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Other urls found in this thread:

Who plays TF2 in 2019?


I'm very curious what the "further steps" will be

>further steps
hope all your shit gets deleted
>t. salty faggot who didn't get to unbox anything

geting a unusual is a mistake for you get MORE money selling the crate than buying a key and selling the unusual

>tfw going to be walking away from this shit with free game
who else knows this feel?

Attached: 1527333435153.gif (125x125, 2.09M)

Unless you're a salty faggot you shouldn't give a shit about people getting free money


Attached: martfags.png (600x386, 48K)

I got like 5 bugged crates because I was sleeping and when I woke up it was over, do I just hold onto them?

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>m-muh pixels a-bloo-bloo-bloo
trader fags deserve to get violently fucked up the ass by 5000 giant nigger dicks.

they reap the sneeds they sow.

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if theyre smart they make the permanently untradeable and add a unique recipe to craft unusual hat -> "key voucher"
and then add some other small incentive to get people to dump the fucking things without having to actually refund anything or piss anyone off by deleting or removing shit

they wont do that though

nah, it's probably over sorry
they fixed the bug

Either way I don't care. I made 47 doubloons from this debacle

I should've sold

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>played TF2 back in the day
>accumulated a fuckton of crates
>never opened them, didnt want to spend money on keys
>fast forward to today
>hear news
>check my TF2 steam inventory which I haven't looked at in literal years
>Made $108 today

I never skin traded or did any sort of steam market bullshit in my life, but today felt fucking great.

What's in your backpack right now?
I no longer trade but just want to make sure you don't get jewed if you got something decent.

give me a fucking halo valve

so happy I just sold all mine. made $40 in gabebucks for nothing.

Where Wou at?

Attached: 102.jpg (945x556, 95K)

>where we

I hope the community raises hell if they roll back all the hats.
You can't let the traders win.

>T. guy who used to trade years ago and hates the jewconomy.

every time


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>when you're such a pathetic loner you can't conceive a situation as simple as "we"

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I thought that bugged crates stay bugged after the fix? And new crates would be fixed.

The funniest thing about this is the classist furries coming out of the woodworks.

Attached: file.png (592x172, 16K)

crates were not bugged, the algorithm that determined what you got from crates was

Sorry user, it's not working out. Your unusual quality items aren't anything special anymore. We've got to break up. Chad actually has cool achievements.

>Lost the unusuals I bought and didn't get any refunds
As expected from Kikelve. Anyway, keeping the unusuals were the only thing that sparked any interest in the game. Guess I'll just sell anything marketable in my inventory and fuck off forever

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Which crates are they?

Valve doesnt actually care what a handful of retarded whales think about their shiny numbers.
To appease the majority, they will honor their fuck up and let stuff stay, 100%
It happened before, it will happen again

Attached: Wa7FeHvaas.png (496x226, 63K)

You're overlooking the other furry who wants unboxed unusuals to have a counterfeit tag to devalue them

But the algorithm was only affecting specific crates. At some point people started finding out more of them.
>user kept spamming that 61 was bugged
>No one believed
>Accused him of just trying to inflate the prices on some crates he was selling
>Suddenly everyone goes mad because the user was actually right
If you're here, I'm sorry user. You were right and I was wrong.

>symbol of status

Are they still bugged? Can I uncrate one still? I have no intention of selling it anyway if it's untradable

So today I decided to play some tf2 again. I thought "hey, it's been months so let's see what's going on" so I decide to join a casual game. Just a few moments later I see someone in chat who just unboxed an unusual. A bit confused by the lack of congratulations I say "nice man!" in all chat, now imagine my shock when just a few moments later that dude unboxes the next one. I thought "2 crates, 2 unus. That man must have a packt with the devil or something to be that lucky" but when he did it a third time I start to realize that something is not right and decide to pay some closer attention to the chat. People call him a scumbag for exploiting "that f*cking crate bug" others ask what they have to do to also get unus.

I don't know what to say. I would say that all these bugged unus should be removed. I don't even understand how or why this is a controversial idea. Aren't unusuals supposed to be really special god tier items? Just making them untradeable or not marketable is not enough. We can't have people dressing with essentially "cheated" unus. I know the fault is on the tf teams side but still, unus should be special. You have to work for unus by either saving for them or trading up to them. 2€ god tier unus? Is that really where we are at?

Go ahead, tear me a new one for this controversial idea, I don't care. But I really don't want the thing I love the most about tf2 (the economy) go to shit due to some people who abuse a bug in tf2's spaghetti code.

I am sorry for everyone who panic sold at a loss tho.

Yeah, it's not really what Valve does,to just revert things back or even punish players. When people find some bugged sale, they still honor it instead of simply giving a refund and removing the game from people's libraries.
They'll likely just add a tag to the unusuals saying "Obtained during the Crash of 2019". Keep them uncraftable and untradable, leave it at that. Maybe permanently lock those crates if they're felling petty.

I made like $20 off of it, I'm content. Just waiting for a sale so I can get a couple games I wanted. If some folks got hats they wanted, good on them.

>People that didn't unbox unusuals SEETHING and holding out for a free achievement hat they'll never wear
>People that were too late to take advantage of it SEETHING and pretending they weren't going to do it anyway
>People that were hoarding unusuals they scammed from kids SEETHING and demanding that Valve remove all the unusuals people unboxed because its not fair
>People that bought unusuals on the market SEETHING and realising that they will have wasted their money when Valve puts some gay tag on their unusual hats to tell people they were glitched or just deletes them entirely


If you didn't sell/open all your glitchcrates and cash out the contents on the market in exchange for vidya then you're a fucking moron.

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>Aren't unusuals supposed to be really special god tier items?
its a cosmetic with an effect that you gamble for

Don't think so, they fixed it.

but what about those 1% that actualy GOT a unusual?

nobody actually cares about owning counterfeit items
they'll buy them up because they're cheap


@ tradefags

Attached: adios noobs.png (284x81, 6K)

The day everyone stopped being poor and irish.

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>had only two of the affected crates
>sold them for five bucks
>mfw i have five valve fun bucks and everyone else got fucked.

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do these fags not know this would increase the value of them?


>check my trade history
>gave x6 1-10 crates for a vintage item
Still made 80€ today

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Anyone else not like unusuals?

I hate reddit boards posting their shit here.

>didnt sell my unusuals in time

This is the MOST based post on Yea Forums.
Based, redpilled.

Why are we still here?

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>Saw people posting the crate numbers
>"I already have a key, this crate seems cheap, I'll just grab one cheap before everyone else drives the price up"
>Use it on 83
>It was actually 82 and I bought the wrong crate
Well, I'm rather upset about that.

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What if I was just lazy and like to see the market burn?

Yep, they're ugly as all hell but what can you do. It's what TF2 is now.

just got home from work, what did I miss? unboxed a few unusuals (not even to make cash on, just to flood the market some more out of spite for what these pieces of shit did to my favorite game in high school) but haven't looked into it until now.

how does that make an iota of difference when the gift wrap exists, nevermind that unless they explicitly made it ones unboxed recently that'd probably piss a lot of old unusual owners off too

>nigger dicks
Stop projecting your filthy mind onto us, white cu ck.

61 was legit? lmao



did you really expect valve to not do anything?
the only reason to not immediately sell off the unusuals is if you actually wanted to use them in-game

That exploit doesn't work anymore.

Only had enough boxes for 20 bucks, still nice for something that was worthless just yesterday.

>did you really expect valve to not do anything?
yes honestly

Yep. Took a few threads before people realized it and the price for the crates went up.

thread theme

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>Keep them uncraftable and untradable
Doubt it, MAYBE make a subcategy of Unusuals that is tradable, but isnt as rare as the legit ones, kinda like the old Vintage items

We didn't even discuss this all day. Possibly the only good cosmetic in this whole fucking "update".

sold all the hat except for one

the most valutable

It's not about profit, it's about crashing the market with no survivors

you retard

i made 30€ unboxing shit and sell it

Or, you know, just untradable and unmarketable

Only felt like spending money for two keys, got some kinda meh hats but I've never had an unusual before so that's pretty neat. Was gonna trade one of them with my friend so I hope valve makes em tradable.

Attached: Unusual.jpg (1177x419, 49K)

This I didn't even need the money.

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No one really cares if the item is vintage or not. Even if they made some new category, just for items in this crash, the problem remains that suddenly the market would be flooded with unusuals, driving their economy down.

just a tag?
yes valve daddy please make my items even more valuable by giving them a tag that can only be earned in a 12 hour period.

>t. Proud owner of an Blizzardy Storm Plumbers Pipe
all day, my experience has been that those most effected are the people who spent a whole $15 on a cancer hat on the market and lost 11 of their precious dollars


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And so it's all over for now. What a ride fellas.

On the upside I made $10 off my strange Raymundo hat.

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I just checked my steam market history, i sold 14 boxes from 1-8
I made not a cent today

>Got 5 unusuals for 10€.
I don't care if they're tradable or not, I just hope I get to keep them.
If they suddently recall them or make them lose the unusual effect I'll be kinda miffed.

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My first ever unusual was a Dead Presidents Sola Topi I bought with my money from my first ever job just because I could. I name it appropriately too.

>Adding useless text onto the bottom of an image

>bad for the market
Fuck these faggots. I'd let it keep going another day just to watch tradefags cry about it, but seeing as how they're some of the only people still playing I doubt they'll have the balls to do it.

Made over $140 today off this stuff. Feels fucking good man. People told me I was stupid to hold on to my early series crates but they didn't realize that as an asset it can only appreciate. Can't wait to get like 20 free games next sale.

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so do they still give out unusuals? I have a crate, but I don't care for trading the unusual if I do get one

Holy shit the steam discussions page is in meltdown mode right now

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What if you never participated in the market at all and just want to watch these faggot no-lifes burn for their shitty choices?

how much money did you guys make selling crates? I made 29 steam bucks

>Was about to sell them when they shut down the servers

Attached: 1558027618107.jpg (420x315, 31K)

Proof that tradefags don't actually care about the game. Go, and stay gone, please.

Or you can, you know
Pirate rather than using steambux for games

did they make all unusuals untradable or only the new ones?

Same, I probably could have made a lot more if i'd invested into it because I started when the glitch was only a few hours old, but I didn't want to risk it so I just sold/unboxed with what I had in my inventory, and turned 13 crates and 8 keys into £50. Not bad for a few hours work and without using a penny of my own money.

It still works, right?

The silver lining in all this is that this could potentially get even more people into TF2. A friend that hasn't played in like 5 years decided to give it a go again because of this thing and is now saying how much he missed it.

Attached: 1523143417696.jpg (600x800, 70K)

Only the new ones.

>was one day away from the Steam Guard trade restriction expiring and being able to sell my only legitimate crate

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It wasn't because I wanted to trade them, but because I always wanted them and now they're gone. Eat shit with your matchmaking dead-community server game filled with aimbots

Can't they just rollback everything to two days ago and give one crater to everyone or some bullshit?


>vac bans

no, because there were real money transactions that occurred

what happens if someone got the unusual by random chance on a non bugged crate?

they can't do it because of all the money
yurops might be able to threaten them with something due to how they changed the hats

It'd be really fucked considering people spent money on buying keys. Maybe they could offer people keys but that would also fuck with their economy.

Do I look like a Valve employee to you?
For what it's worth, the unusual I got the day before all this shit happened is still tradable and everything.

Could I still get an unusual bros?

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is anyone else still getting winter cosmetic boxes?

I've some crates that I can sell for 50 cents or so compared to the usual 3 cents, do I sell them now or wait?

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Any way I can get a cheap unusual? Woke up late and seems everything is fixed

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>imagine actually caring about cosmetic shit in any game ever
Who /defaultchadineverygame/ here?

Then you're good. Only the ones that were gotten from those specific fucked crates seem to be affected.

What games am I supposed to buy exactly when no relevant exclusives come out on pc anymore.

Honestly this whole fiasco might do TF2 some good what with all the attention it's gotten. That and traders finally realizing that their shiny pixels hold no value.

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Sell, the glitch has been fixed.

If you open up enough crates, sure.

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eh, I hope I at least can get my keys back. I had crates and keys before, I don't need this unusual shit

They would have to rollback every single inventory for all steam users.
If timmy got a trillion dollars knife yesterday he no longer has it, completely unrelated but still punished
Then theres taxes, transactions outsider of steam, stuff like buying the VR, etc.

They cant do a rollback the right way

Best case scenario, Valve goes back to actually giving a shit about TF2.

Sell, but the price will keep dropping fast.
They were selling for like 5-20 dollars each (Depending on the number) about 18 hours ago.

There still here tho

if youre lucky enough to get an unusual through the normal means
the glitch was patched back 8 hours ago

>Tick Tock

Imagine being such a pathetic loser who has nothing else in life but moldy copy pasta.

Valve is considering what they do. If they allow trading, yes.

Fuck I was too late


Attached: Dogmeat found something.jpg (1080x1065, 81K)

fuck the market
i want those sweet sweet free games

actualy i just wanted enough money to put my game on steam

You poorfags should be happy that Valve is giving you a weekend trial of these hats before they're taken away and you have to shell out some real money to get a permanent version.

What a waste, man, they were selling for over 10 bucks, god dammit, fucking Steam didn't let me check my inventory earlier.

>delete hats thousands have invested money into
>valve can now get sued
sasuga, gaben-sama

What are you going to do to commemorate today?

Attached: acc0b966626f772f31aee2816b42c013.png (638x148, 13K)

>MFW this is but a glimpse into the future for the inevitable day TF2 finally get's shut down for real.
>All items will be useless
>Tradefags will panic as they try to cash out as trade servers crash and backpack buyers close shop and move on.
>People with shiny hats as their only thing they've put money into probably legit commit suicide.

Attached: aiportraits_1563505522.jpg (1024x512, 84K)

Sounds like a win win
>Having TF2 Items
>Not Having TF2 Items

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How big would the backlash be if they removed the unusuals that came from the bugged crates alltogether?

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>tfw too late because of work
Will I at least get something like Cheater's Lament? Also what are they going to do with all the unusuals from the glitched crates? Delete them?

Attached: bother.gif (320x287, 781K)

My fucking sides, when I unboxed 3 leftover crates this fucker fucking FOLLOWED ME.

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mmmm brother !

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Who gives a fuck about e-status?

Keep panic selling for less than what you paid for your unusuals, faggot.

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I sold a dozen crates I had from when I stopped playing years ago. Made $60 and bought a cheap unusual that I liked. If it they make it a worthless, whatever. If the prices go back up I'll sell it for even more money.

I'm glad because I'm sure it's another indie "art" trash that'll end up in another "Steam sale didn't give my game any attention" grief article.

I bought a Dominos Pan Pizza, and ate the whole thing. Currently drinking a 2 liter of coke too.

The hat I posted was from the glitch, dumbass. I was enjoying the free hat.

>He isn't a crate selling chad

>tfw got a hat i actually use

Attached: 20190726175428_1.jpg (3440x1440, 289K)

>TFW have a full demopan set that I value more than shitty overlays
It's mine, I earned it, Genuine, Fuck off.

These threads are absolutely amazing for the amount of seething cope children and third world's shit who actually waste there time trying to make money with this.

You own nothing on the steam platform. Steam is a games service. You have already signed multiple EULAS that confirm that any item for any game can be modified, or removed for any reason at any time. You cannot sue or start a class action period. I dare you faggots to find ONE, ONE example of anything like it happening to steam. You won't now cry more lmfao.

>painting anything lime ever
100% nigger

absolutely based

>tfw no more cleaver combo

Attached: 1523846512184.jpg (436x413, 38K)

im gonna steal that hat name AND description AND theres NOTHING you can do about it

God, i hope this happens

>bought a crate for $5
>bought a few keys to open other shit
>got a spy unusual (my first in my entire 8 years of playing the game)
>don't even play spy
At least I had fun.

If enough people complain, something is bound to happen, especially if a business just fucked over millions of people at once.

Tbh was a bit hopeful, but it would have been cool if the team just said "fuck it" and made ridiculously high unusual rates for the other crates
They could have made so much extra money off this former husk of a game, too

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Go for it friend! It's all yours.

>Sold all my crates for pennies ages ago
>This happens
dodged a bullet there

Attached: 12155.gif (320x240, 1.75M)

but my life savings and status symbols

i need a quick rundown on what I missed


>got an unusual i don't like
>want to trade it with someone to get one i'll actually use
friggin valve i just want to play fun viddy game with silly hats

I heard they nerfed the reserve shooter combo for the Pyro and Axtingisher.
Why do they hate the Pyro?

Attached: The Southern Sweetheart censored.png (1225x689, 203K)

I just had a moment of enlightenment. I used to be a huge tradekike back in 2014, I stopped being one for quite a while but that cloud of shitstain was still present in my head since I kept buying cosmetic shit and worthless strange weapons from the market just to feel good about myself.
Then this happened and it was like a slap to reality. I just kept buying worthless 0101001100 for literally no reason. While this was falling, I just went default and played a match and I had genuine fun for once.
I just sold 17€ worth of strange weapons I didn't even use and cosmetics. It feels like I unloaded a huge weight off my shoulder, bros. I'm going to buy Amid Evil now.

Attached: 1559044651572.png (520x320, 21K)

>millions of people got on tf2 all of a sudden within the past 14 hours

things happened

post yfw they have an Unusual event and give everyone who doesn't have one a TRADABLE, MARKETABLE Unusual hat


Just make it so any Unusual unboxed in the last day becomes "Slightly Unusual", but also let them be tradeable. There not only are old unusuals rare again, but now there's a NEW thing people can collect.

Y-yeah. Das rite user..

Attached: hug.jpg (640x640, 98K)

who is that?

that tradeable and marketable hat would have shit resell value because of its supply

is the TF2 trading community reacting like this rn?

Axtinguisher is still pretty good. The speed boost is amazing for comboing together kills. The trick is to hit them with a flare gun before for max damage.
I miss the 195 so much :(

they're probably gonna ban the biggest exploiters, standby for hilarity

tfw you never bothered with any of this crap
tfw already have one and only unusual you'll ever want

Attached: mfw.jpg (736x707, 205K)

well you are wrong

Attached: PONG RPG 66.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

what the fuck happened
why is the first time I've heard about tf2 in almost 2 years some shit about unusuals
i miss when the game wasn't shit

>tfw have a bunch of tradeable unusuals because I gift wrapped them before valve made them untradeable
get shit on faggots

what crates were bugged?

Attached: 1557035644854.png (600x600, 376K)

It's poetic, really.
We didn't get the Heavy Update so god punished Valve by fucking with their economy. I'm really curious to see what explanation they come up, if at all. Was it an employee doing it on purpose, was it a complete accident? The update seems to have gone live later than usual, right as their offices were closing. If it was on purpose that pretty much bought whoever did this several hours before anyone could fix it.

Attached: 0c6.png (316x332, 72K)

The redemption of a tradefaggot, well done for using more than two neurons user

Attached: Chadhan.jpg (750x400, 62K)

>bought my dream unusual before all this shit goes down
>get a couple extra unusuals for cheap during
>get to keep my glitch unusuals and my hat hasn't lost any value since it didn't even get any glitched versions unboxed during the event
Feels good man.

It's not millions you miserable fucking cry baby. It's likely less than 1000 scum bag children and poor fags who do nothing but exploit and try to fuck people over and they have it coming. They should VAC ban anyone who went on a selling spree and remove any items they bought with the funds. You're just like niggers who loot their own neighborhoods when anything bad happens.

Holy seething


>Sold 4 crates
>got enough money and bought Underrail
Feels good

Attached: 1559695689940.gif (734x1100, 237K)

Holy seething self righteous erection my child, you're getting fucked dry

>didn't have authentication set up so I couldn't sell like 30 bucks worth of crates

Attached: 1547319326136.png (307x220, 142K)

>tfw someone got the same pixels I did for less money

good game

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>the economy died so that tf2 could live again
does anyone have that golden pan mspaint comic?

wow a pong clone so innovative

I'm not the one crying about class actions and suing fucking steam lmao. MUH BOXES NOOOOOO

I unboxed all my crates and have fancy hats for 7 of the classes
I’m happy

How the fuck is it a status symbol? It's pure luck.
t. owns one

>got the one hat I actually wanted to match my unusual janissary ketche I already had
Pretty good day if i'm being honest. Engie was one of the few classes I didn't have an unusual for and now I got an unusual version of my favorite engie hat. already working on getting the rest of the loadout right

Attached: hetman.png (408x759, 223K)

The Irish Revolution

im not the one crying about that lmao, you got your head in the wrong place
i just wanted to spend a bit of money to make the tradefags like you piss blood in anger because your pixels aren't worth jack shit


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>wagecucking all day
>get home and find out I missed this whole thing

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>your favorite hat
Imagine being this contrarian. I bet you main joke characters in fightan.

Sold crates and cashed out on Doom 2016. No regrets.

Attached: 1507167496578.gif (333x194, 1.81M)

>got a throwaway account for crate dumping years ago
>made mad dosh last night
>got Brigador and Lobotomy Corp for two of my irl best friends who played the games with family share from my main account
Indeed feels good

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>>People that were too late to take advantage of it SEETHING and pretending they weren't going to do it anyway
not my fault

Cope harder. You can't take 'em.

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too high iq pls understand

blacked niggers about to lose hats again and not get a galo AGAIN

Attached: OH NO NO NO NO.png (605x381, 187K)

You don't seem to understand. I want the exploiters and the trade fags who do nothing but bot the game to suffer.

I altered 2 hats before the patch, they and one more for some reason are still craftable and tradeable. I'm sure I'm not the only one. Suck it whales, us the cratebros have won

Attached: get_fucked_traderfags.jpg (1366x768, 142K)

Is there anyway to check how many of a certain hat unusual exist in the game? Want to see if the ones I got were news one or not

thanks user


Attached: DAB ON TRADERCUCKS.jpg (1176x684, 104K)

I unboxed half my series

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hahahaha poor tradefag

wasn't trying to be contrarian. I legitimately like the mount and blade tf2 hats.

Attached: spy.png (1920x1080, 281K)

It's because when you paint something, it changes its code.

As bad as tf2 has gotten I don't really think traderfags were a cause for it.
Glad to see them get fucked though, cancerous little shits

based lime scout pissing everyone off wherever he goes


I'm sorry, the unsober version of me likes to make low quality posts.

Not that user, but you can't see my 3S Sean

I hope tomorrow unusual hats start dropping randomly and brings the market down even further. And every subsequent patch adds a new problem like disabling drops creates a loop - when it turns back on - that gives hundreds of 1 item to you when you die, thus ruining the market for whatever item that drops in people's inventory.

What happened?

damn, shouldve bought some paint



Attached: 1561334006192.jpg (365x365, 22K)

TF2 economy burned to the ground.
Some crates were giving out a 100% chance for an unusual. Yea Forums turned into /biz/

some of them

I had one of the bugged crates and sold it for $3 bucks. Crateseller chads always win baby.

Attached: 1523376896631.gif (375x375, 179K)

I got vac banned on tf2 and my entire inventory got deleted so basically what I'm trying to say is FUCK tf2 and FUCK valve

Crates had a 100% unusual drop rate for 12 hours.
I don't know why anyone cares, anyone who was ""serious"" about the tf2 economy bailed 5 years ago.

Digging through my old shit from the wild west days when people traded for what they wanted and not for what they were told things were worth.
Good times.

Attached: Screen shot 2010-10-08 at 4.11.28 PM.png (1440x900, 290K)

or more, I don't remember the exact time

the bottle cap is cool

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Post loadouts and be judged.

Attached: sniper tf2.jpg (472x482, 16K)

>lumbricus lid
is there are more based soldier hat? never ran into a lid wearer that wasn't both good at the game and excessively humble

>Exploiters are going to get away with it

Attached: 1467712838399.jpg (500x488, 207K)

Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

Happy merchants who can't cut it irl or in EVE.

This cant be fucking real

Attached: 1541557051755.gif (404x397, 1.96M)

Seething nigger who doesn't even know how VAC works

>tfw exploiters now have rare hats that only appeared for 12 hours out of the 11 years the game has been online

Can I just change the description or name instead?

People with pastel zebras as their avatars

>tfw always wanted the S&M items
>max head sparked by interest in sam & max
good times man

This was my loadout for a while before I lost interest in the game and traded away all my shit.

Attached: 2016-02-22_00002.jpg (1920x1080, 169K)

isnt tf2, like, 12 years old? how do hats still have value??

KEK. Tradefags have had this disaster coming for years.

You would not believe your eyes

when did they ban you?

I played it last night just because I was bored, and I had plenty of fun with it even though I'm absolute shit at the game. I don't know why you guys get so asshurt over people playing tf2

>they will honor their fuck up and let stuff stay
But they have a history of not doing that. In the first month that they released hats, there was a bug that randomly gave people several hats at a time. They removed those hats from their inventories. Then there was that time the idler program appeared. They removed all those hats as well.

I saw some guy playing the games recently they're nice

Don't fuck with me, really?

Attached: 1517267936973.png (233x216, 49K)

I think I was actually referencing this song when I named it, but it works both ways.

Attached: medic loadout.jpg (992x472, 45K)

like 2015

The idling program was genuinely cheating though. Hat drops have become established now after such a long time. This is a fatfinger error on the developers side. Valve won’t do shit.

I genuine like the gibus and take offense when people shittalk the hat.
I think 80% of the hats in the game are ok but people put no effort into cosmetics

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The text aged like fine wine.

Attached: Sup.jpg (595x244, 179K)

That first thing was also a fatfinger error too. They still took my hats away.


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I-I just hope everyone's happy with their choices in the end.

Attached: 1530483533544.jpg (499x348, 54K)

If the unusual is already untraceable, what good will changing the item hash do?

>tfw none of the unusuals I got go with any of my other ones
Not even the executioner which I thought you could equip with everything

I am glad I unboxed, this hat will be a great memento.

Attached: TheColorOfMoney.png (1099x467, 164K)

The game wasn't really worth it after the nerf

Attached: file_1214x546_062941.jpg (1214x546, 390K)

>Heard about this and checked my crates.
>Had one #85 crate.
>Bought one key to open it.
>Item server is down.
>Get message from boss.
>Someone told her that I wanted to switch shifts and have to work today.
>"Get over here we need you."
>Get girlfriend to keep trying to open.
>Says it didn't work for a half hour and gave up.
>Come home and open it
>Classic Strangifier.
I fucking hate women.

Based Market Crasher
Symbol of the Crate Depression


I painted mine before the fix but it didn't work, oh well

Because there is a demand for it obviously, economics 101
TF2 is still in the top 8 most played games on Steam.

You're the test subject for if painted Unusuals manage to escape the crack down.




>not using the classic

Adjusting the unusual sets it to NEW in your backpack, I adjusted all of mine when I got them and they are all still tradeable so maybe it helped.

You don't deserve her you entitled cunt.

>The idling program was genuinely cheating though.
Someone from Valve told everyone it was ok.

I don't follo

Already have a Strange Specialized Killstreak Classic.
More so talking about my fucking boss and my good for nothing co-working that lied to her.

Basically he blames his shitty item on his gf even though Valve had already locked the item servers and so couldn't have done anything.


>More so talking about my fucking boss
oh nvm then, that wasn't clear.

>Crate Depression
Fuck off tyler

>Laughs in BR

Attached: Screen shot 2010-10-05 at 1.12.51 AM.png (1440x900, 221K)

The life of the bug man. Trust me buddy the one angry over virtual items is even more good for nothing :^)


Attached: 1560318082084.png (580x223, 18K)

>Not Tradable, Not Marketable
I'm sorry

Attached: MarketCrasher.png (337x605, 69K)

nice troll

can i get a quick rundown

Would you prefer the Roarin’ TF20’s

I wish I was creative

Attached: autistic heavy.png (1913x1023, 731K)

who here /missedout/? I was fucking sleeping and missed everything, I could have made lots of money with the fucking crates, fuuuck

fuck u

Meh. We're all here on Yea Forums.
We're all worthless.

Knee grows

All items that have a cooldown period to trade get that tag. Once the timer is up the tag is automatically removed, and as long as valve doesn’t manually change it hes good to go.

Valve fucked up and for a limited time earlier today, if you had the right crates, you could unbox a guaranteed unusual hat

fug this

I tried to do it as soon as I found out, managed to buy two keys, and then the item server went down as soon as I tried to open them

I have bested you

Attached: 1544429386722.png (500x883, 260K)

god damn it


>Went to sleep just as the update happened
>When I woke up I had to go straight to work
Had like 20 crates that were marked bugged and a few keys already. Maybe we'll get a new Cheater's Lament for it.

have sex


bacon sandwich

>doing anything that requires work
Good fucking luck with that.
At best they'll reference you in the patch notes, along with the rest of the obedient paypiggies that didn't game the system.

>mfw this happens

Attached: 1547274772889.gif (720x404, 1.41M)

I'm not even good at the game I just play virtual dress up

Attached: tf23.png (3116x2900, 1.76M)

user, that clearly says "tradable after August 2nd"

I only had one of those crates from before it would've only gotten me 7 steambux. Glad other anons got stuff though

Attached: 1480283323970.png (322x395, 201K)


I bought a couple crates and keys and unboxed 2 unusuals. Will I get in trouble or lose the money I spent?

you only have that tag because your item isn't tradeable until after august 2

is more like breakout in 360°

>went to bed right as it happened
>was at work all day
>couldn't get my two gen 1 unusuals
I don't even care about these hats, I invested in stranges and collectors rarities back when I played, but man turning 2 keys into potentially burning hats would have been cool.

Attached: engie.webm.png (723x374, 287K)

>the jewish handshake

Had an extra ugly color from christmas presents, doesnt change shit, oh well nothing of value lost

Attached: Tf2 3x3.jpg (1531x1254, 747K)

I have a crate 82, 92, stockpile crate and a mayflower cosmetic case. So I had like, what, $2 worth?

>"accidentally" make a free market using fiat assets seem more volatile than what it was so less people want said free markets in the future

Attached: 02. Noir [BD 1080p Hi10P 5.1 AAC dual-audio][kuchikirukia].mkv_snapshot_09.20_[2019.07.10_00.55.38]. (1920x1080, 2.43M)


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Don't judge my minimum settings, I actually like how the game looks that way

Attached: enginigger.png (1007x565, 146K)

fuck off retard


Unless unusuals work differently than normal hats, you should be able to put it on the market regardless of the trade restriction. For now it looks like unusuals can't be sold at all.

Attached: ricardoe.png (334x881, 60K)

If they change the hats in any way then this infringes on your rights as a customer and breaks anti-trust laws.
Be sure to sign up for a your local class action lawsuit if they do.
Valve fucked up big time.

Attached: dressed frog.jpg (249x249, 17K)


Prove it.

So did they fix it? I just got home and I have one of the crates apparently.

>class action lawsuit
Never do this. If you're eligible for participation in a class-action suit, file your own lawsuit instead. You'll get far more money as money-grubbing lawyers use class-action to keep the lion's share.

Has anyone tried to gift wrap any of the Unusuals after the change?
I got 3 of them i need to give to a buddy

Attached: 1500709621197.png (297x337, 146K)

No, user. Open that fucking shit quick before it's too late.

>mfw didnt know what was happening until i lurked a bit while i was on my way to work
>got angry because im always wageslaving when cool shit happens
>tell argentinian friend all the details before entering shift
>shift ends and friend tells me he didnt know shit until i told him so he unboxed 10 crates before going to work
>he will gift me one if they become tradable or will use a gift wrap
all smiles

Attached: 1412284822330.gif (268x278, 844K)

they're ungiftwrapable lmao

Open it up before they patch it.

w-what is this?


>TF2 had an Update
>Its creates

It is truly suffering that Valve leaves its best games to starve on bare bones staff just because steam monopoly and DOTA micro-transactions make infinity money.

I still can't play this fucking game after Meet You Match. They haven't fixed shit 4 years later.

Attached: tf23451326.jpg (728x612, 150K)

well, shit.

Attached: 1458083262221.jpg (680x680, 39K)

let me guess this is copied straight from /r/tf2

>Get to keep all unusuals unboxed because money was paid for them

Attached: BCDBFE82-7F5B-47DB-9902-8798BEAF906F.jpg (250x250, 40K)

dont listen to these niggersit creates mustard gas

oh fuck is this real

They won’t do shit. Keeping the “counterfeit” unusuals worthless is good enough

Attached: E0A17F2C-905D-450E-8F2E-20B1C9BE5571.jpg (720x960, 158K)

dumb shit tina poster

Attached: ss+(2019-07-26+at+07.37.29).png (366x545, 62K)

You had like 10 dollars worth lol

what a chad

Post yfw exploited accounts will be sold for thousands of dollars

Attached: 9869912D-BC26-482E-994A-0F05566D07DE.png (720x544, 512K)

You are all horrible and utter trash human beings. The fact that you find it funny that people lost tens of thousands of dollars is disgusting. We're all very sorry that you were in the 99% of players who didn't have an expensive hat to wear on your virtual character. I wasn't that rich in tf2, I didn't trade a lot but i'm still fucking off because of this crash. Most people just don't understand what people lost because of this. Most people don't understand how this will affect the player base. Unusuals were the biggest part of trading in tf2 almost nothing else was ever traded in this game. Now that everyone has one, that means no more trading. No ones going to trade unusuals now.

I think the bigger reason I am mad though is because a very very close friend of mine who has played tf2 for many many years said he will quit the game if this doesn't reverse. I quote word for word "I don't want to play a game that took my money." Thank you, and goodbye.

>the TF2 steam forums

Attached: 1564158978611.png (661x716, 306K)

Too late. Now I'm poor and hatless.

>You are all horrible and utter trash human beings.
And don’t you forget it sugar shorts

Crate description reads "Chance of receiving an exceptionally rare special item". This is what's important.
The crates gave out exceptionally rare special items just as the descriptors for them said they would. While the rate at which they got given out wasn't intended, this doesn't change the fact that it's possible to receive those items from the crate.
From a customer's standpoint, the crates were working exactly as intended.

Now, if the crates did NOT state that an exceptionally rare item could come from them and only listed the base loot, and people were receiving items that they weren't meant to get, then there would be an argument that they received the wrong product.

A while ago, DOTA 2 had a similar issue where having super rare items come from Lootboxes got Valve in some trouble for potentially breaking the law. To get around this, Valve made it so that the crates would always give you an equal chance for a common item - and if you were lucky enough you'd also get the super rare item. You're essentially paying for the random normal item, and getting the rare item was just a bonus on top of it.

So if they did this for TF2, you'd be guaranteed to get a weapon/normal hat from the crate, and then be given an Unusual hat on top of it.

As for anti-trust laws, they'd be tampering with/making unavailable digital goods that were purchased rightfully - which is fraud. This is why games that are no longer listed on the Steam store can still be downloaded and played if you bought them before the delisting.

Based internet lawyer user.

It's my belief that you don't own anything that you can't touch.

It’s our belief that you’re such a stupid motherfucker that you’ll fall for this bullshit.


>"We're just going to casually violate commerce laws, okay? Tee-hee."


Should I add anything to this autism

Attached: hl2 has crashed dot ex dee.jpg (1920x1024, 360K)

How did you guys feel about Spy being Scout's dad? I thought that it was nice, but I hope they don't retouch it IF we ever get any more comics or animations, Scout's better off thinking his Dad is Tom Jones and Spy should just take it to the grave, Scout doesn't need a Dad and Spy's in no condition to try and be there for him.

They haven’t said that, yet.

>tfw hung out with gf the whole afternoon and missed free unusual day

fuck thats good

Steam discussion salt, traderfag salt, all tf2 classes laughing.

it's fucking perfect user

I think they'll keep it like they did in the last comic. Spy keeps the act up until the bitter end.

I don't want it acknowledged, but I would think its funny if they actually play it out subtly.

Attached: ClearPrestigiousDiplodocus-size_restricted[2].gif (500x281, 2.82M)

Digital goods are considered goods. What they effectively did amounts to coming up to your newly purchased car and putting sugar in the gas tank because they realized they sold it for less than it was worth.

With precedent, you legally can't do what they did here.

needs this flashing near the end

Attached: 1564128973641.png (474x82, 10K)

On a semi-related note, Blizzard got around China's Overwatch lootbox ban through a similar strategy.
They weren't allowed to sell lootboxes, but they were allowed to sell the ingame currency instead.
So how they handled it was they'd allow you to buy pittance amounts of in-game currency, but they'd also give free lootboxes as a bonus for each purchase.
So you were essentially only buying the currency.

So for example...
$1 for 10 credits
$2 for for 25 credits, and 2 free lootboxes
$5 for for 100 credits, and 5 free lootboxes
$10 for for 250 credits, and 11 free lootboxes

More like if you bought a car from somebody agreeing that they could do whatever they want to it afterwards and then started crying when they did something to it

I like that every other merc might actually know about it and only Scout doesn't. Heavy and Sniper both acknowledge it in a subtle way.

Attached: a36.jpg (1024x768, 266K)

>With precedent, you legally can't do what they did here.
As of right this moment it’s damage control, yeah it’s fucking gay, but Gabe has to dig his ass out of an Everest sized mountain of tears and salt from the autistic trading community.

I have faith, however tenuous it is, that Valve won’t just fuck people over like that

>Yes, your father disappears often

Attached: 1564172666032.jpg (267x189, 7K)

Damn, that's sneaky as hell.

god damn when the fuck is the final.

EULAs don't hold up in court. And trying to pass digital goods off as a service has already been shut down by the courts. They're goods. Ownership is yours upon sale.

i liked someones idea for tf3 where scout became the spy on the next gen team

>EULAs don't hold up in court
Only if they contain something that you wouldn't have reasonably expected. "We can do whatever we want with imaginary items stored on our servers" is totally reasonably and pretty standard.

I pirate all my vidya and kept all the hats I got

Attached: 1559852853396.jpg (960x954, 56K)

Lead artist said a while back that she wasn't currently working on it since everyone on the comic team was working on different things, but that there will be a final comic. Who knows when though.

Attached: 1534962885750.png (982x166, 193K)

>"We can do whatever we want with imaginary items stored on our servers"
Not when real world money is involved

this, hes also like the only living voice actor.

It's been proven that these aren't imaginary items and hold real-world value.

Specifically, digital goods are considered goods. This has been ruled on by a few courts. Regarding hats, they may as well be physical, because they're considered that by law.

By the logic presented, the whales crying about their hats had no claim either. Their hats are just as worthless, by the law. But that's provably not so. So with said items there is a value associated with them. If Amazon ships the wrong item to your home or ships 100 of something very expensive to your home when you paid for 1, you get to keep everything.

What the song near the end?

Giving them out constantly is legal. destroying them is not.

>tfw spent 5k usd over 8 years
>happy as fuck people can now have fancy hats like me

yes you see traderfag, i am above your clouds of kikery

your age of cheating ends now

They're all alive. Soldier's VA can still do a great Soldier voice.


It's a complex issue, but legal precedent infers that Valve can either eat it or try to redefine precedent. But legality is against them.

>If Amazon ships the wrong item to your home or ships 100 of something very expensive to your home when you paid for 1, you get to keep everything
Why are you citing an extremely specific law about mailing people stuff and then telling them pay for it or send it back and then pretending it applies here

he can't yell sadly.

That's retarded. That's like saying they can't change the stats of an item which has a strange version.

Can't blame him for that. Soldier's original screams are guttural, tapping into the very heart of AMERICA!!!

Attached: 1540984785823.png (452x505, 470K)

>That's like saying they can't change the stats of an item which has a strange version.
Valve can’t, or rather wouldn’t since all stranges are just regular items with kill counters

>More like if you bought a car from somebody agreeing that they could do whatever they want to it afterwards

lol no one agreed to that.

But they do.

can't wait for the cheaters lament sequel

How nigger?

Only fair if the unusuals stay

>all the anons shitposting on tf2 general discussions

Weapons change stats all of the time


Can't wait for litterally nothing.

>will gabe give us free items for doing litterally nothing
>surely they'll punish the people that actually dropped money on their store

Oooh you mean for the updates. While true that their stats change their quality doesn’t, aside from vintages but it’s been what 7 years now?

The biggest retards are the people who genuinely believe they're entitled to a Cheater's Lament or anything similar.


Attached: 171019100758-black-monday-anniversary-340xa.jpg (340x340, 74K)

Tell your friend to kill himself. The game does not exist as a means to support yourselves and item hoarders and people trying to make a living off virtual items need to get a VAC ban for shitting up what should be a fun and easily accessible market instead of one abused by botters and hoarders.

already dabbing on you naughty boys!

>Tfw could've made 400 easy from cratez if I wasn't market locked in the wee hours of the morning
Still, 260 isn't anything to stick my nose up at.

The biggest retards are the people acting like Valve can get sued when the steam TOS has an arbitration clause

I opened a crate earlier and got one. Just looked at it and it says uncraftable but not untradeable


>imagine thinking TOS ever hold up in court.

The biggest retards of all are the ones that think Valve will remove the unusuals when they were paid for legally

There's literally a federal law supporting arbitration clauses you retard

>furry avatar
>"please PLEASE please"
>speaking from a position of entitlement
>taking tf2 seriously in 2019

Attached: Mfw+my+parents+watch+fox+news+every+ht+just+because+_dc0092ccb8b2c0570e1f47a00f122fe5.jpg (828x766, 53K)


>y-you signed this thing that no one reads
>that means I can do whatever I want!
>implying the judge won't throw that out

>I got Crate # 14 and 15
>Only open 15
>Got paint

Attached: Inner_Rage.jpg (720x576, 421K)

>On June 20, 2013, the Court ruled in American Express Co. v. Italian Colors Restaurant that class action waivers contained in mandatory arbitration clauses were valid even if plaintiffs prove that it would not be economically practicable to maintain these actions individually.[1][2]

In its decision on Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis on May 21, 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that the FAA is not overridden by the protection of concerted activity established by the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, effectively making individual arbitration agreements in contracts wholly enforceable.[3]
keep dreaming mongoloid

Redpill me on unusual stuff. Aren't they literally the same cosmetic item, just with a different color in the description and ingame it looks exactly the same? Why is he mad?
I remember buying some green items in dota because they were cheaper than the normal ones and looked 1:1 the same.

Fucking based internet lawyer.

>sign document that says don't shit on the floor i'm leasing to you without reading it

>shit on floor and get kicked out

>judge laughs at you when you try to sue and makes you pay defendants legal fees


>sign document saying they can rape you

>they rape you

>judge laughs and high fives the dude

I think it got patched a while ago.
>tfw had 5 #18 and 6 #83 but was too busy wage-slaving to sell them before the item servers went down

Attached: 1562803985943.gif (480x361, 414K)


What do you think a marriage licence is?

Yeah no. Ever hear of something called the fairness doctrine? In this case the effort to require unusuals previously and the ease in which they were obtained today isn't up to the fairness standard.

>since everyone on the comic team was working on different things
Dota obviously. God I wish Dota 2 never existed

>Unusual cheater's lament

>best jokes
>expense of others
Human suffering is funny, user.

The fairness doctrine was revoked 8 years ago you absolute fucking retard

>he thinks that will protect him from rape accusations


83 wasn't bugged, i dunno about 18

Irrelevant. It still has set a precedent that can be used in this case.

It's just the same damn hat as someone else only with a flashy effect (hearts, sparkles, on fire, etc).

>the ease in which they were obtained today isn't up to the fairness standard.
There was a chance to get unusuals, people got unusuals.

You didn't get the nuance. Replace man with woman and rape with financial rape.

Nuance is a fucking meme. Either paint it in black or white or fuck off.

desu a lot of people I know thought it was impossible to rape your wife.

i know im already pretty based for using fempyro

Attached: based.png (475x715, 259K)

because overwatch exist in this reality. TF2 is just another cash grab free 2 play garbage. The game turn unplayable since the hat update years ago.

An actual fucking brainlet. Wow.

Sue them and cite ancient precedent based on revoked laws and see how it goes faggot, I dare you

So is this permanently untradable or what, some people said that certain hats made it through

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-26-23-17-19-1.png (1080x1650, 289K)

I was told 18 and 83 were some of the bugged ones but I couldn't check. Current market value for 83 is $0.14 and 18 is $0.26 instead of being 3 cents so I assumed that what I heard was true.

Is it weird that I see pyros head as a dude, and when I see fem pyro, I can't do the mental leap to actually think its a hot girl?

That isn't even close to what the fairness doctrine was dumbass

No. It means you’re normal

even if I suddenly find it hot when I cant see the head?

People that painted their hats before the patch hit seem to be fine, we still don't know if the untradable thing is permanent.



Attached: 1498900373700.gif (450x450, 1.31M)

Damn, I really don’t know.

lmao who are you trying to fool

Thanks to the big, I finally got to have my own unusual, 7 in fact. I've played the game since 2009 and I never had a chance to get one. Let the faggots get salty, anons got to make money, anons got to get funny new hats, dont let the fun police ruin it

Attached: 1563418689305.png (800x450, 366K)

I'm speaking in terms of United States fairness doctrine, I'm not sure what any other fairness doctrines outside the states would be like.

i painted one and its still untradable

US fairness doctrine was about broadcasting companies giving equal coverage to both sides, how the fuck does that apply here

Well shit, then its only a matter of luck then.

You're wrong.

b-but it has the word fairness in it

youre retarded

Attached: demo_sees_something_by_thetig3r42-d4pr3su.jpg (900x506, 46K)

Gonna be honest I only saw the word “fairness”

explain how then fag

You let those people win Darwin awards.


So how many lads you've seen running around with unusuals in the pubs Yea Forums

Not here to give you free law education unless you're paying. Until then hop onto fucking Google to figure things out. There's a saying on this website, "lurk moar".

Attached: jay bauman from red letter media rolls his eyes.gif (189x195, 605K)


>have sex with your wife
>lol shoulda known better

At least make some shit up, this bait is just boring

I need a catchy name for the Cloud Crasher. Figured it's name would be a perfect setup for the Unusual Crash.

Attached: Cloud Crasher.png (596x968, 321K)


>for exploiting

Because valve pays me not to tell you, otherwise I don’t get to keep the unusuals they’ll take away from you fucks

'the bruh moment'

Yup. Can't deal with being called out for the newfag you are so you resort to saying that everybody that disagrees with you is baiting. Lurk moar.

cupid's arrow

Go back

It's pretty clear the user was referring to marital rape

>Wife says no
>Have sex anyway
>Still rape

>not bare legs fempyro

genuinely surprised they didn't refund you

You should have made up some obscure California legal code or something, try harder next time

You know denying sex is rape too right?

I have no fucking clue what you are going on about. This is a waste of my time. Get castrated.

It legally isn't

I wonder if you'll reply to this if I don't even say anything in it other than that you seem pretty anally devastated that you lost that argument

its also legally rape if its unclear if she actually wants it.

That's funny I don't see prisons full of fat girls that rejected incels


>That Post
Finally another brethren

Attached: 1526693758631.jpg (640x569, 100K)

my hat only says not usable in crating
is it safe bros?

Attached: 04ba401b5c8cab1eb917927336ce3c2d.png (316x477, 59K)

No one volunteerly tries to fuck a fat chick.
They're either retarded, or being held at gunpoint.


its safe but, people will know it was glitch unboxed because of the not craftable tag

You have no clue do you. Good looking guys can and do go hogging and regularly grab low hanging fruit because they can and it's over and done with.

No because it might have a not tradable tag when you look at it using Steam inventory.

Panty protector

>tfw cant share the loot with my bros

Attached: 1561191122651.jpg (542x356, 32K)

hey that's a pretty cool idea user; unfortunately i don't think you have the speed or the spacing quite right so I'm sure someone else will make a lot more money of your idea than you will. You fucked up posting that here.

>tfw was going to give my edgy 12 year old "spy main" nephew the spy unusual I got

They clearly don't say no because of the law.

>had 2 unusual crates
>was gonna split it with someone at random
>item server went down first

>couldn't trade with alt accounts for the crates after not logging into them for years since idling is basically useless now

Attached: 8tmzXuHn1qm18qco2_250.gif (245x245, 616K)