Iudex Grundyr

>Iudex Grundyr
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Abyss Watchers
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Pontiff Sulyvahn
Big humanoid in armor swinging TWO swords at you.
>Yhorm the Giant
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Dragonslayer Armour
Big ___________ armor swinging a sword at you.
>Champion Gundyr
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Lothric, Younger Prince
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Nameless King
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you.
>Soul of Cinder
Big humanoid in armor swinging a sword at you AND sometimes uses the magic attack from the Crystal Mage.

Very cool gameplay.

Attached: DSIII.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

Best type of boss fight in gaming.

You forgot the part where they are all on fire, that makes it hella epic!

>Literally names some of the best fights fromsoft ever made
This makes me think

I'm so sick of you fucking trans people trying to shove your shit in everyones game. We all know humanoid is code for wh*te.


Here's every DaS3 boss summed up.

Attached: Roll roll roll roll roll R1 R1 R1 R1.webm (960x540, 2.82M)

Dragonslayer armor is using a greataxe, the Gundys are using halberds, and Nameless king is using a spear. I dont know how you could possibly mistake those for swords. You must be blind and retarded.

Attached: 1509330964555.png (211x244, 72K)

I agree, DS2 is the best in the series user.

Call em what you want, they're all equally gay.

>play this game near release for a while before losing steam
>using a UGS build
>come back after fuck knows how long, next thing to do is the Lothric and Lorian fight
>beat it, haven't touched it since

Idk man, this game just didnt give me any of the drive to keep playing and find out what's next like DeS, DaS, and BB. Maybe I'm burned out on souls

every single souls game has terrible gameplay because it hasn't evolved at all from demon souls & nioh 2 is going to bury this shitty franchise for good. cope

>Chaos Witch Quelaag
Big humanoid swinging a sword at you
>Great Grey Wolf Sif
>Big dog swinging a sword at you
>Crossbreed Priscilla
Big humanoid swinging a sword at you
>Knight Artorias
Big humanoid swinging a sword at you
>Gwyn, Lord of Cinder
Big humanoid swinging a sword at you

not to mention
>Taurus Demon
Big monster swinging a club at you
>Stray Demon
Big monster swinging a club at you
>Demon Firesage
>Big monster swinging a club at you (fire edition!)
>Asylum Demon
Big monster swinging a club at you

Dark Souls uses the same boss 3 fucking times with the Asylum Demon

The bosses like Wolf Sif are fine because they're unique and interesting. Re-using the same overused form 7 times back to back near the end of the game like in DS3 is inexcusable.

Attached: Civilization 3.jpg (1064x699, 123K)

>tfw Gael is actually incredibly easy despite how intense his battle looks.
Simultaneously a great fight and a huge disappointment.

Attached: 1545523038364.png (487x420, 104K)

>The bosses like Wolf Sif are fine because they're unique and interesting.
it was really interesting when I hugged a dogs nuts as his futilely tried to hit me with his giant anime sword and eventually he gave up fighting entirely

go back to posting on reddit about how sad you got when a dog was hurt you mental patient. dark souls makes you fight the exact same boss three fucking times

I really hated the emphasis on speed and dodging in this game, I would have liked more defensive options and viable tank builds but w/e

>I want to hold one button and be invincible
have you tried getting good?

Now do Dark Souls 2

I mean. That's kinda what I wanted. Cool duels with scary weapons and fire. 10/10 best souls. Only summoner shitters think otherwise.

Attached: D7iBU1X4AIXKTk.jpg (713x1200, 45K)

Dodging spam and stun lock/dps meta made this game the easiest in the series

Stay mad. The best, and most hype bosses will always be a human that uses a similar moveset to yours, making it a fair but challenging 1v1. Monster bosses are always garbage.

How does your reply even make sense? Dodging achieves the same results that tank builds would, only with the added benefit of allowing you complete invulnerability and repositioning in the same action.

>all bosses same and humanoids!
I want to duel giants with badass weapons. Why do you have an issue with that? What did you want replied to your blog post?

wow, no one responded to you in the last thread, so you had to repost it
yikes lmfao

>Glaive/Halberd = sword
>Multiple flaming greatswords with grapple claws = sword
>Twin greatswords enchanted with magical effects = sword
>Machete the size of a building = sword
>Giant electrified axe = sword
>Literally just magic = sword
>Ancient dragonslaying swordspear = sword
>Malleable fire poker = sword

I don't expect you know much about medieval melee combat but there is a world of difference between those and swords, least of all reach.

you can stunlock enemies in every game (zwei pancake in ds1, stone ring estoc/mace in ds2 instantly come to mind)

>Dodging achieves the same results that tank builds would, only with the added benefit of allowing you complete invulnerability and repositioning in the same action.
except you also need some element of timing. greatshield and/or high poise builds in the previous games are just passively standing there or mashing R1 while invincible and chugging healing items whenever your hp dips

I mean....if you mean "I wish I could use a shield and guard instead of having to dodge everything" then you can still do that to a lot of enemies and bosses.

If you mean "I wish I could get so much poise that I could stand there like a retard and press R2 while barely getting scratched" though....fuck that, that shit was absolutely retarded.