I'm about to play this. What should I expect?
I'm about to play this. What should I expect?
Nice juicy Kidman's ass in first 15 minutes
pretentious ludo kino
Good game, but it's not as kino or interesting as the first one.
open world trash
A solid 8/10 action horror game with some nifty exploration and ridiculous story
It's no more "open world" than Silent Hill 1 or 2 you dumb fuck
looks like my mom
Meanwhile, 2 plays 100x better.
Great game, I liked it more than the first one.
A better game than the first one but also not as interesting
a decent horror game, i prefet EW1 though
First one had horrid optimization and I refuse to play it.
The letterbox and grains options in the first game were absolutely horrible play with. Why would someone not turn it off?
I do like the imagery in the first one, but that game has some serious issues that drags it down big time. Just on your pic I can point at two pivotal flaws of the game: Letterbox and filmgrain. First can obscure like 75% of your vision with Sebastian's back at multiple points in the game, and the second makes everything to look like shit. TEW1 also has problem with how poorly done the stamina syste was implemented, lame combat, poorly thought out upgrade trees, all the optimization problems it had at release and many more. TL;DR TEW's heart was in the right place but it fucks up way too hard way too often.
>Letterbox and filmgrain
While I mostly agree with the rest of your post, I know for a fact that letterbox was made optional with patches later on and I'm pretty sure filmgrain was too.
I want to fuck your mom
The evil black preacher was the best villain
It was a little spooky in the beginning, but you end up becoming overpowered and all the spokkyness goes away and it gets lame.
You can play it in first person view though, so there's that.
That's a good change then. I absolutely despised those two things
First one was really boring.
a game
yes it is.
someone post the wet shirt scene!
Replaying it right now, very good game. Exploration is fun. Lot's of spooky situations. Even side quest are interesting.
Some advice, don't hoard crafting parts and upgrade weapon as soon as you can except sniper rifle cause all upgrades goes for types of weapon and not for individual weapon. So if you upgrade pistol it will upgrade all your pistols.