Yume Shikki biweekly Update

We're still alive.

New Build:

>What is this?
Yume Shikki is a yume nikki fangame being made as a colaborative effort by various members of the Yea Forums board in a similar vein to Yume 2kki.

>How long has this been in development?
The original thread suggesting the idea was posted on Yea Forums on the 19th of april, development started a few days after this and the first build was released one week later on the 26th of april

>Can I help out?
Of course, you can join the development team via Slack here join.slack.com/t/v-game/shared_invite/enQtNjUxOTgyNjkyNzQwLTBjZmQyOTQ3NTM5OGMxZjQyZjM3MWNhY2U0ODU4MzIxOGY4ZWQ3YWQ2OWQ5MTMxMTk2MTQ4Y2U4OTlmMTQ4ZTA , or you can simply help out by testing new builds and suggesting ideas. Even posting an old dream down below can help us get the creative juices flowing

As always devs will be hanging around responding to comments for a while after the thread is first up so feel free to ask us any questions you may have.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Have (you) had any interesting dreams lately?

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damn nice, godspeed anons.

i'm going to try this to test this to see how it runs on wine, at the moment I'm installing the RTP.

Reporting, it works, I'm going to keep playing looking for crashes, but I there aren't many things that can go wrong with an RPGMaker game.

I'm using Proton if anybody is interested.

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cant wait to see how this progresses. keep it up user.

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Based laptop user

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I'm poor.

Never played Yume Nikki, but have one of my weird nightmares. I'm a skinny guy and I hate obese people with a passion for reference.
I was standing in line waiting for something I don't remember, but I couldn't see who was ahead of me aside from one obese person so fat that I couldn't even look past them unless I moved away. I was restricted in movement left and right though so there was only going forward. This person being in front of me made me anxious as the line steadily moved forward uncertain what's ahead. After a while waiting in line, the fat guy's legs were shaking. I tried backing off but the person behind me blocked my attempt at creating distance, the fatty then fell backwards and crushed me to death, that's when I woke up.

do you need rpg make installed to run the build? I'm also trying it on wine and it crashes with RPG Maker 2003 is not found

Install it on your Wine partition.

Cheers fellow unix neckbeard

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1 Warps you to the Debug room, lole.

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Yeah, we just leave it in for the sake of convenience. Also, here's the map for those who are interested.

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any way out of here?

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Use the hammer

Shit, just noticed the map is slightly inaccurate.
Checkerboard to Mesa is one way, and Spirit to bus stop is one way.

>city I live in suddenly has positive 'citizen of the day' signs
>wake up and see my name plastered on one
>lots of shit I've never done
>start getting calls and people trying to talk to me
>tell them I don't remember the good deeds, don't want recognition anyway and start making calls to remove signs (doesn't happen)
>run around city tearing down the signs
>eventually police show up and try to arrest me
>tell them I'm the man on the sign and want it gone
>they don't believe me
>get shot multiple times and die
>fly through black space with colorful orbs that feel warm
>wake up

makes sense that Yea Forums would make a game with no gameplay

damn didn't even know this was a thing.
I might try it in a few days

damn, that's a lot deeper than I thought it would be

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If you guys want some dream stuff, I've had quite a few odd ones over the years. This one was an odd three-night dream:
One night when I was 7, I had a dream where my brother and I were in a helicopter, underwater. We had to wear old scuba gear, but for some reason the helicopter worked just fine. It dropped us down to this old creaky house, and we had to enter in the cellar doors. Suddenly a ton of fish zombies started swarming out, and we had to shoot slime at them to take them out. But one fish came up on my brother, and exploded goop all over him. He started to inflate, and then exploded himself, covering me in the same goop, and I soon died in the same way, forcing me to wake up. The next night that I went to sleep, I had the exact same dream. The exact same thing happened, but I managed to dodge out of the way of my brother exploding. I couldn't save him. Once he was gone, the waves of fish stopped. I walked up the staircase at the end of the room, and opened the door to a small white room, filled with white furniture. And it had two malnourished hellhound-looking things, that instantly pounced me and killed me, forcing awake again. The third night I went to bed, again the scenario played out. But this time, I braced for the hellhound attack. Except when I opened the door, they were gone, and there was a wide streak of blood on the pure white room. I turned to the left, and was immediately greeted by another door. This led to a bright, somehow whiter void, which I walked through until I woke up. Never had a dream like it again.

Hopefully at some point we can do away with all of the RTP assets so that it's not needed to play. Seems to always be causing issues.

I was waiting for a dinner table at a Japanese restaurant until three guys dress as The Dude, Walter, and Donny sat down next to me. I made a joke to them and the guy dressed as Walter repeated it, but louder. They all started bouncing off references to each other, getting louder and louder, until they were screaming . The whole restaurant could hear.
They wen't kicked out.


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fug :DDDD

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I love yume nikki so much, godspeed

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based fatties

owo was this

which one is mesa?

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Please for the love of god do something about the awful diagonal sections. I know Yume Nikki had them, but they were just as bad. Do something about the movement on those, please.

trying to find doll....

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make the character go diagonal

Will this game have lewd?

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You can't.

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>yume nikki fangame
>having lewd elements
This is a bait question, right? You do know what Yume Nikki is, correct?

yeah, that's my suggestion.

I see, I thought you were telling me to do that. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Adventure games are games, too.

All of these have been reported and we will try to fix them, thank you for the feedback.

don't worry, I think I wasn't clear enough anyway.

hell yeah, i was in the thread whwre the game was conceived
i don't even like yume nikki, i'm just glad to see this project still being worked on

No problem fren.
give me a clue on how to move the guy from mesa? Do I need an effect?

>lewding yotsuba
fucking zoomers

I had a dream about getting banned from Discord again. I dreamt that I was playing Runescape, and I typed "(^_^)/" and then suddenly I was banned for hate speech. Because everyone shares data, my Paypal instantly shut me out and all the services I use informed me I am now on their shit list for being a Nazi and using the world's most dangerous emoji.

fucking lol'd

You will need to reach Scarecrow world first


I keep a dream diary, I can post some of the weirder entries if anons are interested.

I had this one weird dream where I was walking on a boardwalk over the sea. There were houses all over the boardwalk, it was kind of like the boardwalk city from the Marvelous Adventures of Flapjack. So I was walking and then all of the houses started rising up, as if on stilts, sliding along these wrought iron rails up into the air. The boardwalk creaked and there were cracking sounds all around me, and then the individual boards started to raise up, like a huge wave, on the other side of the boardwalk, not on stilts but just a huge torrent of boards heaving up like a tidal wave. The boards beneath my feet gave way and I was crushed to death under all the falling lumber.

Only remembered this one dream I had months ago, where I was roaming inside a cave with portals leading to different worlds. The cave reminded me of Gruntilda's Lair from Banjo-Kazooie. I noticed this one hole in the cave wall from the west side of the cave, and there was a white light coming from there. I was led into a bathroom from that hole, and found a bathtub located at the center. There was a pink-haired anime girl in the tub, I ended up beating and stabbing her to death with something. I felt that she was someone I knew that I've grown to despise.

I had just played Kingdom Hearts 3, and I had a dream that I had to do Keyblade surgery on my boyfriend's heart.

I had a dream about Pewdiepie getting into a bizarre accident involving Mr Beast and a telephone pole. Meaning to surprise him, Pewds scaled the pole naked, and accidentally pulled the transformer off, which exploded. Mr Beast made a statement saying he had no idea what he was thinking.

im cunfus, are you supposed to walk over this? it has some partial collision.

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Dreamt I went pranking with Danny DeVito. He was half his normal size (So he was a midget version of himself) and he was wearing roller skates. He was skating around a large party carrying carrying a bunch of orange creamsicles and chewing bubble gum and blowing bubbles. His plan was to crash into people and ruin their clothes.
Dreamed I shit a grenade.
Dreamed my art teacher was able to turn his face blue in a fractal pattern. I tried and turned red, and he replied that I was too acidic. I then attempted to focus my Chi and I turned blue.

We get it. You want to bone your mom. Nobody cares.

Thanks Freud. 'Preciate it.

I had a recurring dream when I was seven years old or so, where I'm sitting on a bench on the side of a street in some neighbhorhood and I see a few toy blocks on the side of the road. When I look at them, some kind of blue vortex thing opens appears in the sky and a tornado comes out of it, sucking everything up, and suddenly I'm astride a motorcycle, riding into the heart of the vortex. Everything goes black, and then I see all these red veins everwhere, like blood vessels, shaking around really fast, and I get really scared. I sense the presence of some kind of bull/minotaur thing, and then I wake up.

My girlfriend that I met high school was in a really fucked up situation, her dad had given her LSD when she was seven and spent a lot of his time fucking with her sense of reality, telling her he could move the clouds with his hands and grooming her to be a sex slave. I used to talk to her about her internal world a lot, she said she retreated inwards and had made a very vivid internal world, she called her dream world "Koeno" and she even drew a map of it once. She used to tell me about all the weird things she'd experience, like she'd catch glimpses of cats that didn't exist going around corners, and she told me that she was also convinced that there was a committee of demons that sat around a round table and decided what she was going to do. There was one demon that she said was possessing her, it's name started with an M, but I don't really remember. She used to walk around the courtyard at lunch hugging trees, because the demon told her that she had to hug every single tree to dispel some kind of barrier or something.

I think a lot of schizophrenia happens when you make an early life misunderstanding about the nature of the reality you're in. It took a lot of convincing to get her to try to ground herself, but the thing about spending a lot of time around a person like that is that they start to pull you in to their way of seeing the world, too.

sabi bump

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Pretty solid so far. My only real criticism is how many looping abyss areas there are. having a few is fine since its a staple of the series but id try fitting in more fleshed out maps. The looping areas can be fun but variety is important. Otherwise pretty good.

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More about my gf... Her dad used to get her really drunk and he'd molest her, and she'd show up at school really hung over with these half-memories of things that had happened the previous night, and she wouldn't be sure whether they were things that she'd dreamed or whether they really happened. She wouldn't remember it at all the next day.

She once tried showing me how to do "distortion magic". She said one of the other kids had taught her how to do it. What you would do is you'd sit on the ground and make a circle with your fingers, and look in the circle really intently, and if you stared at it long enough, the space between your fingers would start to bend. We used to try to have shared experiences like that. I can still stare at walls and watch them morph...

She told me that in order to tell whether she was in reality or not, she'd touch the hem of her skirt. Being able to feel the sensation of the roughness of the fabric was what kept her grounded.

Koeno itself was divided into different floating worlds, I remember there was something like an animal village, a place with lots of fire, a forest, and she told me that she knew a lot of the animals that lived in the village, and they all had names and they'd go on adventures together. I think this is because she had a DS and she played Animal Crossing a lot.

Even after I had calmed her down some and gotten her away from her dad, she'd still have these moments where one person's reality could influence another's in a really sharp manner. As I said she had influenced me a bit, and one evening when we were living together, i came home exhausted and a bit drunk and i told her that i needed to lay down because I'd just seen a lamp bend in my mind. And she replied, "oh god, now they're all bending for me too"

When she'd get stressed, she would sometimes have panic attacks and start seeing shit, usually cats. She'd tell me that there were cats everywhere. Sometimes, if it happened in a public place, she'd run and hide somewhere and I'd have to chase her and tell her everything's OK and try to calm her down.

She was really sweet, though. I make her sound like a lot of trouble because it's a thread about a genre of games about dreams and characters with messed up psyches, but she was a very sweet and relatively sheltered girl. She made me a scarf that looked like tacgnol, and she had a longcat one. She was a cute little red haired Dutch girl, with dimpled cheeks and freckles. We used to play Animal Crossing together and I loved her a lot. I still do.

Unfortunately she later decided she was going to transition into a man, I guess as her way of dealing with all the weird shit traumatic shit that happened to her. I really tried to talk her out of it, I really tried, but she did anyway and after that our relationship just got awkward. After a while I don't think I was able to give her what she really needed, and s/he found another boyfriend who liked them, and I was alright with it, and I just let them go. They moved to a border town in Arizona, and I haven't seen them since.

Anyway. I hope my story might help the devs or give them some insight into how schizophrenic people think. I'll lurk around a bit if anyone wants to ask me anything.

I'm done playing for now, I'll write some dreams for the time being. Last interesting dream I remember was something about a small European-looking village, I can remember much but apparently I was involved in some shady business with terrorist/revolutionaries armed groups, and I would sell guns to them. Next thing I remember there was some Helicopter shooting at the village, killing every single person who lived there, for some reason it feel real, I remember being scared trying to hide from the bullets, last thing I remember was having to jump into a ditch because they threw a bomb to house I was behind of, I even remember some dissidents trying to fight back, firing to the helicopter.

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I noticed that on several occasions I'll dream about running around town at first because I know I fucked up bad somehow but I can't remember and then I have several encounters with the police that always play out with me running away because I don't know what the fuck I did wrong and things getting worse with seat eventually getting involved. The last two times I've had this dream I the endings were pretty weird. In one the dream ended after suicide and in the other I realized I was in Shrek's body and was freaking out before getting hit by a car and waking up. Also not a dream but like a month ago after a couple of hours shit posting on Yea Forums after locking my phone and putting it away I remember hearing a whisper in my ear saying good night and my body suddenly just locked up before I lost consciousness

I'm getting random crashes in WINE, any other dependencies besides RPG maker 2003?