Releasing free game for everyone, trying to lure customers in for using their EGS

>Releasing free game for everyone, trying to lure customers in for using their EGS
>Keep buying exclusives
>Now releasing two free games as an desperate act to keep trying to lure more customers in

For real, this makes me think sooner or later he's gonna have an financial issues if he keep this up. What the fuck was he thinking? Couldn't he use those money to improve EGS rather than keep buying exclusives and pumping out free games then pumping out EVEN MORE free games?

Not trying to defend Epic Games or Tim, but what the fuck is going on over there

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Other urls found in this thread:

hopefully fuck epic and this beta boy

I think you underestimate exactly how much capital Epic has to throw at this problem.

>started with 1 game per 2 weeks
>then switched to 1 game per week
>now 2 games per week

They just keep escalating. And yeah they got me to make an account. Months ago. Continuing the barrage of free games is just convincing me that I shouldn't pay for games on the Epic store, especially indies, because any of them might be free in a couple of weeks. Epic Store games have no value to me now.

They are saving PC Gaming

Why'd he chew up that remote?

You are being tricked, this dude doesn't decide shit, all decisions are straight from tencent and they'll decide when to stop pouring money down the drain


>boost "adoption" rate and "marketshare"
>turns around and uses these to get even larger investors on board to make them even more money
>plus they install company software on their personal machines for free

Epic won't be having financial issues as long as the Fortnite and UE cash is flowing in. That being said, I don't understand how EGS is supposed to be successful. It's operating on razor thin margins in the first place, then they're also paying out bribes for exclusivity and giving out games. Despite that, the store's library is incredibly poor, I mean the retards don't even have their own games there. I'm pretty sure they're not making any money off of the exclusives, plus they have no library worth mentioning - so how exactly do they plan to keep customers there? Even if they force people to use their shitty store for the couple of exclusives they're interested in or get a few to collect free games, when does EGS actually make money? There's basically nothing other than the exclusives there and for the few titles that are available - there is no reason to buy them on EGS as opposed to anywhere else.

I feel like this exclusive retardation is actually going to pigeonhole EGS as 'that one place to get exclusives' and nobody is actually going to use it as a general-purpose store like Steam or GOG.

>pigeonhole EGS as the one place to go to get the games you want instead of general trashfests like Steam or GOG
I honestly don't understand the point you're trying to make with this post.

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Esl troll.

>get free games and never have to buy or stay on the EGS ecosystem
interdasing tactic

I don't know, but what a great lad he is.

worst part is, crash team racing will most likely be on EGS, either way, steam just need to sit it out

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You're retarded then. His point is perfectly clear. EGS can't be a real game store while their library is a few dozen games; it needs to be at least a few thousand. Yet they're making no moves towards that and instead just trying to bribe both the publishers and the general public into looking at their empty shelves.

even if ctr is on egs it'll be on steam later

Thanks for paying for my game, Tim

You forget that everyone in the game industry has their head shoved so far up their own ass they can't see a shitty idea coming.

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Tried to get overcooked, couldn't even checkout, i just got bored of trying, close that shitty store, not even gonna bother of trying to get other games, fuck that store, and not because "not steam no buy" but that store is just straight up shit.

Epic is a goddamn cancer on PC gaming. We were so goddamn close to a new golden age in PC before this shit came along

>crash team racing will most likely be on EGS

Activision doesn't give a fuck about Epic money. They'll just release it on Steam like they did for the Crash and Spyro trilogies

>Tim pays
>I plays


With the amount they're spending, if they don't make the Epic Games Store a household name before Fortnite starts to die out they're going to be out hundreds of millions

EGS doesn't even work half the time

It's the Fortnite launcher as Origin is the Titanfall 2 launcher. You're a real tard if you buy anything from there. They simply don't download/start/accept your credentials/server works.

If you want a Steam alternative there's GOG.

No one understands that his true plan is to waste as much tencent money as possible to make tencent lose their grip on the industry. Tim is sacrificing himself for the greater good.


Epic Games Store? More like Septic Lame Whore!

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what are the games?

EGS is a lame fad that has overstayed its welcome.

all the games they have are literally shit

defend this epicdrones

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won't go as far as saying they're all shit but it is pretty stunning they've thus far not managed to release a single game I'm interested in playing.

I guess I would have liked the witness, probably?

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Fortnite is still massive , but its starting to slow down. I've no doubt they can suckle it for 2-3 years more easily, but the decline will start by then

If they are free anyway, why not just pirate them and skip the client middleman altogether?

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Because then they can't write you down as part of the numbers in their ad campaigns.

he sounds like such a faggot no wonder he's a virgin

i mean regardless what they do with fortnite money they still have huge going in from unreal engine
it's as if all those fortnite cash is just extra money they can use to try real stupid stuff no one had bothered to before

This. His twitter and every word out of his mouth is pre-scripted by someone in China. They're trying to bribe you with free games because that's just how China operates. The concept of improving their product and winning over customers with quality simply never occured to them. Bribary, corruption, low-grade products, shady promises, anti-consumer practices, it's exactly what you expect from China. This 'Tim' guy is meant to be the caucasian messenger to trick white people into being comfortable with Epic. He is a vessal with a hundred little Chinese people inside a white shell.

He would've done just fine if he didn't go on a dumbass smear crusade on Steam. By doing that, Epic just put a massive spotlight on the store's own faults. If he just played the patient game and quietly fixed all of the major issues then he wouldn't have the entire pc market pissed at him. He's a fucking retard.

>if they don't make the Epic Games Store a household
It is a household name. Like Jeffrey Dahmer, mosquito, and BetaMax, and cancer, Justin Bieber, and AIDS.

Subnautica was pretty good. That's the only one I see on that list. But it's like $5 at least 25% of the time on Steam because it goes on sale every chance it gets.

This is where they have press releases that say "Thisgame has been is owned by 100,000 on Epic" and statements similar to it that imply the store is functioning but doesn't mention no one paid for it.

When is the EGS going to have a player tracker like Steam?

>EGS adds a player tracker
>yfw Epic provides idle bots as a package deal with the guaranteed sales

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>you can't pre-order Blair Witch on GOG anymore


I hadn't planned on buying it, but now I'll pirate it. Don't want uncle timmy's money to go to waste

literally who

>Epic still hasn't sniped a game I care about.

All i care about is monster hunter, and that will NEVER be on EGS because Dauntless would literally melt

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did they implement a shopping cart already?
or are they still penalizing people for buying too much games?

not yet, its still about 5 months away, they have cloud saving on 2 games though

If the free games were account bound and not things you lost access to if delete them from your harddrive they'd get more interest. But it's Epic, they hate you, the consumer.

buy our season pass and forget monster hunter!

Attached: BUY HUNT PASS.jpg (1029x1136, 305K)

Nigga looks like a thumb

I dunno he just seems to be offering free money to the worst offenders so far. Pretty much every time he does it's a massive dick move on the publishers part and they aren't even good entities. I could understand him picking up real stuff to make exclusive but it's pretty confusing so far.

>Keep thinking about buying Control on PC or PS4

I just can't buy something on this shit. I'm gonna get it on PS4 and then Steam later when I build a new pc.

And I'm the dumb one here? EGS has games no one else does that consumers want. They don't need a thousand+ to "pad out" their store. They've already got you and millions on the hook. If you think their model is simply to become a bloated storefront caretaker on the same footing as Steam you've got it all wrong.

Turns out they're already a "real game store," and it turns out people are really buying games on it.

anyone how how to make tetris effect play in VR?

Why are the chinks allowing him to throw money around despite huge losses?

it's 2 games since 1 of them is rated m. it's so little timmy can get a free game always even though he only wants fortnite.

>They'll just release it on Steam like they did for the Crash and Spyro trilogies
considering crash sold like garbage on steam I'm sure they'd be happy with some guaranteed copies courtesy of Tim

>Not trying to defend Epic Games or Tim
that's not ''defending'' - that's criticizing. Something any sensible person should do.

gotta install steam

>and it turns out people are really buying games on it


>Deep Silver's Metro Exodus sold 2.5 times as many copies on the Epic Games Store during its launch window than its predecessor, Metro: Last Light, managed on Steam. The numbers were revealed by head of store Steve Allison, who said it proves that, "it's really about the games, not the store you sell on."

>Epic Games store exclusive Satisfactory is a massive sales success with over 500,000 units sold. To be exact, 507,374 copies of the superb sci-fi factory sim have been sold since it launched on 19th March.

And there's more and more if you just spend literally a second googling.

>2.5 times as many copies as a game that sold 20,000 copies
yep, sure seems like people are buying games on epic alright

>He believes chink numbers
They're lying/bought by themselves.

>sold 2.5 times as many copies on the Epic Games Store during its launch window
you know last light sold like 1000 copies, right? literally. it was redux that sold a lot better years after release because they bundled it with 2033 for a good price.
>>Epic Games store exclusive Satisfactory is a massive sales success with over 500,000 units sold. To be exact, 507,374 copies of the superb sci-fi factory sim have been sold since it launched on 19th March.
copies bought by tim, not by real people.

I really like how Epic brags about the sales of lesser titles but still hasn't given any accurate numbers for Exodus.

no brainlet its the codex version and I have steam. Its launching through steam but I can't get VR mode activated.

>Metro: Last Light
>Owners: 2,000,000 .. 5,000,000

>talking about launch numbers
>brings numbers after the fact that its been on sale multiple times on various storefronts, been given away and been in multiple bundles
sure seems like epic is doing a lot of selling there, chief

shut up Zheng, I'm not installing your rootkit

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I actually hate the EGS. That doesn't mean people aren't eating the shit up and buying games from it.

I can't vouch for Satisfactory, but the Deep Silver thing with Metro is highly questionable. THQ Nordic said that the "Absolute majority of sales were on console" in regards to Exodus, and while the CEO said that EGS exceeded their expectations in regards to Metro and Satisfactory, that they were hesitant to reveal any concrete sales numbers is something to keep in mind.
We could drop it here if it wasn't for the fact that Metro Exodus released on MS' Game Pass for Windows 10. So that gives even less reason to get EGS for these kinds of exclusives when you could probably rent them on Game Pass for $5-10 a month.

Wait it's on gamepass pc? Shit I may sub to play that

Why are we still talking about sales? Didn't SNK already confirmed that Epic literally moneyhats to pad out their unit sales?

of course they are, but the point is that EGS guarantees sales, meaning someone is paying for those "copies"

Its been on Game Pass since June, yeah. Downloading the Xbox App is a pain on Windows Store but the actual app itself is largely functional.
Still it begs why anyone would use Epic. At this rate we'll probably see titles like Shenmue 3 or even Borderlands 3 arrive on it before steam.

There's a PC gamer article that detailed this back in 2018.
Epic's Tim Sweeney reveals how the company lands exclusives for the Epic Store

By Samuel Horti December 27, 2018
Includes funding development of upcoming games.


Epic Games chief executive Tim Sweeney has confirmed that the company secures exclusives for the Epic Games Store using a combination of "marketing commitments, development funding, or revenue guarantees".

The subject of how Epic secured exclusives, which include Supergiant's Early Access combat game Hades, has been the subject of much debate, and Sweeney's clarification is certainly interesting. It's not clear whether Epic investing in a game's development gives it any sway over the content, or whether it will simply be a silent partner, but it suggests that the company is taking a far more direct interest in the games it sells than Valve does with Steam.

Revenue guarantees, if you're not familiar with the term, simply mean Epic will promise that a game sold on its store will generate a certain amount of income for a developer. If the game fails to meet that threshold, Epic will find a way to make up the difference.
>"When lots of stores compete, the result is a combination of better prices for you, better deals for developers, and more investment in new content and innovation," he said on Reddit. "These exclusives don’t come to stores for free; they’re a result of some combination of marketing commitments, development funding, or revenue guarantees. This all helps developers."

I just hate his fucking face. Don't you dare post this demon looking rat ever again

this whole thing happened because their rich, 40+% chinese backers were mad at the fact that steam is a PRIVATE company. why? they so badly want to own a part of steam like they do with epic, but they can't. so they use epic games and make a game launcher to "rival" steam because they thought their launcher would push and force steam into a corner and force them to open the gates as a publicly shared company. these were their plans.

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>>Now releasing two free games as an desperate act to keep trying to lure more customers in
They give away two free games whenever one of the games is rated M.

Thank god their private, imagine if Valve was legally obligated to dick us a little harder every year like other companies.







also changed form being drm-free to: DRM-free version will be released later in 2019.

Definitely epic exclusive

Don't like EGS? Then don't use it. It's really that simple.

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yeah, but you have to tell people why it's bad too

Shitty developers have hate for Steam.
If your indie pixel side-scroller 2deep4you RPGmaker doesn't do anything to put itself above the rest then it deserves to drown among all the shovelware.

who is that in the discord pic

You're probably right. The chinks just buy any company they want with their dirty commie money. Except for the one company that isn't willing to sell out.

Yes. Not using it is simply not enough. Plus I hate tryhards and whenever I see one I just make it my life goal to shit on them.

>Don't use it
>Exclusives? What's that?

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If you want to play them, then just do. It's not that complicated either.

This makes the most sense. Tencent's been pretty aggressive with controlling the pc market so not being able to control Steam must have pissed them off.


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>the EGS shill isnt awake

Fuck off Epic shill

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Just pirate the exclusives. Good ol' Tim paid for them already.

>Buying your own games
It's like that Yea Forums meme where some literal jews inflated the price of some paintings by buying it themselves through multiple shows

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Epic is owned by the Chinese. In China the business mentality is to create a monopoly by destroying your competition, not to provide the best product possible, thanks to rampant government corruption and bribery making it easy. Unfortunately for Tim and Chang, that doesn't work as well when you can't legally attack your competition without bleeding money from every orifice, but I doubt those bugmen are bright enough to realize they're on the path to bankruptcy since they're probably unable to comprehend a consumer base that's used to corporations competing for their money somewhat fairly.

When you take into account Samurai Shodown's producer mentioning a "PC digital distributor offering buying hundred thousand copies in exchange for exclusivity", you start to see a picture
Epic buys a set number of copies of a game, usually a couple hundred thousand depending on the title, in exchange for exclusivity, publisher gets to say it's a great seller on EGS even if no actual customers buy it and they get to then later sell copies on Steam

Yea Forums hate free game
Yea Forums want pay game


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Implying mh world has soul

kek @ this strange reverse psychology. tim paid for us so we can pirate.

It has more soul than your grandmother

Why make a launcher and divide gaymers game library? The rat looking demon exposed as a hatemer (gamer hater)

I was almost going to give epic the benefit of the doubt and make an account.
I tried only to find their security was so shit that you didn't even need to verify your email. As a result, anyone can type your email in and use that for their account. Some guy in Thailand was using mine.
So I contacted Epic to have the account deleted. It was a massive hassle. Convinced me to never give them the benefit of the doubt again.

in this case both the games are the same dev which is probably why they are so different from each other but bundled

>If the free games were account bound and not things you lost access to if delete them from your harddrive they'd get more interest
is this fucking real?
all those "FREE GAMES" arent even bound to your account?

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>make an accout before fortnite got popular for ut4
>get bombarded by login attempts after fortnite becomes the new craze
Fucking chinks stole an account with nothing in it. At least I think they stole it because the mails stopped after a while.

I unironically made an Epic account for the free games and even pre-ordered one too. Who gives a fuck about ethics? They're just fucking video games in a digital store. I stopped caring a long time ago.

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t. 70 IQ

>preordering games
Dumbass, you woried they're going to run out of 1s and 0s?

i solve this by watching something on my other screen for the minutes it takes to actually checkout

The free games aren't the product. You are. They don't expect you to buy anything. They just want to harvest your data and sell it to the Chinese.

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Steam isn't a company you retarded faggot. Epic is also a private company, the sole difference is that we know who Epic's outside investors are while we don't know who Valve's are because private companies aren't legally obliged to publish financials. Why is Yea Forums so impenetrably dumb?


drink cyanide, steamcel

Can I buy this game on the Epic Gay Store?

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i have heard this but all the games i got and never installed are still there

There's no difference between running an .exe from a Valve or Epic launcher to me.

No, but the in-game bonuses are fun and it's the same price as buying the game on release anyway.

>When is the EGS going to have a player tracker like Steam?
They have a player tracker far more advanced than Steam's. They just don't show you all the things they track, because you'd get upset about how they registered the keystrokes of that one time you accidentally entered your password while a game was still registering your input.

Never. I am willing to bet nearly every dev hates steam and its public player tracker function.

I mostly buy coop games, as long as my pals get the game on the same platform I dont give a damn if it comes from Steam or Epic.

Most games are just played once, most of steam library games are played for 10 hours or less, who the fuck cares.

>seething steamcels still spreading lies and misinformation
just download the fucking launcher. it doesnt cost any money. you people are acting like console peasants when one system gets a game that the other systems don't. you dont have to spend money to download EGL. i really dont fucking get it.

>just fucking do it
Tim needs to hire better shills

True. It's a blessing and a curse really that level of transparency.

I mean fuck look no further than Artishat.
No wonder other companies don't want to have something that tracks their player numbers 24/7.

0.05 Yuan has been deposited into your Epic games account

I wish they added a way to rate dev/publishers. Would mean they could make game reviews stricter(as in nothing that isn't gameplay/hug related), but allowed you to shit all over the publisher page if they turn out to lying kikes or whatever.

That'd be too fucking customer-focused even by Steam's standards. Why would anyone use it to say anything positive?

>Thumbs up cool indie devs
>Thumbs down greedy kikes like Paradox

you just described capitalism and the good old jew ess of eyy

Maybe the publishers would finally start caring about good pr. Now they rely too much of their customers being forgetful shitters. If every game had a third publisher rating they'd care a lot more and maybe cut back on the bullshit. It's never going to happen but I can dream.

>chinaman has no ethics or morals

Yeah, we know. That's the problem we're discussing right now retard.

Fuck gaben

>steam os
>steam box
>steam controller
literally reinventing a bike, failed
>source 2 engine
used only in autochess and dota 2 HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH not to mention its worse than unreal engine 4
>dota autochess ripoff
MASSIVE failure
>valve VR
overpriced gabrage with no exclusives. sony VR is the highest selling VR kit right now with ACTUAL exclusives
>censors anime titties because some tranny dyke at valve got triggered
>hired firewatch devs - notorious sjws and cucks

neither do Jews
and they run far more than just our gaming industry


We already have a system like that. It's called review bombing.

>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No shopping cart
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No new features since I made this pasta
>No reason to use Epic Store

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Nice deflection, but I'm glad you agreed with me that you and your whole degenerate bug race deserve to be cleansed.

Yeah, but that now gets removed because it triggers the devs/publishers. A dedicated system to review devs/publishers would be sanctioned review bombing.

Go on lad, this one's on me.

>>No cloud saves
>he doesn't know


>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No workshop
>No wishlist
>No one-click online streaming
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
Wtf I love EGS now?

bud wow you got one out of 35 well done

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Show me the API documentation, Chang. Don't have any? Then I guess you don't have a cloud saving framework, just a snowflake implementation for a select chosen few so you can claim to have a feature you don't.

Face it Steamfag, after the Steam Market got destroyed today, Epic will begin taking over. Steam will be shut down within 5 years, so say goodbye to the games you actually paid for, while I play my free games with Epic. Lol.

I am never going to install the epic store.

Thanks again Tim, keep buying all those games for me.

Did you know that the EGS already has a hundred games on it?

buying games for in game bonuses

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yeah, but they have so many games on their store. none of that shit really matters. i use "shit" very adamantly here. the things you mention failed because they were shit and everyone knows and shits on them

>Couldn't he use those money to improve EGS rather than keep buying exclusives and pumping out free games then pumping out EVEN MORE free games?
He can't compete on that front. He IS right, there's not really much more you can do than steam, so he'll never be able to out-feature them. This is the only plan epic has.

Cute. Now they're just twelve years behind Steam.

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If by "games" you mean asset-flipped scams and garbage shovelware then yeah I guess you're right steamcuck

Set the target property on the shortcut to have -vr at the end and then open Oculus, add it to the menu of games, then click the three dots and add -VR to the bottom setting. It worked for me, was playing it last night in VR with the Codex version.

as if 90% of the games on steam werent trash
nice try

Same goes for Epic really.

yeah, but also almost every major game both from AAA to indie. you know, like you implied -- games that matter. you're doing some really low-IQ posting right now, dude, if you think someone can't easily pick apart what you said

mfw epic has more quality control than steam

Ah yes. Such great quality control to allow Hello Neighbor into the store.

>Hello Neighbour is on Epic

Attached: noooo president xi help.jpg (1007x706, 250K)

Hello Neighbor

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hey, guys. let me reveal something to some of you guys, and it's going to be very important for you.

you're seeing shovelware on your store feed because you actually play those kinds of similar shit games. i bet some of you bought some of those games just to be memey -- which is just as bad than buying them unironically. this is more of a "you" problem. you just gotta stop liking shit.

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thats it? 1 game? lmao there are thousands of trash games on steam

>just one game out of a hundred
>meanwhile Steam has literal shovelware on it by the hundreds


give it some years and EGS will abandon their "quality control" just to take any game they can on their store **Dabs in Fortnite**

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>retards buy/guft each other bad rats for the memes
>steam cannot detect they were being "ironic"
>get shovelware recomendations
>cry on Yea Forums about shovelware

Yeah, because I can totally trust some pretentious cocksucker to decide what games I should be allowed to play.
Show some agency for once in your life you mentally diseased jizz stain.

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I'd show you more, but your shitty cuck store doesn't have a simple page view that lists games. They have a shitty, non-scalable tile view instead. No wonder only idiots use this mess.

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stay mad jew

yikes, what are you even trying to say?

Wait is that really true? Epic already has 100 games?
What in the actual fuck are the other 70 games then?

I can't even name 20 games on it.

I wouldn't be surprised if fortnite is the most profitable game ever, at this point. It's on just about every platform.

>What in the actual fuck are the other 70 games then?
Probably no-name shitty indies that couldn't hack it in Steam's Darwinist market.

Attached: 1534208360151.png (300x283, 97K)

heh literal chinese tomfoolery

lmao i bet you cucks can't even name 20 games on steam because of how shit that store is

Lol. I get suggested a bunch of fantasy and open world shut since I played Skyrim for an ungodly amount and been playing divinity for the last month. Those guys really do just buy shit ware

Now this is a epicchad thread, daily reminder steam turns into a trash gacha porn platform in the meatime Tim takes over with great indie and AAA and snoy exclusive games, even streamer slowly switching over (lirik literally autobans steamcucks when they write "muh egs")

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If I want to play them but I don't like EGS there's literally nothing I can do other than pirate.

>hating try hards so much that you become a try hard to shit on them

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There is a reason why steamcell is a thing

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-25 at 10.55.36 AM.png (1144x909, 752K)

>Who gives a fuck about ethics?


unironically this.

The less I have to deal with streamers and uguu please look at my gay profile ERPers bullshit the better

Jacky Chan and 19 dlcs for Jacky chan involving babies and various furniture.

>Koikatsu and Space Engine on the same best-selling list

What a world to live in.
Incredibly based.

>sony VR is the highest selling VR kit right now with ACTUAL exclusives
Not on PC

Well with buying on egs you save trees and make gayben less fat

Attached: (1080x1717, 393K)

Tim is the type of guy who believes in throwing something at the wall and sees if it sticks, unfortunately for us two of those ideas did stick which are known as Fortnite and unreal with the latter only being somewhat beneficial to the industry. Also doesn't help chinks like people like him due to how easy it is to do what they want.

>games given out for free
>basically just get an account for free games
>never buy
>get Bethesda launcher for free morrowind
>pirate the rest

Killing steam would cause literally a trannie suicide holocaust

>January 9 2019
>has been purchasing forest land for decades
if the article pic you posted is anything to go by, buying egs stuff won’t do shit.
As it says, he’s been doing this for decades and was unaffected by the Epic store

>For real, this makes me think sooner or later he's gonna have an financial issues if he keep this up. What the fuck was he thinking?
If he went bankrupt and had to suck dick on the streets just to buy food it would have been awesome. However, it's not his own money he gambles on, he is funded by the Chinese government. Will take a while until they run out lol.

>>pirate the rest
Why not just cut out the bloatware middleman and just pirate everything?

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the only way Epic will run out of money is if Tencent gives up on them

>These evil people giving away games for free (and paying the developers)
>Don't go there
>Stay at the company, who fucks everyone in the ass for 20 years now
>Who tries to monetize literally everything
>Who is responsible for the PC gaming of today (digital purchases only, tons of patches and all the other shit)
>btw. I'm totally not a Valve shill

He deserves the praise for doing this particular act of kindness. However, good deeds don't negate the steaming mountain of shit he's been doing against the whole market and community. Reminder that some of the worst gangsters also ran a soup kitchen for the poor. Doesn't make them any less evil.

Lol im never going to install this thing. Why would I

Think of the poor publishers. How will the suits afford a new yacht with steams draconic 30%-20% cut?

Yeah and ?
Steam subhumans can go to hell, they started this DRM only software system.

>buying egs things won't do shit
Are you fucking retarded ? It's his business, stop coping.

>baby doesn't remember the absolute trashfire that was secuROM

you do realize those numbers for Exodus also include pre purchases from steam along with epic buying copies from satisfactory

Yes and Ubisoft got btfo with that bullshit, in the meantime gayben the subhuman tried to sell his securom alternative, with success.



>lowered overall prices
>saved old games from vanishing completely
>started sales, regional pricing, refunds, and other pro customer practices who are now the norm (except on epic)
>reduced shitton of plastic waste and transportation pollination by removing physical copy, not to mention losing games due to scratched or lost disk is now a thing of the past
>literally killed piracy by creating a good service

>but exclusivity and jack up the price
>no sales (except for 2 failed ones), no regional pricing, no fucking cart
>with lack of features above and higher prices, they earn a lot more per game on the expense of consumers. but..
>muh 30%!! We (actually you) pay fat publishers more we are the good guys!!
>tear the community apart (steam has lots of competition, no one ever stirred and created as much shit as epic)
>launcher is literally a spyware for the Chinese government.
>ah you're using linux? Well fuck you now you can't play that game you like because we bought exclusivity and our spyware don't work on linux so we dont support it!

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*Blocks Chinese domination faster than the Sparrows did during the great leap forward*

Attached: file.png (1024x540, 281K)

Tim Sweeny isn't that bad of a guy. He's a horrible business man though. Fortnite was just a fluke.

>"muh DRM!"
>proceed to install literally chinese spyware

Attached: 1560437516735.png (1914x4402, 1.91M)

>spreading lies the post
>no/failed sale - lie
>regional pricing - lie
>paying publisher beforehand - lie
>spyware - lie
Daily reminder even lies will not save steam and the subhuman jewben

Steam isn't remotely comparable to securom. PC gaming was a dumpster fire because everyone that bothered making a game for the platform used some form of fucked up drm that makes denuvo look like toddler tier security. That is if they even bothered with pc at all. Ubisoft kept cryong how 95% of pc users were pirates and epic left the platform entirely because if you knew how to boot up a pc you knew how to torrent.

Well the oldest and one of the biggest gayming only streamer

>pro customer practices
>forced online DRM
>no ownership
>scanning user computers
>pro customer practices

>reduced shitton of plastic waste and transportation pollination
Sorry, you fucking moron, but digital everything crap is wasting way more, BECAUSE IT USES TONS OF ENERGY.
You know, producing a physical game needs some energy ONCE and then people can even sell the game, take it to a friend, install it on another computer etc.
With (((Steam))) you need to download the games over and over and over again.
Only streaming would be worse.

>literally killed piracy
Oh, I didn't know you were retarded.
Sorry for replying.

>"going somewhere China man?"

Attached: 40259731-480px.jpg (480x360, 20K)

>than the Sparrows did during the great leap forward
Imagine getting cucked by a fucking bird

>fucked up drm
Which (((Steam))) hasn't changed.
Developers are free to include all sorts of additional (((DRM)))

How in the fuck does Minecraft keep doing it?

>he thinks digital stores create more pollution than physical copy
Your opinions are hereby discarded, chink.

>downloading games takes more energy than mass producing them on disks, mass producing their boxes and cover art, mass producing the materials that go into those boxes/cover art, game manuals, etc, shipping them to customers world wide, and then reading them from a disk drive at the end user's machine
Children have such vivid imaginations. The overall energy consumption is less when the product is delivered digitally as opposed to physical media.

*triggered in ching chong*

>epic left the platform
What is unreal ??? --- ( da origins, mass effect, Witcher 1)
>Pc gaming needs always on DRM, it was almost dead
What is denovo ? Fucking subhuman you don't need a store to protect your games at one point you will solve the issue without selling your soul to gayben or you make good games like cdproject and sell even more games with anti DRM marketing campaigns. Steam killed all creativity/indie development with his 30% cut and turned the pc platform into a wannabe console filled with ported games (and now with trash porn)

>only for a few games
and this is supposed to impress me when the vast majority if the competition has a much more impressive cloud in comparison

Because Fortnite was riding on a trend
One is for Children the other is for dads
Minecraft good
Fortnite bad
Not even a constantly shilled f2p game can overtake it
Fortnite is already dying while Minecraft is being revived, when that Money dries up and the EGS hasn't yielded the results the Chinks wanted, it will get the axe

Nice try, kike.
>Streaming Actually Produces More Pollution Than Any Other Music Format, Report Finds
>Your Downloadable Games May Be Worse for the Environment Than Game Discs

Now fuck off, environmental unfriendly kike.

You are dumber than a nigger. It's sad

Tim has not just fortnite money backing him but epic gets money from the unreal engine as well
And if shit really hits the fan they can probably ask the Chinese communist party for a loan since tencent has strong ties to the ccp and owns 40% of epic.

>Daily reminder that the chinese government hide pollution measurements from the subhumans of china, and chinks growing up believing all their factories and the literal cancer they breath is harmless and not polluting

Retard. What do you think the EGS is for?

Once Fortnite dies out, all the Fortnite kiddies will still have the EGS installed. And you know what happens next? They're going to see all the good games it has and try those instead. This is the long term thinking that goes in Tim's head that you blind fucks can't see.

Minecraft is an infinite sandbox whose only real limit is the creativity of you and the community.
Fortnite is a trend chasing toy line that needs to keep churning out content to stay relevant much to the exhaustion of the developers and the consumers.

>How to make CDs
Just google retardos, the process is pretty efficient in terms of energy and you have physical copies at the end.

>and you have physical copies at the end.
That you can give away, sell, take with you etc.
Create once, use tons of times.
Shills/zoomers be like
>But but but digital *** is the (((future)))

>he doesn't know

Most of Fortnite's players are on mobile and consoles you god damn idiot.

>Thinking any of those kids have a PC powerful enough to run any of that
EGS hasn't yielded the shekels Tim would have hoped for if it did THEY'D BE FUCKING SPROUTING IT AND SHITTING ON VALVE BUT THEY AIN'T EVEN RELEASING NUMBERS

>m-muh forests
>chink pretending to give a shit about the environment

They think everything related to industrial production is bad compared to electric solutions, fucking subhumans.

Chapter Master, its not piracy, we were simply gifted those games, after all they were already paid for

>le Fortnite money is what's powering Epic
they've already confirmed that it's unreal engine that brings them most of their profit you steamdrones

I remember when the beijing olympics was nearly cancelled because the polution was so bad like 80% of the world refused to send its athletes to the cuntry.
China's """solution""" was ripped almost straight out of an old superman movie: Lets shoot canisters into the air and it will make the clouds fuck off, no more porushon!

Nigga someone needs to create the disks, this takes raw resources which need to be collected from the earth. Yeah the entire process can be automated I even had a disk burner with a robotic arm to do batch jobs with back when XP was brand new...
I'm not saying digital is better, I'd much rather have physical medium which I own and can prove I own as opposed to this product as a service crap, but it doesnt take more energy to digitally distribute it.

Tim is a American and the owner of epic, tencent is a private chink company owned by some South Africans that pumps money into epic, that's the difference.

Anyway good thread steam faggots btfo again

and them wasting even more energy while jacking themselves off on (((digital download porn))) and (((social media))) and thinking at the same time they would be the most environment friendly people ever.

It's clown world.

I think the shill is actually starting to believe his own propaganda

>but it doesnt take more energy to digitally distribute it.
Can't be bothered to research
Can't be bothered to read links that were already posted.

You can recycle them pretty easy, but you can't recycle pure energy (to download your games on steam)

You are beyond stupid

not only that, but they got cucked by birds due to their own actions since the gooks decided killing them was a good idea while forgetting they controlled the bug population, it amazes me how China was able to even recover from the catastrophe that was Mao's regime.

>According to a study published in the Journal of Industrial Ecology, production, sale, and digital distribution of games under 1.3 GB in size produce less carbon emission than disc-based games
>BUT for a standard 8.8 GB blu-ray game, roughly 20.82 kg of carbon dioxide goes into the life of a disc, but up to 27.53 kg could be generated by a digitally distributed copy.

PLUS if PC gaming would have died, it would be even more environmentally friendly.

Valve is destroying the planet.

And most don't, because of Steam. Steam's own DRM is so innocuous that Valve admits it's ineffective at stopping anything more than extremely casual piracy, and they're right.

They once had a rebellion led by a guy claiming to be the brother of Jesus Christ and like 100 million people died

>(((social media))) and (((digital download porn))) is not a huge waste of energy and resources
>calls other people stupid

Did your teacher ever teach you what a good source is, actually scratch that being taught to look for anything of value goes against government teachings

By that logic every cloud company on the planet is destroying the planet including Sony and Microsoft.

>it's totally ineffective
>that's why we still include it
>because honest people shouldn't be able to play their games when internet / Steam is down

>thinking fortnite kiddies give a shit about some random game that isn't trendy
Normies don't give a shit about indie games unless they become popular and even then its usually for irony

>a good source
>Article links to study itself
>Studies are bad sources
Just fucking dilate as hard as posible to kill yourself

>valve is destroying the planet
>because they upload files to clients
Nevermind the fact we have billions of cars chugging fossil fuels
Nevermind we still have entire countries, neigh, continents that use coal fired power plants as their primary source of power.
Nevermind that we have a literal rogue nation that is going "fuk da envirahmen, it not a doctar, it no make me muneh"... no it's fucking valve and the fact it's using power that already has a carbon footprint to distribute games to clients

fucking retards


Are you in your middleschool library? Is that it?
Its okay its possible you dont know how to read yet or have a grasp of the english language

Why are Steamcels so consistently dumb and full of shit? Why are they so prone to making wild baseless claims and babbling on about things they don't know?

>every cloud company on the planet is destroying the planet
>Companies like my beloved Basedny would never destroy the environment
>Companies don't care about money and power
>They care about the environment
When will you wake up?

fortnite creative mode is better though

Who are you quoting retard.


Oh the irony.

>I don't understand greentext
Lurk moar.


then why didn't you post those links instead of relying on several garbage source, its like using wiki as a source and trying to justify it stating it leads to other sources

>points finger at one guy
>villainifies it based on generalised statistics
I'm smort enough to recognize a logical fallacy when i see one user.

So let me just make sure I understand
You want me to stop using steam because cloudsaving is destroying the environment and since that is a feature EGS will never have, they're better because they will never harm the environment like valve did

Take your own advice brainlet. You just spewed a bunch of nonsense greentext that has fuckall to do with what people here are talking about.

>It's whataboutism when an argument gets turned onts its head and gets fully debunked
Holy hell.

They're not the one reaching at environmentalism to justify the lack of cloud saves.

>I'm new to the internet

It's a good thing you never actually did that.

no, you made that up

Shills man

I don't really care aboug EGS. Like, despite being a primary-PC gamer, it doesn't really feel like an issue that concerns me.

It's a store. I'm not married to Steam, GoG or any other such service. If it only has to be opened when I want a new game who cares what it does or how it does it? To me it is just another means to get games and have fun.

I just don't trust it because China has a very strange interpretation of privacy laws. That is literally the entire reason I don't use it now. If they re-wrote their privacy agreement and they rebuilt that trust I wouldn't mind them trying to carve out a new store for themselves.

No he didn't.

>has near infinite money at his disposal
>spends 0,0001% of it to buy a little bit of land here and there as a typical rich person "good guy" publicity stunt

Corporate cocksucking at it's finest

why is he wearing a hoodie?

>that's why we still include it
Because it gives most developers a false sense of security that their games won't be pirated. You have to be massively fucking retarded to bitch about Steam's DRM that can be easily defeated by replacing 2-3 .ddl files.

And people can play steam games offline, it's been this way for years now. Stop pulling shit out of your ass.

Only after you answer the question of why didn't you post those sources you claim the article uses first instead of posting the meme tier garbage that is mary sue

>posts retarded straw man
>"it's about cloud saves"
People on here attack Steam - and also EGS (still Steam started with this shit) - for not being environmental friendly and want their way more environmental friendly physical media back.
But nice samefagging.


>I can't read articles
>I also can't follow links
>I can't attack the message, so I attack the messenger
>You don't have a CNN source, so it's bad and I won't believe it

Take your meds you mentally ill faggot.
Also fuck the epic store

>You hate Steam
>That makes you a mentally ill faggot
Quite the opposite
Dilate harder, tranny.
Steam will fall.

Also I would tell you to kill yourself, but you are a tranny, so...

The only samefag here is you
Steam didn't invent digital distribution nor did they start this shit with moneyhatting third party exclusives. Being "enviornmentally friendly" is the last thing Steam and EGS critics give a shit about and is just use as a red herring to deflect from the lack of features EGS is missing like cloud saves.

>>posts retarded straw man
Go pound dirt, retard.

>post godawful website
>expects somebody to just blindly accept
>gets mad when people demand he posts source with more credibility
>tries to assume somebody is a CNN tard due to asking for a better source
>still refuses to post the other sources
Still waiting for you answer me bugman

You posted Holy fuck these shills are next level

>anti-steam Epic shitposter is also anti-internet porn

Can't make this shit up

Attached: 1559117146992.jpg (1462x1462, 942K)

Haha youre ill.
But thats not why you posted this, its because you are just a stupid retard.

>PLUS if PC gaming would have died, it would be even more environmentally friendly.

EGS shills confirmed for console niggers.

>The only samefag here is you
>Samefag means making several posts on the same side
user, I...

>let's pay devs not to sell their games on the stores everyone has been using, that will make customers love us

Epic shills have honestly turned into a good source for lol cows, they always manage to surprise with the retarded shit they will spew just to get you to use a shitty store, you can probably even turn it into an online bet of which strawman argument they will use next

>multiple posts disagreeing with me must be a samefag
Grow up you idiot.

>Still incapable of accessing archive of a website and getting the study link
>Tries to distract further from digital distribution being environmentally unfriendly
You are doing a bad job.

that means 7374 copies sold and Sweeney's "guaranteed sales" for 500000 copies

You are going more and more insane every minute.

Attached: insanity.png (332x90, 6K)