The public has spoken. Fire Emblem 3 Houses is a disappointment. I'm glad that there are brave people out there that aren't afraid to call out these exclusive Nintendo games for what they are: Overrated as fuck.
The public has spoken. Fire Emblem 3 Houses is a disappointment...
Yeah Fire Embelem was never good, overrated, and mediocre at best.
Your point?
U mad bro?
Why are they always spics?
>ESLs and spics
>PoR being good
these are just anal ravaged snoys who are upset that they can't get good games
spics only get 2 games other than fifa in their whole lifetime so they latch on to them like crazy
ok we get it you can't afford a switch so you're coping by fabricating that all of the exclusives suck
now have sex and get a job you disgusting fucking neet
They are probably getting paid 1$ a day in a sweatshop for writing bad reviews by the local drug cartels.
>Snoytard thinks Nintendo fans give a shit about FE instead of weebs
Has Fire Emblem gotten worse or have I just outgrown it? It's been 14 years since I played PoR and Blazing Blade. Is it all just rose-colored glasses?
Hopefully this makes them halt the milking of this mediocre franchise.
I've hated FE to death since Awakening.
I'm glad this shithole showed me that a lot of people are actually sick of this series and that's it's tiring how hard it's been pushed.
>serious stories about war and human condition
lmao nintendo toddlers are fucking delusional
>down to 7.5
Sony always wins baby
>all the complaints are about visuals
>Ever good
Only the most retarded people like FE
They do that for every game though, those are probably the same people who were making articles that End Game should've had more LGBT representation or that games need to feature more real world issues
they're unacceptable for a $60 game in 2019.
They gave the games bad scores so I’m okay with them.
Right,now go play good trpg instead
Every single Fire Emblem game is bad. It's a shame because the main theme is so good.
awakening has a 9.1 user score you cucks
It's 7.5 now lmao
It's gotten much gayer. The series peaked at FE7 and its just devolved into tumblr fanfiction level writing with an overly simplified easy strategy combat component tacked on
It's objectively a bad turn based strategy game.
People call out Nintendo games all the time, ResetEra.
>highly marketed exclusive comes out on *insert system*
>fans of *other system* review bomb user score and then post screenshots on Yea Forums to act like it's a total flop
Literally every time
And Awakening was the worst FE game to ever exist. User score doesn't mean shit
Tendies are free to go and bomb other games, and they already do. Go ahead and make a review calling Death Stranding a movie game when it comes out.
this is the objective truth. Broke shitskins shouldnt play video games. Its a white male only hobby.
I'm not gonna do that because i'm not a fucking loser who fights over billion dollar companies
The more you shitpost about Switch games, the better they sell.
The old games are still good imo. Problem is making a strategy game for Nintendo doesn't work since the core demo can't play challenging games. The series has been progressively dumbing down since b4 it came to the U.S.
>play the first FE released in the US on the GBA
>fall in love with the series
>play old ones with translation patches
>watch as the series I grew to like slowly become more anime shit
>Shadow of it's former self
Honestly, I can't even derive pleasure from the gameplay anymore.
>t. never played Conquest
Keep trying, you will keep being wrong
That would require Nintendo fans having a massive inferiority complex like snoys
Why do oldfags pretend the old games also weren't super tropey messes?
>snoyfags are mad that Days Gone got fuked
so they created fake accounts just to give FE a bad score
who would've thought