Just finished playing this game. What's Yea Forums's opinion on it?

Just finished playing this game. What's Yea Forums's opinion on it?

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The town made him ______.

It's good as an immersive psychological thriller, and probably the best story of the series. As a game itself, it sucks. What did YOU think about it?

Play a shitty game.

Pretty nice little hidden gem. Won't find many people talking about it here. If you wanna play another game with little coverage then play Witcher 3.

Solid movie with an amazing soundtrack.

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Shit gameplay.
The most bungled attempt at ripping off Lynch ever attempted.
Shit VA and dialogue writing.
Good OST.


As the years go by and the average age of the board remains somewhat of a constant, this statement becomes less and less sarcastic

OP here. For a horror game it sure makes me want to inmerse in its atmosphere, which gave me a...peaceful feeling, rather than scary. I also liked the protagonist, he really felt human. However, I never understood who the little girl was (I had the theory when I first saw her that she was kid Mary but que clearly wasn't), and also, I got "Ending: In water" so there are more endings? Which is the canon one?

Freaking 2001 kids get off Yea Forums

Kill yourself

I played all the mainline games when they were current. everything I listed is true.

You can tell this was made by a snoy.

Devs said that all of them can be canon. It's up to the player.

>Shit gameplay
Gameplay =/= combat. It's how the game plays it's mostly fine for the most part. Unless you mean the controls. Well tank controls are intentional.

>Ripping off Lynch
Not really it took inspiration from his works but not straight up copying

>Shit VA and dialogue writing
>He doesn't get the point.

Nice try kiddo watching Joeseph Anderson doesn't mean you know about the series.

shitty controls are intentional
the combat and controls are garbage man lmao

>17% cutscenes
17% percent of what? time played? who's time?

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Go back to watching let's plays of RE2

>Gameplay =/= combat.
Pretty sure combat is pretty critical to the success of gameplay. If the game is better off without combat, that's a telltale sign that it should be reworked.

why do you keep mentioning youtube
do you spend a lot of time there

SH2 is a good game, but it would be foolish to overlook its flaws



Yeah there's loads of endings. You can only get 3 the first time you play so keep replaying the game on the same save file to unlock even more ending plus more content and weapons. It uses a really smart system in which the ending is determined by your playstyle. For instance you probably got 'In Water' because you were often low on health and you examined every item, explored as much as possible and tried to understand as much of the plot as you could. Thus the game determined that your version of James had little to live for and finding out the truth in its totality drove him to suicide.

Next time try caring for Maria, make sure she never gets hurt. Definitely don't disobey her (when she says to go into the bowling alley don't try to run away) and keep revisiting her in the hospital when she's in the bed there, and you'll get a radically different ending with completely different dialogue at the end boss. And then keep playing on the same save file because it'll unlock even more endings and items and weapons (some of which make the game laughably easy but whatever you've already played it).

Finally check the dog kennel every time you play because there might be something in there. Maybe a key...

1 >= 3 > 2

There is no canon ending but most people agree it's either In Water or Leave. They're basically the same ending except in one James kills himself and in the other he lives and leaves Silent Hill. The other endings are all radically different and while there's an argument for any of them even the developers and voice cast have said that it's either In Water or Leave.

The only other option is either the UFO or Dog endings being canon. They're the joke endings you can get in all 3 original games and honestly if you get them in all 3 games they kinda make the entire series make sense, stupid, cartoonish, illogical sense but sense nonetheless.

The combat was fine for what it was, a damn survival horror game.

No, it's bad, especially on the higher difficulties.

TLoU should have it as "puzzles" and "exploring" because both elements were shit.

Great story and worldbuilding, defined Silent Hill for better or for worse for years to come.

Unfortunately, the same story beats and themes of the game make its gameplay pretty lackluster. Has almost no enemy variety, very few bosses, and fewer weapons then even Silent Hill 1 or 3.

Yea Forums is dead.

It's fucking rough to play sometimes but it's the kind of game peope will talk about 50 years later. The plot is legendary. I like it so much.

James' voice actor thinks the "In Water" ending is the true ending.

How can something die if it's never been alive

the combat sucks, the voice acting is bad, the controls are shit

the only good things about it are the visuals for the time and the writing/symbolism

I dont think people speedrun the game, after all its horror, and besides you need to factor in thinking time for puzzles, time spent exploring, time spent running away from creatures and getting lost even.

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It's a writerfag's game. There's nothing like it. I like the plot so much I've actually warmed up to the combat and movement. I'm like the ultimate SH2 dicksucker

I feel offended as im 2001 and i hold SH 1-4 as one of the golden standards in horror that should be taught to every horror game dev out there

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>plays horror game
"muh combat"
let me introduce you to outlast,

This is spooky town not shooty mc counter of duty batrlefield ops the line 3

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Can someone explain me how the combat is bad? You want to make backstabs and air kicks or what?

They expect everymen to do kung fu back lips and suplexes. The combat is 100% intentional.

Also, who was the little girl? Did I miss some explanation in-game?

I don't know what these faggots expect, do they think adding in some wicked sick melee combo system would improve the game?

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Look at sh homecoming if you want that LOL

>peaceful feeling, rather than scary
melancholy my friend
the little girl is Mary's best friend in the hospital during her last days. The game implies she's also dead

Huh. I found the story interesting, but to say there's nothing like it is quite the stretch. Themes of purgatory, guilt and acceptance have been explored many times in many forms I would guess.

what. Nigga if you thought those were puzzles you may have a 2-digit IQ

>Implies Laura is dead
How? There is no indication of this.

yeah, it would

HC is bad for many reasons. And combat doesnt work there with multiple enemies.

No if anything it shows that she doesn't see the Silent Hill James sees.

>Themes of purgatory, guilt and acceptance
SH2 isn't about that. And most games don't have a theme anyway

because she's dead.

Do they count the sections in TLoU where its not a cutscene but the characters are stuck at walking pace just talking and doing nothing else

What is it about?

James isnt meant to triple hit combo into a parry crit strike his enemies, cuz 1 its not scary
2 seriously breaks the tone
3 ruins the atomosphere
4 gives the player control, when your mean to feel powerless amd weak
5 is not consistent with who james is, (a writer or clerk or something) so double kick suplexes while air jugglin manequins isnt something an average joe would know how to do

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well, it's about inner conflict of the man, who did that one thing for two reasons. And those reasons contradict each other and that drives him mad.

Laura isn't dead. She's just the only person in the game who isn't seeing crazy nonsense because she wasn't drawn to the town by her personal demons. She was just a regular kid wandering around looking for Mary.

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If you think the "In Water" ending is canon and the best ending then you willingly admit that the excellent scene with James talking to his wife on the bed is pointless and you should kill yourself.

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The quote you likely refer to was him stating the devs' opinion.

>cuz 1 its not scary
only scary thing in sh2 is piramid, you can't interact with him at all. Lying figures, mannequins and bugs are pathetic and not scary at all
>2, 3, 4, 5
>It's all same reason
if tone and atmosphere makes you game boring, they're bad. Would i appreciate story and music of the game less, if game was actually interesting and challenging? I doubt that.

>Condemned Criminal Origins had GOOD COMBAT and was SCARY


you didn't play the HD version did you?

What about the prisoner?

>Pretty sure combat is pretty critical to the success of gameplay
wrong, faggot.

Well duh your a polic guy chasing a murderer right? Hes gonna fight better than some libraryboy

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This is like when a girl asks a guy if he likes something but he flips it on her first to make himself look better by having the same opinion. Grow up you child.

No, I emulated it with PCSX2 1.4.0. Does the HD version improve the game too much?

you mean, ritual guy? You can shoot him. Random whispers in blue creek building or horse noises would be a much better example of safe creepy things.

One of the best narratives in all of gaming, not as atmospheric and open as 1, and not as scary as 1 & 3.

james james james james james james james james james james james james james james

I just wanted to talk about a game I just fnished you overthinking fag.

Played it for the first time last November. Wasn't really sure what to think of it at first but as times gone on I've still kept thinking about it. Going to replay it around Halloween.

At what point does the game imply that she's dead?

Lynch? It was ripping off Jacob's Ladder, moron


no, the HD collection would ruin any sane person's first playthrough and spoil future playthroughs.

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What the absolute fuck

I'm pretty sure anyone can competently swing a pipe

it's not an actual shot from the HD version, but it might as well be.

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Please tell me that this is misleading in some way. Like top is in the otherworld and bottom is before it. I really can't wrap my head around the meeting that said "ok, let's replace the spoopy picture with a flowerpot" otherwise.

2nd pic is some recreation of the game in a different engine that someone was toying with.
HD is still terrible and ruins the atmosphere in many ways. more than just the aesthetics and bugs.
this is not even a comprehensive list of all that was wrong with it.
they also replaced the voice actors and the VA for mary/maria was shitting on the previous VA's, saying that she's a huge fan of the game, and within the span of a minute didn't even get her character's name right.

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It needed Dead Space combat.

Oh I know, I was here when the shitstorm when it first dropped. But that pic would have set a new low for me. I still think the mouth eyes made for some good body horror, even though it was unintentional

yeah it's not from the HD collection it was just a joke, I forget why the recreation of the room was made.
>I still think the mouth eyes made for some good body horror
true, even if it was born out of incompetence.

Well fuck

here's the source on the VA thing btw.
also she was completely dishonest on the situation about james' VA.

polite sage