What are some video games with strange, unusual lore? Other than the Elder Scrolls of course

What are some video games with strange, unusual lore? Other than the Elder Scrolls of course

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I’m so sick of Yea Forums only caring about LORE.
If you want lore go read a fucking book.
I shouldn’t have to wade through novels of text, to learn the backstory of some literally who hundreds of years before the game takes place, just to get to the next part of the game.

Elder Scro-
>Other than the Elder Scrolls of course

Xeno- games
Dark Souls

>tfw I sat down and watched all of that shit some years ago
man what the fuck were they thinking

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Name literally one game you'd actually be interested in where that's required.

Probly tripped on some acid

Soulsborne Games (Particularly Bloodborne), Earlier Bethesda RPGS, Planescape Torment, Witcher Games alright

They clearly weren't.

Might and Magic
I wish I could wipe my memory and play the series again.
Each game had a mind blowing plot twist

Wasn't the channel called like spirit science or something? Anyways I remember watching the video as well and then looking at the other videos that were uploaded, what you watched was just a tiny part of the retardation. And a few years later I first watched some extra credits stuff and thought those were the same guys...

It is the same guy.

quick rundown?

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no, wait... you have to be shitting me.

one of those pictures has words on it. fuckin google them you tard

I remember having a laugh at all of the gullible retards in his comment section


lol this shit is even funnier than I remember. Hes literally talking about time travelling space jews

I forgot how to build a Merkabah. I think I did it right but I'm not sure. Anyone in the sixth or lower dimension, please take a look at Mars and tell me it's not fucked.

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user, it actually is the extra credits guy. You didn't know?

thanks for reminding me that this exists, needed a good laugh

schizophrenia + drugs

meanwhile in negative 7 dimension

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You did make sure to properly align your lucifer experiment with the kundalini right? user. be honest with me, don't bullshit me now okay. Tell me you tantrically aligned your kundalini with the leylines BEFORE you constructed your merkabah.

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It isn’t you idiot. But you still have to treat them as the same guy because EC are public enemies of Yea Forums.

>Claims aboriginals can share thoughts/dreams with each other

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No, but I always had a suspicion. Did he ever mention it?

Fuck, so that’s why sadpanda died and kyoani was on fire

>unironic ECfag
The fuck?

Tell Edgar Cayce I did everything I could.

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>Extra credit guys try to pretend they're game design experts
>Only person on their staff that ever worked at a game company worked at some no name dev that shat out a phone game or 2 that nobody gives a shit about

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Calling out Yea Forums stupidity =/= being pro-SJW


he knows, he predicted it after all
there's still hope. get beneath the sphinx before it's too late


Why would you bother to call out anything if you didn't have a dog in the fight?

>the jews are literally evil aliens
Is this the ultimate redpill?


The jews were actually helpful alines though, it's the martians who are evil and their descendants are part of the illuminati
>not knowing basic spirit science lore


werent both the jews and the martians responsible for the sinking of atlantis?

no it was the martians who sunk atlantis


>benevolent space hebrews


The guy who made this video unironically coerced a girl into sex by claiming it will heal her chakras then later admits it was rape.

> Other than the Elder Scrolls
Hindu mysticism is pretty interesting.

Really energises ya chakras don't it?


Because ruining peoples fun is nice.

Are you using your ankh properly? Remember that they’re tuning forks for sexual energy.

What's so weird about Elder Scrolls lore?

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I don't know if you're really ruining anyone's fun when you come off ass a miffed fan mad that people shit on their favorite e-friend

Check out this is why people laugh at spirit science videos.


you'd figure a game about Heists would have a pretty standard story. but it all revolves around fucking mystic artifacts and old god cults and shit

Its basically pseudo science with new age themes.

>tfw you failed middle school trig

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>trig in middle school

I didn’t have Trig til 10th grade and I was an Honors student taking AP courses.

is convincing people you're magic really coercion

Psi is real btw

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Will we ever get biblical RPG/adventure? I wouldn't mind the TWAU type of cynical treatment towards the source material.