ITT: Post a popular movie, others will respond with the closest Video Game Equivelent
ITT: Post a popular movie, others will respond with the closest Video Game Equivelent
No man’s sky lol
>Slow paced movie with extensive focus on long shots and atmosphere
Unironically, RDR2
> Relatively obscure until critics named it the best of the century, which has lead it to becoming a household name
Shadow of the Colossus
>pretentious shit that refuses to have a coherent story and instead leans on abstract symbolism
Nier: Automata
Imagine being this much of a brainlet
Halo 1, 2, and 3. No contest.
Final Fantasy VI
> First Half of World of Balance is A New Hope
> 2nd Half of World of Balance is Empire Strikes Back
> World of Ruin is Return of the Jedi
Original Halo trilogy
Persona 4
>A mechanic longing for space adventure saves the universe with a robo sidekick and a crew of wacky characters
Ratchet and Clank, original trilogy.
Some walking simulator, definitely not a game in the STALKER franchise.
God tier taste.
Chase scene:
Flatout series.
Music scenes:
Beat saber.
Agreed, I was hoping to the name of a decent walking-simulator like game.
Nobody fucking cares about your faggot furfag game you queer.
You'll have to ask someone that plays that kind of faggoty shit.
if Alien and 2001 had a baby it would be Metroid Prime
Besides the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. trilogy, Pathologic
Mother 3
Oh shit, thats pretty good.
Yor series is a CAWADOOTY point and click adventure for advertising doritos and mt. Dew to le epic gamers you space fart.
I was going to say The Witcher 2, but the story isn't an adaptation of the books.
Bit of a stretch, but it has that same FEEL
I'd say Micheal from GTAV kinda gives this vibe
Vermintide 2.
Postal 2 is the closest I can think of atm
That's more Brother 2 than Falling Down
In a better universe he was the only protagonist.
Ocarina of Time
GTA V is literally Pulp Fiction, all it's missing is a scene of a black guy getting raped up the ass
I'd agree with with brother 2, but falling down isn't postal. Falling Down is the story of every man
Max Payne
the long dark
A least were not pocky gargling weebs like (you)
fuck forgot the image
Maybe Routine if it ever actually came out?
The newer Prey?
Nice argument dipshit
Dead Space or maybe System Shock 2
BF1 had a mini campaign centered around his exploits
I know people are automatically gonna say New Vegas but i'm gonna put this here anyway.
And Battlefield 1 is shit, your point?
oh fuck it fits
moon base alpha
gta v
FF4 and Star Fox for A New Hope
that took longer than i thought it would
I don't think there is a single game that could be recommended.
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
>Beautifully painted/drawn poster art
I really wish this was a thing again
Rule of Rose.
DOOM, Halo, Half-Life 2. Any game that broke new ground on a technical level.
The diner sequence alone is so ridiculously good it’s not even funny. Also, the plot is actually completely coherent (though it doesn’t matter since the film is so mesmerizingly beautiful you can skip it altogether).
>Mystery game where you piss off everyone along the way but its only because you're right 100% of the time and pussies don't like that
Renegade Shepard run of ME?
The Void.
Fallout. Red Alert 2.
LSD: Dream Emulator
Tarkovsky fucking hated 2001 and made Solaris as a response
For Honor
I don't think a game for faggots would be the best equivalent.
The Alien Isolation devs should make a The Thing game.
Half Life 1.
That's Apocalypse Now
Silent Hill Homecoming
nuPrey Mimics are not really much of a thing. You fairly quickly get the ability to see them with your scanny goggles.
Probably RDR1, it has those weird west vibes
Thompson would think all games are for faggots.
I’d say the MGS entries, not only because of the bomb theme, but also due to the weird tone.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Hotline Miami 2
Be that as it may, Mass Effect is objectively for faggots.
desu Tarkovsky IS a better director than Kubrick, but Solaris is one of his weaker films
Well it literally creates a character with the same name as the titular Doctor, but she's a lesbian who only fucked a loser nerd because she wanted to pass on her genes.
Nothing comes to mind. Maybe Outer Worlds.
Halo, again. Or any 3-part saga.
Sonic 06. Both are fucking dumpster fires based on huge franchises.
And no, Fallout doesn't count just because of the name. The two have basically nothing else in common.
gabriel knight
not a movie but i've been thinking about the parallels between nier automata and ergo proxy, even if they are thematically completely diffrent
Any game that has a character as good as Frank will do
>some shitty nondescript franchise that manages to crap out a new entry like clockwork
Call Of Duty. Battlefield. Uncharted.
Asscreed, obviously
>special edition
One of those rubbish Blood rereleases with fucked up gameplay and physics.
The Stanley Parable
time to get patrician
Hotline Miami
Barkley Gaiden
The newest Mission Impossible was actually really good though.
This War of Mine
Elite Beat Agents
That's what every shit-eating retard says about the latest Call of Duty.
Strange Journey
Hotline Miami
Very good, user.
Any Hitman game
Big Chungas I guess
Anonymous Agony
Kenshi. No contest.
LA Noir
I don't know. I hate call of duty and have admittedly pretentious taste in film, and I thought Fallout did everything it wanted to do exceedingly well.
>tfw gonna watch it again tonight
that spartan game on PS2
LISA the painful
inb4 Resting Canines
1968 one
San Andreas
Starbound before they shoehorned the shitty story in.
>that webm where hes watching that blonde chick taking a bath
Jackie chan the game.
>games with the closest movie equivalent.
That famous long take towards the end of the movie really reminded me of Gears of War.
So, Gears of War.
Best fucking movie.
Based John Wu boys.
>inb4 NGE on n64 or the visual novels
>mfw no Gears of War emulation for PC
Super Metroid
Mount and Blade: Warband
>Pulp Fiction
>everyone itt responds gta
It's Forbidden Siren you faggots.
Not exactly similar but I feel like Brendon Chung's games capture the magical feel that these East Asian movies have.
Metroid Fusion
Xenogears, since despite no direct relation it and NGE are pretty effective counterparts between mediums.
Fuck off weebcuck
It's literally the only game that turns a non linear timeline and killing off playable characters into a game mechanic
Star Ocean
Whatever has the worst fanbase imaginable
ToeJam & Earl
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Wild Arms
Alpha Protocol
Tomb Raider
Driver: You Are the Wheelman
Chrono Cross
Phoenix Wright
Final Fantasy VII
Animal Crossing
Diddy Kong Racing
Strikers 1945
Parasite Eve
Devil May Cry V
Cruis'n World
LSD Dream Simulator
Silent Hill
Arguably the most iconic movies of the century, what's the gaming equivelent?
Easy, Compliation of Final Fantasy VII
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Thematically speaking
>inb4 godzilla games
Pokemon Crystal (playing as female trainer)
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Thrill Kill
Call of Duty: Black Ops
Mizzurna Falls
Ape Escape
Alan Wake
Power Stone 2
Guardian's Crusade
Bushido Blade
Blue Stinger
Dynamite Cop!
Thrill Kill
Space Engine:
Slow, beautiful, a billion light years across and as deep as a puddle.
my bad
this is Ape Escape
Majora's Mask
Yakuza 0
Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes, Phantom Pain
Marvel VS Capcom 2
Pokemon Platinum*
Cross Channel
There is literally no video game equivalent to 2001 because unironically video games are not art and have yet to achieve the magnitude of the film.
explain to me how video games are not art but letters on paper are
Wait till Death Stranding comes out.
>great comedic writing
>quotable as fuck
Fallout 2
>gets fed through a tube
Spec Ops the Line is Funny Games US