Hello, I'm here to kill fighting games

Hello, I'm here to kill fighting games.

Attached: crossbox.jpg (1920x500, 133K)

what the fuck is that

i actually watched the demo and it only shows movement. how are you supposed to use the directional and attack buttons at the same time? like really how the fuck are you supposed to down+forward anything? youre hands will be pretzels

>uses a joystick

It obviously requires dexterity but the idea is to split complex movement inputs with the hitbox directional buttons with the analog, but for typical command inputs on actions you would just use the analog

I'm confused as to what this is.

Just use a stick bro

Attached: D8TrmnQU0AAhdtZ.jpg (900x1200, 182K)

Post your stick.

Attached: 1497644824190-neo-stick-modded.jpg (1280x960, 519K)

All these stupid fancy fightsticks yet no one had bothered to make one where the stick isn’t digital, but analogue.

i cant think of a fighting game that makes use of analog inputs, so making an analog fight stick would be pointless

Smash for one
>in b4 not a fighting game, hurr

But the real reason is not for any existing fighting games, but rather the benefits Analogue stick inputs could bring to the genre as a whole. Smash being a good example of how much more precision you could have. Imagine how much smoother many game would play if you didn’t have to clumsily double tap the stick forward or backward to dash, backstep or Air dash.


Attached: Mad-Catz-Goes-WWE-With-New-BrawlStick-and-BrawlPad-Controllers-3.jpg (530x350, 29K)

in order for anyone to bother making an analog stick, people would need to make analog games. Giving traditional fighting games this type of input changes up the core of the whole genre, requiring the game be built from the ground up just for this type of input. No major developer is going to bother with this because digital inputs work just fine for regular fighting games.

Like I said, Smash already exists as the most popular competitive fighting game in the genre, and case could be made for making analogue fight sticks for it. I know it’s a chicken and the egg kinda scenario, no dev is gonna bother adding analogue inputs without analogue sticks, and no one is gonna bother to make analogue sticks without games that utilize it. But I argue that the benefits of analogue inputs greatly benefit the genre, and pads can already accommodate that function without added investment, so why not just program both digital and analogue styles into the games? It’s really not that hard, just a few lines of code really. More options is never a bad thing, and slowly people will realize the benefits of analogue. Additionally, also makes fighting games more accessible by making them more intuitive without needing to dumb them down.

Again, pads can run analogue already, so just add the option.

Then, with Smash, as well as the rest of the genre adopting this optional input style, you now have a reason to create Analogue fight sticks.

do you know about the smashbox? it's a good case study for this situation.
Melee is an analog game, and the box gives digital inputs. A lot of difficult things are made easy thanks to this thing. A lot of care went into making sure that it's capabilities didn't stretch out so far as to invalidate the regular Gamecube controller.
If a Street fighter were made analog with varying walk speeds, digital inputs would allow for faster movement than analog options would. the ability to instantly reach max speed would be valuable while analog inputs have to build up to it first by moving from the neutral position to the edge.
Adding aerial drift would be a whole new mess. Free, fully ambiguous 50/50 cross-ups on every single knockdown would be obnoxious. The movement restrictions currently in place have a purpose of preventing shit like that

Attached: smashbox.jpg (1429x806, 127K)

Alright, I have no counter-argument, you win.

It’s a shame though, cause Analogue feels more intuitive and is one of those things that would instantly make the genre move forward and be more accessible without dumbing things down.

the genre might move, but i dont think it would be in a good direction
Think of oki. There are plenty of options, like meaty setups, a tricky 50/50 if your character has the tools for it, shit like that. Aerial drift giving the knockdown 50/50 crossup would invalidate all of that and make every character fully capable of vortexing you, knocking you down over and over again to keep hitting this 50/50 and having no other gameplan. I'm not exaggerating when i say it could actually ruin fighting games

>imagine still playing fighting games with a dildo, despite the arcade scene dying out in America over 20 years ago

I think the funniest thing is that this doesn't look like it house a traditional korean stick without some modification. 9/10 people who are going to use this shit are probably playing tekken.

>living in America
That’s your first mistake.

It's literally only good for tekken and it's god awful way of moving around