Play ultimate alliance

Play ultimate alliance.

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I do

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>Squats down and spreads legs

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>FINALLY unlock my boy T'challa
>Joycon drift starts to happen AGAIN
Fuck me, I just got this shit fixed a few months ago. It's not fucking fair.

He's also incredibly fun to play as too. Holy shit. Fuck the haters, he's going on my team forever.

Not at the moment. I am giving my friend the Ultimate alliance 2 crack.

Have sex.

BP is one of the most fun heroes in this game, everything he does chains into something. He feels just like playing a musou, more so than any other hero. The only reason people hate him is because “le niggur huehuehue.”

why, when you feed me this awesome shit for free without needing to even open the game?

What is Joycon drift

Also his shitty dodge is made up for by the fact that he has a really good counter special that lets him eat hits for days.

Exactly. I haven't gone too much into his moveset yet but I appreciate that he has actual combos, which is more than pretty much anyone else has. I really wish this game had a combat system that was just a bit more in-depth, because it'd be cool to get a semi-cuhrayzee game with all these Marvel heroes, including BP. Definitely going to experiment with this dude some more.

I'm too poor at the moment.

I've been completely ignoring capeshit since guardians of raccoons and that gay hipster version of Thor. Have they actually turned the spiderboy into a tranny?

Oh look it's the "same ass on every single female character" game

Post the packs you wish for.

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Why, did they add Captain Sale?

post more webms

My Sniktbub is Level 58

No retard

I am, the camera was god awful on the Bullseye fight.

Spiderman is the biggest comic hero ever. There's a million versions of him.

When you aren't touching your controller but your character still moves and shit

I am playing it but holy shit I wish this was on any other platform. The fucking game is 30fps capped and dips CONSTANTLY while also lowering the resolution to like 480p levels and becoming total mud. This is one of the best examples of consoles holding games back I've seen in a awhile

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Also, fuck me, this Klaue fight is awesome. Why did they kill him off in the movie? Such an underrated villain.

Great Lake Avengers


um..guys? what did they mean by this?

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Literally the thiccest girl

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this is an alternate universe version of Spiderman, this is his female counterpart from another world where she got bit and was given powers

i think i'll pick this game up, anything i should know about it?
i only played the first one about a dozen times, and i'm mostly biting the bullet this early because i got a feeling online lobbies will be all max-leveled characters playing the game for me if i wait too long

There's like 50 versions of Spiderman, of course at least one of them is a girl.

thanos is playable

I would. I would very much.

i never liked the marvel cinematic universe and i don't recall ever reading any comic issues with Thanos in it, but okay

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There's something about his voice that I really like

But you'd be her slave

>tfw jerking off to hela's thick ass
>vs my face when user told me I can be her slave and thus fulfilling my femdom fantasies
I honestly don't see the problem here

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where are the webms?

Thanos is from the 70s newfag

But he's voiced by Sagat and is cool

And he only ever had one good story after 40 years.

The MCU used a story from one his very 1st appearances newfag

I liked Infinity

Infinity Gauntlet was the only good story he had, and even that was just big dumb event comic. Thanos is shit.

Can somebody tell me why is Thane an inhuman?
Is there some sort of one drop rule with the inhumans? Because Thanos's power and look should have been carried over to Thane instead of inheriting just inhuman powers and why did he look human before his terrigenisis?

she looks like the kind of gal whose weight and rowdiness would bend your penis at an unnatural and horrifically painful angle whilst riding it

Who is /Captain America/ here?

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Marvel wouldn't dare fuck with Spider-Man anymore. The current run of TASM and Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man are easily the best major superhero comics printed by Modern Marvel. There's less Miles wank, and Peter Parker is returning to his pre-OMD self.

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Don't tempt my dick user; I'm a very easy man to milk cum out of.

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She meant that Miles Morales with the Enigma Force and Sword Vigor is weaker than a fully evolved Kain Parker with the power of The Other as Kain was able to kill Solus with a simple "Sting of Kain" whereas a "Cosmic Venom Blast" barely fazed Solus. This would also mean that Peter Parker with the powers of The Other was infact the most powerful man on the planet, but he never used the full powers of The Other as Kain did because Peter is a nice guy who would never choose to kill. This also means that Peter Parker was close to fulfilling Cable's prophecy of becoming the Earth's greatest champion. Once OMD is undone by the Shogun and by Spencer, Spider-Man will become the greatest hero and he will inseminate Mary Jane Watson. Oh hey, Iron Man is dead in the MCU, and "Spider-Man Far From Home" was a massive success just as Spider-Verse and Spider-Man PS4. Guess that means the Mouse wants Spider-Man to continue being the face of capeshit, and that means Marvel Comics will beforced to respect Spider-Man unlike the Slott and Quesada eras.

That's what she meant with that delicious ass of hers.

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Still can't believe anyone thought One More Day was a good idea. Then again, I have trouble believing anyone thought Civil War 2 needed to be a thing, so maybe I just need to be more credulous.

who's the default crew around this time? i remember Capt. being my favorite in the first one


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>idk anything about the series so I'm just going to make retarded claims

>high damage chain attack
>special to buff attack for team
>can reflect boss projectiles and shield revives
>his four moves have synergy with tons of other specials
>innate elemental absorb ability
I don't tell people I main Cap, I just tell them I play the American Dream

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what am I supposed to see here?

Wrong. I've done research and every female has their own distinct ass. Especially when you compare Psylocke's ladylike thickness to Spider Gwen's petite teen butt

Women's bottoms.

Thats pretty good filmmaking right there. Makign it look like that lil boy has tits


Jesus. I haven't even gotten to her yet. I thought it couldn't get thicker than Psylocke

>I don't tell people I main Cap, I just tell them I play the American Dream