>No indicated numbers despite being the """best""" selling game of 2019
The virgin Mortal Kombat 11
>13 M I L L I O N S WORLDWIDE as of July 2019
The chad Monster Hunter World
>No indicated numbers despite being the """best""" selling game of 2019
The virgin Mortal Kombat 11
>13 M I L L I O N S WORLDWIDE as of July 2019
The chad Monster Hunter World
Other urls found in this thread:
You all have logged on and gotten your free attack gem, right?
Can we get the usual bait instead? I don't like this one
Nothing wrong being different for once.
Tempting, but I am waiting to see whether or not Iceborne is worth it before I get back into World.
This is a bad way to start a thread and I don't give a shit about sales numbers or mortal kombat, fag.
How the fuck does this game feek so tiresome? I should be excited to hunt shit, but it's so repetitive
>run at monster
>do zero damage
>it runs away
>chase for 10 minutes
>handler screams about bullshit
>cat sponges attacks
>he doesn't have 999 of every gem because grinding multilayered RNG is cancer
Are you on console or something?
I already have 4 or 5 and have zero plans for a 7 gem meme build, iceborne is going to invalidate existing gems through creep anyways
Git gud
Thinking of trying to do AT or Behemoth (not even considering Extreme) is intimidating and frustrating and is honestly putting me off playing. The difficulty spike in Behemoth makes me angry and I hate how long it potentially could take if my teammates weren't always dying and we could actually do it. Shitty.
What is Seregios was a girl that rapes Rathalos.
You know, as a joke.
just plunderblade and selectively break parts to get drachen, the FF astera music goes away if you kill behemoth
You can do it user, instead of putting you off from playing take it as a personal challenge and strive towards it. Regular tempered elders are fun but they're pretty easy, it's nice that there's very difficult endgame content. I'm sure you can find good teammates for Behemoth. Maybe in this very thread!
just get carried by the /mhg/ autists
kill yourself kombatkuck
post subspecies ideas
>Sable Jyuratodus
>Instead of making it's home in mud, this monster instead dives deep into gigantic pools of tar, coating itself in the liquid
>This makes it susceptible to fire, though this is also a risk for hunters, as fire can easily set both the monster and the hunter themselves ablaze
>Alongside that, it also utilizes covering the opponent with tar to immobilize them
you can do it user, i believe in you
>shipments and sales as a combined unit
Capcom drones sure love to ignore this. Mortal Kuckbat flopping doesn't mean tha tyour turd is any good either.
Fuck off back to your thread
>Fighting an AT monster for the very first time
>It's Xeno
Haha, wow
This is like the complete opposite of fun
AT Xeno is the best one by far
Not him but I can't wrap my head around a lot of his attacks, because they cause random shit to explode. I find AT Nergi less stressful since all the attacks are straightforward. I just swapped to SnS Support and healed people in the AT Xeno fight, only attacking when it was absolutely safe because I couldn't wrap my head around his attacks
The armor is good?
Um, it's worth it. Trust me.
Negigandios. A Nergigante subspecies with gooey spikes that inflict blast status. Has a tendency to focus on breaking spikes off to attack, rather than using it's regular attacks. (Like how Rathalos focuses on fire attacks and Rathian more so on tail swipes)
Kushalostra. A Kushala Daora that has adapted to the volcanic areas of the world. All wind attacks now deal fire damage, inflict burn and deal constant heat damage to their surroundings.
Gnajar. A Rajang with backwards horns that has a very high tendency to do the attacks that jump backwards.
It won't be worth it at all (for me) if they don't fix the hub, quest systems, event quests rotations, maps, design variety and all those other tiny annoyances that build up.
I like the combat, but the rest of it leaves very much to be desired. Well, at least they're addressing the concerns about lack of monster variety and number.
Also, just let us transmog every armor without your stupid timed events already.
Tips for Solo normal Behemoth?
Charybdis keeps fucking me over.
just flash him out of it and/or use a bow
Don't you have a general?
have you seen the general? they manage to consolewar harder than Yea Forums ever could
Stop going multiplayer for ATs. Seriously.
Xeno gamma isn't just good, It's mandatory for certain builds. If you can't kill her make a defensive set with a piercing HBG and pump shields, vitality and defense. You can tank all her hits minus one and all you have to do is aim straight
Or If you know how to use HBG spam spread shots
>they manage to consolewar harder than Yea Forums ever could
Because most people who play these games are niggers, that's why you should stay in your general
Damn. I've never used guns, I've just been hammerman all this time.
this is the furry section
>Stop going multiplayer for ATs
This. If for nothing more than the non-increased flinch rate.
>Stop going multiplayer for ATs. Seriously.
It's weird because before I jumped into MonHun (my first game was World) I was a Souls fan, and in those games I am very strict in not getting any help for the bosses or levels, not even the NPCs as it just results in way better gameplay. But in MHW I just find playing online so much fun, the team dynamic is great and I have way more fun fighting monsters online than solo. I don't even mind the SOS randoms, sometimes it can be a bit frustrating if they keep dying but I love the feeling of getting an AT clear with an underdog group. I picked up SnS support very recently and the ability to keep players alive fills me with joy.
All elder dragons including AT Xeno are for being bullied.
Please don't bully the baby draggo
God I hate this stupid fucking manga. Don't post this garbage again and the universe will reward you for good karma.
Oh come on, it's really good. Why do you hate it?
I'm getting this on PS4. Do I just buy the standard edition or is there some kind of game of the year ultimate bullshit?
Shota and lolishit automatically invalidate anything. It's like including NTR as a plot point, even if it's not meant for wanking.
>Ranged user trying to impress anyone
*rolls eyes*
>Stop going multiplayer in a game where the entire appeal is the multiplayer
Just beat Xeno'Jiiva, should I jump right into the duo Bazelgoose quest?
chasing a 2.6x hp multiplier when pubs can't carry their weight on ATs that will one shot them is masochism
just go for it, it's not as bad as it sounds. Bazel on his own is easy enough when you can pay attention to dropped scales and two either means they fight each other or you dungpod one.
Arch-tempered monsters just give out tickets, right? I can just farm the regular version for parts?
its only PCfags constantly derailing. its the same in every MHW related forum. console players are chatting away about the game and suddenly a PC player sticks their nose in and goes 'uPdaTe fOr Pc wHeN? WhEreS uLtRa wIde sUpPoRT? SeConD cLaSs cItiZeNS REEEEE' and it all goes to shit
Can their scales damage each other? Like, if Bazel A bodyslams and blows up Bazel B? Or do they have all around fire resistance?
>Shota and lolishit automatically invalidate anything
okay tranny
They take no damage from fire iirc so it's just bodyslamming if you want to pit them against each other
AT Vaal Hazak is cancer.
It's way more fun, user. For some reason I don't really get frustrated in this game, and multiplayer leads to some priceless interactions
>One faint Tempered Teo with lots of rewards
>"Should be easy, not even AT!"
>Some dual sword newbie joins
>Keeps taking damage, have to babysit him with wide range so he doesn't die
>Teo is about to die
>Newbie is literally mashing his swords into thin air as Teo is charging his nova above him
>Manage to flash Teo and save the day
Worth every last one of the failed quests from dead randoms.
>pedophile acting like they're above trannies
i genuinely don't think I've ever seen a dual daggers player that isn't shit
anti-multiplayer MH players are just autistic min/maxing DPS obsessed losers. not worth trying to explain the appeal of playing with other people to them.
Get paid Monday and am thinking about getting World. How much am I going to have to do to catch up for the new expansion?
nerf bow
Is there anything harder than playing GS in multiplayer?
The manga is good and is so much more than just loli/shota fanservice, which gets overblown by people. That's mostly just the aesthetic of the characters and a couple scenes here and there. Also that other user wasn't (Me) as in the one that posted the image originally. I didn't answer because I didn't want to derail the thread.
AT Vaal is the easiest, and yet, he's the best filter for shitters who can't slot 3 decos cause muh deeps.
There is. It's the master edition which comes with the base game and iceborne. Don't know how much it costs though.
so is listfag gone for good now? will something worse take it's place?
NTRfag from earlier.
I for one welcome the new age of Monstieposting at odd hours of the night, but I doubt he's truly gone. The reception of the game just improved since Iceborne is shaping up to be great and it's addressing a lot of issues the game originally had, so he has less space to thrive.
I love sword and shield
based, but jocat is a tranny sympathizer
Post your
>First game
>Most used weapon
>Favorite monster
>Favorite armor set
>Long Sword and Greatsword in older games, Bow in World
>Unironically Lagiacrus
>Nergigante aka Coldspike the Hedgeheg
>Rathian, too bad its shit
>MH3U technically but I really started with 4U
>Greatsword, Black Fatalis Blade is my favorite weapon specifically, in World I prefer Hunting Horn because I don't like how they've changed GS
>G-rank Kushala Daora, pic related
Quite alot, to be honest.
In a month you'll probably have no issues getting to a high enough Hunter Rank, but it means the amount of grinding you can actually do is somewhat limited, so you'll be sticking with a limited selection of armour and weapons. Weapons and Armour will inevitably become irrelevant once IB drops, but Charms and Decorations still seem to matter and you'd be going into IB with little options since there's lots of grind around those.
If you are going to play I would say ignore Iceborne and just take your time and enjoy the game at your own pace.
MH tri
I want to start playing again, do I play my modded save or start fresh before iceborne?
gore magala armor
Switch Axe
Barrioth, Zinogre or Kushala for design, Odogaron favto fight.
Kushala or the Drachen set I'll probably never make.
>Chaotic Gore
Pickle, Xeno, or Nerg bow? Which is the dragon element winner?
Yeah there’s a Master Edition or something like that that has the base game and Iceborne in it. For the first time ever they’re letting you buy the DLC separate if you already own the base game though, but the Master Edition is obviously cheaper if you don’t own the base game.
Depends on how heavily modded your save is. Capcom are still pretty laissez faire in regards to mods but are apparently gonna crack down harder on outright cheats. Either way Low and High Rank aren’t that long, the only issue you should have with replaying them is the fucking cutscenes.
RNG has not favored me and I hate KT.
Posting guild card cause fuck it
>Monster Hunter demo disc from DMC3, MH3U otherwise
>Switch Axe in other games, Great Sword in World
>Relic Dalamadur
Kjarr if you've got it, otherwise the standard Dragonbone is actually the best.
Almost forgot, thank you user
>Great Sword
>Nergigante, Shagaru Magala
>Tigrex X, Regios S, Monodevil, Bazel Alpha
So who are we getting for Iceborne?
Im playing Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and im doing high rank gathering hall quest to unlock rank G and holy shit its pure torture
>Broken hitboxes
>Jank hit detection
>Retarded AI
>2 hits and you're dead
I can't take this shit anymore how did you guys did it?
Velocidrome. Giadrome. Gendrome. Iodrome. Great Jaggi. Great Baggi. Great Wroggi. Great Maccao. Bulldrome. Great Girros. Great Jagras. Cephadrome. In an arena, with NO flunkies whatsoever, who would realistically win?
Gen 4
>Azure Rathalos
>Azure Rathalos
>tfw no MH Stories 2 for Switch
MH Stories is one of those games that has the potential to be a fantastic series, but I think they're not interested in trying to make it better now. If you changed the godawful combat and added a ton more QoL features (Like being able to actually save on the fly) and add a bunch more monsters it could be something really special. Also, don't fucking lie to the player about monster patterns.
>SnS and Longsword
>Silver Rathalos set
listfag got caught posting the wrong image for his list which eventually ended up revealing that he just a shitposter that never touch the game at all
Do I play World now or wait for Iceborne bundle?
>IG/Aerial Hammer
Game was comfy as hell but the post game or whatever it was, was boring as hell
Such a shame, it was a really fun game to wind down with after class. If there is a second game i'll be there to support it like i did for the first one. Bought the JP and localized versions.
>consider booting up world because of the event
>remember what they did to GS
What did they do?
Someone who kept posting about Seregios fucking Rathian in front of Rathalos three goddamn threads in a row earlier today.
backloaded all of its damage into the truecharge which is super clunky to set up.
FU is a very easily exploited game. GS and Hammer have an easy time dealing with most monsters because there's so many spots to slip in a golfswing or level 3 charge. HBG works wonders on obnoxious monsters like khezu, plesioth, diablos, and kirin. Lao and shen are extremely boring but easy just by bringing a set to negate either wind or tremors. Rajang has a critical weakness to bows and walking left.
Flash bombs don't have diminishing returns either, and since half the cast are glorified kut kus you can cheese everything up to and including descendants of the king with enough of them.
You can also get early access to the G rank volcano and its materials through an event quest to kill lavasioth. If you triple cart you get to keep anything you obtained on the quest. Or you can just kill lavasioth by exploiting the fact that he can't go past an invisible wall along the southern entrance to area 10. Either way.
what the fuck
its not so bad.
resource gathering is annoying though. going to the farm after every hunt is too.
Confirmed so far;
>Shrieking Legiana
>Beotodus (new Piscine Wyvern)
>Acidic Glavenus
>Fulgur Anjanath
>Banbaro (new Brute Wyvern)
>Ebony Odogaron
>Velkhana (new Elder Dragon, the flagship monster)
Additionally, a Gameinformer preview mentioned that a ‘blind cave bat monster’ was present, so either Khezu or Gigginox are also in. And at Comic Con there was an MH panel where Acidic Glavenus was revealed, and afterwards they said there were more subspecies to show and had a slide of Pukei-Pukei, Paolumu and Tobi-Kadachi pop up, implying those three will also be getting subspecies.
There’s likely to be another 5ish monsters besides them unrevealed too.
Okay, how the FUCK do I use guard points? I want to do more than just UNGA with the Charge Blade.
>see attack coming
>start a morph into axe mode just before it hits
a few other attacks have GPs as well, but that one's the easiest to access
After Glavenus sub's unexpected reveal, I'm expecting Seregios, Seregios sub, and Brachydios sub to finish up the remaining old flagships without subs.
Glavenus armor set
>see attack coming
>try to morph into axe mode as it's about to hit
>end the roundswing finisher of your sword combo as it's about to hit you
If you timed it right, your shield will be out in front of you and automatically block the attack. You'll get the hang of it with practice. Try it on something like diablos that just charges a lot.
Made it better.
Learn how to tackle.
I know how tackles work you patronizing piece of shit.
Is Switch Axe getting any meaningful changes like a damage buff in Iceborne?
It's gotten a slight buff. The axe's fade slash animation has improved greatly and becomes a great evasive tool, wild swing increases in power if you continue using it after the first two swings
It's getting an attack that has hyper armor and buffs axe mode, at least.
>Hammer and swax in 4u and gen, then bow in world.
>Gore Magala for nostalgia.
>I have a soft spot for G rank Teo since it was my endgame set in 4u.
Does anyone else's game constantly close on Android? I really wanted to play it, but it's quite annoying.
Also, love that 11/10 almost Sword of the Stranger level music.
Post your endgame set, hammer bros.
I'm not sure how to read the motion values. Are these only very small buffs? It seems that no buff reaches double digits in terms of whats been improved.
Stamina Thief
>Axe buffs
>Wild swing buffs
Not that user but good to hear they're giving the axe portion of the weapon more love.
Still unfortunate that the ZSD seems to remain as spotty as ever, but I also wouldn't want it to end up becoming a CB situation where you just endlessly throw out your super attack until the monster's dead.
Mantle slots
>MH3U on Wii U
>Insect Glaive
>Esurient XR
>low rank
>do zero damage, monsters beats the shit out of you, any quest takes about 20-30 minutes to complete
>high rank
>do A LOT OF DAMAGE, beat the shit out of monster,then it runs from you like a fucking pussy while you kill it by a jump attack
feels good
>Vaal set looks pretty cool
I'm talking the specific pieces you personally wear.
>Freedom 1
>S. Queen
How hard is normal Behemoth? I just killed Xeno and am HR29.
So it's disrupting when somebody actually has standards
Hope for a carry
>S. Queen
based user
How long will it take to complete the worthwhile events from the festival? I'm about to hunt the 3 elder dragons in the story
It's a good thing you have like a month
What am I missing out on from events if I don't do them in time?
I only got to HR12 today
>Paolumu is maximum comfy
I'm not him but I just feel like 4U GS was absolute peak. At least Hunting Horn and Gunlance are godlike in World so I can do that, and Hunting Horn falls under the same sort of difficult to use, yet still unga bunga thing, as GS
I got the free 13 million celebration pack twice. Did I get lucky or is it normal ?
>can't call him Nerg Sue
>can't call him Marigante
>can't call him Nergcina
>can't call him Capcom's Lightning
>if you do, Nerg's low hanging fruit dicksucking fanbase brands you as Listfag/FFXV kun
What the fuck CAN I call this overrated trash? I don't hate world, I just hate Niggergante.
That's nice and all, but does axe mode have its old forward slash > downward slash > horizontal slash infinite? Rising slash needs to go back to X+A instead of X.
>listfag dead
>cuteposters dead
>slow and comfy thread
No bullying the Kushy.
cuteposter did nothing wrong
>GS (i think, i use a lot of different weapons)
>Hellblade Glavenus set
what's wrong with cuteposters?
Being a furry is wrong enough
Cuteposter was spamming the same images over and over. It wasn't as bad a listfag, but it was still a third of the thread. Cuteposter also wanted to fuck Zinogre, when really you should be focusing on a huntress in Zinogre armor.
Remember to oil up
>listfag is still trying to push the anti-Nerg meme even though every flagship since the start of third gen got special snowflake status by beating up old monsters
Post yfw oils are in Iceborne to make up for SnS slinger being given to everyone and just not shown yet.
How the fuck would decorations get invalidated with the way armor skills work in this game? Are you expecting master rank to start giving out things like decorations that give two points in attack and take the same size slot?
>kush armor in world doesn't have a full wind resistance
Excuse me what the fuck
That's a cute delusion Tigrex.
I just want SnS to actually have damage and not be the healslut wide range meme weapon.
>High Rank
It has only rearranged it's △ combo so it's Forward Slash > Overhead chop > Side chop > Upswing > Overhead chop... etc. You can still access rising slash anytime with △+O in an axe combo
>finish Hunting Horn set
>need to break the habit of Dual Blades and Switch Axe and learn to KO the monster more often
I feel bad for Rath and Odo but I need a moving training partner.
Just say fuck it and build for Crit Draw style. It still works damn well even with the changes.
It wouldn't be surprising, pre-world games had gems of varying slot size and you gotta pad out that endgame somehow. A 2-3 point attack gem that's 2 or 3 slot sized seems pretty likely. It would let them add new decos without completely outclassing existing ones.
Or maybe they'll just go ahead and make new decos that just render old ones irrelevant. Like elementless or earplugs decos of the same point value but a smaller size, or compound gems that add multiple skills.
Behemoth isn’t possible
>gamma armor
>description of the 3 set pieces bonus is "nullify ALL wind pressure"
>doesn't nullify all wind pressure
Why not write most instead of all
Do you play on PS4 or PC? Maybe we can set up a group of Anons and do it.
Play in Japanese. It says mitigates wind aura in moon.
Sopa de Maccao, UMA DELICIA.
I don't speak moon runes
>V. Prey gunner armor
I've been playing HH since P3rd/3U and I've never used Horn Maestro. Convince me to take that garbage skill.
Well, I do. English isn't as bad as some of the other languages, but it's pretty easy to see why people would get the wrong ideas about stuff.
Giga Jagras
Why would you want to? It's basically a crutch for people who can't rely on recitals for damage
Decorations and layered armour are the only things that are likely to retain any value going into Iceborne, and layered armor only matters if you care how you look. A bunch of the quests that give layered stuff don't require a high hunter rank, but the best shit requires you be HR50, as do both of the really good decoration farming quests.
I'm playing GU as the prowler, if I didn't bring any trap skills is it possible to catch monsters, or did I fuck myself? google said bring trap skills
i want to play iceborne at launch but i also want to wait until winter when its really cold out
Hahaha yeah... wanting to fuck Zinogre is so weird right hahahaha
I do not play Prowler at all, but Cats cannot use items so unless you're in a team I believe you need to go back to camp and find the skills.
Unrelated question for you,l and other Prowlers, how do you stomach endgame monsters as a Prowler? I can't even imagine fighting them as a cat.
where is that from
with good taste, but a degenerate no less
I actually haven't made past LR yet, I just got my first capture quest and ran in without thinking and was hoping I could salvage this quest. though to answer your question I'm doing it for SRT. Cheez and the cute and humorous armor
get it on PC and you can do both
>arena dodogama
>choose lbg because never tried it on this quest
Holy shit what a fucking mistake it was
already a mistake
Either the SA or the CB.
Any Gundam armor.
I only know what 1/3 of that spoiler meant, but have fun.
Anyway, Cats cannot use items so I'd imagine you need the skills, or at least whatever the tranq bomb equivalent is and a trapper cat.
I'm mostly just joking If anything, I'm more of a Diablos sort of guy. Why must she be so underrated?
Oh shit it doesnt?
t. just made 3pc kusha to fight AT
It's as if you had the wind resist skill on level 4, it doesn't negate wind completely but reduces the effects
Spics have genuinely destroyed this site.
13 million* you dumb beaner shithead
Am I a pretty girl?
>he's a cheating phoneposter
I can't imagine a more embarrassing existence
>see this post
>launch game
>login bonus is 2 screamer pods
y u do dis
Just a quick public service announcement. It was just decided by the /mhg/ prooves committee that we will not accept any proofs of bow or HBG users anymore. From now on these proovefs are considered automatically invalidated with no further investigation required.
Thank you for your time and happy hunting,
Your /mhg/ proovses committee.
All cats have infinite tranq bombs, but you need trap skills. Or you know your prowler can also bring along a trapper palico.
Yea Forums bros don't require prooves, gtfo
Huh? You should get a free attack gem from the event.
Do you ever help out with assignment SOS quests?
>try nergigante arena event quest
>it's absolute dogshit
>doesn't even give ace hunter coins but fucking hunter king coins
Why is arena in world such a fucking dumpster fire, who the fuck thought of all this shit. Soloing any arena quest feels like a fucking chore
The Witcher quest sucks doesn't it?
>trying to solo arena quests
That's just asking for frustration. And yeah a lot of them are mostly worthless, so given the time investment (if you solo) you need to doublecheck rewards ahead of time.
Yeah soloing that shit is next to useless. Steam forums usually have people you can play with.
Imagine taking more than 5 minutes to kill any monster in end game
Imagine taking more than 30 seconds to kill extremoth. You do use cheat engine, don't you? Your time will look pathetic otherwise.
not him but nobody can even tell me what endgame is. fully kitted out builds with gamma armor, proper decos, and kulve weapons?
I've been doing tempered and ATs for a week or so with ok success and I still have absolutely no vision of what I'm supposed to be "building" in terms of armor or decorations which is made worse by the fact that I use nearly every melee weapon on and off
At one point I was making a list of hunter vs monster mechanical changes/additions over the series. Is there anything that's off here?
Is Death Stench legs b and a Handicraft charm good enough if I do not have any handicraft gems? Using Jho dual blades, amongst others.
Yes, If host isn't using LS or DB.
Having fully augmented armor and weapon(s) is endgame enough in my opinion, even without ideal skills, as long are you're trying you can probably survive and do enough damage to get the job done. Kulve weapons help but for certain weapon types they aren't necessary at all, and optimizing your decos and armor with stuff like Drachen (which is ideal for most melee weapons) is great but not always necessary to beat "endgame" monsters. Even Capcom only wants you to beat regular Xeno in order to play Iceborne.
Also the user you replied to is over-exaggerating so don't worry about it.
>Having fully augmented armor and weapon(s)
I forgot about augments, I only have 1 weapon augment and I foolishly spent it on attack power before learning how good regen was
hopefully I'll get my build(s) sorted out when I can play again
What's wrong with DB, negroid?
playing FU
I'm bad at these training quests
come on user you should know better
>@ kulve taroth quest
>reach to 4th phase
>some rando decided to die twice
finally, now if only we can ban all le ironic furfags
Doot doot
To lazy to find og twitter leak and don’t care about kiddy “ reddit boogeyman lel”
>le ironic furfags
I'm not sure if they're being ironic at all
i have this game in my steam library but i never touched it how do i get into this?
In fact, I felt guilty after replying with that so I went and found a random story Nerg SOS with a DB host. After I joined the hunt, the host carted once then fucked off to the other side of the map gathering shit while the others unga bunga'd Nerg.
Great Sword
Seregios set
forgot to add unironic, too. my bad
Look up youtube weapon guide for whatever you're interested in. Don't look for instant gratification.
Recently got back into GenU. Forgot how based this game is
Just fucking play the game dude. Switch around weapons until you find 2-3 you really like and upgrade those as you go.
Kushala's Gamma waistpiece is also a good Handicraft piece as well. Technically, Kulve Taroth's waist pieces are some of the most efficient armor pieces in the game but it's Free Element that bricks NEB-reliant weaponry.
Good time to get into it with the events cycling back in for five weeks straight.
You'll probably get more mileage out of the handicraft charm. 3 points of a 3slot skill just can't be beat.
Either helios or escadora
I was referring to having both for a full 5 in the stat, amigo.
>Xeno a
Just play it you spastic.
I was looking forward to fighting Kulve ever since I started the game. 250 hours in, now I got a crapton of amazing weapons that are useless to me because I main LS and IG
thankfully I got Kjarr Sword Decay so at least I got something to have fun in the meantime
Fuck I'm tired. Whoops.
Yeah Death Stench legs is a p good source of handicraft. But, I'm not sure if it's worth it going to 5 Handicraft. What HR are you? Razor Sharp from Xeno gamma is really good for dual blase.
I want to pick up LBG for iceborne, whats some good armor and weapons for it right now?
Dragonbone has ridiculous element, and a significant amount of damage from bow comes from element unless you're using dragonpiercer.
Just wanted to say that I beat for the first time a glavenus on MH gen ultimate and I had more fun with this single monster than I did with the entirety of world.
Can't wait to see how badly it translates in world.
Why am I still getting "dodge the attack" tutorial prompts in World even though I'm at fucking endgame
Is there some setting I forgot to turn off
is broken, the tree deer thing, you have to deal with jagras, the tree roots and the crows. idk if they tried to similate the witcher gameplay but it doesn't work in this
You wrote that MH4 is the only high rank game with purple sharpness, but Tri had purple sharpness. Also, iirc, Tri had the same 1.5 modifier for it as FU, unlike 3U.
Alright, thanks.
Shagaru or Dalamadur
IDK Ceadeus
>using Taroth weapons
What kind of fucking pleb are you? I bet you used relics in 4U too.
>Charge Blade
>Helios Z
Dead jagras
Extremoth has been killed sub 5 so ok.(minutes)
Taroth and kjarr weapons are the strongest elemental weapons retard.
Also might want to mention tri's unique bowgun customization system and the medium bowgun along with gen and genU's prowler mode.
_ ____ __ ____ __________
Posts like these should trigger an auto ban
Is it easier just to solo EX Behemoth?
Nargacuga and all its variations
Kushala X (gunner)
No. Regular Behemoth's shit can be managed by yourself. The insta-charybdis makes Extremoth terrible to fight on your own.
That's fair, I'll add them underneath 'infrequent mechanics' since they didn't really persist.
Not quite to gamma armor yet, I'm just after the two tempered bazelboys. I can see how it would be good, but I don't have the jewels to support something like that. Current build looks like
Attack Boost 6
Health Boost 3
Weakness Exploit 3
Handicraft 5
Critical Eye 1
Rathalos Mastery Critical Element.
It annihlated the Bazels with the Tobi Claws.
Based user
I miss this bitch and hope she gets into the sequel for world (I'm hoping for insect and crustacean monster types to make a return, I miss my bugs and crabbos)
Also I'm hoping pic related will be in Iceborne
>At least Hunting Horn and Gunlance are godlike in World
Are they? Just started playing world and met an NPC out in the field that said gunlances were only 13th most popular. I was surprised, I was really enjoying it.
I found it to be a fun novelty, but when I found out there's a "true ending" and had to do it again, and then the pukei-pukei died so I had to do it AGAIN, it wore off its welcome. I haven't tried the stronger version yet, but the leshen itself certainly isn't a very good monster.
Looks good for just going through the ranks. If you can power through to HR 50 in less than 5 weeks then you'll be able to get carried through Arch Tempereds and get sweet armor. Doing Tier 2 tempered mons will make that HR shoot right up, and give you good decorations too. I'm sure that people in this thread are down to hunt if you post rooms. It's a bit late at the moment, but next time you're on just hop onto one of these threads or /mhg/ and reap the fruits of other peoples' autism.
Post your save file screens
I like the lighting here
alot of what they showed off already indicates all those things being improved in iceborne so you obviously haven’t closely followed the development so how can you make an informed decision to buy it
Gunlances are super fun but they're pretty imbalanced. Just slamming and slapping outdamages any playstyle with shelling by a mile, sadly.
CB, but I love Lance the most
Astalos and Brachydios are tied
before world, Gunlance was bottom tier, lower than fucking IG. That's why it shines the most in MHW
I'm glad it got buffed then. Conceptually it's my favorite.
I do wish shelling was just a bit stronger.
Did AT Nerg change up the CB meta any, or is Xeno/Kaiser/Damascus mix still the best general Taroth Horn setup?
Drachen is the ultimate goal, but Behemoth looks very tough. I'll probably end up asking the trannies at /mhg/ for a carry in exchange for (You)s.
nah you can do behemoth with randoms as long as you take it upon yourself to stay topped up on flash pods and always flash when he casts charybdis.
I did it with /mhg/
We all carted
Then i insist on going it with randoms and miraculously got 3 hunts done and got all my drachen pieces
This. Absolutely do this
>Raw CBs in this day and age
Lol Kjarr Ice hits for 250-360 ice per phial on Kulve.
150-280 on Lunastra
Behemoth is pretty tough when you first have access to him, but he's manageable once you learn his attacks and tells. If you really want to hide your shame, just keep throwing yourself at him while your cat has plunderblade equipped. He has no rare materials and all you need to do is look up a guide on how to cheese a quick horn break or tail cut to get the stuff your cat can't steal.
That's because /mhg/ sucks.
I think I finally get it, I finally get how to play LBG in this shitty game, all I have to do is to play it like if it was a fucking shotgun because the critical distance is ASS! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!?!
At last I can play your fucking shitty zoomercore game you fucking shitters, LBG only, no slinger, final destination.
>expect /mhg/ to know their shit
>join a AT Nerg room the other day
>literally out of 6 hunts only 1 succeeded
Oh yeah, I've seen that. Basically sleep bombing his horns and then retiring the quest over and over. I'll probably reserve that if I get some extreme frustration.
Is /mhg/ really bad? I thought they were turbo autists when it came to mon hun?
>actually having issues with MHW
Fuck outta here
The hub and design variety are the only things that have really been definitively improved, and he admitted to monster variety being increased in the same post. Whatever he means by "maps" is both unclear and probably pretty subjective, and the way quests and event quests work aren't known to be changing.
I just got back from a PS4 Room and they were all great other than AT Xeno. That shit just raped all of us most of the time. Then again, its easier to solo it
I think anons are talking about the PC room, which is garbage as fuck
Desu i do this
>get cat plunder
>fire sos
>hit the behe while i waste 2 of my plundercat's use
>by the time the randos come in (~2 mins) i have already gotten AT LEAST 2 guaranteed rewards even if i fail
I eventually only beat him twice in total for the full set
Did bully him later though with augmented Drachen made from his ass
>before world, Gunlance was bottom tier, lower than fucking IG.
Was IG really bad in generations or something? It was extremely strong in 4/U.
It's fun to cart together
how to not time out against AT xeno
>Rath Soul
my nigga
Come on user, I'm used to the LBG ever since FU and world's LBG is fucked up, but whatever, I got the hang of it and I'm no longer getting my ass beaten, I entered the ZONE, nothing can stop me now, specially because I finally got the stupid ass gunpowder LV2, what a fucking stupid decision that was, the materials to craft Normal LV2 should be purchasable from the start.
/mhg/ rooms on any console is basically a grab bag of skill levels from TA-tier maximus autismus all the way to that guy who literally just started today
What the fuck happened with critical distance anyway? Shit falls off way too sharply for Normal and Pierce shots in general. It's better on HBG but the point still stands.
shoot it with a bow or HBG
>log back in after months of not playing
>frame rate is 30 with ton of stuttering on a 970/3570k
How the fuck is this game so needlessly demanding? What does it even do?
And all the other monsters that aren't 2 or 3 stars weak to ice? I already have a set with Kjarr Ice with maxed Ice Attack, user.
I think they decided that because gunner weapons now can get high defense then they need to have a much shorter range.
I imagine that having the old range (which was pretty fucking big) would make the guns extremely safe and overpowered, or at least more than they already were/are, I'm still used to maintain a considerable distance between the monster and me because that's how I played for 3.5 fucking generations but whatever, critical distance is shorter than ever and the mobility is greater than ever as well so is a weird ass way to balance them out, I don't like it but we gotta roll with the punches.
Gunpowder lvl 2 and 3 are sold at shop you nigger wtf why would they give you those materials in low rank when none of those low rank weps could use em?
Get Karma if you're not at end game yet, otherwise most of the Kjarr LBGs are great and let you abuse Xeno Gamma with their innate crit element.
Decos are the only thing that will remain relevant in Iceborne.
>have a shitty Ryzen 3
>get everything to low
>get my silky smooth 30 FPS most of the time
>can play the game just fine
Well, it looks like ass but at least I can play it.
>monster hunter 1
>switch axe
>rebellion ex, pic related
Sharpen your weapon to increase its power!
They start to get sold at the shop after you beat Diablos tho.
I beat Behemoth with randos 20 times, it’s not that hard. Just play healer or tank and you’ll be fine unless you somehow end up with 3 dps LS mouthbreathers.
Made it the best melee weapon in the game.
>join a random Behemoth group with my Cluster faggot set
>it's 3 Japs also spamming Clusters
>Behemoth just fucking melts in minutes
Changed from the hit & run playstyle to one that utilizes tackling and climbing up the charge combo to perform true charged slashes. To some, this makes it a completely different weapon fundamentally. For some reason, there is also a distinguished lack of any form of Diablos GS at all in a game that has both Diablos.
It’s alright once but gets tedious really fast. I like Ancient Leshen though.
Master rank diablos soon so maybe we will get his tree?
I completely forgot what G rank diablos moves are.
Gen/GU IG was either mid or mid-low. Didn't get as JUST'd as CB did, and honestly had some good improvements to the Kinsect upgrading stuff. Funny enough the Crimson Fatalis glaive was one of the best.
4U was funny, some weapons were simply miserable and others just flat-out average or of significantly varying effectiveness depending on the monster, but the rest were amazing. Monster ankles were weak as fuck and the paralysis game was fucking wild with relic gear, too bad Capcom intentionally never made good status DBs ever since. Shit was GS and CB ludo too.
>Rathian Spike+
It's all so tiresome
terrible set
>dante charge sword.
>Tobi kadachi is a cutie.
>a mixture of beetle and tobi because it gave me a good dodge.
listen i played too much DS, i need dodges with iframes man.
Is it worth it to use gold prints on wyvern gems?
I feel that Energy Blade III is underrated for how strong it is, outdamaging even AED at 1-3phials (75 vs 130 MV)
Why aren't the fucking dragons aggressive in this game and why are they pretending it's a thing only Velkhana does
Sns is not allowed to be a good weapon
Not really, they've generally got better rates than monster-specific ones that will often get used in Rarity 7-8 augmentations.
>Hammer and LS
>Tie between Narga and the Magalas
>Male Blademaster Barioth X
lmao ok
You're too much of a shitter ant in the eyes of elder dragons. Except luna and nerg are on their turbo period
save them for more annoying shit like elder dragon gems/ kulve/ deviljho
But in the cutscene Kushala tries to murder you
Pretty sure you can actually meld them.
>tfw I use a DPS meter when I play HH just to see how I compare to other weapons.
>tfw im always 1st or 2nd
Granted it's pubs and my builds are attack/WE/etc bullshit. I'm sure if I played with decent players I'd fall behind severely
Why the fuck are stuns and tremors so long in World?
Just so people have reason to get Stun Res and Tremor Res?
I don't have any silver prints and now you can't even get them because you get summer festival prints instead
I don't get it either, a second level is alright but shit is way too long.
Spikes take Steel Prints, not that I remember how to get them right now.
Yeah, it's really weird, when Behemoth does his body slam the Tremor feels like an eternity.
And on stun, I've never understood what method is actually supposed to knock you out faster. Some say you have to do left/right in sync or whatever, and you'll have to signal the cat for them to actually knock you out of it if you intend on using them. But otherwise it's funny to see that Stun Resist 2/3 does jack shit when the full immunity is one pip away, and that monsters no longer have a recovery animation when they recover from stun themselves (and do any action immediately after getting up) all the while you clap your goddamn hands and take forever to get back into it.
All in all hunter and monster downtime are just kind of borked in MHW. Doesn't look like Iceborne is going to change it either seeing Capcom is just going to do whatever got them their 13mil copies shipped.
same as silver prints
listfag got banned again
Is there any way to get rid of the annoying exclamation points all over the fucking hub after you get the Rainbow Pigment?
Talk to literally everyone.
>Stop going multiplayer for ATs. Seriously.
Soloing with HH is not as much fun, mane
watching my character flop around like a fucking retard pisses me off to no end
I did that when I first got the Sapphire Star title, and they all came back after I reloaded the game later.
Even solo the HP pools on Xeno is a massive pain in the ass. Shit still takes almost ten minutes of stunlocking him by mutilating his feet with Glutton.
anons is AT Kulve giving new weapons or all you can get is the same as from normal Kulbe siege?
ATK brings Kjarr weapons which are elemental focused. AT replaced regular Kulve entirely as well, there is no more normal Kulve.
Kjarr series weapons with Critical Element/Status on them.
much obliged
>500+ defense
>150 HP
>elem def large
>still randomly get oneshot by random shit from ATKT and other AT/Temp Elders
Is there any fucking consistency to the damage you take in this game?
>Is there any fucking consistency to the damage you take in this game?
yes, you get hit you die, don't get hit or block it
ATs do ridiculous damage. The Gear is balanced seemingly around ordinary Tempered monsters. Basic monsters can’t fucking touch you in fully upgraded Rank 8 armour, Tempered monsters damage you a decent amount and ATs tear through it like cardboard because they were basically an afterthought and the main team is probably too busy working on MH6 to bother putting too much effort into ATs.
>The Gear is balanced seemingly around ordinary Tempered monsters
>ATs have their own gear
They're meant to be 1-2 hit killers.
Any pc niggas wanna do AT xeno?
Man im fucking starved for Iceborne news. im on PC so its literally half a year away and ill probably spoil myself by watching console gameplay.
Use Glutton and just shoot his foot until he dies. He gets stunned every 5 or 6 shots of spread 3.
I don't cheese.
is there anyway to reduce the amount of damage the lava pools from AT Xeno's attacks leave behind?
heat guard nullifies it
It's what, the third time ATKT has come around now, and people still don't know to swap between lightning and ice to melt parts?
Eat for felyne furcoat. negates it
oh and fire resist above 20 also negates it. i think
You literally just too a picture of a shitty youtube video that was made before AT Nerg so it's out of date. Also it's pure highest damage set, it sucks to actually play it.
I absolutely hate the World's tremor animation where you stumble around on your knee. It makes me rage so hard.
Swapping is only really needed if you do P1 hunts and usually on those people know what to do.
>I don't cheese.
>Asks people to help him kill it.
I know we are well passed the point of Capcom giving a shit but I still wish they would just slap out 4UHD. I swear I would put another thousand hours into it.
Multiplayer is harder than single in MHW so i'm not sure what you mean. I killed AT nerg solo every time to complete the set and i never managed to even beat it in multi
Personally I hate that the "difficulty" of AT monsters is just to have super high HP and some one shot attacks. There's so much more they could have done instead of just the lazy "bigger numbers" balancing.
Tell me youre retarded?
Thunder does no damage when Kulve takes off her mantle.
Ice does no damage when shes got her coat on.
Youre losing dps by not swapping. I hope a shitter like you never shows up in my sub 10 p4s in pub
>MH4U goes onto the Switch
>It's locked to 30 FPS
At this point i doubt it, Citra's the only choice for HD 4U.
>Charge Blade
>Chaotic Gore
>Dreadking Rath
Problem is that since you have so much access to healing items in MHW, because of the the quick crafting from the item wheel and unrestricted access to your item box, the only damage that really matters is if the monster one shots you.
>Tell me youre retarded?
I think I know who's the retarded here.
So I am to understand that trying out Behemoth with randos is a terrible idea and I should just let my cat plunder his loot til I have enough to make the Drachen set?
Also can anyone give me a quick rundown on how good LBG is
A skill just being an one-off switch from totally unbearable to easy is stupid design
Why did the community get more elitist in MHW, arguably one of the easiest titles in the series?
Yes but it's a magical fight when you get that one rando that carries the whole team.
Use Hbg and cluster honestly, unless your LBG is better, but seriously though Behemoth is not hard with randos, I don't get what you guys are all saying.
Casual elitists are some of the most deplorable people in any community, and when a game gives them the means to be successful in some capacity, it becomes a breeding ground for their unwarranted toxicity. Basically since most of the “endgame” is relatively accessible even to below average players, they now think they are in a position to tower over people.
This honestly
It's literally impossible to carry a team of three tards for the Behemoth because it's 100% guaranteed that the tards will cart to the meteor every time it happens.
Honestly if they'd have just toned down the eye-melting graphics and gotten rid of the shitty Jibanyan rip off I would've been on board.
Sorry to hear. Hope you get better
>yfw Iceborne adds a fucking lift to the entrance to Astera
We won't even go there anymore cunnybro.
You sound like you were incredibly lucky to be honest. In all my fights I've had to be both support and enmity guy and it's fucking impossible
What is the timing for jumping meteors? I tried doing it as it was coming down but despite being offscreen it still killed me. I’ve never really had a problem just positioning well for comets but I feel like it’s worth knowing just in case.
I want to say you're wrong but that carried my run only had to deal with two idiots.
The third guy skipped out after carting twice.
We managed to make it with just a few minutes left thanks to his magnificent healing.
>Doesn't understand non-elemental weapons
>Thinks "sub 10 p4" is something to be proud of
>Can't spell when calling someone else retarded
That's a huge yikes from me.
I have 16gigs of eam, a Ryzen 5 1400 and a rtx 2060. Should I buy this? Is it worth it? How much time do I have to spend on it?
finished the grind long before devs decided to give handouts to poor consolefags lol. Must suck to spend half your gametime in loading screens for the 14 fps experience.
>Nibelsnarf X
Shill me on the gunlance bro. I've never used it even once
You’re mean
Do you like the idea of close range artillery shelling while also being an unstoppable tank?
World was my indoctrination, playing mhgu while i wait for iceborne.
Most used weapon is S'n's and switch axe
Glavenus is my favorite monster.
Favorite armor is the mosgharl set, im a slut for Halloween looking shit
Does Monster Hunter have a big online mode or something? Or is it just single player only?
My negro.
Your character will kinda flinch when it about to hit, use the jump at that exact moment
MHW works like Destiny/Warframe
The older games have split co-op and singleplayer campaigns with online lobbies
Gunlance is just Lance's retarded cousin who thinks that body modifications makes him cool.
If your focus is multiplayer for PC then I would say no. Cheating is out of control. You need spend no time, press a button to gain everything. If you want to just play through the story solo wait till sale.
I've come across a grand total of two cheaters in 170 hours of play, FUD-user
Literally untrue
Lance is just Gunlance's retarded luddite cousin who can't accept the idea of both blocking AND doing damage.
I'm about to start 3U and I haven't decided on a weapon to use yet. Which ones aside from Lance are decent for underwater?
The bowguns are decent iirc
I have encountered only handful of people who were clearly cheating. That said, I'm sure that a lot more people use more subtle cheats like 2x damage etc.
>doesn't explode
I respect your right to not explode on things but I do not indulge.
Great sword is okay, the problem is you will be using the sword to block and fuck your sharpness in the process
You don't need to be flashy and loud to do damage.
At 300 hours I've never once ran into a cheater
You can play in groups of four since the first game. The games used to have separate solo and co-op questlines with the latter always went on for longer for having the most monsters, but MHW squashes it into one main questline and implements a 16-player lobby on top of drop-in and SOS features. Most of the game is easier solo than it is in multiplayer.
Yeah but you need to do more than poke poke poke backstep to be effective.
That's what the counter is for.
You actually don't meanwhile gunlance actually more effective using the slap rather than shelling
which is pretty ironic considering its named GUNlance afterall
So what is the mathematically best style now? Jho slapstick, Sleep full burst, or Water poke n' shell?
>MHTri (the wii one(?))
>Either female rathian or female big red dog monster
600 hours here. Not a single cheater spotted on PC unlike the dozens in my 900 hours of 4U online
full burst because it's the most stylish
>Tie between Rathalos and Deviljho
Does the game still scale 2-4 player hunts the same way?
MHW either scales the effective monster HP for solo or multiplayer with no middle ground, and if everyone else leaves the quest it's still left at the one player having to deal with the extra health. And essentially that means a two-man hunt is harder than with one. Iceborne is coming up and will supposedly change the scaling, though.
In the other games, the monsters have fixed HP on a per quest basis and doesn't care about player count.
Yup. It's a flat 2.6x HP boost.
>Uragaan (male)
It should be noted that it will be changed in Iceborne so it actually scales based on the number of players.
is there any major difference between gamma and normal sets? want to make the xeno armor but ideally I dont want to farm AT xeno
Check the wiki for exact differences, but yes. The gamma set has more skills/slots.
Higher defense, different skills
Will this apply to vanilla content and players without the Iceborne expansion? Also makes me wonder how the game will handle having players with and without the expansion on the same servers, which is a first for the series.
fug alright then thanks
I'm down to kill some if you want
nah sorry I've burnt out for today as I'm just on Yea Forums now
Sounds neat to me, what's better about it than normal lance?
They haven't said anything about that so we can only guess at this point.
I'm curious to see how many non-hunt changes will affect vanilla players at all, like if the food system gets changed. Presumably they've also got to download the assets for all the Master Rank stuff for the sake of backwards compatibility.
I'm considering getting this again on PC. Is it worth it for free online and whatever improvements they made? Also mods, maybe?
Players who own iceborn and players who don't will still be able to join each other's quest so long as they're base game quest
mods and loading times are the big selling points for me personally
not to mention the convenience of playing on pc but that goes without saying
Yes and yes. They’ve confirmed that players with Iceborne can join quests started by players of the base game but not the other way around.
worth it just for transmog mods
pc has full transmog, fuck layered sets
Performance is better and for a couple double dippers I know one of the stronger reasons they won't be doing it again. You will be waiting longer for Iceborne though.
I double dipped and I can't go back to PS4 after trying the MHWI beta.
eww a bow user, must be gay too.
If you want Razor Sharp/Spare Shot on armor pieces that aren't hot garbage, you better get farming, user.
That makes sense. I'm guessing they won't touch late High Rank balance like they did in some previous G-rank games, but who knows.
So what's that ONE FUCKING GEM you still haven't found yet, anons? For me it's Ironwall. Not a single fucking one in over 400 hours with a couple dozen of them spent farming Jagras and Lavasioth during their events. I have fucking multiples of every other rare gem, but cannot for the life of me find the last fucking skill I need for Charge Blading.
Thanks, that sounds fucking great.
Maybe I'll just say fuck it and double dip on Iceborne too if I really can't wait. I'll definitely try the PC version of world now, though.
I don't know about hackers or anything but should I buy it then? I play games 3-4 times a week so how fast is the progression?
Critical Boost.
I don't even know what I'm looking for anymore
I've since found it but the longest it took was a third artillery. Which made me cry into my gunlance.
Crit Boost is at least on some good pieces of armor. Guard isn't on shit.
We'll probably end up doing some High Rank quests past Xeno'jiiva before we get into Master Rank, and I think there's a fair chance that the newcomers or returning monsters might have sets that can help fresh players catch up on the Drachen and Gamma armor power creep. I mean, Capcom should definitely notice the power gap between them and the classic Eyepatch mixed sets from launch.
I'm going to wait until MHWI hits PC personally, I'd prefer to wait a few more months for a smoother romp and it's where I know more players. That and Frontier is on its last few months.
It's fair, a lot of unskippable cutscenes though. Cheating players will trivialize a hunt but you can kick them of your lobbies or quests if you're hosting either one. Might just be safer to play with Yea Forums or /mhg/.
Handicraft. Protective Polish took a surprisingly long time though compared to my PS4 experience.
Better burst damage, worse movement, blocking and versatility.
Handicraft. Got a full set of every gem in the game but still zero Handicraft.
Also slightly better against flying monsters since you can shell directly above you.
I've yet to see someone blatantly cheating on PC to be honest. I mean the real cheaters oneshotting shit in multiplayer. I can understand someone with hundreds of Hours modding just to get that last deco he misses but one tapping monsters online makes no sense. I mean why? What's the point? You can buy the rewards directly If you want those
Attack, I only have welfares, never seen it in person.
Also hero's shaft, for some reason I have the shittiest luck and I can't run rarity 8 IGs.
Don't be fooled though, the performance is by no means good.
There must be something weird with rarity 8 shaft because i had the same problem with bows. I have 20-30 of the other hero stones and 0 shaft
Why can't things be organized alphabetically?
Neck yourself tranny
Go join the 40%
Which event quest give the most hero streamstones...
In theory Relish the moment (Tempered devil) but in reality AT elders gave me way way more. I farmed AT Kirin because i can kill him in 5 minutes and it often gives me 2 hero stones
>because i can kill him in 5 minutes
>other ATs have bloated HP and retarded attack increases
>kirin is still kirin, just hits a bit harder
Makes me feel bad for little horsie.
Magazine jewel. None after 600 hours, and my mind is already partially broken.
Thinking about getting this game for pc because my ps4 friends are causal fucks that dropped this game on the tempered kirin.
Should I cheat to get my old farm?
It's part of the 13 million celebration pack. Check you inventory.
people still cart a plenty to kirin
because it is kirin, the death of all impatient hunters
Indeed. He's the easiest Elder after all for a reason. And in case of panic you can just turtle under Thunder res and disrespect him. I once witnessed a legit shitfling conversation between 2 autists where one was saying that Jho should be Elder instead of Kirin and the other was sperging out talking about lightning storms and whatnot. Fun times
What build were you using senpai?
Do i have to be a ranged to shit on him fast?
I think I've only carted to AT once, because the little cunt hit me with a thunder mid charged slash, which went to paralysis then insta death through its boosted thunder. It was post sleep and all so it was about to die, but nope.
Never died again.
I hope the next MH doesn’t desync PC content because I kind of wanted to swap over but after 500 hours of PS4 and Iceborne still coming out later I just cannot he bothered. They know what they’re doing though, they’re preying on double dippers. There’s no way they need months extra for a big content patch.
Why would you want to remove decos? When you create a new set and save it they automatically move back and forth between saved sets
Usually people learn to respect Kirin when they fight the tempered version so holding back becomes second nature
Well, randos who were carried did not learn so they will happily go for full combo in front of Kirin's face and then get combo'd to death
>Double Blades
>Gore/Shagaru Magala and Diablos
>A lot of the armor in this series is fucking cool
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
I made a huge mistake bros.
I haven't played MHW in over a year and i'm the kind of autist who kind of tends to start over after not having played his savegame in a game for a long long time because i feel like i'm thrown back into something that i have lost the connection to.
Anyways, about 10h into my new playthrough i realized how much of a fucking pain all those delivery quests are, how long it took to get all the arena quests for capturing, the upgrading of the facilities and getting all the canteen foods...
not to mention the decorations i had. although for some reason i don't really care that much about those even though i spent dozens of hours cloudscumming for good decos.
anyways, never reroll in MH
I really think Kirin's difficulty in world is completely flatlined, I didn't notice a single difference between LR and AT after learning its patterns, it just hits harder, but it's the same bitch in all difficulties.
Now why the fuck would you make a new playthrough?
haven't played in a year and starting over sounded like it would be a fresh and nice experience in my mind.
due to most weapons i spent a lot of time crafting during my first playthrough turning out to be useless compared to Kulve/Luna shit i thought it probably wouldn't take too much farming to get back to endgame anyways but i underestimated the amount of tedious shit you have to go through even if you don't craft 100 weapons and armor sets while progressing.
Anja 3 bow and hug his face. Find a way to slot in 3 Thunder res. Bring Thunder mantle and Temporal mantle. If you panic farcaster away and breathe. You have 50 minutes
If you dont like bow you can also cheese with cluster spam. Bring sticky 3 and spread if you can to help with the stagger when he's running around. Sleep bomb him twice before he goes to nest. If you want more mantles don't be ashamed to spec 3 decos into Maintenance. It will massively shorten the cooldown on mantles to the point where one recharges before the second is out. This will increase your clear times but will be safer.
As a general advice on any AT when you begin: go tank, go solo. You'll have time later to try more risky runs when you're comfy
Melee weapons now get a physical defense bonus and ranged weapons don't so the actual defense of gunners works out to be roughly the same as it's always been. It's been over a year since release, how to people still not know this?
I dont want to farm fucking jagras anymore but I also want handicraft
Raw is shit in kulve unless it's a great sword or hammer. That's a fucking fact. Charge blade impact phials do 100 per phial max. Elemental phials do 150-3fucking60 per phial. Fucking look up a guide before you spout shit from your anus
Any time he does charybdis, you SAED/helmsplitter. Believe in yourself and it will stagger him and cancel the cast
Considering the amount of double dippers, they'll continue doing this bullshit.
600 hours.i have every jewel i could need for blade and range both. Fuck i even have 6 attack jews because of Witcher and 13mil reward.
Is there a worse fight in the game than AT Kush? He's in the air half the time, denying area constnatly, obstructing your view with all the tornadoes he shits out, and can just randomly pull dumb shit like trapping you against a wall with a wind barrier. Even when hunts go well, he's still just a massive pain in the ass to deal with.
no he's the embodiment of everything wrong with flying monsters in this game
Better question is, why the fuck would you delete your old save if you wanted to do an another playthrough.
lmao, I remember that bullshit.
Don’t forget his shitty wind aura just knocking back all melee players.
AT Lunastra is 100 times worse
Of course a guide is going to tell you the optimal way to do it, which is to switch the weapons, but that was not my original point. My point was that outside of doing P1 runs you don't need to bother with that shit.
He did say he's a turbo autist
Now if you guys are out of shit to do in world like i am. Please join me in the challenge quest pack mod on pc. 100k hp Arch tempered ancient leshen is a thing, took 50 minutes to clear.
There are 5 AT elder marathons with extreme modifier so you can't cheese them with status or ko anymore... Plus they have 30k hp each. It was fun with friends.
>100k hp Arch tempered ancient leshen
I would rather smash my dick with a hammer.
Yeah you don't need to switch if you're using raw no shit. I was talking about elemental from the beginning, you wouldn't use a fire weapon on lu astra would you? Unless you want to do no damage. Kulve is the same way, what's so hard to understand
You were complaining about about people not having two sets and switching between them, and I pointed out that switching isn't really needed unless you do P1 runs.
There is a mod for that.
I logged with CE and gave myself every gem