>comfy games that no one remembers
Comfy games that no one remembers
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>Five out of Five Stars
Oh what halcyon days of old when slapping a Maxim review onto your cover was something you did out of pride because Maxim was relevant.
I always wanted to play this cuz of the two ladies on the cover but never got the chance to. Was it any good?
It's decent, but very short, linear, and the writing isn't that great.
Not great, but definitely fun. Pretty grindy though.
I had this game on xbox, but never finished it. Is the Steam version decent?
Different user, but yeah. There's where I played it. Fun game.
>there will never be a Sudeki 2
my sadness is very big
What's the point of the fabric on her belly? That costume could just be shorts and a top, that middle part doesn't really make sense.
I had this on PSP, it was pretty good especially after having bought more than my fair share of generic shovelware JRPGs
I'm watching a video, looks cool, actually.
The only game I have ever completed 100%, to be honest.
Maxim is relevant here because the game has "sexy" bait. So the average degenerate would care that Maxim approved it.
gog when_
There was never enough porn for this game. I bought it because of the blue haired sorceress on the cover, I never got around to actually playing it. Pic related is my favorite hidden gem.
Is it even possible to defeat that bean boss?
It's more alluring you stupid fuck.
I remember that the mages would play like a fps game, really interesting
>western-developed game with cheesecake art on the cover
Take me back to the days
You made me nostalgic for an aesthetic I didn't realize was dead.
I remember playing the demo to this and masturbating constantly to magazine ads of it.
Sweet meat treats for all the family.
I remember jerking off to the princess's idle animation
>tfw played it on a demo console at a gamestore forever ago
>never really knew what the game was
>years later find it sat there, "huh looks familiar"
>Start playing think nah it's not quite right
>get to the place the game was at when I played the demo and it all rushes back.
I am the ONLY person on Yea Forums who played this That isn't from Spain
oh fuck man I have a soft spot for Sudeki.
I used Elco with that gun that shot through multiple enemies (ion fluxinator I think) for literally the entire game where I could. Shit was cash
The music in the (second? ) level where you go out to the coast area to pick up the catgirl character was the comfiest shit ever
>preorder DLC for titties
Truly a better time
Can you imagine if a publisher tried to have a centerfold or something in Playboy to promote their game, like they did with a few games way back in the day.
The golden age of "Third Person Action-Adventure" meaning a game reminiscent of Jak, Banjo, or something in that vein instead of the grey slop of overproduced, overwrought shit we get today like Horizon: ZD and TLOU.
That and Metal Arms were criminally underrated
6th gen was amazing because games were still relatively cheap enough to produce that a lot of devs and publihsers took risks to make unique looking/playing games and really experimented with the tech of the gen.
These days it costs so much to develop that nobody wants to take any risks and everything is just regurgitated AAA trash
Best B movie action plot game that nobody remembers.
Love this game. It would become a Yea Forums favorite if one their ecelebs played it
Oney played it though
and is on playstation or nintendo
Hi Vinny
I love how it's so blatantly trying to cash in on the popularity of JRPGs at the time.
Those were the days.
Wish I had gotten it to work on one of our PCs back in the day. I still have the copy but the installer doesn't even work on W10.
Post some autistic lets plays with these games you morons
I love seeing weirdos play these games
It was 5 bucks or so on fanatical
>Hl2 engine
that would actually get me to buy this.
>got every single mech game I saw
>thought this looked dumb
>turned out to be better than mechassault
Pretty much anything on this list
man I miss AA games.
it's the original Half Life engine, goldsource.
didnt witcher do this like 2 years ago?