The new Wolfenstein is great.
The new Wolfenstein is great
>game is made by swedes
What did you expect?
>clean our toilets
so deep
lmao nazis are really dumb
Well, maybe if you werent such a mean nazi they wouldn't have turned to a chaotic evil human sacrifice monster breeding literal doomsday cult!
Isn't trumps approval rating constantly getting higher?
>wall is being built
>he is still winning
Surely, this poorly written snippet in an inevitably poorly selling game will finally stop him! Right fellow resistors?
Worked for Israel.
This shit is implying that nazis are smarter than average american
>it's your fault someone killed your son
I mean, I don't know the context but this is fucked
It has pretty much stayed in the same spot at around 43% for most of his entire presidency.
well, the best he could do would making the southern country its wall instead
the average american is a closeted nazi
Literally /pol/ bait: the game
What fucking wall?
Show me right now. Trump can't do shit because house and senate won't let him and we're almost to the 2020 election and pleasing Israel is the only thing he can do.
awful writing
>still seething, 3 years on he just cant help but seethe on the internet
Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. Can't wait to see you fags have a complete meltdown when he wins again.
Exactly. In this alternate future where the Nazis won, not-Trump wouldn't be President
Really makes you think...
All this schizophrenic shitposters have totally convinced me not only to buy the game and all possible microtransactions, but also made me realize the error of my ways being an alt-right racist nazi drumpftard misogynist incel. Be right back I'm going to do my makeup and prepare my Σοylent meal drink/meal before my hormone treatment.
Not very subtle, are they?
despite all that he still won the election lmao
Why can't they get politics in vidya right? Why can't they just take lessons from Deus Ex instead of making a game that plays like the video game version of a late night talk show.
hahaha yes, even the natzis think trump is dumb
What game is this? Is it good?
Looks like LA Noire.
>Don't be mean to the fish people who worship the dark god.
they are clueless euros trying to write american alt-history, it's like when japan tries to use western ideas and the result is completely nonsensical
Sinking City
Broken as fuck EGS exclusive eurojank 60$ single player game where you're a 1920s detective in a lovecraftian story. Wait for the fortnite kids to playtest the game for a few more months and then pirate the version with all the updates.
I'm literally loling out loud. That's some top tier political satire :)
Hey!! I am NOT a Nazi!!!
>what fucking wall?
The one being built, Paco
>all this seething
Apparently game is also fucking shit on top of having microtransactions and garbage writing.
>not realistic
The game got BTFOED hard. Trump just got Supreme Court permission to build the wall.
Trump BTFO
They should be more subtle next time and just write "fuck drumpf"
no the game said trump couldn't do it if the nazis won
>the fence might finally get built, partly
>mexico isn't paying for it
The level of self-delusion in here and /pol/ is truly astounding.
I wouldn't say it's broken.
I've finished it and the only bugs I've seen were getting stuck in the scenery twice which is fixed by quickloading due to frequent autosaving, and sometimes npcs bumping into one another.
Yep. Cant wait for how triggered the swedes get when Trump gets re-elected
>All the special snowflakes that needed safe spaces actually graduated and got jobs afterwards
This is why I believe media has become shit now.
Once the Russian collusion fairy tale collapsed it has risen steadily.
came here for trump supporter tears. was not disappointed.
So why exactly are these swedes so obsessed with American politics?
Holy shit this game is trash. Thank god I never bought it.
>you can't hate dark god worshiping mutants that want to bring annihilation upon the world you bigot!
Isn't it against the law to openly insult the president like that?
The SC not two hours ago sided with Trump.
The wall is going up as we speak.
Most will try to argue that Mankind Divided is “woke” or whatever. However, Id argue that it has no actual deep political message and can be enjoyed by anyone.
>the sc he packed with loyal dogs
>the fence is finally getting started after two years of controlling all three branches of government
The game is saying Trump is too stupid and uses “le just use a ladder” tier arguments.
Did you even read the pic in OP’s post beyond “The great wall”?
>we want to make political games
>we want to just write sassy interpretations of current events that will be meaningless to people in 5 years, ensuring that the majority of the games supplementary content ages like milk and drags down the rest of the game with it
>games have always been political deal with it nerds have sex
But not all Innsmouthers are evil cultists, user!
Despite the fact the city literally was brought into ruin and despair the moment the refugees from Innsmouth came in after the FBI burnt their poor town to ashes!
Well, the border wall just got funded thanks to SCOTUS, so stay salty, leftist faggots.
You know nothing about how the government works.
Dilate and then kill yourself tranny.
did anyone expect the game to be different? wasn't the last one also political infested trash
Keep your faggot identity politics out of my video games.
It is always good to get a win.
Must suck not knowing that feeling. How do dems deal with it?
If you live in China, maybe
Should I post my album of niggers and commies getting killed?
Wow did they get writers from SNL? BASED.
Keep those tears coming.
I was mostly referring to the original Deus Ex but I played Mankind Divided and mostly agree with you. It doesn't really take an obvious side on contemporary culture war issues which is great.
>Liberals should make their own games instead of trying to co-opt characters and themes in already existing games
>Liberals make games
If you want to see libtard tears turn on CNN. user is small potatoes.
Israel has a wall and it works.
>Swede cucks making a game
Im sorry, who are the evil fishpeople supposed to strawman? Thats vague enough to be any group, from muslims to blacks to whypeeple
Instead minimum-wage americans have to pay for it. Wonderful, how will Drump twist the narrative this time?
Ironically the US Supreme Court just said Trump can build the wall.
Eat. Shit.
Biggest economy in YEARS! SCREW YOU!
You'd be lowering yourself to his level. It's not worth it. Only an emotionally stunted manchild would engage in the things he's doing.
But every head of state is a conman since forever.
If you're that butthurt about your loser ideology, go for it.
That writing is spot on. The Nazis never would have believed a clown like Trump could have become leader of America. Hitler was incompetent -- so incompetent the British/Americans decided to keep him alive because if he died someone competent might take charge -- but he had charisma and presence and a plan with realistic, achievable goals.
do they even have editors anymore?
>Literally co-opt and characters and themes from fucking Wolfenstein to shit on the current US president instead of just murdering nazis
Nazis are bad,I still don't get why American liberals decided to call their political opponents something so anachronistic.
>le Hitler was bad meme
When did this board get so infested with pedos?