How do we fix minecraft?

How do we fix minecraft?

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More items, more progression, more underground shit, more varied combat strategies

ugh, why do people think making a simple game more complicated is a good thing?

By playing modded 1.7.10

Why isn't there an option to make your own pattern, like in Animal Crossing, and be able to use it on a block?

less items, less rpg progression, less mining, more women to kill, more neo-nazi propaganda

They do, it's called resource packs and modding

I dont care about the adventure stuff. I think minecraft was always destined to be a shit adventure game. I would like more building options, especially with furniture. For fucks sake, give us some chairs and tables and such. And more cool lights

Not necessarily more complex, just more. I can never play minecraft for more than 2-3 sessions because it all feels so pointless. You can add more content or expand the progression without taking awa from its comfy simplicity
Not saying that it needs complex RPG mechanics or anything

At least double the total block height and set sea level to Y:128. Now you have enough depth and height to make actual fucking mountains with a better terrain generation algorithm and improved cave systems

It feels like they're trying to be 3D Terraria which is fine since I cannot get into Terraria simply because of the 2D aspect (call me a pleb, IDGAF). Pronlem is that un;ess you're new to the game there's hardly anything to keep seasoned players coming back. Zombies are zombies, Nether Fortresses can still be an utter bitch to find. Enderworld is not worth the effort at all unless you wanna stroke your epeen, and grinding has little reward once you've built what you've wanted to in past playthroughs. I like what they did with the villager raid system as it actually requires you to think ahead and plan things accordingly. Should I really go to that village to trade? If I do, do I have enough resources for a raid? What if I lose? Should I mine the necessary materials? That makes it feel like grinding is actually worth something.

My thing with furniture is that it just ends up not serving a purpose
I've played on servers with MrCrayFish Furniture mod and stuff, and while they do have some furniture that served a purpose, for the most part it's you building a house and furnishing it, sitting in a chair, then thinking "ok now what"

The point of the game is to be creative... it's supposed to be a playground where you just craft stuff you like. Progression comes from looking back at the huge amount of things you've done. That is the point of the game. If you don't find that attractive, then the game just isn't for you. Adding stuff is a good idea, but it shouldn't be the first thing that comes to mind. Building tools and being able to craft things that still can't be crafted should be the priority.

I think Chisel needs to be made a vanilla thing, being able to craft a larger item and shrink it down to a 1x1 block opens up tons of possibilties.

Needs more shit like pistons and hoppers. A entire update focused around expanding minecarts and rails could add lots to the game for both survival and map creators. I'd personally like to see the nether get updated and underground cave biomes.

Someone was actually working on an infinite height mod. It works fine when loaded by itself, but has trouble with other mods.

I believe how it works is it essentially layers additional worlds on top of each other like vanilla MC does. If I understand it, vanilla MC loads the world vertically in 128 block sections, loading the 64 blocks below and above the player and "pausing" the others, this mod uses that same technology to keep resources mostly the same but causes worlds to take up far more space than normal.

Even after the recent update, I still hate villages. I hate the dumb villagers, their stupid noises, the bland buildings and the general layout of it all.

Attached: minecraft_pe-village-disintegrated-ground-1038x576.jpg (1038x576, 199K)

ive never played minecraft but they should do some kind of patch that makes it to where you cant build offensive stuff like this

You can't fix Minecraft. The concept itself is fundamentally unfixable. Closest you can get is Thaumcraft or autistic factory/automation mods.

Game literally should not be updated anymore. It just gets worse with every subsequent addition because they add shit nobody wants. Who actually fucking wanted shields or dual wielding or elytra? Its all just clutter that detracts from the point of the game, building cool shit. Add more slabs! Different sized blocks! More biomes! Anything but another fucking PVP update.

Forbid everybody under 30 from playing it.


Better progression and more threats. The game should be scary. The only place you should feel safe is within the refuge of your creations. The world needs to be tamed with your creations.

Played on a server in a way that made things interesting recently. Hostile mobs were disabled, but spawners still worked, and the hostile mob limit was high. Something like 20-30 zombies would spawn in around the spawner and it actually felt intimidating.
Resources like string felt more valuable, bones and gunpowder were rare and we actually used the composter. Exploration was encouraged by this basic resource need, and exploring was much less tedious (no phantoms to punish you).
I think they should just add more naturally generated spawners and do away with the random spawning altogether. It makes no sense that a zombie would just spawn in inside your house just because you turned the lights off. At least disable spawning on user placed blocks like the dungeon bricks in Terraria.

I would agree with this, so long as the game stays in phases for threats. Right now, we've got a clear divide between a safe day and a dangerous night, but night isn't particularly dangerous. I would instead make night more dangerous based on the phases of the moon, with new moon (First night) the least dangerous, and full moon (Fourth night) the most dangerous.

New moon is just like the current difficulty, 1/4 full adds new threats to make travel outside of structures dangerous in the way of faster mobs with larger aggro radii, half full makes some mobs target weaker or natural blocks to get to the player (Things like tunneling creatures rising up from dirt), 3/4 full has more relentless versions of these mobs, and full moon mobs can break through normal stone, requiring the player to make concrete/reinforced stone to keep them out. The idea would be your structures need to be reinforced for this mode to protect yourself at night, so some thought has to be given to how you make things from a defensive standpoint. Full moon mobs would basically require the player to fight them to stay alive early on before reinforced stone is available.

is that the fucking New Zealand mosque

I didn't realize it until you pointed it out kek


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guaranteed this was made by a 14 year old edgelord. the future is fucked.

Creeper!... Awww man

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We don't. The wild west of edgy humor based on irl crimes and online drama are coming to an end.

>drumpf bad

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New blocks, new dimensions, new stuff to explore and build.

Be able to place more than one and improve the horrible villages, maybe a small castle.

Add an Inspector Gadget boss fight

Put in motherfucking furniture it's been like 15 years why are there not CHAIRS

they need to add sex minigame.

As you grow older its wild to think that people who lived through being demonised by the older generation turn out the exact same. You think they would have more self awareness. I remember people saying video games caused columbine and the children would be corrupted by video games and now those same people cry about internet fascism and sexism.

Most things they add are weak and new additions aren't they great. They need more building block lego style pieces but i don't know how you'd manage that while maintaining the simplicity. Personally i want more exploration stuff, more things to find especially underground and more reasons to travel around. A handful of mods do this reasonably well with large changes to ore generation for example.

They need to add a reason as to why undead hate turtle eggs.

I think it could some influence from Spyro 3

Vertical slabs and furniture will not be added because it "dampens creativity".

Notch has said that slabs were a mistake

Remove the faggy interface microsoft put in.
Simple is good. The best way to make a simple game bigger is to add secret content. Subtlety was what made MC so popular back in the day, because who the fuck figured you could actually go to Hell?

Whats wrong with slabs?

>because who the fuck figured you could actually go to Hell?
because notch told you could do that?

I guess it's because they increase the resolution of blocks, instead of having every block being a literal 1:1 block

And thats bad? That allows more room for more creation right? Or does he mean its just a nightmare for the developers?

Not sure i understand it myself but here it is from the horses mouth himself

Attached: mistake-slabs-notch.png (618x532, 50K)

that's why we burn their homes enslave them and breed them like animals for our own amusement and satisfaction user

>new dimensions
>when the never still is fucking empty.
nah fuck off.

>they were different blocks that were different and made the game more different

he wanted everything to be full blocks

then why the fuck did he add slabs in the first place?

I think they should just remove turtles, really the helmet isn't useful when water breathing potions are piss easy to make.

also remove phantoms or at the very least give them better drops.

Build a better one then you lazy whiner. Trading with villagers is totally worth it and building a village to suit my needs has been a lovely time.

Is it possible to make your own village with villagers, without mods?

Yeah it's basically slavery. You can kidnap them via boats and take them off to an enclosure somewhere and breed them to make more villagers as you create housing for them and then give them work stations and they'll adopt a profession which lets you open trades with them

Yeah but you're gonna need villagers from elsewhere to populate it. Just need 2 villagers, sufficient food and beds and you're good to go.

Stop playing it and play one the countless superior buildan games

Who cares what this fat hack who spent 90% of the time he was "working" on the game sitting around doing nothing thinks? Notch is a fucking retard.

That's hilarious

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His fat stack of money doesn't care if hes retarded.

They were a special exception but he regrets it
Personally I'm glad we have slabs

Are you actually retarded?

Whats your favorite shader/texture pack?

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Torch spamming is ugly.
Its a forced aesthetic just to be safe in survival.

Monsters are currently a huge limiting factor for creativity outside of cheating simply because theres only one way to deal with them.

make a space biome that to get there you have to build a rocket ship

mobs can't spawn on slabs regardless of light level

Just play on peaceful mode nigger

>Building tools and being able to craft things that still can't be crafted should be the priority
you mean adding stuff?

t. villager

Carpet on slabs would be nice.

Uh oh user the NZ government would like to have a word with you.

Easily. More so than previously, as you just need two villagers and two beds in a room.

You can seal villagers in their homes with a half-slab over their door, crouch under it when you want to trade, etc.

faithful 32x
computer too slow for shaders, but I really enjoy looking at screenshots of Minecraft with shaders, stuff like that invokes a deep feel which I cannot explain, it feels like time doesn't exist in those

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by making it an actual survival game.


Another forced aesthetic. This is only usable as a side effect outside of places where visuals arent a factor.

Monsters are a core part of survival. They are actually quite well designed for the most part. The only problems lie with ways to deal with them.
Atm, all we have are attacks, torches, and blocks that dont allow monster spawns ontop of them.

So your options are to just give up and kill any monsters that get near you,
place hundreds of torches in a 128 block radius of your home,
and cover every block in the above radius with slabs.

Some more crops would be nice. Beetroots don't even do anything new, nor do the new crops, it'd just be nice for looks alone.

Some shaders like silders default, dont have much impact on performance. Try those.

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someone recommend a good texture pack that doesnt look too different from vanilla.

The unlockable crafting recipes felt retarded at first, but it was actually better than just checking the wiki ever so often.

It would be better if the actual progression to it was more obvious though.

>have to craft a smooth stone before you can even figure out how to make a blast furnace

fuits funny cause its true.

anything on slabs would be nice.

Well most low-end shaders just look buggy and I really think I cannot handle it.
I use a 8x8 texture pack with minimal render distance and optifine tweaked to get as much fps as I could, there's really no point, but I apreciate the help.

Minecraft Classic
it's just the beta version of Minecraft with no mods compatibility

If anyone can get a "mirrors edge" or adam jensen apartment mood going in a build I would like to see it.

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I fucking hate these texture packs.
>hurr durr minecraft with raytracing xD so photorealistic
When in reality its just a fucking texture pack doing dumb shit like changing an anvil into a chair.


I agree thou the hype is click baity as fuck however. Lighting for me is everything in building.

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replace the entire useless fucking modern dev team with the 2011 Mojang
make the bedrock edition not feel like a mobile game (real FREE texture packs, skins, mods, etc..)
remove the shitty combat
remove the shitty flying things that come up when you don't sleep
remove the shitty useless mobs like polar bears, bats, dolphins, pandas, etc...or give them actual drops and uses
make shulkers respawn
an option for infinitely deep worlds
an option for much deeper worlds, probably with more ores deeper than diamond
a 3rd boss creature

Honestly though, there are so many mods for minecraft that every single problem has been fixed through them, or every requested feature has been implemented through mods. Mojang is pretty useless nowadays.

>-25% contrast
>-25% saturation
>+50% brightness
>hurr durr aesthetics
I never understand this shit. It just doesn't look good.
I don't care about default utilitarian look because I at least can see what am I doing, and basically "it just werks".

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I get that. And the lighting is good. The annoying shit with those videos though is they arent even focusing on the lighting as much as they are the dumb textures.

its more for the lighting then anything.

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I'm amazed that considering all the money this makes they never considered remaking it
it is such a simple game too

This, might play a mc version of Dont Starve honestly. Is there a mod which captures this?

Just stop working on it and let the modders have their way


The minecraft modding scene is more interested in making autism simulators than actually improving the vanilla minecraft experience. Tencentale is our only hope, unfortunately.

mobs should be able to destroy blocks

You can't

Minecraft modding is unironically dogshit and i'll never understand why people like it. It's either a godawful factorio clone or just an LE ORIGINAL CONTENT shitshow.

Like I download some mod that adds 50 gorrilion types of ore and none of them seem to make any sense other then being a gear treadmill or some sort of faggot redstone enabler. No fucking thank you.

i dont really care what you think
stop sharing

they can.

more horror shit.
replace phantoms with a weird thing that stalks you and watches you through your windows and from the corners of caves and shit. add a weather event like rain that makes the world foggy, with unique mobs. more ambient sounds and stuff to play on the feeling of dread and isolation you get when you play solo minecraft.
that, and more cave stuff.