Two fire emblem three houses voice actors are recasted the day the game came out for breaking NDAs

>two fire emblem three houses voice actors are recasted the day the game came out for breaking NDAs
Why are vidya voice actors so retarded?

Attached: 1CF78F26-EACC-46B7-9C7F-9D772E443DC9.jpg (644x362, 37K)

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which ones

This doesn't affect piratechads

This doesn't affect subchads either

Male byleth is one, but I assumed that's more about about the abuse allegations than breaking his NDA. No idea who the other is.


Search Chris Niosi aka Kirboraptor for one of them, dunno about who the other one was

>Search for it yourself

As far as I’m aware the allegations have nothing to do with it. The reason he got removed was because he told everyone in his public discord that he voiced the character, and it was in their NDA that you couldn’t say you voiced a until after the games release.
Similar thing happened with Edelgard original va.

Attached: 397FAE28-7E43-4DD6-9964-AFB72437D0D1.jpg (750x1035, 457K)

>Vee gets replaced
And nothing of value was lost.

Because they don't have a union.

VAs rise up!

>I can't be bothered to search even though they gave me the name and it's all over the news

>changing based Vee


The NDA is bad enough, the allegations probably ensure he'll never get a job again, especially since he admitted to them.

unions are commie bullshit

t. wageslave

How does it feel to be a literal corporate cuckold?

How do you actually sign an NDA and do something this boneheaded?

I don't have a job

>I'm playing the autistic protagonist with no lines
Why would you break NDA for this?

The possibility of him being in smash made him excited

She's gone pretty batshit insane lately. I guess that'd be fitting for Edel though.

Can I switch to the Japanese VAs? If so, I don't give a shit about these Amerifats. Dubs are cancer anyway.

Yeah, it's part of the base game. No download required like with Xenoblade. Switch before you even start from the Extras menu.

I don't get it. How can they be replaced, they've already done the recording.

I wish Sothis's English VA broke her NDA, we really needed a proper lolibaba voice.

21st century has a thing called "the internet'. You can download things (or be forced to download things) from it.

>like, duh, like, it's 21st century, lol!

So Nintendo wants to waste money redoing work that is already done because a va posted a tweet? Making the game inconsistent depending on which patch you have?
Yeah totally makes sense.

They re record everything. most games va spend about 20-50 hours recording all of their lines if they’re a main character. You can recast someone completely in a week or 2

Byleth barely speaks anyway, I'm sure it'd be even quicker than that. Still incredibly petty of them, but I guess that's the power of social media these days. Dumbass should've just kept quiet, but I guess it's fine to see a moral crusader like him get eaten by their own yet again.

You break an NDA, you break an NDA. You don’t fuck with that.

Who cares we get based mommy mitsuru

If NDAs didn't have consequences then why have NDAs?

Think of it as Nintendo spending some extra money to send a word to idiot self-indulged VAs.

NDAs are serious shit. If you break something like that, you can't be trusted.

Aren't they already paid since the game is finished and released? The fuck is the point of removing them after the fact and having to hire new people that you also have to pay?

You remove their credit, blacklist them from ever working with you again and send a message that you don't break NDAs without consequences.

I speak of the abuse allegations, hence the "moral crusader" bit. It probably was solely the NDA though.

Keeping someone that breaks NDAs onboard and not punishing them makes the company look bad. It’s basically tells people on the inside that it’s okay to leak shit.

Breaking an NDA is pretty much enough to break a contract, though abuse allegations, especially since Kirboraptor confessed to them, could have helped.

So nintendo got really buttmad the VA confirmed someone recognizing their voice just a month before release? Like how the fuck is that in anyway hurting the game? You'd imagine MORE people would be interested in a game if they know VAs they like are in it.

If you break an NDA then no one is going to trust you for anything.

why have any contractual agreement if you're just gonna mental gymnastics your way out of it?

Just seems like a really stupid clause to put in, it literally reduces potential sales to not disclose the VAs in a waifu game.

>a month
A year and a month.

>waifu game
>English voice actors getting people to buy it.

This was a year ago

Not only are you a retard, you can't read dates.

So, when are the battles in this game, you spend more time wandering around hogwarts on fetch quests than anything else

really dissapointed

you have to be if you want to work in the video games

The entire point of an NDA is to ensure that you don't leak anything.
If you can't be bothered to obey that, you can't be trusted with spoilers and other sensitive info.

why are american voice actors so unprofessional

I didn't know many VAs by name until three months ago because these spergs can't keep it together. Entertainment as a career just breeds degenerates.

Nintendo is exceptionally good at making you bow down, notice how even the left and right are held to the same policies and they would kill a "neo-nazi" only to murder the "SJW" who laughed about it a second later.

They hold no alliances unless it's with the team of ninjas they send to destroy those they deemed dishonorable.

It's amazing how fast they got rid of him in heros.

It abused his girlfriend too.

Given that he has very little voicelines to begin with, they could easily replace him.

a small price to pay for fire emblem being saved desu

What's a good role for Dedue? I fuckin love his defense, trying to push him to heavy armor.

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>muh ndas
i fucking hate you faggots.

they want to keep secrecy on every expect of the game, if people know the VA they may pressur them or try to trick them into giving info on the game.
It's also a trust issue, if you can't respect the rules and keep your mouth shout about something like this I can't t trust you won't give up sensitve information and I'm never going to hire you again

only nintendo does this.

Not interested in the game but what were the claims of abuse? Voyeuristic curiousity if it was the usual hubabaloo about nothing or legit.

Have you ever had to sign one for any reason? That shit is binding. In some industries, people get black listed for breaking them. This isn't a Nintendo exclusive thing, it's common everywhere in the tech industry. They should have known better.