I want to get excited but I get the feeling they'll mess this one too
DOOM 64 rated for PC/PS4
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You can already play doom 64 on the pc, it's been a thing for over a decade.
You can play a 1:1 replica made by fans but this is the first time you can play it "legit"
PlayStation finally getting the best version of Doom.
What makes it legit?
The fact that you're paying money for an inferior port?
Why is that desirable?
Wow, how exciting.
just saying
Doom fans don't care what's legit, you fucktard. Doom is one of the most active and oldest porting and modding community ever. God, you consolefags piss me off so badly.
Doom 64 absolution is free and better in every way though.
I can already play it on PC for free, I don't need bethesda to charge me money for their "improved official" version of it
DOOM 64 on PS?? I mean... You know the game is called "64" for Nintendo 64. I'm just sayin'
>it's legit because you pay money for it
Its going to be a unity remake just like doom 1/2 on switch
I'd argue that the fan made ones are far more legit than a quick and dirty unity remake full of bugs.
im not saying this will be the superior version just pointing out this will be the first time D64 is released on anything that isnt the N64
I'm just pointing out that there's literally no reason anyone should care about it.
but fans released absolution over a decade ago.
This is going to get so much shit if it's the same version that Kaiser released for free a few years ago
>Doom 64 absolution is free and better in every way though.
No, Doom 64 EX is superior in every way. Absolution is an unfaithful remake that is missing the advanced engine features of Doom 64.
>Release date: today
It's just going to be a Unity remake.
Doom 64 EX is pretty indistinguishable from the base game anyway, uses the rom data to generate WADs.
>Doom 64 NOT releasing on switch
What the fuck
Is it really doom 64 if its not on a 64 bit console?
Neat, never heard of it before. Either version will be far superior to whatever bethesda shits out though.
>missing the advanced engine features of Doom 64.
Like what?
I have so many questions.
But more importantly: Why would you buy it? Why would they port it when you can play it on a toaster, and even modern cellphones?
it can run on a x64 OS
Because switch is comfy!
And I can play it in bed or while taking a shit!
>tfw getting torrented GOG versions just because it's a retard move to pay Doom for PC, some say
not sure if I'll regret this or if I should just get the WADs, which I'm sure they'll go after to make their own modding community. I never tried Doom before. I'm looking for the most authentic versions.
The main stuff Absolution gets wrong is lighting. Doom 64's entire aesthetic stems from its lighting system.
Get the wads and use chocolate doom if you want an authentic experience.
Imagine if ps4 really stole a nintendo exclusive. Oh wait, that always happens.
thanks mate, I'll still keep the GOG versions in case I run into any trouble, but hopefully I won't
You might also want to take a look at Crispy Doom for a slightly less 1993 experience btw.
It's my preferred source port for a very vanilla experience.
Here you go fren
>lost another Exclusive.
Feels bad fellow nintenbros
Absolution has a bunch of random issues, at least mention EX which is about as close as anyone could ever get without the source code.
A dedicated fan work is far more legit of a doom experience than Bethesda and whatever you call id these days.
They're both utterly removed from the original creators, but only one clearly cares and has passion and respect for the original work.
Random pitch sounds was in the original DOS version until 1.9 patch (which only broke it because the game switched to a different sound engine which did not implement it properly)
I find it bizarre how many Doom fans don't seem aware that Doom 64 EX exists.
>Releases today too.
... okay? why this wasnt announced on the Bethesda keynote?
This is the first time I've ever heard about it. I remember playing absolution way the fuck back in highschool when I was bored in class.
It doesn't seem like it is talked about very much. Is there any legitimately noticeable difference?
I don't get it either, literally the first result when you google doom 64 pc
>N64 Virtual Console comes to PC and PS4 first rather than the Switch
This is some bizarre ass timeline
>I get the feeling they'll mess this one too
If they're smart they'll just use the Kex engine version that was made a few years ago.
are the gonna change the title?
can the use the 64 name if it's not on nintendo?
Why not. It's not like Nintendo owns the number 64.
Bethesda is going to DMCA Doom64 EX or threaten the host to take it down. This is not a drill. Download it while you can and back it up NOW.
People still call it sonic cd
sweet, thanks, bros, I'm always the most stubborn mule for wanting the exact 1:1 good shit, I'll have a look at Crispy too
>instead of something made by fans who lovingly port something over for you to enjoy for free you get pay for the privilege to play something made by soulless drones at Bethesda, which might even be exclusive to their launcher
>Is there any legitimately noticeable difference?
One of them is an custom engine designed to mimic Doom 64 perfectly and even uses its raw assets and level data.
The other is a Doom II mod that pretends to look and play like Doom 64 even though the Doom II engine can't do coloured lighting properly.
Doom 64 EX is open source, so you're better off downloading the source code from github if you're paranoid. Anyway, it's an engine recreation. It contains zero assets from Doom 64. Bethesda don't have a leg to stand on.
Nightdive Studios is at Quakecon, it is possible that they are the ones who did the port, meaning Kaiser (the man who made Doom 64 EX and works for Nightdive) would get paid for it
So the lighting is a little different and that's it?
hopefully thats the case.
a properly polished version of D64EX would be an EXCELLENT palette cleanser after this switch bullshit.
im serious, i would REALLY bought those ports, but this is an INSULT!
It's an inaccurate mod recreation because it's built on the freaking Doom II engine. Doom 64 is a heavily customized Doom. It's literally the only classic Doom game that runs at 30fps instead of 35fps. There is literally no reason to play a Doom source port pretending to be Doom 64 with a bunch of hacks trying to mimic Doom 64's look and behavior with mixed results when you can play a flawless engine recreation.
I'm not trying to shit on it, I'm wondering if there are large noticeable differences that would be worth downloading and replaying.
Actually, who am I kidding. Doom 64 is good and it's been years since I've played it, it's time.
Not a problem, it doesn't stand for "compact disc"
Somebody get those guys a personal trainer. And an office gym.
The differences boil down to fundamental differences in how Doom and Doom 64's engines work. A casual gamer might not notice.
An analogy would be how the dynamic lighting in Turok 2/3 didn't work on N64 emulators until 2018, but a lot of people were blissfully unaware because they had no idea how the game SHOULD look.
Reminder that Pegi didn't rate the Switch and Xbone versions of Doom 1 and 2 prior to their announcements. Plus, they didn't even rate Doom 3. Doom 64 is obviously coming to all consoles.
I love their work but they need to work on themselves.
I can play it on the toilet while taking a great big nasty shit
Maybe this is what Kaiser has been working on. Work on Blood slowed down a bit over the past month.
"128-bit" is a contrived meme not based on CPU bits per instruction, we aren't gamefaqs
Reminder that this is also going to be stuck with DRM as part of Bethesda's ongoing fuck you campaign
do you have impaired eyesight
does doom 3 for switch have the same DRM as 1 and 2?
Who cares. The best version of 64 is already available to play on pc for free. It's just amusing to see a game that everyone figured Bethesda would continue to ignore get a modern port.
Anyone with self respect should care because now is the time to complain about it before it ends up on something where it actually matters like Doom Eternal
>before it ends up on something where it actually matters like Doom Eternal
It's likely already implemented in Eternal and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Be realistic.
Shut the fuck up you dumb shill. It can easily be changed if enough people make noise about it.
>you dumb shill
>implying I'm a shill when I just said 64 EX will always be the best version
People have complained about Bethesda's shit in the past and yet they still pull off dumbass shenanigans like that involved with today's Doom ports, just like they'll continue to do so in the future. Bethesda's moronic, boot licking fanbase is too big to make any real difference.
The only real hope is that Bethesda has embarrassed themselves enough to the point that they try to do something to save face like when they announced that their future games wouldn't be exclusive to their shitty launcher.
inb4 bnet and unity remake
Doom 1/2 aren't Unity remakes. They're the BFG versions running under a Unity front-end.