EVO Starts one week from now. What games are you planning to watch? What do you hope gets announced at EVO? Hopes? Fears? Expectations?
EVO Starts one week from now. What games are you planning to watch? What do you hope gets announced at EVO? Hopes...
>Season 3 of Tekken
>The Hero
I'll be watching SFV mostly
and a little bit of everything else
I just want more characters for SFV and some information on Granblue
Pretty much everything but MK and smash
That the Capcom announcement breathes some life back into SFV after nearly a year of silence. I also hope the UNIST, Samsho, and SFV top 8s are good since those are what I'm most looking forward to.
Capcom fucks up the announcement which is highly likely and we're left with just Tekken and Smash for any actually interesting competition from here on out.
UNIST, BBTAG, and SamSho never make mainstage again. DBFZ and SFV both drop lots of viewers and next year is their last year. Some random player wins tekken in a repeat of the middle eastern dude. Smash runs overtime.
Watchin tekken, sf, and smash.
Might try to catch under night and samurai.
Waiting for more sf5 arcade edition info and hero being realsed
Imagine watching EVO for the waiting rooms
I'll try to catch what I can of SamSho, FighterZ, SCVI, T7, UNIST, Ultimate, and whatever side tournies interest me. If I miss something I'll just watch replays. I'll try and watch every Top 8 just so I can rate them all. I often burn out with all the streams so I'm going to take it easy and just catch what I can.
Hoping for cool new characters in the games on the main stage to be shown (particularly in DBFZ & SamSho, I want to see gameplay of Super Broly and the SamSho characters after Rimururu) or announced (T7 & SCVI getting new seasons would be nice, and I'm sure BBTag will have a new franchise join). I expect one last lump of SFV content as well but no new Capcom games until the Cup. They're probably dropping The Hero in Smash on Finals day.
Anybody know what side tournies there will be? I'm hoping for some KOF, UMvC3, Guilty Gear, SamSho II and/or V, Hokuto no Ken, Sailor Moon S, & Pokken. Marvel Infinite would be alright too, I like seeing what people who still care about that game do.
Fuck off. The only bad main stage game is MK11, with BBTag & SFV being middling but okay.
Oh, and I hope there's a TvC tourney as well.
>What games are you planning to watch?
Just Samsho Tekken and Smash. Maybe SFV. I used to care about DBFZ but watching it last year was so boring. My hope is that Samsho just looks fun in general, I'm interested in the more footsie focused neutral game.
No tits bad game big tits good game
Everything but smash. The event's done after Tekken as far as im concerned.
Sorry sweetie but I have standards, I don't have time for mediocre games either
also calling it now Tifa will be T7's newest guest character to hype up FF7remake. It seems that square and namco are on good terms.
Here's what's on AnimEVO this year. I bet there will be other side tournaments too, but good luck catching those streams if they exist.
I watched the Defend the North top 8 for Samsho and every player there made the game look fun to play besides Jwong.
Everything except for smash. I hope punk wins in SFV and that a Seth player wins in Unist.
Kiryu getting into Tekken and for the Arcsys/Unist reveals to be kino. Prayerfully the Unist reveal will breathe life into the scene. Also hope Sony is actually making All Stars 2.
That the Capcom reveal sucks
BBTag top 8 will last less than 45min. There will be no Americans in top 8 for Unist.
Tekken7 if it's not the same predictable top 8 again
Smash if it doesn't end too late
Also didn't they mention SF5 support would go until 2019? Wouldn't it be time to announce SF6?
I'm going to be watching SamSho and maybe Tekken. From SNK I don't expect them to announce anything other than besides one of the DLC trailers. When it comes to announcing big stuff it's always been near PSX or a sony event, or on their own terms or maybe even evo Japan where they have a bigger hand/role.
I hope capcom announces something cool. They've been doing well on everything except their FG division, so my fear is they fuck something else up in regards to that.
They said until 2020 for sfv
Watching top 8s for everything but smash. Genius time slot for it honestly.
Hoping for interesting reveals for Tekken and ArcSys games.
Fear that Capcom will continue on it's current path, for fighting games at least.
I'm waiting to see what they have to announce for BBTAG.
>klk if
Why that and not jump force? Is it actually good?
>Tekken 7
I hope the Paki fucks up all the gooks
Hope there aren't a lot of Asswels.
Might as well, top 8's not gonna last more than half an hour
Gonna take a nap during top 8
It's bad but not as bad as Jump Force.
I think it just came out today, so nobody knows. Definitely not a lot of people took a chance with Jump Force though.
>3 GGs
>SamSho II
>Project Justice
>Sailor Moon
Perfect. Might catch Dengeki Bunko, KLK IF, Gundam, VSav, Windjammers, and Dynamite if possible. Surely everything here will be archived as well, right?
forgot to quote Jump Force sucks. At least KLK IF looks nice, even if it's trash, and it's trying to have actual systems instead of most copypaste arena fighters that Bamco puts out.
I hope one of the most talked about things is how much better EVO smelled at this year with one less Smash game.
Makoto please
>Ultra Fight Da Kyanta 2
Absolutely based. I hope it gets a stream.
At this point having a character want in SFV is probably a curse. SF6 has almost certainly started development. Any characters added now will likely be skipped over for 6, like the Ultra IV newcomers, unless they become wildly popular between their release and 6 launching, and even then they'd at best be Season 1 DLC.
At this point I'm fearing that the characters I actually liked to play as in V will all be gone in 6. Those being Abigail, Alex, & Birdie. I guess I like SFV Gief and they'll probably keep the midair SPD in 6 so there's that.
Plz no. I don't want her ruined like Juri was.
It'd be neat if characters that they considered for SFV like Sodom made it in to wrap up season 4. Past that point there'll be plenty of characters and they should focus more on making characters more competitively viable instead of having Karin/Bison/Rashid/Akuma be flat out better versions of everyone else.
>SFVI or New character for SFV
>Tekken X Street Fighter
>6th series to crossover in BBTAG
>the hero release date, alongside a new character reveal
>Janemba trailer for FighterZ
It's dead user. Even if it wasn't there's not a chance in hell Harada has it prioritized with Tekken in its current state.
Ono already deconfirmed SF6 being at EVO its a new update and probably some characters for 5. I would expect SF6 to be announce next year for the new gen
Sunday is the only day I'll be able to catch it live most likely so it looks like i'm BBtag, SFV, Tekken, Smash gang
didn't think anyone else on the planet knew about Kyanta 2
>Million Arthur Arcana Blood
Okay this game is actually pretty cool. I haven't put much time in it but I was genuinely surprised.
It managed to get around the dislike I have for team based fighting games by making the team aspect a choice of 3 assists for one character, instead of three characters with 3 assists
SFVI is probably Sony's big announcement. Hopefully they're not stupid enough to go full exclusive. The Steam/PS crossplay did a lot to keep the game afloat especially during the early shit years.
>3 guilty gears
Could've put in Eternal Fighter Zero or either MMPR:Fighting or Gundam Wing.
In a weird way, for which I mean a "in lore" way, Alex may be safe.
I have no idea if SF VI will be direct sequel to V, III or a retelling of III, but, the Illuminati and the events of III where so heavily teased on V, that it would be weird to cut Alex now.
Yes, I know how bizarre is to bring up the story (The SF story none the less!) on this kind of speculation, but it's what it's. Whatever Capcom has in store for the future of SF, it involves SF III.
It's sort of blowing up into the next big meme game for fighting game players. It helps that it's free too. I haven't touched it at all and I get that the joke is that it looks like ass but is it actually a decent fighter?
I am more curious at the two Catherines... what did Full Body added for not flat out replace the original?
>it involves SF III
Unless they go with the big timeskip route featuring old master Ryu that they almost went with with SF5. Otherwise if they do a direct sequel to 5, wouldn't it just be a complete retread/retcon of SFIII?
Actually, that reminds me. Is anybody running Power Rangers Battle for the Grid? I haven't bought it yet but it seems like a fun unbalanced mess; a combination of Marvel 3 & Infinite's mechanics. Is it still too buggy or something?
Didn't think of that. At least he's safe at least. I like him a lot in V despite not playing him in 3S (Yang & Q are my mains).
Whatever AnimEVO is running, UNIST and SamSho. I hope SFV gets a big update/content announced since I find it an alright side game but the dearth of actual content since Kage has been disappointing.
I usually like when we see the "next generation" on any kind of media, but it's a risky move in fighting games, and with their recent track record, even if old man Ryu would be awesome, I don't think Capcom can afford losing their core roster for the next entry, specially after all the flag they got with ST V base roster.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if VI is a retelling of III, with more characters to "expand" on those events.
The Battle for the Grid team said in the latest dev stream that they're going to be at Evo in an official capacity, but I didn't hear any mention of them or anyone else running a tournament. The game's perfectly up and running for a tournament in the state it's in now, especially with the three new character drops. It was only ever questionable online, but that's been fixed. It'll be weird if nobody runs it, but there's already so many games there could be a shortage of time/space at the venue.
That's why you posted ultimate retard
does anyone think Smash will be fun to watch?
I think so. Its the first year so the meta is fresh, plus ultimate in general is much more interesting to watch then sm4sh. I think sakurai made it more spectator-like with things like zoom in smashes with exciting background changes, the stock count, more "punchy" sfx. T7 did the same improvements from a spectator viewpoint from T6.
Honestly... I thought Ultimate was alright when I watched it a few months back for KSB. That may have just been the hype from the ROB/Joker player though. If you're into Smash I bet it'll be fun, I haven't played Smash since Brawl and I had a decent time then just watching.
Every time I go I aim to watch every top 8 (last years was fun aside from the horrid Smash 4 one). Problem is having 4 top eights on saturday cause I need a break to eat. Probably gonna have to sit out DBZF cause last time I checked the meta has gone a bit stale..
As for announcements, I' mainly curious on what Capcom is gonna announce. If they want to salvage SFV, they are gonna have to do alot more than extra characters. Also curious on what Sony has in mind.
For what it's worth, so far I enjoy it watching it more than 4 and even meele. The fact that the meta is still fresh helps too, there is still a fairly amount of unique matchups, even if Snake, the Princesses, Wolf, Joker and the like are to be expected to appear in a good mount of matches.
getting together with the boys for EVO weekend, gonna be mostly playing 3s and Tekken, maybe some samsho, but while that's going on
Tekken almost definitely, SFV probably, Smash maybe
anything new for tekken is peaches since i just really got into it, Really hoping SFV announcement is either a complete shitting of the bed to the point that it salts the ground for street fighter as a franchise or the complete overhaul that everyone has been so desperately wishing for since the game came out and AE pretty much just shuffled who was good and who wasnt without much real change to the system
As far as the actual tournies im just hoping for some americans in top 8s for the sake of patriotism
samsho not surviving past EVO. They already have Season 1 of dlc planned and itd be a fucking shame if this was the last time we saw samsho in any meaningful way, especially since its one of the better games out right now and as a franchise it deserves at least another year
nothing particularly interesting happens in terms of gameplay and people dont talk about the good matches because of the announcements. Evo becoming FGC E3 is such a shame and while i get the synergy between game companies and tournies in terms of announcements, i really think that the FGC lost its soul as of SF4 and all this esports shit is continually making it worse
Probably only gonna watch tekken, nothing else particularly interests me at the moment.
I honestly have the most fun watching smaller tournaments where smaller games get to shine and you see more of the local scene. EVO top 8s are always pretty good but they lack the personality of smaller venues.
Watching SFV mostly, and hoping Ryusei gets at least to top 8 with Urien. He's really fun to watch, unlike the cr. mk confirm slog that is Karin, as well as other too familiar characters and play styles.
I'm also very curious to see what Capcom will announce for SFV.
you right.
if you haven't watched it before, maybe.
but it gets boring quickly because it's so simple and shallow
I tried watching samsho tourneys but it's like watching paint dry. The game is just super boring, especially that there's not even much people can do to make it more interesting. OMG THE DAMAGE gets boring fast
UNIST I don't know. It's a game where people at high level just constantly bait eachother's OSes and it makes for very poor show.
Tekken will be fun to watch
DBFZ I'll probably only watch top 8 and only for Kazunoko
BBTAG, smash and SFV are whatever
Only thing I really want to watch live is SamSho, I plan to watch SFV but maybe only top 8.
I really hope SamSho stays successful, I really love it and hope it's not a one and done deal.
its a good game so it will almost absolutely not get the time it deserves
I don't mind Karin as much but I cannot stand watching Akuma and Ibuki, which is a problem since I can guarantee at least one of Tokido and Fujimura will make top 8, not to mention other people like Haitani or Xian. I'm really hoping to see Machabo and Bonchan Nash/Sagat in top 8, and for the real pipedream I hope iDoM makes it too for US rep.
The only issue is that no matter what Capcom announces for SFV it won't be enough. They're not going to rework the entire core game and even getting all the dream characters + new vskills/supers/etc wouldn't bring people back to the game. It's just fated to slowly waste away until SF6.
none I the I don't really games being played
AHHHH WHY DID THEY FUCK UP MVC SO HARD AHHHH I like DBFZ but its just not the same. Visually and playing it.
I hope you're ready for the Cammy, Karin and Akuma show user.
imagine being a street fighter only fag
Don't worry, they were trying their hardest to kill off DBFZ too and they've done a pretty good job so far.
dont have to imagine, I hate fighting games that are not street fighter
are you sure dbfz isnt dying because it fucking blows? I dont think anyone is out to get it so much as its not a good game
It did super well its first year, then apparently Toei flipped its shit and shut down a bunch of tournaments and went completely radio silent on the game for half a year. By the time they released Videl and Jiren interest in the game was waning and it still hasn't recovered. That and a pretty stagnant meta didn't help either.
And maybe all the others Top 8 with the exception of MK.
All fighting games suck now so I don't care. Maybe I will check the top 8s and character reveals on Monday.
Hell yeah. That and Puyo Puyo Tetris are a lot more fun than I was expecting them to be.
If last year was your first taste of competitive Catherine, the years before were a little better.
Thank god Atlus saw our autism with Catherine and added online to Full Body even if is not the best netplay.
Will check the old recordings then. How much changed between Full Body and the original as far as competitive play goes?
enjoy the literal worst timeslot lmao.
>maybe all the others Top 8 with the exception of MK
New items, new stages, new blocks with gimmicks, you can now select a character from the story mode and Joker from Persona 5 with the Phantom Thieves commenting the round (all dlc).
Who's ready for UNICLR to be announced Saturday
a good look at how spawn look in mk11
Not him but honestly it's hard for me to watch NRS games and keep myself interested in what's happening. The only time I was really interested was that one match in IJ2 where Sonicfox chose to play a Starfire mirror match to be cheeky and ended up getting blown the fuck out.
>people are now watching video games like a spectator sport instead of just playing them
How's it feel to be that loser kid who came over for the sleepover but refused to actually play anything and just watched a couple of matches before heading off to bed super early?
I'll always be watching Tekken 7 since it's the game I've been following closely for the past 3 years. I'm interested in UNIST so I'll probably watch that. Other than that, there's nothing else that I'm looking forward to watching. I'm moreso looking forward to the EVO games going on sale on Steam. Maybe can pick up some T7 DLC characters and UNIST for cheap.
kids still mad at mk
NRS games are boring to watch. There are some great matches here and there, but the overall feel is more in the boring side.
This is my case, but I usually play while i put a multistream on my TV or PC.Only on top 8 I stop playing and watch the matches.
>NRS games are boring to watch
no they are not
I’m a contrarian so I will watch MK 11. Maybe tekken, dbfz or smash
MK X were fun to watch, even if the gameplay was 50/50 rushdown. MK 11 ain’t that interesting, every match is the same. We need a fucking patch after evo and more dlc
i dont get this every game has the same shit over and over why do people get mad that mk does it and didn't everybody say they hated the 50/50 rushdown
The only one that matters.
I also dislike SF V and MvsC2 due to that, but at least the last one is fast so i don’t get that bored
Don't respond to the NRS autist
>watching people play games instead of playing games
people who do this are fucking losers
what are you talking about every fighting game has combos you do over and over
you dont get one
Ignoring Friday's SC6 top 8. Will watch all the bullshit anime games on Friday / Saturday like HnK, project justice and melty.
Plan to watch top 32 of all the main games for Saturday and Sunday bar MK11 and Smash.
I'll probably only watch UNIST and SamSho for the mainstage, I'll watch the Xrd side tournament too. I don't really know what to expect for announcements.