Is Yea Forums still pretending to hate Bioshock Infinite?
Is Yea Forums still pretending to hate Bioshock Infinite?
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the porn it created is good tho
gotta admit I lost a few brain cells when I played it
I can't really hate it if I never got past the first puzzle
i didn't hate it but i thought it was pretty boring. i was probably 3/4 of the way through when i put it down and never picked it back up. nothing about it hooked me.
first playthrough was decent but there's basically zero replay value compared to the first two
it sucks get the fuck over it
It was fine. I played through it once, enjoyed it and I have zero desire to ever play it again.
I liked it
Wait a minute, that card......
It is genuinely a lesser experience to the previous two games. It would have been better if it was called something else, as then it wouldn't be compared to better games so harshly.
Just got the whole pack from the Steam sale with all the games, and Infinite is by far the worst one yet.
>2 weapons
>brain dead “plasmids”
>aim down sight
>segmented corridor shooting
>entirely skipped hacking
>shit plot
>gene tonic got removed for some shitty outfits
You're fucking retarded.
I'm not pretending. Reddit enlightened me to how bad the entire experience of the game was based on the first 30 seconds of gameplay in the tutorial area where they introduce interacting with the environment by having you click bells.
It's just too hard what the fuck
You are. It's one of the worst.
Is anyone still pretending to like this game for anything beyond the dumb thot porn?
Fucking excuse me
Stop fucking posting
That post is the most honest basic truth about this overhyped piece of shit game
it's anti-wage slavery propaganda so honestly i'm surprised elder vtards haven't come around on it
It was only good for the sfm porn.
Game sucks. Also that webm reminds me of Alice Madness Returns
Don't worry, middle school's rough on a lot of people, you'll grow out of it.
Kill yourself tranny
Didn't hate it, hated the whole ghost mother segment though. More of the game should have been about Elizabeth's shitty future timeline though.
I worked at a game store around the release of this thing and checked out a used copy. Turns out not using your 360 in forever makes its internal clock reset and Infinite wouldn't correctly autosave due to the offset time. I had to basically play through it twice and realized it was the worst in the series and the story was awful.
>reaction to posts pointing out how retarded they are is longer than their own "hurr retarded"
lmao just stop
Still at it? Wow you're embarrassing.
>Still at it? Wow you're embarrassing.
how ironic lol
Wait a minute that card.
Its a bland corridor fps with a rollercoaster gimmick in the arena segments.
The entirety of the game's mechanics are thoroughly explored in the tutorial carnival.
Its shit.
If they don't scrap their next project twice and actually attempt to polish the difficult design elements they might end up with something neat.
But little Kenny boy will probably pussy out because polishing up unique ideas is risky and hard, but scrapping a game two times and settling on some flavorless tripe is easy as long as you have an established IP you can dress it up in.
Bioshock 1 and 2 are great games
Infinite fucking sucks
Finally a smart game for smart gamers.
It would have been great but no one says “nigger” so it ruins the experience
it was trash and no the lame 'give them more Rapture' trash dlc didn't make it any better
The main game fucking sucked but I never played the DLC so can't really judge those.
It was literally so bad it killed it's studio and killed the IP. Parent company 2k has insane revenue generation in their studios/IP's and they still haven't brought Bioshock back to life. Seriously how hard would it be to get a 1/2 Bioshock VR (fuck infinite) or a Bioshock Online similar to GTA but fucking Bioshock.
The Man Who Sold The World
>they still haven't brought Bioshock back to life.
>he doesn't know
I'm mostly just trying to remember anything about it which tells me it was a pretty forgettable game.
All I'm getting is that the ending had something to do with different timelines but didn't have a real purpose because the writer said himself he included the notion because he thought it was cool, not because he understood it or had an interesting use for it in the story.
>the writer said himself he included the notion because he thought it was cool, not because he understood it or had an interesting use for it in the story
>infinite Comstocks and Bookers exist because of one pivotal moment
>so we have to drown you before you can make a choice
It might have been a decent ending, if they didn't immediately contradict it after the credits.
are you trying to prove a point with this gay ass tumblr cutscene gif?
This is the best I could find off google with a quick search so I guess I'm a little off about what specifically he was being retarded about but the main point still stands
No pretending the hate is all real. Fuck what that initial demo showcased compared to what we ended up with.
Infinite was bad enough already This DLC sinks it in even further by killing Elizabeth
It's shit, but Elizabeth is a gift from heaven.
I don't hate it, but I didn't like it.
I liked the first two Bioshocks because Rapture was amazing, and the entire setting was really cool. Infinite's airships was just generic steampunk but with QUANTUM BULLSHIT, and it just wasn't as interesting.
>every aspect of previous games is downgraded
>makes you just stand there and watch cutscenes for 25% of the game
>feels like you are playing CoD but with magic
>51 posts in
stop slacking off, anons.
Oh, Hi Liz!
I thought it was alright. Pretty good. A little pretentious but not too bad.
Elizabeth was nice and a good way to do companions. I liked having a waifu help me and throw me ammo. Flying around was ok to add verticality.
I dunno it wasn't the best game ever but pretty good.
Man, I swear that line was delivered better from all the shitposting with a tasteful pause "wait a minute...that card", but he just spits it all out at once. This shit falls apart the more I keep looking at it.
>This shit falls apart the more I keep looking at it.
after finishing the game for the first I immediately replayed it in that hard mode thinking "okay I missed some huge fucking plot point along the way because the ending made no sense with the events that happened along the way" turns out the only think I missed was more retarded plot holes.
not the worst game I played, but possibly one of the most disappointing.
I didn't hate it. It was an okay modern FPS with a mediocre plot, good visual style, and a god-tier waifu.
Burial at Sea fixed the gameplay but had even worse writing. At least it brought back Rapture, which is tied with The USG Ishimura and Dunwall for my favorite game environments in Gen7.
How can people still not get why no one likes Infinite? There's been so much discussion over it.