Are you with the lunarians side Yea Forums?

Are you with the lunarians side Yea Forums?

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lunarians did 9/11

Why would I side with foreigners?

Are you on the clown side Yea Forums?

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You're gonna get clowned

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No, Lunarians deserve poop.

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No, fuck Lunarians.

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I wish the moon had oxygen so they could be set on fire.

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We must nuke the moon for the worlds good

>be Lunarian
>get triggered by stars and stripes

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I don't know, am I?

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Here's Moon's ex-boyfriend

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no but I am on kaguyas side. She did nothing wrong btw.

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Nope, all filthy Lunarians deserve to die

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false flag

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The moon is so fucked that the princess moved on the earth.
She did the right this and the only lunarians that we trust

Reminder that America never been on the moon and our Chinese leaders are working to halt the lunar invasion.

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More like the Chinese are remnants of the Lunarians you can only weaken by mentioning Tienanmen Square 1989

I have a idea,
Why not we recruit fairy DEMONS.
Fairy demons are better than a touhou enemy fairy overall and they can get powerful at the time by mitamas & training, then we have a powerful army and we can take down the moonniggers.
We can get their good shit wery easy and the best part about them is that they are very common.
And cool.

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I've come to make an announcement, Hou Yi is a bitch ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking son. That's right, he took his space chink fucking quill-y dick out and he pissed on my fucking son and he said his dick was THIS BIG and I said "That's disgusting." so I'm making a call-out post on my Bunbunmaru. Hou Yi, you got a small dick, it's the size of this moon except way smaller, and guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. That's right baby, all points, no quills, no pillows, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong! He fucked my son, so guess what? I'm gonna purify the Earth! That's right, this is what you get! My super laser piss! Except I'm not gonna piss on the Earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'm pissing on THE MOON! Are you watching Chang'e? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT! You have 23 playthroughs until the piss droplets hit fucking Gensokyo, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too

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What was that Mokou?

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You shoud corporate with eggman
You guys are a hit ko

Of course I am
Everyone is owed a right to protect their property

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We all know who is the strongest Touhou, but who is the weakest?

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>Threating visitors

The only good about em is to rape em


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you can't, it's not rape when they want it

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you shut your whore mouth
None of the girls were meant to be sex'd

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That only applies to Gensokyo.
Moon rabbits were made to be cocksleeves.

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No, now fuck off back to /jp/.

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post more kanmari

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I don't understand, she's thinking of Marisa with a smile, but when she sees her she gets scared?

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you need not apply logic when it comes to Kanmarisa

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BASED and Widowpilled

holy based

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>SMT Fairies

A massage to the lunarians from the moon.

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Have sex lunarians!


\(•∆•)={[[OOOOooooo o. O o. O o

Have you joined the lunarian support group, for those who's lives were ruined by lunarian scum?

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what's worse, lunarians, or elves?

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Lunarians are literally the worst around
At least elves kind of have personality, Lunarians are literally just snobby, stuck up, holier-than-thou retards with a hypocritical obsession with purity, while also using the rabbit population as a slave race

> Lunarians are literally just snobby, stuck up, holier-than-thou retards with a hypocritical obsession with purity
Sounds like the typical touhoufag

Sure, they sound like good people.

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And makes it worse, the moon is actually the neigbour of earth!

Atleast we aren't the lunafaggots, that's a credit

>good people
Until Reimu realises that they are fucking niggers that they using rabbits as their cocksleeve

Oh, I can do that!

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I knew it, who the fuck a fucking idiot want to crash on a fucking building

Lunarians are the unholy crossbreed of elves with chinks.

There is literally nothing wrong with being a lunarian.

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I love Reisen!

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Most Lunarians still have to hang. Only a rare few are acceptable.

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Only Reisen & her family at eientei is good but the rest is shit

I hate Reisen!

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Silent sinner in blue & Lolk is a great example of how fucked up the lunar society actually is.
It just shit than north korrea.
I never look the FF4 lunarians the same ever again.


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Bit tits shoud be spared during the moon purge

>siding with Aliens
No way fag

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Atleast monsters arn't hypocritical

Based on what