>greatest game of all time
>also playstation exclusive
like pottery
>greatest game of all time
>also playstation exclusive
like pottery
See this thread posted quite often
Might be the most popular thread on 4channel.org/v/
Feb it comes to PC
>Bloodborne isn't the greatest game eve-
You can play it using Playstation Now on PC.
oops, wrong image
it's not ape escape 4
so it's bad
Do you mean poetry? Dafuq? If you're gonna try to troll me on 4channel, at least learn how to spell first you illiterate dummy.
>i-it'll happen...r-right PCbros?
If you disagree, you're one of the following
>somebody that is shit at the game
>somebody that is a contrarian and thinks you're somehow above the game (you aren't)
>a pvp fag (read as; absolute retard that is too shit for fighters)
>somebody that says kos
>somebody that acknowledges the frame pacing issues and fails to properly enjoy the game because of its subpar performance
It's just about the best game ever made so don't even bother hating, losers.
>>somebody that acknowledges the frame pacing issues and fails to properly enjoy the game because of its subpar performance
Such a shame the game isn't playable at 60fps. Genuinely one of the greatest games of all time but it is shackled to redundant underpowered hardware that can't do it justice.
True dat, also fuck motion blur, that shit is FUCKING CANCER
Blame the developers. They could've chosen to prioritize performance over graphical fidelity.
Consolewar thread on Yea Forums.
I enjoyed it, but I hated how mobile this game made some of the bosses in DS3 though.
I have literally played hundreds of games in my life with a stuttering frame rate at times, or bad frame pacing, or lag, and I've still enjoyed a lot of them. If you have to resort to "frame pacing" makes you not enjoy the game, then seriously go outside for awhile. Shut down your computer, you are too indoctrinated with memes for your own good.
Human eye can't see above 50 fps anyway stupid.
The human eye also doesn't see in FPS.
>probably not even top 3 of its year
I'm just thinking that it's likely that most exclusives will receive boosts from the PS5, even if they didn't get a PS4 Pro patch. "Remasters" will force the devs behind the remaster or the original devs to take advantage of the power, hopefully.
Also maybe fix some minor things. In Bloodborne's case:
- The main menu image being the wrong aspect ratio (not really, but there are two black bars on either side)
- The blurry text becoming clear during loading screens
- Skin and face textures being the same resolution in-game as in the character creator
- Higher resolution UI, such as button prompts and the health and stamina bars
>greatest game of all time
pick one
Oh no no no no
the fuck is that? a sonygro ridden site? The witcher 3 destroyed your garbage you damn nigger. Learn to cope and move on
>I'm just thinking that it's likely that most exclusives will receive boosts from the PS5, even if they didn't get a PS4 Pro patch.
I don't know why you think that.
As sad as it is I'd probably upgrade my Bloodbornebox for it, but I doubt From will bother.
From doesn't need to, just like for DS:R. They had nothing to do with it. QLOC handled DS:R and Virtuos for the Switch.
Japan Studio or some third party will likely handle it.
no u
The game is good but i dont like the Ayy shit its out of place
7/10 at best
says you
>They could've chosen to prioritize performance over graphical fidelity
Bloodborne really justifies the fidelity of its visuals though. It adds so much to the atmosphere of the game.
It's not if you actually pay attention to the story and lore.
Video game players have been waiting 30 years for a good game about Lovecraftian nightmare creatures. Imagine we finally get the greatest one of all time, and you didn't play it. I don't even think you can call yourself a video game fan at that point. Maybe you should take up knitting instead, that's probably more your speed.
>the fidelity of its visuals
This is pre-patch
>sony knows nobody would buy their shitfest advertisement machine if not for them keeping the greatest game of all time artificially exclusive to it
shut the fuck cunnig-
>he doesn’t posted lolis
what the fuck? a legit Ape Escape fan?
Wow, Bloodborne BTFO
Considering the game has only sold around 3,000,000 copies, I highly doubt most people are buying a PS4 for Bloodborne.
>>greatest game of all time
>only 2% of PS4 cared enough to buy it
I thought snoys only memed about this game because they had nothing else during that three year drought. Was GOW and spiderman really so bad that you continue to talk about this game?
I played it on a PS4 Pro and had a completely enjoyable experience. Did no one tell you you're not supposed to play games at release anymore in current year? You should start paying attention.
>only game on snoystation 4
>gets overrated
Like pottery
It's spelled poetry
None of the ape escape games were good.
It's spelled shut the fuck up and lick my ass
>main game is rated higher than the DLC
Bloodborne is underrated.
Main game is like a 9/10, DLC is like a 9.5. Honestly pretty interchangeable.
You seem mad. U mad bro?
>main game is rated higher than the DLC
what did he mean by this
that the DLC is much better than the main game you brainlet.
Main game is a 9; DLC is a 7.
Together, they make a 10.
But... if the main game is rated higher than the DLC, why are you saying the DLC is better? And I'm the brainlet, huh? Hmm...
>20 frames
I just played it last year on a PS4 Pro. It was rock solid 30 the entire time. I don't know what you mean by 20.
You don't call drones people, fags will buy a PS4 because it's a PS4 and made by sony just like fags will buy a Switch because it's the Switch and it's made by Nintendo.
All consoles only have 1-3 good games on them at best because they've long since abandoned any real competition and simply work on shilling to their dedicated retards who will buy anything they hype up enough.
Not even the best game in the series. DeS, DS1, and Sekiro are all better
Simply wrong.
it was alright. no where near the best game of all time.
DaS1 is its only real competition, t b h.
Reminder that anyone who proclaims a game to be the "greatest" is a faggot
Hey that's the version I got. I found out the PS4 is region free, and since NA didn't get a GOTY version, I imported an EU one from Amazon. I love having the whole game on one disc. Kino.
fucken based
if you think otherwise, KILL YOURSELF
>b-b-but the only people who say this game is less than perfect are seething PC-lard portbeggars
From apologists btfo
got mine through amazon as well. and I'd rather have as few digital games as possible on consoles because the harddrive space is so limited.
How is it better than DS? Don’t be some fag slobbering all over “muh lovecraftian” now
My man. Great minds think alike.
It's better because games are more enjoyable at a low framerate
OP, for once, is not a fag.
I play all my games at 288hZ. I can't go back now.
There’s no hope for you
All are great games, but aesthetic completely aside wherein BB wins by a landslide, the combat is just superior and mechanically interesting wherein each weapon plays differently. This isn't the case for the others where multiple weapons are all generally the same and often hilariously outclassed by others in its tree. Bloodborne had nothing but visceral and exciting boss fights and enemies while the others are pretty hit and miss in this department. It also has much better music than the others (DeS is close) because it doesn't succumb entirely to the orchestra with the AH AH AH AH choir like almost ever DaSo game.
>wherein each weapon plays differently.
This isn't true at all, though. There is basically one play style in Bloodborne: aggressive.
He means there's not 75 great swords that all have the same moveset like Dark souls 2. They trimmed the fat with BB and kept all the stuff that works, got rid of the extraneous stuff. It's the culmination of what they learned over 3 games.
let's put aside the shitposting
any cane pimps here?
>average BB fan
Not even the best PS4 exclusive
That doesn't change the fact that almost every weapon plays nearly identically, opposed to Dark Souls which has far more play style variety. They needed to either flesh out the tricked versions of weapons, or do more goofy weapons like Logarius' Wheel and Amygdalan Arm.
Soulsfags were already the biggest joke of a fanbase way before BB, but you're only proving it even more now
BB's weaps all play dramatically different.
DaSo/DeSo all differ between each iteration in a tree by a single move which along with flat number superiority generally dictates if it's worth using.
Well yeah, I agree that weapons like the wheel and the arm, I don't think most people will ever seriously use those through the whole game. I just equipped them, played with them for a minute, then unequipped. I don't know why they're there. Just for variety and as a cool addition I guess.
>saw spear
>saw cleaver
>so different
Im in the framerate category,a hard action game not being at least 60 fps is unacceptable,if it was a slow game,the issue would be small but its fast paced and very hard even without the issue,ill just wait for the emulator and play it at 120 fps,i hope i like it more (and i can use my favorite controller)
Doesn't the spear poke and the saw slash?