and 4x games.

Nice, Brainwash... might as well show your vagina or ass anthey lick it and say thats how they greet,or you licking an animal vagina... not that i would care though...

welcome back common filth

Not Sure if serious or not...

mother of god that thing is huge

I'm fairly certain that one of those cats is trying to kill either your dog or you.

What n64 game is this lmao

Implaying Human Brainwashing exist in Nature, when stuff is just NATURAL in Nature... Typical modern Brainwashing...

Hopefully added in the upcoming patch... and they didnt add sit on bench on Pokemon until X & Y though...

Days gone

this but unironically

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I've been there, at the start of this year. My good boy was only eight. Have a pup in the house again though, it felt too empty without one. He's young but he's learning.

they still make 3ds games?

Stop thinking about sex.

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>What games do I play based on my shitty spaghetti and great dog

Attached: file.png (644x800, 26K)

Can I recover from Cumbrainism?

>physical version sold out on Amazon


Attached: holyshit.png (1481x692, 1.92M)

There's only one way to find out.

I'm petting him right now, if you know what I mean.

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Wario Land 2

What does prolactin have to do with motivation?

where the fuck are the shadows?

bloody casuals

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Mr. Big Stuff

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please have sex

Why do all switch games look like blurry garbage? wii u didn't have this problem and that's weaker hardware (even if by not much)

You want me to stop being human?

the texture work in this game is just lazy

>You want me to start being human?

ok, incel!

>ok, incel!

Attached: 1563661275934.jpg (900x900, 106K)

stay seething, incel!

>stay seething, incel!

Attached: download (9).jpg (601x508, 56K)

Something is wrong with my dog, help

Attached: 001.jpg (4000x2248, 1.73M)

stop repeating after me, incel!

What's really fun is when the tourist shitposters just reply to each other in a frenzied circlejerk, because everybody in the thread they're trying to colonize is just ignoring them.

Nintenfags btfo
I'm sure I've seen better graphics on a ps1 game

Attached: images-12.jpg (434x706, 76K)

>feels good man

you don't know what literally means...

fuck off chink chong

Oh no no no no no!

What if the dog doesn't want to be petted?
What about consent?
Fucking disgusting.

Why are millennials so obsessed with dogital dogs? My faggot friend was trying to sell me on not advanced war grooves because it has a unit of good bois. I can pet my actual dog

The sad part is we made them like that for our amusement. It's not like some horrible evolutionary accident happened, we created this absolute meme of a creature.

I think they're cute, but I would never buy one from a breeder.

>People aren't wolves, user.
and how is the wolf supposed to know that, retard?

What's with Nintendo not letting us pet dogs? you couldn't in BotW either. WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING

Why is it so hard to find good bestiality vids?

This looks like a literal PS2 game
Why are people okay with this?

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good strategy games don't need good graphics, just good interface

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These stupid animals were specifically created that way.
There is nothing beautiful and magical in breeding what are basically deformed and mentally retarded wolves who never outgrew their pup stage (the fucking barking gives that away).
There is not enough cool aid to make me forget this crime against nature.

still no actual dog petting

can i run this on my psp?

>Species lives with another, develops traits that better support their mutually beneficial relationship
>'I can't believe what we did to these wolves'
Don't confuse more recent selective breeding for how dogs got started as dogs.

maybe they just don't want to teach young kids you can go up to any dog you see and pet it and not risk having it maul you

>MUTUALLY beneficial
Like I said, the most narcissistic thing a human could create.

>tfw want dog
>can't justify it because 3 room apartment on the 6th floor and don't want it barking constantly
It sucks. A dog is like the sole reason I'm tempted to buy a house, but the tradeoff of having to actually mow the lawn and deal with housecare and shit is too high for someone living alone.

>dogs got started as dogs
Yeah let's not start talking about how humans started to turn dogs into rats so they can put them in the handbags.
Those inbred fuckers don't even manage to get double digits before they die from some sort of cancer.

have you considered maybe taking a day out of your week to volunteer at a dog shelter? Hell, maybe even once every two weeks if you can't commit to something every week.

Where are the fucking shadows? Also what's with their autistic cutscene fps? I thought cinematic 5fps was a dead meme

>Dog gets safe home, exercise, secure food supply and satisfied emotional needs
>Person gets companion, protection, potentially useful skillset (hunting dogs, sniffer dogs, etc)
Even in the modern day it's still a two-way trade in a healthy situation.
Yeah, I'm not going to defend some of the stuff people are doing with designer dogs. Or the fetishization of breed purity over the actual health of the dogs that's been promoted by some kennel clubs over the years.

I did for awhile actually, but the only shelter is like 40 minutes away.
plus 90% of the dogs are half dead pits

underrated post

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Don't know man, maybe not everybody is a seething autist like you, user.

>safe home
they don't even look for shelter when the weather is bad, so they never asked for this

every time they hunt

>secure food supply
until humans started to monopolise everything this was no problem at all. Deers and Boars were fucking everywhere

>satisfied emotional need
You seriously think wolves are a bunch of hipster emo dogs?
Man, you just keep proving me right.

>tfw family always had a dog or two
>first was a doberman that died when I was just a child so I wasn't too attached to it
>we took in a collie baby
>cared for him 12 long years
>was spry as ever even when so old, as if he was still a puppy, not even his fur discolored
>had to go serve my time in army
>come back and he's not there
>mom says his heart had burnt out
I would add a sad facial expression but faggotchan decided to block uploads from my "IP range", fuck you gookmoot

Reminder that if you get the wolf puppy to pee on the box by booping his snoot, then the dogs ignore you when you use the cardboard box in Metal Gear Solid 1.

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Here's the thing you don't seem to understand: dogs came to people. Dogs started as canines that would eat scraps from human settlements. The ones that were better suited to proximity with people reaped more rewards from the safe food supply, continue this for thousands upon thousands of years and then you have more or less the modern dog. Dogs didn't come about because people went into the whiled, captured noble wolves and beat them into moe or some shit. For someone so sure of their opinions you've clearly never picked up a fucking textbook on the topic in your life.

Some dogs are doggos, some are puppers, and others may even be pupperinos. There are corgos and clouds, fluffers and floofs, woofers and boofers. The chunky ones are thicc, and the thin ones are long bois. When they stick out their tongues, they're doing a mlem, a blep, a blop. They bork. They boof. Once in a while they do each other a frighten. And whether they're 10/10 or 12/10, they're all h*ckin' good boys and girls.

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My dad had one of those
died at the age of 7, like 3 months ago

Please tranny suicide hotline! I got a Taiwanese doctor to turn my dick into an axe wound and nobody wants to fuck me now and I want to an hero wat do?

*autistic barking*


(My great great grandogmother ate a frozen Russian corpse during World War 2!)

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Why do some posters on Yea Forums get so irrationally upset by dogs existing?

I too, am a dog owner.

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There's a lot of posters these days that don't give a fuck about the topic, they just want to shitpost about it because 'muh culture'.

Just dropping in to say you're a colossal faggot

>this is what dog lovers believe
It's more likely that they were hunted for pelts. And humans trying to ease work, because back then there was a lot to keep track to if you wanted to get older than 35, kept some in their kennels and let only those breed who wouldn't jump them at the first chance they got.

Why do all dog lovers have these superiority complexes?

>yeah but if I rewrite the widely accepted origin of something then people are the bad guys
Impressive, but not at all relevant.


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>widely accepted origin
Only among your circle jerk.
I basically retold you something I read in a scientific magazine while waiting for my doctor's appointment.
Also I am sure the human back then were glad for these fuckers to tear their livestock a new one.
Foxes still do it, Australian former dogs who got wild again do it, but wolves magically got along with humans? Don't fucking kid yourself.

Who should I recruit into Blue Lions?
Leaning toward Leone and Lindhart

Absolutely nothing. This is what you get when uneducated chanlet virgins pretend to be STEMlords

Is soo cute that Nintento is still making games for the gamecube


How is it cute?


Me dog
She's getting old, but she's hanging in there.

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