Will an RTX 2060 keep me at the elite group of the PC master race for a long time...

Will an RTX 2060 keep me at the elite group of the PC master race for a long time, or should I get the still overpriced GTX 1080 instead?

Attached: 564519-meet-the-nvidia-geforce-rtx-2060-super.jpg (810x456, 107K)

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shameless bump

>gtx 1080
>rtx 2060
you need a 2080 ti to even play at 1080p 60 fps

don't bother with anything under a 1070/2070

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A 2060 Super isn't a bad card for the price point though spending a bit more for the 2070 Super or higher basically guarantees you won't have a need to upgrade for the 3+ years.
Fuck off.

2060 is better than a 1070 though.

Also there's much of a difference between the 6gb DDR6 and the 8gb DDR5? It's 2gb less but how important is the upgrade of the DDR generation?

Just get an RX 5700 or a 5700 XT.
The former offers the best price/performance and the latter outpaces the RTX 2060 Super by about 5% for the same price.

>buy the pre-dented card like a good goy

Is it? Haven't been keeping up.
RTX cards are a joke honestly.

Get a 2070 mini. Theres one on ebay for $425 right now


>ever buying an AMD card
Linuxfags need to get hanged.

RTX 2060 will let you play 99.99% of games with above 60 FPS on Ultra

The only time it may become a problem is if you want to play with 4k resolution

The difference in performance is not worth the price for GTX 1080

dunno m8, seems good for the price

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You're retarded. I have been rocking a 1070 for years and I can still play most modern games at 1080p60, and I can edit 4K video with 3d composited effects as long as I properly transcode.

Attached: 1556329218933.jpg (375x525, 63K)

Not by that much, it's more or a replacement for a 1070 than a big upgrade.

I'm having a hard time justifying leaving my 970 behind, but then again I really need to gut my whole box and start more or less fresh. This 8320 with 8 GB of DDR3 is starting to drag a bit.

What's a solid upgrade for a 980 user?

if buying nvidia always get xx70 or higher

lol 30% of the performance is never good for any price

based NVIDIA shill

choose one

Attached: AMD-Radeon-RX-5700-y-5700-XT-Review-Benchmarks-2.jpg (602x331, 55K)

lol more like 15%

Its more of a sidegrade of the 1070ti IIRC, but the Turing archtecture will probably age a bit better than older Pascal cards when it comes to the next gen games.

a $120 card can do 1080p 60fps

I have a 2060 for $350 and it lets me play literally anything maxed out at 60+ on 1080p. I don't have a 4k monitor and don't really plan on getting one, so it's perfect if you're in that position.

It also handles VR like a champ.

Attached: D6ZkAFrWsAECFT6.jpg (1536x2048, 316K)

Hery nvidiots,where's the reply to this?

Used 1070ti

You can thank me in 5 years when you upgrade to 4k

I'm gay.

Mmm, kinda risky to spend a few hundreds on used goods. No guarantee and shit

Just grab a GTX980 off ebay for 120 burgers

i have a 1080 and I'll overhaul my whole PC next gen as a present to myself for finishing Uni