ITT: Gamer Food

Attached: tasty!!!.png (540x406, 295K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ah yes, American cuisine.

Is it /time/

Milk is the only gamer drank you need

Rent free

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Heh, stupid americans.

fatass lmfao

I am 5'6 250lbs of power you dumb shit.

>this thread


Attached: CASHEWS OF CHAOS.png (930x528, 476K)

Attached: burger 1.png (1280x720, 735K)

Pure Brazilian. Did you really think actual people would make something like that?

Attached: american_cuisine.webm (640x360, 2.88M)

Water/Tea/Coffee is all you need.
Its fucking retarded to eat hamburgers or Pizza while playing vidya.

Attached: wreg.jpg (960x599, 84K)

Before any /pol/shits say anything. This is American. It's as American as our version of Pizza is.

Free... as in Freedom

Attached: yes americans really.jpg (720x1280, 368K)

>cashews of chaos
>seeds of victory
oh lord

Attached: 1465079924555.webm (472x796, 2.91M)

You need something to dip in them, bro

Attached: gamergrub.jpg (755x519, 65K)

what's on the back left quadrant?

you people really eat shit like this?

don't you care about your body?

Land of the brave, home of the Whopper.

God died.

The question is
Does it have enough butter to lubricate a whale?

why do ya'll need to eat and play games at the same time?

Bros, what the fuck is wrong with the entire land mass called the Americas?
Be it south or north, why are they like this?

Post more

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Because we can.

gotta love some ja/ck/

Attached: 1453269559181.webm (480x270, 2.77M)

Thank god i didnt live in muricans. This shit looks unhealthty.
God bless indonesian foods.

Attached: 20171204-4b1c59c7728e2b1cb65f6.jpg (800x534, 141K)

>not appreciating brazilian cuisine.

Attached: 1477605016979.webm (640x360, 2.47M)

This is neither keto not is it paleo, sage

only niggers and spics and notaste lardfats eat that shit.

Yea bro Indonesia. That’s the place to be ...............good lord

Attached: 1520409700656.webm (456x574, 2.91M)

Attached: Mexican Cuisine 1.webm (472x796, 799K)

Sloppy Joe's, the way pops always made 'em
>A pack of Ground beef
>A whole bottle of BBQ sauce (honey is best)
>Half a bottle of ketchup
Extra sloppy n saucy

Attached: 254.jpg (3508x2288, 968K)

Roast beef and honey mustard sub

Attached: E99AF28C-742F-46BE-AC2F-9966D739E771.jpg (474x443, 70K)

To this damn day, I'm still trying to figure out all the ingredients to this atrocity

My grandparents always said it's a sin to waste food. This spic is going to Hell.

I'm lactose intolerant

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Attached: surly_king_of_the_egg_fort.webm (626x360, 2.72M)


what I never understood is why they keep mixing soft wet things with chips. that's how you get disgusting soggy chips.

...are they retarded?

It's not my fault :/

Attached: carnitas.webm (224x400, 1.96M)

I wonder how many people in the world actually get this reference..

I really need to stop coming here


Attached: meat video.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

That is clearly Mexican enchiladas

you're welcome

Attached: have your ficking desserts.webm (610x776, 2.99M)

You can get filtered, lactose free milk now. It's 2019.

t-this is some kind of sketch, right?

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god I hate rich people

fucking gross. what country this in? in china they serve literal shit fresh from the sewer I heard

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>Rich people make gross ass food to show off how rich they are
>Poor people make gross ass food because they gotta mash all that shit together

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the conclusion is you can be a tasteless gross idiot regardless of your income.

Poor people plus readily available processed food. People with money don't eat that shit. It's trailer park cuisine.

remember to stay hydrated anons.

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A man of taste I see

Attached: cinematic experience.webm (640x360, 1.99M)

My mother said she give me soi milk as a child due to my lactose intolerance

Holy fuck, I thought I was the only person who eat those

Attached: 8wWRxhR.jpg (720x960, 32K)
That would be $1000+tip

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Attached: 1558997513769.jpg (3376x4528, 2.74M)

Now that's some good shit. Get the boys or family to eat this and some mashed potatoes

They all look like they want to kill themselves

What are some good emergency snacks besides crackers to keep in the bedside cabinet for those emergency 3am hunger cravings

europoors will hate this


Attached: pretentious inde dev makes dessert.webm (640x360, 2.45M)

What the fuck is this?
Did she put noodles on nachos?

Rent free

what's going on here?

Fuck I hate this one. Everything looks fucking amzing and I have no assess to a place like this cause I live in Bumfuck nowhere

Looks dry

Maggot larvae crawling on the glass

watch the glass closely

Attached: giant bbq rib sandwhich.webm (360x360, 2.83M)

I mean, this is basically just the Benihana edition of Massimo Bottura's classic Oops! I dropped the lemon tart.

Attached: Opps! I dropped the lemon tart.jpg (2150x2150, 1.12M)

I'd kill two thousand niggers for a chance to eat that.


this is a thread for disgusting food. this looks fucking great.

>there must be more to life

That looks like solidified vomit

Someone post the one of the retarded guy making crepes

woah, thats one heavy tart, it shattered the table

Attached: monster hunter lunch.webm (480x480, 2.76M)

>people pay actual money for this shit


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>muh /pol/

Rent free.

Tbf I'd eat it

Attached: pizza balls.webm (720x720, 2.1M)

>jew nose
why I'm not surprised.

thanks asshole, now my mouth is watering

is that a fucking emu?

This is good street food

if that wasn't an elephant I would eat it tbqh.


>that massive penis

Is this a baby elephant?

Attached: american pie.webm (297x164, 1.87M)

I think that may be an ostrich

Why did he throw away the penis?

>Rotten carrot with backyard clippings for $300
Please go


That's the most delicious fucking thing i have seen ln this thread.

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It should be illegal to post food webms when I'm so fucking hungry. I would attempt to eat that whole goddamn thing

why tf does it have a trunk then

you're such a tool

looks better than the crap I ate over at Dave & Busters

>free of major allergens


what th efuck does parsley do?

i tried eating a whole bottle of it and it had no taste

Who else sticks there straws in flowing soda at restaurants with serve yourself soda to avoid paying

is he still alive?

>barely cooked eggs in a third world country
I can smell the salmonella from here

it's a veggie so you don't feel as bad for eating an entire ribwich

user, it's a joke because it's just pure sugar. And you know, peanut allergies.

I cringe whenever I see a shitty attempt at recreating Mexican food. No wonder you guys get diarrhea, just go to a place that sells the actual thing instead of improvising.

/r/ing good easy recipes for me to impress people

i make this once a week (put it on toasted hamburger buns, I eat it with a slice of cheese) and everybody loves it

>tfw I will never eat that

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Alright fatties let me tell you the secret of not being a disgusting tumor and never go to the gym

>No sugar (Not even fruits)
>No carbs before bed
>Do not drink milk
>Fasting (no breakfast minimum 16 hours of no eating)

When its feeding time
>Protein should be the largest thing
>Then fats
>Then carbs
>Eat some greens every other day to get your vitamin C
>Try to eat fish and chicken but its hard to hit your calories with those so pork and steak is okay
Fasting is honestly the best thing a person can do and your body will love you for it.
I have not eaten more than one meal for close to three years Ive gone from 240 5'8 manlet to a 175lb 5'8 manlet (to be fair i started lifting about 6 months into dieting)
Only approved gamer drinks are
Black Coffee
Monster zero ultra white or purple can

Attached: boogie.png (1023x576, 408K)


le how does he le get out

Why would I feel bad for doing that?

>that would be 1000 bucks and a tip

Or just eat whatever you want and go to the gym. Way simpler, tastier and you also get muscles instead of looking like a twink.

those eggs aren't firtilized so the chciks cant get out they dont exist

This is a spin off of a popluar jail/prison delicacy. Around here people call it "hook up". Cheetos are also common instead of doritos

>No sugar (Not even fruits)
stopped reading immediately, fuck off bat to /fit/ you absolute cretin.

>what th efuck does parsley do?
What a very bizarre question.

Attached: sandwchich.webm (600x338, 2.93M)

not video games

this looks terrible, is it from that youtube channel that posts fake recipes?


Is this the /ck/ thread?

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stop posting food
i have not eaten since 3 days

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You're meant to cook with it numbnuts. Not eat it raw. It an aromatic, meaning it adds a certain smell and flavor to the food. 7/10 I responded

Attached: a very american video.webm (720x404, 652K)

The Bacon Leviathan

Attached: rvqCi.jpg (800x533, 151K)

free real estate

>Or just eat whatever you want and go to the gym.

We are dealing with neets do you think they want to take the bus for 30 minutes work out for another 40 minutes then get back on the bus or they want to sit there and play their stupid final fantasy MMO?

then eat you dumb nigger

>not video games

Attached: 1563112345011.png (782x758, 127K)

God damn white people

Living the American Dream.

Go to bed, sod

>barely cooked
Not very familiar with actual cooking, are you?

>3 days only
That's barely anything.

that would've been good if he'd stopped just before adding the chocolate cookies

>whole milk
Based. I don't understand anybody who drinks any other kind of cow milk.