Favorite games? If you can, get an Everdrive. It's insane how great they are, you can even play romhacks on OEM hardware
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The only good n64 games are 2d
Harvest Moon 64
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon is peak N64
Jet Force Gemini. But I hate the thought of having to go back and collect those stupid little furshits just to complete the game.
Majora's Mask
Still want to replay Banjo Tooie at some point, but I've heard horror stories about the gameplay and I don't want to tarnish the golden monument to Rareware nostalgia that exists inside my rose coloured mind's eye.
Why can't we have nonlinear fps games anymore? This game even had platforming.
Who here remembers Battle Tanx?
patrician taste
Pokémon Sword/Shield
I never played this one but I fucking loved the SNES game.
Perfect Dark
The Judaism is strong with this one...
at its price you can probably buy the handful of worthwhile n64 games for less
The gameplay of Tooie is fine. It's the massive worlds and endless backtracking that gets grating
F-Zero X
Holy shit, you're not even wrong. Why the hell is it so expensive?
You can play any N64 game ever made including ROM hacks as if it was the real cartridge (not emulation)
Wave Race 64>Mario Kart 64
it's basically that on crack with a slightly frustrating camera. play it.
>check amazon
how the fuck did it double in price in the few years since I last looked?
does it suck your dick now?
The guys with two Goliaths were obviously the best but I also liked the motorcycle dudes.
Were there more than one Battletanx on the n64? I had one with a green cartridge. Can't remember if it had a subtitle and can't be assed to dig it out of the closet right now
Yeah, but there aren't actually that many N64 games in the N64 library even including romhacks. It pales in comparison to the SNES and PS1 libraries.
Pretty sure I can get an actual N64 from my local game shop for like sixty to eighty bucks.
Just got an ultra hdmi n64 and an everdrive, 100%'d banjo kazooie and currently going through tooie.
I spent too much on that shit but it looks nice
You need games too, user. If you plan on playing N64 an Everdrive will save you a lot of money in the long run. Plus you can play things like 19XXTE, SM64 Randomizer, F-Zero X Climax, translated Animal Forest etc. on original hardware played as if it were off the OEM cartridge.
Okay, now buy paper mario, super smash bros, and mario party 3
Playing Sin and Punishment. Such a shame this didn’t get a western release/the exposure it deserved.
Current everdrive setup in pic, anything I'm missing?
would be good if the framerate wasn't trash
19XXTE, Smash Remix, F-Zero X Climax, SM64 Randomizer, Animal Forest translated
3. Super Mario 64
2. Star Fox 64
1. Banjo-Kazooie
I really liked the Crimson Guard, but Goliaths were my favorite.
There were two games. Battle Tanx and Battle Tanx: Global Assault(the green one).
how much are ultras now?
Easily the best game on the console, wtf are you doing man.
Sin and Punishment never getting a US release was one of Nintendo's biggest missteps with the console. Seriously this game is probably one of Treasure's best.
About $150-200 each.
>implying I don't still have them
Where can I get an Everdrive for not $300?
it came out on wii virtual console, or at least wii u's, i played it
Wait until they go back on sale on his website, or check eBay periodically
Sin and Punishment
Can you link me the website?
How come Jet Force Gemini never gets discussed? I remember the cartridge being one of the heavy ones.
>If you can, get an Everdrive
They're expensive, though.
Man, I wanted to say which was my favorite but looking at the list they're all cool. Maybe Dark Angels. But the Skull Riders were pretty neat to me as a kid
it was based as fuck
How do you hook up your N64 these days? I use a Retrotink for my Saturn and the OSSC for PS2/Xbox. N64 doesnt work with the Retrotink (sound problems) and the OSSC doesnt take composite or S-Video.
Are those $150 addons the only easy way?
RCA isn't dead yet. There should be composite version for N64.
The only thing it has going for it is the humor. If the adult swim-tier humor isn't your cup of tea then you've got a complete mess gameplay wise.
Give it a rest. The horror level basically invented RE4 controls 4 years in advance.
>240 dollars
its really good once you get past the weird controls. It was weird even for then
That would require the creators to have talent, ingenuity, and a soul.
>No Turok games
Try $100 you stupid fucks.
>overpaying for neverdrive when ED64 is fucking only $60, literally $40 cheaper
>buying Erectile Dysfunction 64 (years and older) Plus
Enjoy your chink knockoff that doesn't even work. $60 for a 8gb sd card.
Not even top 25.
Is there any noticeable difference between the two? What makes the Everdrivr so expensive?
This shit right here was way better than it had any right to be.
crafted with care by hard working white people
Thats the starting bid price you moron.
Funny how I dig out my n64 last night and then this thread pops up. I'm about to buy an Everdrive 2.X, what size SD card would you recommend for it?
The entire library will fit on a 16gb card.
Try for a v3, also 64gb. Don't forget it can emulate NES and utilize gameshark codes
Animal Crossing doesn't appeal to me
What about saving without resetting?
because the end was a total cockblock.
I always reset when turning off old consoles anyway
>tfw the first time i played this i was too young to comprehend on what to do
One of the most atmospheric games you’ll ever play, I always recommend to everyone
Ooga Booga
is Hexen any good on n64? Also post mature games for mature gamers like myself
>literally unplayable because my control stick was Mario Party'd
still mad, and replacing the stick with a steel one is like $100
Buy a few Hori Minipads, user.
aren't those pretty expensive too? Not to mention i've had terrible luck with n64 controllers.
Are Everdrives literally as simple as downloading the N64 roms, dragging them to a micro (or regular?) SD card, and putting that in the Everdrive and putting it in the N64?
As Keanu Reeves would say, "Woah."
Yes, and they all work perfectly. You can play hacks as well, it's nice
what happened to Krikzz?
Why isn't he selling anymore?
World Driver Championship
a very solid gran turismo clone with incredible 5th gen graphics
Okay, for starters you better quit pitting my fond memories against each other
Pretty sure this is a game only I played
This! So much this.
Come on, slowpoke
Come on, slowpoke
Come on, slowpoke
Come on, slowpoke
>Favorite games?
San Francisco Rush. I had like 500 hours in it.
Rush 2 blows SF Rush out of the water.
>endless backtracking
route better, half of the worlds transition to each other and you didn't use them, instead choosing to go through the overworld route a million times.
Hell yeah. I might get one soon and an N64. I've been slowly rebuilding my collection back up. Just recently got a Wii and hacked that and I've been playing it like crazy.
Next I want a Dreamcast and 64.
Does playing N64 Zelda randomizers on a hacked wii count?
Can someone tell me where I can get good N64 controllers??
Hori Minipad, eBay. Alternatively used OEM controllers, eBay. Minipads are the best though besides certain games, their joysticks feel more durable than my GameCube controllers
Based, the second best game on the system behind SM64
also adding Magical Tetris Challenge(which iirc is the last Tetris to ever be allowed to use wacky rulesets)
Is it true the gold cart runs slower than the reg cart?
Time travel to 1997.
mostly been playing wave race and 1080 snowboarding, definitely some of the greatest racing games of all time.
anyone who enjoyed the sequels should be smashed in the head with a brick btw
>no one remembers this game fondly
>never got good enough to see the secret final level
>not popular enough for 100% speedruns to exist
My favorite N64 games are Donkey Kong 64, Jet Force Gemini, Quake and Super Smash Bros.
You aren't wrong. The Rush 2 stunt track was great
I'm being serious, OG controllers are all busted. And I'm tired of generic third party controllers, I need a good third party controller.
Hori Minipad.
Donkey Kong 64
just buy controllers with broken joysticks and replace the sticks. ezpz
Whatever you do, dont get the ones that look like normal N64 controllers off Amazon. Made that mistake and had to get my money back because the buttons felt like shit and the control stick would jitter even if i wasn't moving
>half of the worlds transition to each other
Yeah AFTER you backtrack to open up the paths in each world
How the fuck do you even hold this thing?
Replace the sticks?
It's not hard
>inb4 muh large hands
I'm a 6'5 dude with big hands and it feels comfy, I prefer it to OEM controllers by far. You can spin the joystick for years playing Mario Party and the stick won't budge
Have you guys 101% dk64
thats v2, no one wants v2 you dumbass
Yes, I have.
Road rash 64 and wwf no mercy unironically
How long did it take you
These are bad and have bad values compared to OEM/Hori stickboxes, you're better off biting the bullet and getting a Hori or replacing/lubricating OEM sticks
I am muslim you infidel you have bad shitdog values you bastard motherfuck i spit on you
First time: about a year
Second time: within a month on and off
I dusted off my N64 when K. Rool was revealed for Smash Bros. And replayed the DK 64 campaign. It took me about a week.
...lmao? the fuck kid? don't fucking dm me again... im 5'10 and 250 lbs of muscle... 12% bfat... u wouldnt say fkin shit dude... fucking watch urself
It actually works (allegedly)
0 bids. it will go off like that in 3 days just you watch.
Your lucky i cant beat the fucking game and i rage all the time and the backtracking gets stressful
You all have been cleaning your N64 controllers, right? Don't want those joysticks to get too shitty.
why not just play the PC version ? doom64ex.wordpress.com
why not play the dreamcast version?
or the superior ps2 sequel?
Hexen is fascinating on N64.
If you're playing alone, stay away.
If you're playing with a friend, holy shit, it's fucking gold.
>You can do the entire game/campaign in Coop
>You can pick different classes
>If you or your friend die they just respawn on the same level with all the weapons tehy started with, so you can just suicide into a hard area and as long as you do some damage or kill one enemy you made progress
>You can see each other on the map, if you're looking to meet up and are somehow lost on the levels or whatever
The only problem is that saving the game requires a controller pak / memory card in your controller, and takes up almost an entire fucking page, like, almost 50 notes, for one fucking save ONE FUCKING SAVE meanwhile on PC you can have like 10 saves by default and infinite if you move some directories around.
post your feet
Basically yes. It boots to a menu, you select a ROM, and off you go.
You can even play romhacks on your N64. Or unreleased builds. It's great.
Old. Tired. Lazy.
I had this. Weird game for sure. Liked it though.
>n64 thread
Honestly F-Zero X is better than SM64. And I don't say that lightly.
How do you tolerate the horrendous framerate in Jet Force Gemini? I find it nearly unplayable.
My goodness
Oh I can imagine it's backtracking hell for someone playing it later in life. It was my first video game so I liked just moving around the maps again and again seeing what was possible.
My favorite reward was when I could sit a Kong on K. Rool's throne near the end.
>Hope you never need to use the dpad bro!
>snoy skin color
>has no games
>DK64 without the expansion pak
this is stolen
Loved that game
What the fuck
Wasn't it 80 dollars?
>have bad values
I have 4 Horis and 6 OEM controllers, if I'm playing one of the 3 games that need a d-pad I'll just use an OEM.
It's seriously lacking content
Thats cool
Good thread but Childhood favorites would be a toss-up between Jet Force Gemini, Smash 64, and Bomberman 64. After I discovered emulation, that honor goes to none other than Mischief Makers.
It's mostly the last boss and planet that is frustrating for me with frame rate issues. However, at that point it was easy to push through near the end.
Everything else is just me avoiding too many tri rocket shots and grenades in those narrow corridors. Jumping with Lupus was the lighlight of the game for me.
you can put the cover back over the expansion pak...
Nobody remembers Rocket: Robot on Wheels
Ever since modding the SNES classic and being able to play the entirety of my old SNES library anywhere and with family and friends I've been looking for a "home emulator" type deal for the N64. I mean I've already had an N64 emulator and a load of ROMs on my computer for ages but I've been looking for something that can hook up to any old tv and allow for 4 players that's more portable than dragging my desktop from the basement to the living room.
I looked into those raspberry pi's but research indicated they wouldn't really be able to handle N64 stuff. I'm wondering if perhaps the way to go is to get some sort of tablet and just load shit up on there.
Oh yeah buddy what else huh
What about Fzero?
Majora's Mask?
Star Wars? What else will you take from me
So an Everdrive?
or you could buy these, spend a little more and do the PCB V3 mod which fixes them
>Actual good taste in this thread
Going to throw in Space Station Silicon Valley. Also if you use an everdrive you can get the version where 100% is actually possible. For those interested in one for hacks, not all hacks work. There are (mostly Mario 64) hacks that go beyond the scope of what the N64 can actually do, but since the Everdrive is a thing now, more and more hacks are compatible. Randomizers are the shit and a great way to get extra mileage out of the Zelda titles.
There's literally no reason not to get a complete set for N64. I think there are ones compiled specifically for the Everdrive.
So I've had an itch to replay Bomberman 64 for years but it disagrees with emulators in general. Has that been fixed in the past 5 or so years?
Goemon in smash
I just replaced OEM sticks with replacement parts and lubed them. It's not 100% perfect, but it's better for games that use aiming similar to the system in Zelda. Most of the Gamecube styled sticks are overly sensitive. Not an issue in games without the fine aiming (probably better for them) but definitely worse for Zelda.
64 Emulation is always going to be trash forever
From what I'm seeing it's essentially a cartridge that you can load roms into and then plug into an actual N64 to play. Pretty neat, but my N64 was on its last legs anyway before being lost in the latest move.
Seems expensive to have to buy both a $175 cartridge and who knows how much for a console but the more I read up the more it seems that there's no "cheap" solution. Still, I appreciate the recommendation.
There's no better way. I recommend a CRT as well to doing an HDMI mod. Even if you do the mod, you're going to be playing it on a screen that ends up with massive letterboxing the entire time. I don't begrudge anyone for wanting a way to play on modern screens without horrible input issues, but having the letterboxing was a huge turnoff for me.
I was always holding onto the hope that someone would at least make the alpha blending work properly in BM64, since that's the part that really makes it unplayable for me.
Sounds difficult
I give up bros. He's everywhere.
Is pic related any good?
>have to buy $300 dollar Everdrive
>80 dollar RGB mod
>PCBV3 controller mods
Just to play N64 games
What the fuck
The prices will only keep going up user
Maybe consider looking into emulating Wii/Wii U re-releases, either on their respective consoles or through Dolphin. Works better in a lot of cases.
It's simple. You'll enjoy it for a bit and it'll charm you enough to want to play it a bunch more, hate it outright from the start, or it'll just be worth fucking around in for a while.
Fair few tracks and bumpin' music, though.
Wait, Wii-WiiU had n64 games?
The only thing there absolutely needed is the CRT (or modding for HDMI). The Everdrive is the next best investment. Honestly, if you just want to boot up 2-3 games, the solution is to not use a console and deal with re-releases or shitty emulation. Luckily, if it's just 2-3 games, it's likely those will be popular enough to do well. You have to understand that the sky is the limit for this shit. Check this out:
Also, I recommend not even getting into Genesis if you find this mindblowing.
I forgot to mention, there's also always flip sides and cheaper alternatives. If you're willing to put a tiny bit of TLC into it, you can easily refurbish OEM controllers for cheap as fuck.
via virtualconsole, yeah. Stryder7x will test Paper Mario glitches that would normally crash an n64 console on VC for example, slightly better stability in that regard.
Please tell me about Genesis for future reference
There are lots of hardware revisions and even within them there are inconsistencies which makes getting good ones difficult, especially if you are autistic or are wanting to do specific mods. There are different quality standards for both audio and video, along with lots of sects as to the "purity" vs "quality" of each.
>need to buy $300 dollar Everdrive
>$50 dollar SD Card
>$100 RBG/HDMI/OSSC w/Scart cable mods
>$125 steel stick controllers
>$100 CRT
Fuck why not just buy a PS4 at this point?
So what the fuck am I supposed to do then? What's the "BEST" option? You guys just told me 10 different ways to get a controller
These are the beginner guides to just telling them apart, let alone all of the intricacies with making it what you want it to be from there.
>steel stick controllers
If you're not broke (aka have a job) get a Hori. They're only like 80 bucks and will last much longer. I'd get an OEM as well for more precise movements for shooting games, but overall a Hori would be the best investment.
SD cards are cheap.
The Hyperkin hdmi thing for n64/gc/snes works really well and its $30
Anything above that you may as well emulate on a PC
What the fuck was goingon with the Genesis?
What are you trying to play with it?
Because people who spend that much on the console want to play that specific console and not a PS4. You're also not going to be doing both CRT hunting and an HDMI mod. The people doing RGB mods are going to already have the display for it, and you don't even need a large SD card for a complete N64 set. Honestly, the investment isn't that bad if you consider the system + everdrive gives you access to the entire library. The rest is simply QoL.
Hardware revisions are pretty damn common, and if you can make something cheaper... For example, it's no wonder they took out the headphone jack.
Isn't N64 emulation in CURRENT YEAR still garbage?
I dunno, I think I'd call using Puyos and Tetrominos at the same time a "wacky ruleset"
FZero, Turok, Zelda, and Smash n GoldenEye
If opening a controller doesn't intimidate you, get some used stock controllers off of ebay and order some replacement parts from the kitsch website listed in this thread. A hori pad won't do you wrong for smash/f-zero and probably be preferred, but you'll find Turok, Zelda, and GoldenEye to feel twitchy. If you ever played OoT with a gamecube controller on the GC/Wii, then you'll know what to expect.
Alternatively, get 1 OEM and fix it and 1 hori. Use the OEM for zelda/shooters and the hori for everything else. If fixing it is scary to you, just get the hori.
Sounds good to me then. Always wanted to give it a shot, just never really heard much about it.
Thanks user, have a good night
Enjoy your games, bro
Ogre Battle 64!!
just clean the fucking OEM controller joystick. takes like 30 minutes
n64 Wiiu VC is dogshit, there's insane input lag
It's unironically worth owning an everdrive just to play translation patches
Cleaning them doesn't really do much. Most of the time there is plastic literally ground away into dust (hence why they need to be "cleaned"). They were shipped with zero lubrication. Cheap replacement plastic parts and proper lubrication makes them essentially new.
get a v3
trust me
you wanna be able to do this
Okay now play them for more than 1 hour.
and the 2.x doesn't play homebrew or hacks?
I fucking love Ogre Battle 64 and am counting the days until I can play it on my Switch.
>Why can't we have nonlinear fps games anymore? This game even had platforming.
Some of those people went on to make Metroid Prime.
Go figure how they accomplished that.
No. That sounds like bullshit.
It'd be the opposite, if anything, because all carts sold in the US were gold and run at 60 Hz whereas grey carts were sold in the EU where the standard was PAL/50Hz.
>why not play the dreamcast version?
Because N64 Shadow Man has fewer regular enemies which is a good thing because a flaw of the Dreamcast version is there is so much worthless shit in your way that takes forever to kill.
Nothing. The reason that some Genesis have much better sound than others is due to a mistake made by Sega when they replaced the discrete version of the sound chip with an intergrated ASIC version.
They mistakenly believed that the two could be used with the same amplifiers because they were essentially the same sound chip. Unfortunately they did not read the documentation provided by Yamaha which said they required different amps. They eventually realized they used the wrong amps and fixed it, but the end result was Genesis consoles released in the middle of the console’s life have distorted sound.
As for video, they just used different video encoders over the console’s life. That’s perfectly normal for just about every console.
Holy shit, I did not realize Atlua made this shit.
Christ, it's depressing to know that Sega was always incompetent.
To be fair, Dreamcast was the best designed console in 6th generation.
And at least Sega weren’t assholes like Nintendo were. They *deliberately* designed the N64 to be hard to develop for in order to enact a kind of video game social darwinism and thin the programming herd.
Is it just me or did anyone, as a kid, have like, the shittiest games on N64. Like worse than the shovelware a kid accumulates of the PS1.
How the hell did my family end up with Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue or Rugrats Treasure Hunt?
I remember having that Rugrats game for some godforsaken reason. To this day I still don't know how the hell that game is supposed to be played. It's like the precursor to Smash Tour.
True, I don't get what they were thinking being actively malicious to developers like that. Then again Sony is doing that exact thing now so I guess nobody ever fucking learns in this industry.
That's weird, i live in the EU, but i also have a gold cart. Maybe the gold PAL carts were limited editions or something.
My AUS one is also a gold cart.
US and AUS (I think) were all gold.
EU and JPN were a mix.
i have an n64 and i've been wanting to replay kazooie and tooie, but i remember the framerate being terrible on tooie
does it emulate well?
>"emulate well"
No. No it does not.
If you can't tolerate the framedips to single digits, you might be better off getting a hacked 360 and playing it on that.
Banjo Tooie is the best 64 game