Games for shit computers

Recommend me some games that can run on this thing.

Attached: speccy.png (643x435, 32K)



System Shock 2


Doki doki shitposting club.


Jagged Alliance 2.

Baba is You


me too

Attached: specs.png (786x556, 36K)


how old is that laptop? even mine is more powerful.

Play Space Station 13.
Warning: you won't stop playing this game even when you get a good rig. It is a curse.

most if not all these games should run
i highly recommend iji

blazing chrome
devil engine


what genres do you like and dislike?

Get geforcenow. Can play all steam games you own except mmos

Imagine being poor

Attached: poorfags.png (1920x1080, 849K)

Imagine calling other people poor with this mid tier setup

Path of exile

gimme that wallpaper homie

Attached: man of integrity.png (640x478, 431K)

>laughs in windows 7

Realm of the Mad God

Pretty sure it wouldn't work since there isn't an option for dx9 anymore.
It used to work on my i5-2520m laptop, but since the mandatory dx11 and shadows update, most stuff just won't render right. I can still use it for trading, but that's pretty much it.

Can I play two games at the same time?



just realized i forgot the image
i still recommend iji

Attached: 1547676353280.jpg (960x3926, 1.47M)

slay the spire

imagine thinking this is impressive

>Kotor 1 and 2
>Baldurs gate 1 and 2
>Republic Commando
>Fallout 1 and 2
>Stardew Valley
>STALKER maybe
>Witcher 1 maybe
>Baba is you

Attached: capybara.jpg (690x900, 219K)

Probably could run any source engine game fine.

can confirm, lack of dx9 fucked the ability to play it on potatoes