Party Van

It's Friday! If you haven't already killed yourself because of the market crash, why not play some TF2 with Yea Forums?
Playing on the backup server since Pomf is away.
Password: the usual

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Other urls found in this thread:

You can't fool me, clown
dab on tradefags

I expect to see an unusual on every head

traders on bridge watch!!

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L4D2 server when?


>no sylveon
what the fuck bros

Password is reddit

why don't any of you fags want to play prophunt

it doesn't work :(
i just want to play game


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>people playing spy
So this is the power of nüYea Forums

Hey, I bought an unusual this morning for about $4. That's not getting deleted, right? I checked my inventory and it's got the regular three day trade prohibition. Just making sure Gaben won't steal my cashier-bux.

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damn the server is full

>he doesn't know

I usually hate cosmetics but I'm gonna start wearing all my new unusuals just to dab on the wannabe stock market furry niggers

even if they are impossible to move from my account, their mere continued existence helps keep the market down.

Currently playing saxton hale

guess I'll try again in an hour or so

Keep it full, bros.
I'm taking a break.

As of right now it's not going to be deleted, how2wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>hear about the crate conundrum
>tfw I routinely trashed all my crates to free up inventory space
>tfw no money on steam account to buy crates
>tfw currently broke

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It's too late anyway. The crash happened in the morning and Valve started blocking all trading by the afternoon

unless it was a really old one or one of two very specific crates in the 80's range it wasn't worth anything anyway.

>van is full
>tons of newfags on tonight
>yfw valve fucked over traderfags and revived tf2 all in one go

imagine pretending nintendo games are fun and forcing the warioware map

>unless it was a really old one or one of two very specific crates in the 80's range it wasn't worth anything anyway.
The problem is, I had those, and deleted them because I never planned on unboxing

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who the fuck votes for tf2ware over prophunt

whoever picks tf2ware should get shot

the fuck is the password

It's something you would consider cringe by today's standards.

bruh I'm not tryna solve goblin riddles here. cringe is relative

the password is cage

Password is resetera

password is fags

im gonna shit my pants unless someone gives it to me raw

Don't use someone's raw penis to stop your anus from leaking, that's impolite

Sorry, they can wear protection.

so you're gonna go into a fit for rage if no one gives you the password

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you don't have to be a mage to guess the password

take a page out of a book and guess faggot

>tfw so full I can't join

on one hand I'm glad to see the game thriving after the death of marketfags but on the other LET ME IN GODDAMNIT

I'd have to spend an age trapped in a cage (without wage) to get it right

thee absolute sage


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This endless quest for the password is like an ancient tragedy, as if my life were played out on the stage!


I went afk right now to alt tab to shitpost at people who can't get in ;)

Just literally read these I might get called a faggot for making it too obvious

helmsdeep no worky?

it gave me an error too but I just deleted it from my folder and tried again and it worked

The password is rage, also fuck traders

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can't find it in my TF2/tf/maps folder what do

download it from the link in the OP

Everyone already fucking knows the password, retard.

it's still too early to let it die

>fucking up spoilers

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>doing spoilers wrong
rage inducing

what the fuck crash are yall talking about?

Unusuals had a 100% drop chance on some specific crates for a while yesterday, and some people managed to make hundreds of dollars selling them to the bots, now the bots pulled out their offers and pretty much everything is fucked.

>tfw i have multiple of 81, 82, 84, and 85 but didnt know about the crate shenanigans until valve stepped in

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>people said that investing in taunts was a bad idea
>people started investing into unusuals more after the earbud crash
>they said


>Lost connection to server.

It's still up, just changed the map.

Which custom modes should stay on the server? Which ones should I remove?
I get the impression people like VSH and Prophunt.
Zombie Fortress obviously sucks ass, and Tf2Ware/MicroTF2 are too unstable with 33 players. Do people enjoy TF2Ware aside from when it decides to break?

>Do people enjoy TF2Ware aside from when it decides to break?
I do, shit's pretty cash

Definitely remove TF2Ware since it doesn't work with many players.

How much ass does zombies suck? I didn't get to try it before succumbing to bad vibes

I don't know if I can go back to TF2. I'll look like a loser when I'm the only guy in the server who has not taken advantage of the market crash due to me not having an unusual hat.

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TF2ware would be good if it ran well
Best shit is boxing ring, never remove that
otherwise I dunno. saxton hale and prophunt are mainstays even if I'm indifferent to them

You are not alone, it caught a lot of people unprepared. Some didn't have money for it, some didn't have steam guard, some got them on alternate accounts "just to be safe". Hell there's probably people who still hasn't heard of it.
Worst case you say you got unusuals but sold them for profit or because you didn't like them. Not all unusuals are born equal and some are still not worth wearing them.

unusuals are fucking gay, if they remove the trade/market ban on them for some reason I'd freely give the ones i unboxed away. only opened a few out of spite to help kill the economy that made me hate this game for many years before I finally mellowed out and just did my best to ignore it.

I got six of the things but I still use my normal quality stuff more often, since I either prefer the way they look, don't feel like having the flashy particles on all the time, or just have a set that works better without the unusual item. The only thing you'll be missing out on is being able to say "lmao imagine not having an unusual".

>merapsco's gay ass party van is dead as hell besides the retarded discordfags that play it

Your password doesn't work, OP.

Not literally "the usual", but the same password as every time the server goes up

What is it?


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>Valve can figure out which hats were made as a result of the exploit
>has no way of knowing who knowingly used the exploit and who just happened to buy an unusual or open a crate because the prices dropped
>no way they'd revert everyone's backpacks and refund all the money they've made
>they could make them all untradeable/unmarketable, but people who got Unusuals just because they wanted Unusuals get what they wanted
>meanwhile trader trannys who liquidated their assets in a panic get fucked
>same if they took advantage of the exploit and bought/unboxed loads of crates and Unusuals to flip later
>botfags are fucking bankrupt as their backpacks overflow with worthless Unusuals they can't be rid of
>alternatively, they just leave the Unusuals where they are, which fucks traders even harder
>tfw they reissue Cheaters Lament
>tfw you still get it if you only bought Unusuals through the market and didn't unbox anything
>tfw no matter what happens, traders get utterly and irreparably blown the fuck out
TF2 has entered a new golden age and this market crash is the harbinger of our salvation.

based medic


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The game is unironically fun again. I played today and it seemed like all the furries and traders afk in the spawn are extinct.