Tfw you don't where Fallout 3 looks like this

>Tfw you don't where Fallout 3 looks like this

Attached: Fallout-3-title-screen.jpg (600x656, 79K)

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>and that's a good thing

Looks like a morrowind mod

Fallout is honestly way too good of an IP for Bethesda to have.

Attached: Isometric New Vegas.jpg (1192x670, 205K)

Frankly just treat the IP as dead. You've got Underrail and Wasteland still chugging along, there's no need to torture yourself and fund Bethesda's dipshit account.

>there will never be a new isometric fallout that looks like that
it hurts

Attached: 6789.jpg (1192x670, 196K)

Van Buren was gonna be shit and you know it.

atom rpg is the real van buren

>pip boy looks retarded
>vault suit looks retarded
I'm not certain if this would have been any good.
>inb4 hurr u werz supposed 2 be a prisonerz
Yeah, whatever retard.

The guy who made those went off to make ATOM RPG. I'm guessing you guys didn't buy that, did you?

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>Fallout in Russia
Nah. Americana is crucial to the setting.

There's also no Vaults anywhere but USA.

Well these look good while ATOM RPG looks like Unity garbage, so.

>tfw it still has better looking boxcar models than the HD Fallout games
what the fuck is Bethesda thinking, the locomotive in 4 and 76 looks like total ass, it's too tall, it's too complicated, it's unrealistic for a real "atomic train". it doesn't even look close to sleek or fancy like most proposed Atom-powered locomotives. and the tank cars in 76 have THREE axles per bogie! ON TIGHT ASS CURVES! THAT ISN'T GOOD! fuck you Bethesda.

>There's also no Vaults anywhere but USA
The metro in Moscow was designed to be a gloried fallout shelter.
And it would be nice to see other parts of the fallout world in post war

But I did.
UnderRail is superior.

Ah yes, the old dismissive reply to avoid owning up to your hypocrisy. But I guess you have to curb-stomp any chance of a game like the classic Fallouts to exist or you wouldn't have a reason to bitch about it.

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Man i wish there a D-Make of Fallout NV that is just like that, Isometric

No reason why the USSR wouldn't have a bunch of knock-off vaults, plus non-vault dwellers have survived the nukes, and you don't need to be a vault dweller to be a Fallout PC. It's a moot point though, since a Fallout game shouldn't take place outside of the US.

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>Hey this guy made this awesome 2D isometric art!!
>Play his game, which is not 2D, and looks like generic Unity trash
It's just not a good sales pitch dude.

I unironically think that the isometric games look better and have a better aesthetic than the 3D games.

Thank fucking God. Isometric is the worst style a game can have.

>Americana is crucial to the setting
It’s literally fucking not, the over indulgence of 50’s imagery and music is thanks to Todd. In Fallout 1 and 2 you have an intro and outro song and this is it

I need to play the old fallouts

Some things look good, others look bad, mostly stuff added in Fallout 2. New Vegas got some of the looks right but everything looks like shit in Gamebyro anyway. Fallout 4's version looks good, but Bethesda has shitty visual designers so everything is good-looking crap.

Back to Fortnite.

Do you know how big russia is

That goes for pretty much all the IP's Bethesda has.

The good Fallout games were all set in America, and Americana isn't just art deco and 1940's music, retard.

>I don't know what hypocrisy is

Who launched the first nuke?

Ok, name some things from Fallout 1 that just scream “America”. Please, go ahead.

The chinks, obviously.

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I personally prefer to have different IP's tackle their own apocalyptic events, instead of trying to have one IP cover several parts of the world. Metro for Russia, Mad Max for Australia, etc.

Go back to Atom or The Outer Worlds you fucking loser

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You're in post-apocalyptic California.

This. They just want to mock patriotism.

the Jews obviously

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I played them for the first time a few months ago and they're some of the best experiences I've had in vidya. The only dated part was the UI, which was genuinely bad.

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Are you seriously trying to imply that post-nuke America would be the same as pre-nuke America?

nobody knows.
i'll tell you one thing though. the world was on the brink of untold of prosperity by the time the bombs dropped and its truly a tragedy. i personally think it was something like the 1983 false alarm incident.

>Americana is crucial to the setting.
I wish. Americana is real pretty.

Fallout is patriotism, gallows humour, Mad Max ranches and gothic cities, with a dose of what seeing what actual post-apocalyptic rebuild efforts would turn out like. You can set that anywhere.

Attached: covered-bridge-americana-folk-art-lee-piper.jpg (900x680, 169K)

They're infinitely easier to get into than old RTwP games, worth trying.

The 50's thing is all there in both games, in 1 it was cemented by the intro video and the details in the environment.

Yeah, it was so good of an IP, it Bankrupted Interplay.

Oh yeah. Fallout 1 really needs the TAKE ALL button from 2.

>genuinely bad
actual zoomer spotted, early fallout ui > any ui ever made

Make sure to get the restoration mods.

Did you actually play Fallout 1 or just 2?

only because they put out truly terrible games like bos and tactics

I watched a developer playthrough of Fallout 1 and even Cain said the UI was bad.

Interplay made two shitty spin-offs of a good IP, they're incompetence is what bankrupted.

>Fallout 1 is a surprise success
>Make a sequel
>Fallout 2 does even better
>Interplay get greedy and run the IP into the ground with garbage, like Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel

And Interplay only handled Fallout, right?

Pretty happy if we are being honest.

I'm more of a in despair that there will never be
>here is your main goal
>here is your unique world
>here is your "shit is fucked, enjoy the ride while you can" mentality
>here is you, a literal who, nobody cares or will care about you
>now fuck off and make your own adventure
>good, evil, do your thing
blend ever again.

china was losing the war pretty bad so you'd think it was them

but the canonical answer is "it doesn't matter"

Fallout Tactics wasn't that bad.

Fuck off.

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>zoomers start to cope
every time LMAO

sent from my Android

Van Buren looked like shit and Chris Avellone's idea for Caesar's Legion was worse than what we got in NV.


When was it supposed to come out? 2003? All games that couldn't really get the style right with the visual limitations looked like shit.

Atom rpg is decent

Games looked fine by 2003.

Attached: doom 3.png (888x500, 563K)

Then answer this question, Yea Forums:
Who deserves Fallout?

>devs that should have the Fallout IP can't make a successful game to save their lives or have sold their souls to AAA companies
I'm so glad I learned about Fallout through 3, I can't imagine the kind of bitterness that keeps people crying like this for over a decade

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Currently, I'd probably say Larian would do the series the most justice.
Back in the day, definitely Troika since it was basically just Black Isle under a different name.

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Different user here.
I really hate the look of Doom 3. Not entirely sure why. Not too low-poly like System Shock 2 but not high poly like today. It just looks cheap as hell for me. Maybe it's something to do with the lighting as well.

fuck no

it hurts

>soviet knock-off vault
Oh man, that would be quite a sight to see, wouldn't it?

>makes it rdr2 trash

I don't even want to imagine that shit.

id has generally been the exception for games, not the rule. Like Crytek.

I wish all ESL subhumans were permanently banned.

Well I think your tastes are weird, finicky and ultimately heavily disagree with it looking cheap as hell.

Fair choice, but I'd like to see what they do with Baldur's gate 3 before I'd trust them with it.
Are you actually retarded?

>Who deserves Fallout?
Give it back to Fargo at inexile and give him a few years and see what he can do. Avellone isn't at Obsidian anymore, so not them.

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Larian needs to prove that they can contain their sense of humour.

InXile? After Bard's Tale IV and Tides of Numera?

That gif just gave me some huge nostalgia. Fallout 1/2's OSTs are so damn good.

i did

Attached: rws.png (315x316, 58K)

I've seen people praise it so I'm aware that I might be in the minority, but it just looks like something's off.

nobody, make it public domain and release all the source of all the games

Wasteland 2 as a benchmark wasn't bad, I don't care about their other games; WL3 looks like it's in the right direction. If they do well with that I say give them Fallout back and see what they can do.

>uh, you don't get to bring followers

>Tides of Numera
I forgot about this.

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No because it's not Fallout

only good answer

If I pull that power armor off, will you lose DT?

Attached: CIA the game.webm (640x480, 1018K)

Then go fire-bomb Bethesda's offices until they abide by your demands.

If I owned Fallout, i'd have the house company make the FPS-RPG hybrid with a big fancy budget and a comfy production time, and while that game is being made, I would tap Larian and InXile, maybe Obsidian to make isometric Fallout games and release them one year apart.

If you really cared about your fanbase (old and new) and really love video games, you'd do this.

Yes, it was, and frankly, I'm tired of contrarians who pretend to enjoy it.
I stopped mourning the death of Van Buren when I found out that the ending was supposed to involve the player character taking a rocket into outer space to shut down a satellite. I know people don't like Bethesda, but we honestly might have dodged a bigger bullet with Van Buren failing to materialize

This is something I've thought about quite a bit, but if we were to get a potential Fallout 5 from competent developers, would you guys want them to continue the story from New Vegas or have it take place in a completely different part of North America?

Attached: Fallout_Trilogy.png (760x720, 1.19M)

I like what Bethesda is already doing now by making each game take place in an alternate universe for each game so canon won't matter.

It fucking is though you retard.
The fallout bible written after Fallout 2 even states that the rest of the world is completely fucked and is just a bunch of raider tribes killing each other, america is the last bastion of hope for the world to survive.

the aliens from mothership zeta

Is the Fallout bible canon?

>Not falling for the "muh obsidian"
Based user, but inexile is a little shifty.
Once-off, maybe. Postal isn't the right flow for mainline fallout.
>The Independent New Vegas route
Decent, though that's essentially how it is with the modding community.
Pretty nice option as well. Get over the Cascadian boys, That Someguy fella, and some Old guard, and build a game from the ground up.

I was 7 when doom3 came out and i remember telling my dad that the graphics look worse than tekken 3 cuz everything looks like it's made of plasticine.

Fuck you

Too fucking cool

Just how bad is nu-Obsidian? I haven't played any of their games since NV, but I'm kind of excited for The Outer Worlds.

I think Sawyer once talked about New Orleans as a setting which I really liked. I think the best way would be to have it take place in some other part of the country with maybe a few years of difference. That way they can focus on their own story but also we get to see some potential repercussion from what happened before.

That'd be pretty sweet.

Nearly as bad as the old Obsidian: Horrific launches, bugs for days, and games that are completely unfinished, but unlike old Obsidian, nu-Obsidian doesn't have good story or characters to make them good.

Fuck YOU cock jockey


1. I'm Movin Out
2. Big Iron
3. Lone Star
4. Let's Ride Into The Sunset Together
5. Stars of the Midnignt Range

Except those two literally look great
ATOM while fun does look utterly and completely like generic Unity trash

The U.S. soldier executing a Canadian in the opening of Fallout 1.

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Gameplay wise it was the best of the isometric Fallouts. Its biggest sin was that it was a TRPG and not the Fallout 3 everyone wanted. It's no Jagged Alliance 2 but it's still better than Wasteland 2.

>if someone disagrees with me ill just call them underage or a boomer
I unironically wish I couls kill peoplw likw you

>too much of a brainlet to follow a continuous story, so he needs Baby Bethesda to rewrite the story with every game

No. Fuck YOU

Bethesda really beat Fallout's corpse didn't they? I hope Elder Scrolls VI is shit.

not anymore

This is advanced ESL. OP didn't make a single lick of sense and has a thread going. This must be a spam bot.

One day...


>well hello there youngster! its me doc mitchell!


>still isometric
I mean, yeah you can suck off og Obsidian's dick all you want, but when you make the same exact thing several times in a row, sooner or later people are going to lose interest in your copy-paste games. It happens with all game series that don't want to adapt to changes in consumer tastes or expectations.


>Easy Pete talking head
I can imagine how it looks

Still gives me the chills despite not being a leaf. Its the leg twitch that sells it.

Reminder that the voice actor for that guy got arrested for being a pedo

Isometric is better than over the shoulder for RPG's, in my opinion. I think isometric games are better than sidescrollers, but I grew up playing classic CRPG's and got really into roguelikes in high school like Stone Soup and NetHack.

they should remake fallout 4

Lol wat

Really like how proffesional this project's going on, except the part where the project lead said that it was going to release first without voice acting.

yeah! they should release it with the voice acting from the original game! who the fuck cares if they'd get raped by lawyers! wooo!

What? I didn't mean that at all, loser.