I have the need for a new Simpsons game... all the old ones suck. discuss

I have the need for a new Simpsons game... all the old ones suck. discuss.

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the nintieS koNami arcadE gamE is gooD

What would it be about?

Why you want a new simpson game? To simply have the writers of the new season? I would preffer a sneed game

open world RPG like Skyrim?

The Cuban Missile Crisis.

They'll remaster Simpsons Hit & Run/Road Rage in a bundle for the 30th anniversary at the end of the year. I can feel it guys.

Seeding and Feeding

I have the sneed for a new chuck game... all the old ones suck. discuss

Works for me. Hit and Run's great and I've heard Road Rage's not too shabby either.

>You will NEVER get a Simpsons game collection with everything included, minus maybe different versions of the same game

I fucking loved the Simpsons game on the PS2, lads, and I've really been hankering for more H&R. Would love to see them prettied up a bit and put into a bundle. Slap the arcade game in there too for a 10/10 experience.

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You will get another mobile game and you will like it. Anyway, there's no reason to remaster Road Rage cause it sucks ass and Hit & Run is on PC,already pretty high quality and has a pretty good modding community. An official remaster would just be soulless as shit and unnecessary even if they gave it the Spongebob treatment and put in all the cut content and stuff.

Road Rage was basically Crazy Taxi with Simpsons. Sega would probably be ok with it now if they get a cut.

Activision didn't get the rights to licensed games in the Vivendi merger, and Radical entertainment is a fucking ghost.
Your feels are retarded.

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the simpsons movie game that released on xbox 360 was pretty good

So? Disney have published old THQ games of their properties.

>The Simpsons (Arcade Game)
>The Simpsons Hit and Run
>The Simpsons Game

20 SNEED bucks have been deposited into your account.

"""THQ""" Nordic went on a 5 year long quest to hunt down and negotiate rights from former THQ games so that they could wear the skin of that dead corporation. That's the only reason these remakes are happening.

Instead of waiting for Activision or an act of God, you'd have better luck asking Nordic to buy Simpons H&R, Hulk Ultimate Destruction or whatever, because they're the only people retarded enough to try this shit.

I can still play Hit and Run on my 360 but the screen tearing is horrible.

Disney could do it someday. The main expense is obviously the Simpsons license. They've done it with old Star Wars games.

>since 2019
Shoo shoo go away!

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(sneed post best post)

Disney pulled the fuck out of video games hardcore, something like 500 layoffs overnight IIRC, and are in no mood to get back in.
At least pin your naïve hopes on a corporation that ostensibly makes video games in 2019.

>all the old ones suck
and fuck too

You could say, The Simpsons need more games.

Starting and managing a tomacco farm.

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did someone say....... Sneed?

They publish hundreds of games still. Learn to developer/publisher difference retard.