Why does this game, and the really the series as a whole, seem to get so much ire from FPS boomers?
Why does this game, and the really the series as a whole, seem to get so much ire from FPS boomers?
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not bad, just not that great. too much focus on trapping the player in one room at a time and then just spawning enemies for 5 minutes straight. as a result SS has weak level design and gets repetitive.
Serious Sam is great. Newfags started disliking it because they "discovered" that it's not a doomclone and they think they're super smart for noticing that fact.
it has the best enemy sound ever but a lot of the fights are walk backwards and shoot until the game decides you fought enough
The First and Second Encounter are fun as fuck. I also think Serious Sam 2 is great.
"boomers" indeed.
>be croteam
>create desert levels only
>somehow you lose all creativity in the process
>hmmmmm what do we do now?
>how about we spam everything with shitton of Kleer?
It's been my absolute favorite shmup of all time for the single player. Nothing else comes close to being so fun. It also has the best single barrel shotgun sound of all time.
Multiplayer is eh.
>just not that great
you're right it's brilliant. play it on serious or mental.
Not him, but I'm not good enough at those difficulties.
Because doomqueers can't stand the Serious Sam series:
1. Taking more skill
2. Being more fun
3. Being faster
4. Having better controls
5. Making fun of their primitive hallway simulator
you can do it. I'm pretty mediocre at games, and I could.
you just end up learning patterns on how to move through crowds while also know which weapon to use to cut certain enemies down for whatever space you're in. ends up becoming an instinct more than an active thought. then you just get in the zone and slaughter everything.
it's extremely satisfying and there are areas that are just pure fun like bounce rooms.
Reminder that Serious Sam 2 is the best game in the series, and SS3 is the fucking worst.
I may replay it sometime soon and I'll give it a shot. Hoping it comes to the Switch.
Sam is like Doom guy. Only better.
>Hoping it comes to the Switch.
why? I love SS, have a switch, and still think that's a bad idea.
play it on a toaster if you have to, but it;ll be a much better experience.
what are you talking about. no body can be serious about hating this game
>serious sam 2
I bought all HD remasters on the summer sale and have yet to touch them. What am I in for? Is it fun or is it just a dated shooter Yea Forums raves about because nostalgia?
>Is it fun
Fuck yes.
>or is it just a dated shooter Yea Forums raves about because nostalgia?
Health, ammo, and powerup pickups. But those are good IMO.
You already bought them, might as well play them.
>no body can be serious
lots of fun, use everything you can and don't play on low difficulties because it takes all the fun out. you just end up mindlessly spraying everything without any threat.
Serious Sam The First/Second Encounter is fun, but 2 and 3 are pretty flawed. Still dig 'em, however Looking forward to 4
The first time I ever played SS was on the Xbox.
Anyone else hate the forced sniper segments in Second Encounter?
Really turns me off, I end up preferring 1. Though final level in 2nd is dope.
>create desert levels only
you know serious sam wasn't a big budget game? it came out of nowhere, ran terrifically on any machine, and filled a genre niche that was vacant at the time. it was a great release and it's amazing how well it holds up today
Brainlet here, why does everybody trash talk SS3 so much? The level design isn't the best and I guess if you're sick of deserts and play 1 and 3 back to back you'd be tired of it but it felt pretty fun to me and the finale is pretty great in an over the top way with the like 30 minutes straight of fighting hundreds of enemies.
reloading and a lot of hitscan enemies really do put a damper on the game as well as it taking so long to really take off running.
I do think that it gets shit on too much though.
For me the worst thing about SS3 are the first 5 levels, they doesn't feel like like Serious Sam, there are too few enemies variety and all of them have hitscam weapons, it feels like i'm playing some sort of brown and bloom hallway simulator. After that the game gets good and feel more like it's predecessors.
Thankfully, mods fix those, along with having to aim down the sights and fall damage. Plus some other fun things. It does still have some annoying enemies, though, like the cave demons and witch brides.
it takes a long time to actually get going
I’ve noticed this too. See also: Painkiller.
Last few levels are great, everything leading up to them was either boring or just okay. It was the result of mashing together two separate failed projects (A military shooter and a Doom 4 pitch) and it really shows.
sorry for being lazy, but do you mind linking a few mods you like?
Rocket jumping:
Cloned soldiers given lasers instead of shotguns or assault rifles. Some fire semi auto, some fire full auto. Technopolips given missiles instead of machine guns:
Alternate firing modes for various weapons (Causes saving to take a long time, unfortunately):
No fall damage:
Doom-style infighting. If an enemy accidentally hits another enemy of a different type, the one that was hit will retaliate:
Double ammo capacity on Serious difficulty:
No reloading for assault rifle and shotgun, perfect accuracy for pistol and assault rifle even when not aiming down the sights, rockets look like they did in SS1, sniper rifle in some way altered and buffed:
No reloading for any weapons except the pistol and double barrel shotgun:
Infighting is so good, I wonder why modern games don't do it anymore. It practically doubled the fun you could have Quake.
Also that one level in DOOM (2 I think) with a Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind next to each other.
second encounter is the best game in the franchise
It just feels like that the series stopped evolving after SS2 bombed hard.
nice. thank you user.
Serious Sam is great when you can tell they actually took the time to actually design encounters so there is a lot of enemies but positioned well enough that it isn't a crapshoot of circle strafing.
SS is at its worst when it feels like Cro-team said "fuck it" and just threw hundreds of the same type of enemies at the player without much real thought of how the actual fight plays out. 3 has the worst of this. Still looking forward to planet badass and whether "100,000 enemies at once" is bullshit or not.
It's not that great user, I'd rather play Turok 2 on N64.
I totally should have said Turok. Good job, user.