Attached: doom deoderant.png (603x931, 348K)

Other urls found in this thread:

how does it smells like?

>implying smash players use deodorant
I think you mean deconfirmed

>gaming deodorant

Attached: 54.png (1106x1012, 660K)

monster energy

Bro you serious? Thats how you get girl gamers.

Blood and guts of demons

Do not bath for 3 weeks
Wear the same shirt
Eat only processed food and snacks
Scratch your taint
the mix of shame disgust and poor hygiene is most likely what it smells like.

Gamers usually need it the most. Ever been to any type of con or tournament?

Must be an American thing, European cons have normal hygiene.


Attached: washing-hands-source[1].jpg (650x596, 183K)

I haven't been to many conventions in europe but I did go to quite a few tournaments here, and it's pretty fucking bad there. I can't compare it to americas cons/tournies since i haven't been there.

Well I have no idea where you are or what tournaments you went to.
I've never had a bad experience.

[citation needed]

>Comerical begins
>Doomguy has a chainsaw high above his head and is about to cut a demon into two.
>Demon has a look of disgust on his face
>Doomguy takes a whiff of his pits
>Announcer "Facing the pits of hell with pits that smell. I don't think so. Introducing new BO55 Gaming deodorant. The smell of victory never has smelt this good before."
>Cuts to doomguy with a sad face like when he is injured, Then shows him applying the deodorant and his face changes.
>Announcer "Don't let the heat of hell make you lose your cool, With new age mars microtechnogly you would swear it was from another world. Let demons know that the smell of death is the smell of new Bo55 eternal. This is the cheat code for a new you.
>Cut to doom guy
>Doomguy now holding Bo55 as he speaks into the camera "RIP AND TEAR INTO THE ONLY DEODORANT MADE FOR THE HEAT OF HELL. BO55 ETERNAL!

Attached: Chad slayer.png (1020x680, 358K)

Oh, that's a sly way of insulting the fat fucks who never wear any at these events. I swear, what is it with fucking low self esteem fucks and body odor.

How long have you wanted to post this?

congrats doombros

Attached: BasedGuyHD.png (1708x1731, 3.62M)

Just made it up on the spot. I think I missed my true calling as some advertising schmuck.

Gamers will buy anything if you slap "gaming" on it This is actually a genius play to get gamers to finally wear some deodorant

That image is reversed.

Do this

Attached: we all need water.jpg (1024x576, 60K)

1. It's a joke
2. It was free

Uh Guys? I thought it was only those stinky smashies that needed deodorant? Are you telling me B.O. is something that's rampant among the whole gaming community?!?!?!?!??!!!?

>they're giving it out for free
My sides.

>an unironic seething smashpony

God I just find her extremely irrationally infuriating for some reason. She just has that shit eating face that I want to punch right off.

Attached: 1561072297102.jpg (640x676, 26K)

I'm surprised France is that high.