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Have your girlfriend fan you down...?

remove all clothing

>some /pol/tard is going to come in here and tell us about how climate change is a myth

Oh yeah? Then why the fuck am I melting in northern fucking Europe.

Air conditioning, if you live in a first world country.

lmaoing @ retards 2 poor to afford air conditioning

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maybe step out of the wood sauna with all the fags you homo

tell mommy to pay the AC bill user

Europe isn't used to this kind of heat, most houses here are build to trap the warmth inside the house and is insulated against cold weather. The vast majority of houses don't have any air conditioning at all.

I have air conditioning.

lol i knew u euros were retarded but goddamn. just buy of these.

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Great thread

So stop being in Europe?

imagine being so shortsighted that you make your house into an oven because you're pretty sure it wont get hot. loling at the entire continent of Europe.

>no air conditioning
>there are people that think ANY country in Europe is 1st world

Your kind deserve heat death.

and people say burgers are dumb

>inb4 eurotrash don't have windows for some reason

A lot of these houses were build in the 40s and 50s after WW2.

>be european
>complain about heatwave
>Americans, Australians, Canadians, all say "just get air conditioning"
>complain about heat again

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just tear those old shits down and build new houses retard

just send us air conditioning you fucking burger and stop shitposting in this thread.

>get a paper plate
>fan yourself


lmao imagine living in the modern middle ages

>waft muggy hot air into your face
>waft muggy hot air into your pc

get a reusable ice pack and just sit on it

Stop denying global warming

just get a window unit off amazon

>these are the people calling burgers stupid

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>he thinks he knows what heat is

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>be American
>use air conditioning even when it isn't needed
>increase CO2 emissions because drive everywhere with their scooters
>get fat because drive everywhere with their scooters
>start sweating
>use more air conditioning to off-set sweating
>increase CO2 emissions even further
>climate change happens
>"lmao Yurop why don't you just use air conditioning like us?"
>Europe forced to use air conditioning so people don't fucking die
>CO2 emissions go up again
>everyone fucking dies

thanks Burgerland, we couldn't have done it without you

>he doesn't have cute nipones girls blowing cool breezes on him

you can buy a toy fan for less than a burger dollar

>be european
>die of heat in my own home

Plants breathe CO2
Do you want all the plants to die you nigger?

>Blow muggy hot air in your face

moving hot air around doesn't help anything user

>be european
>get acid splashed in face


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Global warming is a phenomenon caused by the elite to make the entire world more palpable for their future slave races.

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My dude it's 80 degrees in Florida right now
There ain't no heat

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>be european
>get hit by truck of peace while my daughter is raped by a refugee

>decided to mop the floor for once
>turns into a sauna inside
>too hot outside to air it out

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I just meant in general

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was the fat guy supposed to be George lucas?

get a bucket of water half filled and dump ice on it and put them on your feet, you got to improvise at this point the heat isn't going away any time soon

user wake up late af, just in time to go buy shit while stores are open and live during the night

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>Fuck me its unusually warm in europe
>Hah floriida is always warmer than that

t. Dumb europoor who can't into ac

Maybe you should stop paying extra taxes funding refugees who breed like rats

dont you have ac...? thank god im not a eurocuck

>year 2019
>not having air conditioner in your room
I honestly can't even imagine

needing air conditioning is a mark of a 3rd world shithole tbqh
go live in a normal climate

>1% humidity
>above 20 celsius
>Meanwhile in southern US
>32 celsius
>99% humidity
>sips barq's and A&W at the same time

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just like grandma use to make

>the average Euro user literally has a worse life than my dog

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your dog looks content as shit, most people probably have a worse life than your dog

AC doesn't increase CO2, it's the shit we burn as fuel that increases CO2 levels. With clean energy you can use as much as you want without anything happening.

Texan here.
Get on my level.

it was more than double than that you dumb retard. for 3 days straight

>next week it'll go back to being around 20C-ish
>even some rain

thank you sun god for we are but lowly sinners in your warm and wrathful hands and this respite soothes us

The only great thing about living in the southern hemisphere is being able to enjoy comfy rainy winter days while the rest of the world burns

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I think the problem is that it USED to work but something has been changing the past few decades (global warming)

>be european with american cousins
>get shot just as im dying of heatstroke

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Its only going to get hotter. The world is actually ending, at least for us normal people. The elites have known for years and have their plans ready to wait out the heat and rebuild in a world without subhuman peasants. After we are all dead thwy will emerge from their hiding places into the new fields of eleusyium to create a new golden age, in their mind. It sucks but its the truth. We lost. But hey at least Ill we'll get a tan.

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you have schizophrenia
you are getting mad about things that aren't real
and didn't happen

>he thinks you can just hide in a bunker to survive the global holocaust that will be global warming
nah man they're going to burn like the rest of us.

hope you don't die of a heatstroke lol

>implying they dont have secret cold tech they are hiding from us

You'll call now.

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>Europeans complaining about triple digit weather.
Hahahaha, holy shit. It's like this every summer in America.

Those boomers are going to get killed by the motherfucking sun hahahahahaha It's ok if they don't want to believe because they might as well be dead.

hehe wee niggers woo niggers teeheehee

all my windows open the the other way, and swing out

>he thinks that will counteract the expending of energy to fan it.
No, you get someone else to fan it.

>reyling on technology that hasn't gone through extensive testing
That's a recipe for disaster. It's also not just humans that are dying, plants and animals will go extinct as well, both on land and in the oceans. Global warming is probably the most inefficient way of killing off the people you don't like, a pathogen would be much simpler and safer to use because you can a) hide from it and b) recolonize the entire earth a few years later. And at that point you'd have the same problems as before because the elite can only exist if you have underlings. If everyone that's alive is from the elite, they're not the elite anymore. That's the problem with identity politics, you can divide a group indefinitely. Then you'd have lower class elites, middle class elites and upper class elites because even if you belong to a secret and powerful class, there are no equals there, either.

Also, the elite is only the elite because they have thousands of people they take advantage of through cheap wages. They are nothing without their slaves, and robotics is not advanced enough yet to be a proper replacement.

>tfw got an air conditioner last month
I don't know why I didn't get one all this time.

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