Cleopatra nipples
Cleopatra nipples
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Best thread all day.
If it isn't a prolapsed, leaking anus I don't even get hard anymore.
It's 2019, grandpa. Get with the times.
>still no SFM porn of cleopatra
Useless fucking fag. If only I had the Pc and knowledge.
>If it isn't a prolapsed, leaking anus I don't even get hard anymore.
This is why some serious fucking changes need to be made.
>If it isn't a prolapsed, leaking anus I don't even get hard anymore.
>/pol/ hates this
is it clipping or is it a hole?
Cleopatra ripples
Every race is beautiful in their own way.
They should remain that way.
>I will sleep with anyone! As long as they agree to be executed in the morning.
What the fuck?
Unironically this.
I don't think Cleopatra was actually attractive. Writers were subjects of the empire.
She's got a body to die for, literally
>my dick when part 3 got released
Easier to forget how much of a whore you are when there are no reminders.
whites were made to conquest foreign pussy, history teaches us as such
Was anyone else kind of surprised how decent origins turned out to be? I fully expected trailing missions, forerunner race shit and KANGS but it actually wasn't any of that shit.
amazing what those frogs can do when they have enough time. too bad odyssey was shite.
Orc nipples.
My boy Ezio would have hit that pussy and got away in a haystack. Bayek was a massive faggot.
She had to be at least above average. After all she seduced Caesar and Mark Anthony.
Why do faux-historical games/movies/books/comics do this? Cleopatra was WHITE
She didn't. Caesar used her to get the hell out of Egypt because her brother and the Egyptian populace were going to slaughter the Romans.
mixing can get some great results, though
Because people are assblasted that Africans have achieved so little compared to other races, especially whites. It shits all over their 'all races are equal' feel good bullshit.
That's an exceedingly unlikely result though, and certainly not a 50/50 mix.
It's infuriating. As a 9th generation inbred like Cleopatra VII and Charles II, I demand my representation!
Her shark outfit at e3 was peak cringe-cute. someone should post it.
Still seduced Anthony later.
Post more
>elf ears
It is I who hates this
>too bad odyssey was shite.
>I'm angry!
>angry about ELVES!
go back
To be fair, cleo in real life was a thot, especially when Roman soldiers stopped by for a visit
I'd make an album, but it seems Imgur has removed that functionality...
to be fair by that point Caesar had been on campaign for years and probably didn't get any pussy for most of that, by that point when your leading a faction in a civil war while fighting for your life you would probably fuck anything that had a hole.
where is her fat cock, why isn't she bullying elf girl pussy, also post more
>he doesn't know about Egyptian inbreeding
The reason why King Tut died really fucking young even by their standards is due to him being a genetic abomination due to constant inbreeding to the point a simple walk likely killed him. The fact that proto type Charles the Seconds were able to run one of the most recognizable ancient states is absurd in its own right.
You need a fap diet friend
>post more
Unfortunately I don't have any more of her. I would open up Skyrim right now and take more shots, but I accidentally updated the game and I'm too lazy to go update all my script extender dependant mods.
It's all so tiresome.
understandable, remember to give her a fat cock to bully elfs
Is this an Assassin's Creed DLC?
Assassins Creed Origins, glitched Cleopatra's dress.
Same. Got it as a gift and only installed so I could shitpost about it on Yea Forums but it ended up being my favorite Ubi game so far.
Is that Gena Davis?
I was like this as a teenager but now even fully clothed girls will do, they just gotta have the thing.
a penis?
best assassin creed since the the original trilogy imo
>used to get off at snuff, guro, and abortion
>can only ever get hard if it's pure vanilla loving
you need to see real life women
>not cum inflation, stomach bulge, hyper sperm, condom breaking, multiple orgasms or monster on loli
Fuck elves.
>Be me
>Nothing really pushing my buttons
>Find furry guro
>Decide that's enough, no more porn for a month
>(Keep fapping though. I'm not a psychopath)
>It was rough, but I come back after a month
>Find a vanilla stripping video on Pornhub
It was literally the best fap session I'd ever had.
Vanilla is the true way to go after you through degeneracy hell desu
because Origins was lead by the guy who was in charge of Black flag and the main AC team. Odyssey was literal whos from the B team.
Bayek has no interest in scheming THOTS.
>Ptolemy VIII and his sister's child is Ptolemy VII
She was certainly not white.
She was Greek with Persian and Syrian ancestry, and literally lived in the desert.
She had a very dark tan, at the VERY least.
>odyssey was shite
I'm doing story quest where you have to do errands to get your home in Sparta back and then the fucker tell me to get an oil for an athlete named "Testikles".
Fuck this game.
What's with white people WE WUZING so much recently?
Not sure what white means for Mediterranean people anyway.
>red anal bead
Always lose it at this part.
She was 100% white, she was o the Ptoilemy clan descent, they where a greek dinasty that practiced incest, you retard, Cleopatra was Greek.
Perhaps at one point. Many Egyptians spent a lot of time outdoors in the desert sun. And therefore were very tan.
But Cleopatra was first of all not Egyptian and second of all she was royalty, likely spending a large amount of time indoors compared to anyone else. So yeah she could have been tan sometime like anyone can be but usually she was probably paler than the average person
That's a negress right there.
She was 1000% black.
>should remain that way
Why do stupid /pol/tards believe that the human race has stopped evolving? Or that genes disappear if people don't "stay pure"?
>Or that genes disappear if people don't "stay pure"?
Well, they do. Nothing wrong with that though
>Cleopatra was WHITE
the best guess was that cleo was greek and african mixed brainlet
>Assassins spend like 600 years carving their symbol into buildings, into their gauntlets, and flying banners that show they are Assassins.
>These idiots wonder how the Templars know what they're up to, how they manage to get people into their ranks, and why they keep getting attacked.
It's pretty hilarious how in Revelations they have flags flying everywhere and yet their bases are getting attacked like it's a surprise. I know Yusuf mentions they've been tame until just recently, but it boggles the mind they'd do it at all. Meanwhile the Templars are mostly subtle, sometimes they have red cross banners but that's about the extent of what they do, outside of that it's small rings you'd need to be next to a person to see in the first place, or amulets hidden under shirts.
check out this historylet
lrn2biology, every current blonde woman could breed exclusively with Africans and Melanesians and that would still not mean the end of blonde people
>t cleo was greek and african mixed brainlet
Nigger we have records from that time period. The Ptolemy line only had children with other Greeks(Macedonians), and mostly with one another.
How do I even reply to a post like this lol
perhaps they themselves weren't white then
>not Egyptian
Didn't say she was
>likely spending a large amount of time indoors compared to anyone else.
"A lot of time indoors" in 35BC was still a LOT of fucking time outdoors.
>paler than the average person
For the time, maybe. Still super fucking dark by today's standards.
I don't think, and modern scholars don't think she was BLACK, but she clearly had very dark olive skin and deep brown eyes.
wrong. muslims are the ones that want to cover all of that up
Have you ever actually SEEN a Macedonain Greek?
Are you posting that because of the hair? Because A) There are plenty of non-blacks with hair like that, and B) you can see her actual hair underneath it in the first one, it's a wig/hat
>The Ptolemy line only had children with other Greeks
uh Ptolemy raped every slave boy and girl and named all his favorite ones Ptolemy and Cleopatra. He also fucked his sister after figuring out the Egyptians idea of "royal blood" and named her boys Ptolemy and her daughters Cleopatra.
And keep in mind they were darker in the past, because that appearance sprouts from pic related. BBC on white women.
Nah the facial proportions.
oh god i'm already hard
>Macedonians were black.
I honestly can't tell if you're fucking with me, or you're like those crazy as fuck Nation of Islam people.
Not, like, BLACK black.
But definitely not white.
Is over-animation a thing ?
By admitting that he's right, wh*Toid.
user, comparing modern Greeks to ancient Greeks is retarded. Most modern Greeks are rape babies of the Ottomans and a lot of ethnic Greeks were killed by the Turks throughout the years during the Ottoman occupation.
There are many races other than white and black. Arabs, Copts, Semites, etc. And that's just some of the ones in that general region of the world.
Bro just look at the picture that user posted.
And you can logically break them down to roughly 4. White, black, brown and yellow. They look brown which is the most common color of "black' people. They look like arabs.
But he's wrong. America used to be majority blue eyed people with natural blondes EVERYWHERE. Look at it today.
Reminder that all sides of the med had black aboriginals, that's why all sides of the med are brown today after 6,000 years of mixing with blacks. The southern side is still black.
What game? Looks comfy
"Black" is a term that is used to refer to "Sub-Saharan Africans" with have basically no relation to anyone living in North Africa, much less people in fucking Greece.
Wasnt pelinal gay anyway?
What happen in part 3
Pelinal was an asexual time-traveling robot. Who really really really really hated Elves.
wtf? How did cleo2 and ptol8 had ptol7 as a kid?
>black aboriginals
that guys is just tanned, niggers are other specie
>"Black" is a term that is used to refer to "Sub-Saharan Africans"
All Africans are Sub Saharan it doesn't make a difference, it's not the barrier autists on Yea Forums seem to think it is. Egypt started in the SSA and moved north.
There are lots of diffferent tribes but the way they look is all basically the same. They all have black skin unless they're white or asian invaders. And there are loads of black people depicted in Greek art, the fuck are you talking about? They drew pygmies ffs.
Wrong. America used to be inhabited by the Native Americans. Until the wh*Toid *nglos attacked them. The &nglos were know for their ghostly skin, and BROWN hair color. That specific breed of *nglo was so savage, that their own folk persecuted them until they needed to cross an entire ocean to continue their davage ways. Just look at this savage right here.
>from vidya nipples to niggershitposting
The absolute fucking state of Yea Forums
we're 100% black
Keel wh*Toids.
is this real?
Shyeah gay about killing elves
Are you real?
PeruANO AlemANO...
As a mexican myself, I could see how some people would confuse her with my kind
>That webm
did she really have her tits out all the time??
They are not that impressive honestly
No user
You can keep on posting cherry picked examples and your nigger re-writes of history,
But the hundreds of found Mummies DNA doesn't lie, closest genetic relation was to the Arab like peoples from the middle east, but really early ones who migrated south.
That's supposed to be her nipples and breasts protruding from her silk clothing. Which makes it hotter.
>But the hundreds of found Mummies DNA doesn't lie
Let me guess, you read that in a DailyMail article that had zero sources
>cherry picked
It's as direct a comparison that you can make. Why does the Egyptians being black make you so mad?
>closest genetic relation was to the Arab like peoples from the middle east, but really early ones who migrated south.
Guess what those people looked like? They're still down there too.
I like how you got 2 (you)'s and not one even answered your question
3 now
>make the best characters since ezio, even better than ezio, edward and shay
>don't make a sequel with him
>Instead replace him with a nothing character that has zero personality and consistency
No it's true. The few mummies they tested indicated their roots come from where the bible says they came from. What isn't mentioned in the studies though, is that their ancestors were "black" as well.
I had this same exact experience... but with loli mlp
Frankie is so attractive.
The original arabs were dark just like the original people of literally everywhere. Light skin comes from white dick or genetic mutations like the various degrees of albinism you can have.
Caeser talked about her beautiful tits in his personal diary.
>America used to be majority blue eyed people with natural blondes EVERYWHERE.
lol no, do Ameritards believe they were ever a Nordic dream society? Not even during the waves of German immigration after the 1848 revolutions did that happen. Look at portraits of Americans like
> Benjamin Franklin (the "Swedes aren't white" guy)
> Thomas Jefferson
> James Monroe
> Emma Smith
> Edgar Allan Poe
Not one of them is blonde and blue-eyed. This isn't even taking into account the millions of black slaves or Chinese semi-slaves living in the USA in the 19th century, let alone the Irish and Italian immigrants. Americans were never majority Nordic.
YEAH BRO this always pissed me off kek
It's true and I'm not American.
gee, my history may not be perfect, but last I checked Cleopatra was ethnically Macedonian Greek and not ethnically Egpyto-Elven.
What no he didn’t
>Called a "whore queen" by Propertius (Poems, III.11.39), "fatal monster" by Horace (Odes, I.37.21), and "Egypt's shame" by Lucan (Pharsalia, X.59), she was vilified by Augustan poets as a foreign seductress. If Cleopatra truly had not been attractive, one suspects that her detractors would have said so. On the contrary, Lucan repeatedly refers to her beauty, even as she is criticized for it. Just as Helen's "harmful beauty" had brought ruin to Troy so did that of Cleopatra inflame Rome's civil war (X.61). It is her appearance (forma) that she relies upon in pleading her case to Caesar (X.82), simulating grief but without tears so as to remain attractive (X.84) and allowing her "impure beauty" to aid her entreaty (X.105). Later, there is an extravagant banquet, where the "harmful beauty" (X.138) of the queen again is exhibited—this time, she is daubed in make-up, weighted down with a fortune in pearls around her neck and jewels in her hair, and her white breasts visible beneath the sheer fabric of her oriental dress (X.139ff).
>her white breasts
Why are u quoting the bible ?
cleopatra was black
The top tier ancient history slut still has to be Theodora.
>she would reproach nature for not making the holes in her nipples larger so that she could take more lovers
this woman's breasts would look white too
That account (while hot) is almost certainly some kind of slanderous propaganda. That's some /d/ tier shit that I've seen nothing else like in history and find it hard to believe that one of the best Byzantine leaders was such a degenerate.
Women didn't wear bras back then.
Well, she was a hooker before she was famous
They did however wear shirts, unlike this "whore queen".
me too
Not really. They wore robes and tunics and royalty such as Cleopatra spent most of their time indoors.
If you want slander, then look no further than what people said about Catherine the Great and her death.
Shit's so out of left field.
Yeah, I could see it being like the Catherine fucking horses stuff but for someone from so long ago to even think of that is some pretty advanced deviancy.
must have been a lot of droopy titties back then too
bras don't help with that.
Bras offer support to carry them, they do not undroop droopy tits.
Boy, user. Your virginity is showing.
>hating on based droopy milkers
I can't believe this pic still gets posted even though its a shoop of a white guy on the right
That's not Cleopatra. That's the goddess Isis. And even if it was meant to be, why would you use a statue made around the same time the museum was build as an example?
Didn't mean to put a period at the end there.
based japan for white cleo
Cleopatra convinced the citizens of Egypt that she was the reincarnation of Isis.
When will this revisionist history end?
She was just a brown Egyptian girl, and the Romans couldn't contain their thirst for "muh exotic brown girl".
Cleopatra a thot
Why do you idiots keep saying this, caesar was in a bad spot because he backed cleopatra not the other way around, and after he dealt with ptolomy, he took a months long vacation, cruising the nile with her, despite the fact he was badly needed in rome since marc anthony was making a shitshow
What is your honest opinion about dating an Egyptian woman?
She was olive at best
She wasn't Egyptian you buffoon.
gimme dem floopy tiddies
Based. Clean your brain faggots, do not fell for the pornojew.
>1/60 Greek, 5/365 Italian, 10/650 Spanish, 10% nigger
>Believe she's mediterranean
Amerimutticans doesnt need to apply.
Yea Forums - Egypt Historians