The 2019 TF2 market crash

>Sissmas update
>its just cosmetics, the only notable one being ricardo milos getting in
>somehow this caused a bug with crates #81 and #82 that guaranteed unusuals
>price drops ensues
>assets frozen by valve, currently trying to figure out something more permanent to do
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Ricardo's power is much too great.

Thank you based Ricardo

hey man don't shit on my bird

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>not this

Do players deserve the Cheater's lament?

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So this is the power of meming a Brazilian pornstar with a thicc ass.

crashing this economy

Absolutely, this was bigger than external scripts to get hats since this was so accessable.

Is the glitch still working?


Nope. It ended around I think something after 12pm Central when Valve finally shut all the trading shit down.

>use market as intended
>change strategy based on updates
>get "punished" for playing smart
Cheater's Lament was a retarded idea to begin with, seeing how it was basically a low-CPU script that was made entirely with TF2's command parameters: all it did was monitor them within a cmd box much like a dedicated server would.

I still got halos despite doing this on three accounts.

Ok buddy retard

Well that was fun in a Chaotic Neutral kind of way. The economy resets in three days.

>The economy resets in three days.

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Haven't played tf2 since it went f2p, is now a good time to come back in?

this isn't confirmed, and if they were gonna do it they'd do it already

Who here /stillwaitingoncheaterslament/? We are getting it right?

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no pfft

This is such a shitshow and I love it. As someone who hasn't played this game in years and doesnt give a shit about cosmetics, Valve should just do nothing and let the economy crash. Hell, make the unusuals from glitched crates tradable again. Tradefags will stop playing and player numbers and sink well below the top 10 (probably will hover in the upper 10s-lower 20s)

Valve doesn't give a shit about TF2. They made plenty of money today with keys and market fees and should consider today's updates the last TF2 updates. I would hope this economy crash means we'd get a TF3 but we know that won't happen

>the economy resets
>keys go back to being worth 2.33 refined

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this guy is right

tradefags dont make up any significant amount of the playerbase anymore, not since keys went up 50 50 ref lel. everyone in trade servers nowadays are kids trying to be like the scrap2unusual grinders of 2013/2014.

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[vacuum noises + heavycriticalpain.wav]

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>retards wanting cheaters lament despite the fact that people who used it were huge moralfags who were kicked or bullied if they were caught wearing it

This won't backfire at all.

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I think we deserve unusual cheaters laments.

>Effect: Laughing Emoji
>Strange Part: Unusual-Wearing Players Killed

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I really hope this economy crashes and burns. Fuck lootboxes and fuck the autistic filth that comes with it.

I went to sleep when valve froze the market. What did I miss?

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>sold those crates for pennys years back
this hurts

Modern Valve can't make a game as good as TF2, let alone better. They can't even improve on TF2 anymore, the last few updates fucked up matchmaking, ruined a plethora of weapons for the sake of the "competitive scene" (which really shouldn't exist seeing as the game was designed to not have one on a fundamental level), and spent countless amounts of time and resources making an entire "competitive" gamemode for the "competitive" scene, which was promptly abandoned by the "competitive" community who went back to their own 3rd party sites. It's the players that have been keeping the game alive by making new maps, gamemodes, cosmetics, and weapons. And it wasn't modern Valve that gave us the freedom to do all of those things, it was 1990s-2000s Valve that gave that to us. What makes you think that Valve today could produce something better?

>already seeing people dressing up like youtubers
this is the best fucking update ever, fuck trade whores and fuck unusuals

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So uh, I'm gonna get to keep the steam bux I made off my crates, right?

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I mean yeah, they're only getting rid of unusuals.

>getting rid of
honestly making them non-tradable and non-marketable is the best move. Anything further would spark outrage from those who spent money because they knew they'd get unusuals.