If you remember this, your childhood was awesome!
If you remember this, your childhood was awesome!
Other urls found in this thread:
I actually completely forgot the original 360 homescreen
This isn’t even the original. The blades were the original 360 homescreen.
Get on my level.
>original 360 homescreen
You actually did, cause it's not OP's pic
It reminds me of the fatal mistake I made of putting in my real birthday and Xbox live thinking I was a child until the end of time.
*crack, sip*
yep, ahhhhhhhhhh
the xbox, now that was a console
Goddamn I miss brushed chrome and skeuomorphism
This was so much better than every other home screen turd Microsoft shit out.
>the whole weird alien computer aesthetic of the original xbox dashboard
kinda liked it
That was before I played consistently on my pc. Those were the days, how I miss them...
360? Childhood? How many levels of Zoomer are you on right now?
Even for a 7th gen console, it's soulless as fuck. Wii and PS3 had more soul than Sexcocks 3Shitty.
Fucking this, fuck that homosex dashboard OP posted.
>No xex loader menu
>typical wanna be "le epic boomer" falls for obvious bait
Fuck these millenials are fucking retarded
>playing oblivion and assassin's creed 1
Not a zoomer, so it's my early-mid adolescence rather than my childhood, but awwww shit nigga.
>spending the time to get your avatar just right
It was pure enjoyment lads
I still have my older brother's original Xbox which he basically gave to me in 2008 when I started my sophomore year of college. I even got hold of new controllers and a couple of games to play including Crimson Skies.
Still my favorite dashboard and boot up animation
those look like shit. superior dashboard right here
>open tray
accurate, me and my bro had to slam the xbox about 50 times in a row to make it recognize there was a disk in the tray. after reading the disk the game would play perfectly fine for some reason
Man I got the very first version that came out and didnt connect it to the internet until 3 years ago, it came with a demo disc, kung fu panda, sega tennis and lego Indiana jones. Never had any problems with it until the disc tray would get stuck when I tried opening it
That’s an easy fix nigger
>Game in the top left corner
>all that shit no one cares about taking up the rest
The NXE was just an XMB
>spook sounds in the background
Can we all agree that the first xbox 360 game cd covers were purple and not green?
What, you don’t like ads?
Reddit post.
Reddit thread.
Reddit OP.
Welcome to summer.
>cries reddit
>bought a pass
How gay are you exactly?
Thank you for blessing us with your presence oh dear Yea Forums pass user! may you have a long and powerfull life !
It smells kinda soulless in here. Let me fix that. :)
>pass user since 2019
>too poor to support his favorite website
>poorfags calling richfags newfags
Welcome to summer.
Didnt it have this whole reboot sequence if you didnt shut it off properly?
If you create posts like this, you're a Redditor!
Purple was Kinect titles.
They were always green. Platinum hits were Silver.
Are you actually proud of yourself for wasting money on that crap? I mean honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you? You are definitely a newfag since came from Reddit and captchas are just so hard and inconvenient for you. If you actually like this website or pay to make it easier to use, you are the newest of newfags.
This isnt the original 360 one. The original was actually pretty good
It's $20 user.
both the ps3 and the 360's ui are a fucking garbage fire though
i can't say I know what the ui for the bone looks like but at least the ps4 has a usable one
Yeah way too much to spend for basically nothing.
>paying to shitpost
Commit suicide.
This is the definition of soulless
>favorite website
>ywn have Halo 3 LAN parties with your bros, eating cheap as fuck pizza and smoking DUDE all night ever again
Just shut the simulation off already
>MS kept changing dashboards
>they kept getting worse
This gen the xbox started as a windows 8 tile nightmare and now the new just looks like a ps4 dashboard, just pick one and stay.
>giving hiromoot your credit card information
You're the newfag if you think that's a good idea
my Xbox red-ringed right around the time the UI changed to that, so I barely remember it.
Passes are purchased with Bitcoin.
Welcome to summer.
>giving chinks money
Now you look extra smart.
Is this the most soulless UI of all time?
can you customize the colors like you can on windows or you are stuck with grey and black
Y'all overrate the blades so hard. they fucking sucked
You an customize your highlight color. so I have blue and black
I still don't know how to have my Yea Forums pass visible lmao
So only the part that appears green in that screenshot right?
Type showpass in options or something like that. If it's since anything 2016 or later, don't bother showing it.
I think I had a pass early on, but this would be a different code. I'll just see for this one post
I miss this dashboard the most
Let's just stop you right there.
i hate this dash
not in the US, I'm looking at my launch copy of cod 2 now
If my childhood was awesome then why did my dad beat me
Gas everyone under 30.
Go away grandpa
>tfw i was entering adulthood when the 360 came out
Jesus is this board just zoomers now?
Why would the home screen be loaded with a game you don't own?
>Wii and PS3 had more soul than Sexcocks 3Shitty.
>Ps3 doesnt come with mic
>Turn on cod 4
>No one talking in game
>360 comes with shitty mic
>Boot up halo 3
>Fuck you virgin nigger faggot you are fucking trash lick my balls
Yeah dude ps3 had way more soul
>xbox 360
Borderline underage.
>giving gookmoot money
>Fuck you virgin nigger faggot you are fucking trash lick my balls
God I've made some great friends on 360.
Fucking love those people more than family
same dude xbox 360 pre party chat had a really good community.
Dont know about it now but i remember making tonnes of friends on wow and xbox
Great graphic design and colour palette. The many online features in the menu and bright colours scream Xbox.
Great graphic design and conveys the online aspect of Xbox well. The menu feels too cramped and doesn’t make use of neutral colours that well. ’s dash fixes these problems.
Great aesthetics but the menu itself is bare bones. It serves its purpose well though.
Menu design over aesthetics. This menu works pretty well and makes you feel interconnected with more online features.
Has the ambience that ’s dash has, but is maybe too minimalist. It’s decent though, maybe even good.
Hard to judge what the dash is like in this photo, but looks meh.
I don’t have a PS4 but this looks pretty shitty. Standard square game icons with a boring blue background that puts me to sleep.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
I miss those days so much. Will we ever have another gaming experience like the Xbox 360 from 2006-2012?
The true golden age was 1997-2005. Shit was already starting to go wrong in 2006, and by 2010 things were irredeemable.
This was so cool that I used a theme like this on my psp.
>meet a friend through another friend
>he's really chill
>connect with him instantly
>we play everything together
>Borderlands, Left 4 Dead, Splinter Cell, etc.
>huge achievement hunters, love searching for easter eggs
>our proudest achievement was getting all the vidmaster achievements in Halo to unlock recon armor
>start playing with IRL friends more and more, play with online friend less
>eventually we lose contact with each other
>fast forward to 2019
>haven't played Xbox 360 in years
>feel nostalgia
>remember all the fun times I had with my bro
>wonder how he's doing
>search his gamertag online
>Last Online 1,000 days ago
See you space cowboy
Fuck off, boomer. I was talking about the online experience
God I hope so. Is the Xbone like this?
>finish Batman: ArkBUGS Origins in hard mode without dying not even once to unlock that sweet batman armor for your xbox avatar
>xbox one doesn't show it
What if I remember this, but my dad was an alcoholic who didn't even come home most nights, and my mother was an unmedicated bi-polar sufferer who scared and scarred me for years. Is my childhood still awesome then?
The golden age of everything. I want to go back bros
How's summer vacation little guy? Going to any carnivals before schools starts? Oh, what am I saying, of course you're not. You don't have real life friends or leave your bedroom. Silly me.
What's it like working at the cinema, Mr. Projector?
Please tell me you're kidding.
I hope you mean early twenties
Soulless as fuck. Flat design garbage. Fitting for 2012 since that year sucked massive balls.
>2012 since that year sucked massive balls
2012 was when the time shift happened. The mayans were right, the world as we knew it ended, it’s been a hellish downhill slide since
It's a fun idea. I like to think the time shift happened gradually, starting in 2006, then accelerating in 2010, before completing in 2012.
Would make an awesome story, and would deliver the message succinctly.
Agreed. I consider that abomination to have never happened. I see a time skip from 2011 to 2013.
This exact same fucking thread gets made daily with the same op pic
Never owned the xbone. 31 now and I do remember Christmas of the year it came out. My brother and are 11 months apart and so were the neighbors kids. They had some minigame compilation at launch we played a fair amount of.
>halo 3
Reddit bandwagoning zoomer
Yes we know the blades theme was great, you don't have to make this thread anymore, we already talked about this
>ever a good color base
no, sweaty