What games give you this feel
What games give you this feel
Helmet to nuts style, how'd ya like it?
Fucking niggers. Had to grab him from behind.
Real men make sure they're ready to fight, like in hockey.
world of warcraft battlegrounds
They look like little kids. Seriously, he just push the guy and they are fighting. And he is punching his helmet.
WRs are easily triggered
>that moment you realize your professional career is over before it even began thanks to the motherfucking Browns drafting you
Poor guy.
Anger generally throws logic away
I think you mean niggers are easily triggered.
Football is a bitches sport, only 11 monutes is actually spent playing the game, 90% of the players are hoodrats, and almost all of them are criminals. Not to mention the fucking ego all of them have.
Forgot my pic
Thas Matty Ice. He's triggered cause he's losing to the Browns.
Also he has it worse. Will literally never live down 28 to 3
That's the receiver that's going to save my franchise.
Here you go sir and enjoy your stay.
Not many other sports have 6'8 300 lbs men charge at you full speed in armor tho.
Who was in the wrong here?
Have you ever watched hockey? But let me guess their chimp outs are ok because they are white. Try a little self reflection faggot. They're both retards losing their shit over nothing while being paid well.
You're right, other sports have men moving faster than any human could running, and slamming into eachother, without nigging out.
From what I remember, there was the whole subgenre of dirty sports games.
don't use that N word here it's cringe
Tell me, how often does someone chimp out in hockey? Whats that, almost never?
Yah, thats what I thought. When two men fight in hockey, its consensual, and they are both ready. Very rarely, if ever, someone hits an unsuspecting player.
Generally the Bengals.
Honestly even without him, you guys would be pretty decent.
>When the Villains make a single mistake and it costs them everything
What games give this feel
>he said when this exist
Oh no, one instance, whatever will I do!
hockey is for redneck coalminers and is a gutter sport like american football
mutts like you who think that your sport is superior cause there's hardly any niggers are fucking hilarious. apes come in all colors user
This. When hockey players fight, its with the upmost honor, ala the knights of old.
They are the modern samurai.
what the fuck
>make more money in a year than you make in a lifetime
>more physically fit and healthy than you'll ever be
>more popular than you can image
If they're hoodrats, imagine how pathetic you are to be many tiers below them.
don't say that, he'll call you a nigger
Pats are literally the protagonists though.
Yes yes we all know Baseball is true Kino
Most of them are bankrupt as soon as they leave the league. How fucking retarded do you have to be to squander millions of dollars and end up bankrupt?
Games where 13% of enemies make up 50% of all battles.
Baseball is Patrician
They're not healthy at all user. Like 80% of them are permanently retarded thanks to the repeated concussions.
>make more money, but blow almost all of it on drugs whores and other nigger shit
>athletes are supposed to be physically fit
>end up dying from massive concussions your entire life
>Throttling LE EPIC RAMS OFFENSE for nearly an entire Super Bowl
Felt so fucking good. Better than the one against Carolina in 03.
ice hockey is a candian sport, don't use american memes on it use proper canadian leaf memes like a good lad (they're funnier anyway america is low hanging fruit)
Marvel went bankrupt. What's your point?
Patriots were 100% the villains in SB52. they were expected by literally everyone to win against a supposedly lesser coached team riddled with injuries at key positions riding with a backup QB. Yankees Dbacks tier except New England had zero skyscrapers collapse to get fans on their side
>ywn see another NFL/NBA Street game. ywn again get excited to hear "ea sports BIG".
>the fucking rascal too
your average muttmericans in muttmerica
I don't care for the Pats, but hate the Rams. Truly a kino-bowl.
Ate you still seething at sun-belters?
Imagine your sport being so unhealthy for the players, that they have to do 1 game eliminations for the playoffs. Must suck to have your entire season ride on pure luck.
Look at those niggers being niggers.
Hockey is the only good sport left because niggers can't skate.
Can you post evidence?
Bengal did nothing wrong as far as I'm concerned. Other team should get punished, if anybody.
Imagine being unable to enjoy multiple sports
most canadian thing I've ever seen
>I'm too retarded to use google and must ask for source in an online argument to make myself look better and right
Google it you lazy fucking nigger.
Imagine watching nigger sports.
>nothing but /pol/ and rednecks talking about their sport
How about you guys play a real sport once in your life?
Hurts to see the pack still being defensively trash
Most recently, Adrian Peterson
That's it, I'm posting Pro Wrestling, the only REAL sport for REAL men
>madden has been shit for over a decade
No, fuck you. You faggots always say this shit, "OH JUST GOOGLE IT!!". I'm asking you because I'm challenging your claim and calling you out on it. If what you say is true, then back it up you faggot. If not, then you're full of shit.
>not a single nigger
>not a single latino
>women are dressed properly and it looks like to be a wholesome family
meanwhile in Muttland, you get this
Do the players still bludgeon each other or has the sport gone too mainstream corporate and punishes their players for throwing punches like NFL/NBA/MLB?
Why yes, my sides also hurt as well from watching that dumpster fire of a team.
Hockey's losing ground to My Little Soccer. in 10 years it might not even be a part of the big 4
That little kid hit like a bitch.
Jalen Ramsey is a nigger, the gold guy, AJ Green, the orange guy, is actually a decent guy and helps kids all the time. T Yea Forums
Is that monk?
I dislike watching sports as a whole but I can sit there for like an hour and watch clips of football and baseball fights, incredible plays, and fuck ups.
Ok, thank you, from what I see, he made a poor choice and got himself a huge loan.
if a woman dressed like that in my country she could be executed
Go to his grave and say it to his face
>soccer gaining traction in America
I don't believe it.
The NFL has programs to teach players who enter the league how to make smarter investments with their money. It used to be a huge fucking problem that players went broke.
Less that the MLS is getting popular, and more that the NHL is getting less popular
Have they become worse? I haven't seen them (or many NFL games) since 2015 when they blew a 6-0 start. I just couldn't justify following them, much to the chagrin of my family in Milwaukee.
the literal gutsiest thing ever done in sports
Yes and thank god for that. Bears are gonna own the division for years. Thanks to Mitch Trugodsky
Trubisky is weird as fuck. When everything around him is fine he plays like a complete retard. But with shit falling apart and him NEEDING to make the perfect read and throw he's a god. He's like a condensed Eli
>living in Green Gay
Better enjoy beating your wife this season, cause the Packers still suck and Rodgers is uncoachable.
You know what? I’ll take it, he’s still leagues better than Cutler.
Did you guys get a kicker yet?
Why does Yea Forums have such based overlap in so many boards?
Cutler had a more powerful arm than Rodgers.
Being from Jacksonville I have to say I sanction nothing attached to our name and any transgression suffered in the midst of the Jaguars is entirely their fault. And if one more person tells me "you're actually good this year" on a given season because we make it one game from the playoffs just so we can go back to sucking straight dick next year, I swear to god.
If that’s our biggest problem, we’ve got a good team. Puckers have a crap defense, your best D player is probably Amos.
Ahem, may I present to you.
>Double Doink
That is all
And you're permananetly retarded for coming here every day, consuming retarded media, and masturbating hourly.
At least they have a chance at becoming millionaires.
This board sucks. Yea Forums would never have a football thread.
Basketball Americans
it an't easy being cheesy
*wins the south*
You guys did get Calais Campbell though. I root for you guys cause he SHOULD get a ring
Yea Forums is full of gays, pederasts, and /pol/
There’s quite a few good sports vidya gaems, most every major sport has at least 1 good game for it, and stuff like THPS is legendary