It's that time again.
It's that time again
Why don't you just turn your AC on?
I'm poor.
That's bad for the environment user
>AC in a flat
Stubborn europoors. They'll have heat like this, complain about it, then turn around and make fun of americans for loving AC.
Forgot pic
Because we don't have AC in Alaska.
This is the hottest summer I have ever experienced.
Even shit-tier ghetto apartments in the US have AC
is AC a luxury in europe or something?
That's bullshit though. I had AC in Anchorage, even though summers would only go up to like 85F.
I did live on the air force base though so we were probably spoiled
AC?is that the windy wind machine?
Their retarded excuse is "It never gets hot enough to justify it!"
...while they're going through a dangerous heat wave
>chair force
>was spoiled
Yes you were. It's also been 100 at my place but they are only saying its low 90s.
It was literally the hottest its ever been since Temps were recorded a few weeks ago.
memes aside, Yea Forums does have a lot of unironic 3rd worlders from SA
I literally can't imagine not having AC. Why would you ever design a living space without the ability to regulate temperature? It doesn't make any sense
I've never been anywhere in the US that didn't have AC
Good, fuck future generations.
This. I can't imagine having to go to bed at night when it's over 75F in your room. I'd be uncomfortable as fuck.
it actually blows my mind that people out there don't have AC
like I get poor people, but euros aren't THAT poor
Poor fan-tan.
i wanna fuck my coolermaster
>tfw was over 100 degrees and humid as fuck for a week straight
>tfw storms finally came and brought some cold air with them
>tfw PC temps went from idling at 45 to idling at 32
imagine being poor?
>while they go through a dangerous heatwave every single year now
About 90% of Europe lies north of USA.
We're not used to these extreme heat waves which is why we don't have AC, but I guess that's gonna have to change now because of climate change. Thanks boomers.
>hot in summer
>cold in winter
>tfw when 115F is normal during the summers
Desert has its perks but "it's a dry heat" only works for so long
>got a raise at work
>was thinking games and booze to celebrate
>running the AC instead because my dog is miserable
>THAT hot in summer
We're dying over here
You also have a lot more coastline relative to land mass, providing a modulating effect. but also there's the gulf stream making it warmer and milder (which is why it's nice in europe even though it's the same latitude as canada and siberia)
>Over the vast majority of the continent 'record highs' aren't even above 37C
Pansies the lot of you
I used to live in Arizona, thank fuck I only stayed for a few years, summer was fucking brutal there
Nigger, a fucking a window unit is like $300. You can't shell that out even for hot summers?
Guess they don't call you yuropoors for nothing.
>climate change
get health issues and an education, then we'll see who's poor
Denying climate change even on Yea Forums is just boring trolling at this point. Climate change is happening, denying so goes against basic common sense at this point.
And honestly, the argument on how it's happening is pointless as well. Scientists already agree that it's too late to reverse it because feedback loops are taking over. I don't care if you think it's caused by humans, but it is happening.
unironically have employer health insurance for $72/month and have a bachelor's degree that only cost a couple thousand after scholarships/financial aid
and i have AC, faggot
They barely afford food when a dust storm takes out half their "crops". Their people are malnourished, brainwashed, and taken advantage of by governments that would sooner cater to violent refugees than their own people. I'd have sympathy for them but many of them are militant in defending their situation to the point of hindering the exodus of others seeking better. It's disgusting
>wearing over-ear headphones during the summer
literally how
>wearing over-hear headphones at all when you're not using a mic
fucking why? just use your speakers you fucking zoomer
Same, and I don't have diabetes
>I don't care if you think it's caused by humans, but it is happening.
Not really.
I have AC, legal weed, guns, and no diabetes.
Euros cannot say that sentence without lying. Only Americans and leafs can say that.
>buy 100 dollar window unit for room
>Not really.
Every credible scientist on earth disagrees.
Are you saying apartments in Europe don't have air conditioners? Holy guacamole
Every credible scientist on earth agrees until they are proven wrong.
Just you wait, naive child
*takes a big old fat hit of a blunt*
*blows it in your face*
deal with it, bootlicker
I live in southern Arizona but have family in more humid parts of the country, and a dry 115 degrees is nothing compared to a humid 100 degrees. At least in Arizona you can just drink some water and sweat the heat off.
Go die in Iran for your greatest ally
Okay, user. Disprove climate change. The onus is on you since it has been proven, at least a formal argument has been made ready to be debunked (still hasn't)
It's not a financial issue it's about being prepared for it at all.
After last summer I didn't fucking expect to be this year as murderous as last one. Everyhing is spiraling out of control a lot faster than anticipated.
Also the heat hits you hardest when you're outside so what good is an AC then?
Is that a real thing for PCfags
*clink clink clink*
And now, a toast, to-
Security? Can we have this goblin rabble removed please?
Thank you.
Now where was I?
>it's not 70F at all times in his home
>Not really.
What a stunning refutation.
The only thing I cannot say is that I can have guns, then again I don't want to have a gun.
>tfw keep my central heat and air at 68° year round
Seethe more poor fags
Burgers detected
>Average temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, USA on July 4th: 65 degrees Fahrenheit
>Temperature in Anchorage, Alaska, USA on July 4th, 2019: 90 degrees Fahrenheit
Welp, we're all fucked.
If you actually believe in the climate change hoax you are too far gone, youopoor.
You prove it first.
You ausfags only have dry heat to worry about, you can just sweat it off. Europe is a fucking swamp.
Not an argument. Burger Zoomers are so pathetic.
>Not an argument.
hi re
what's an ice age
Americans are having a hard time accepting climate change because they are already used to getting assfucked by heatwaves and storms all year.
The fourth fucking sucked this year. It was hot and smokey. Luckily I went dipnetting over the weekend and stood in chest deep water all day.
>66F indoors
>95F outside
Fuck this shitty thermostat.
Proving my point Zoomer.
I really don't know. I've lived her 22 years and we've never had AC. Either it takes up too much electricity or it's too expensive. Now that I sort of have money, I might finally look it up. Although it's not as hot yet as it was last year.
Yurop houses aren't as paper thin as American ones.
AC is a uniquely North American thing. With Europe getting hotter though, they'll come around
But that's the crux of my stance. Climate Change is a naturally occurring phenomenon, and trying to stop it is trying to fight against nature
>favourite seasons are Autumn and Winter
>prefer the cold, rain and snow to hot and humid summers
>we're going to irreversably fuck it up forever and it's happening quicker than expected
cope, he didn't even mention yuropoors
holy shit you guys are so easy to bait, fucking brainlets
>mfw global cooling isn't a thing
Being an AClet must fucking suck. Imagine not having complete control over the temperature you have to sleep in.
Sleeping comfortably alone is worth it. Not to mention the rest of the entirety of time spent in your home, obviously.
I don't know if this unique to my region, but over here basically Spring and Autumn are disappearing. It's cold as fuck until May then boom from zero to thirty celsius in a week. Same thing but reversed in October.
Personally I'm gonna miss autumn the most, love those sunny days in early October where the air is cold and fresh.
Thatâs because youâre a pussy faggot. Have fun being taken over by Muhammad.
It was 40 degrees last month and no issue with pc. Op pic is a meme.
>those sunny days in early October where the air is cold and fresh.
mmm yeah that's that good shit.
i accept your concession
>live innamountains
>summers are lovely, basically as temperate as spring everywhere else
>but it lasts two weeks
>and winter is coming
>and I already feel my balls shriveling from 9 months of below 40 weather
At least thinking of the Euros roasting gives me cold comfort.
I don't know man, even here in Ottawa it gets stupid hot for at least a couple weeks in the summer. Humidity can be a bitch. I can't think of anyone I know that doesn't at least have a window unit. They're so cheap and take minutes to install.
>Imagine not having complete control over the temperature you have to sleep in.
This sentence reminds me of my miserable middle school years.
>temps in the 90s
>no bottom cover on my bed
>mattress had that itchy pollen-like shit all over it
>small fan (like 9 inches diameter) had a severed cord and often times just wouldn't blow air at night
>one day just lose it to my parents and have a bitch fit
>"why didn't you just tell us?"
>realize all of the lost sleep was making me completely oblivious to this shit during the day so I never said anything about it.
Human contributions to the green house effect are very real and measurable.
Maybe it's "only" the equivalent of two or three erupting volcanoes in terms of impact, but it's certainly accelerated the situation.
Fell less guilt. Just think about how you can avoid making things worse from a standpoint of practicality and affordability. If there's nothing you can do, that's all there is to it. Carry on. But don't pretend it's not happening or that human activity is not a cause.
Global warming doesn't mean winter is going to cease to exist. Jesus Christ.
didn't used to be the case.. it's almost like the climate is... changing... someone should look into this
Same kinda thing for me, only it was noise from water filters and whateverthefuck else.
I learned to keep a notepad and pen on my nightstand to write shit down in my waking stupor and complain about it later.
Worked sometimes.
Most times I just drew dickbutts or some trippy dream shit.
blame trump
they did, and said the only way we can stop it is to ban airplanes and cows
>climate is... changing
The climate has never gone through any significant changes throughout the history of the world, why would it start now?
rent free
>oh god so much pollution
>b-ban aeroplanes and farting livestock!~
>meanwhile, in China
fuck that, when the oceans melt i'll just move to nice tropical canada. they better get a wall ready.
>yuropoors can't afford an AC license
Begone from here cultist, your evangelism has no power here.
Meanwhile private business is close to making a breakthrough on carbon capture technology
>currently moving from arizona to minnesota
I can deal with the cold but fuck the heat man. Maybe if I was allowed to walk around naked.
You know anything about using synthetic pee to pass a drug test? I'm literally searching "weed" across all boards to find people to ask this.
>Jojo fag is a typical single digit IQ incel anime poster
Imagine my shock
if it gets that bad canada will just get annexed
We're not allowed to go after China or India for their polluting ways. In fact, we STILL PAY CHINA DEVELOPMENTAL AID
Only due to pressure from government regulation. That's just how it should be.
Set goals and penalties, let everyone try to figure it out on their own instead of just banning everything.
Exists here
>Legal weed
Just go to the guy called Karim and ask him for it its cheaper and its better then the american trash you smoke
Just kiss ass at the gun club and jump through all the paperwork loopholes and you can own a Romanian AK in less then a year
>And no diabetes
Usa? Seriously?
People get called insane when they say the free market would do better than the government for this. People forget how wildly incompetent our government is
>a heatwave during the summer
My god, we are doomed. What next a coldsnap in the winter?
>Turn on AC casually and nonchalantly.
>Get an electricity bill that's as fat as my monthly paycheck.
Fuck this shit country and fuck being poor.
you should be fearing a mild period during spring and fall
It sure fucking is.
Europeans are the definition of pussified. This is why any claims that any european group is the "master race" will always fall flat because the temperature going above 20 celsius or below 10 celsius is equivalent to the holocaust for you people. Australiachads and North America Chads can at least survive the heat, dry 100 degress isn't shit, humid 100 degrees is when it gets bad
>Exists here
Apparently not, according to this thread and /int/
>Just go to the guy called Karim
I'd rather just go to a store and buy it like i would anything else
>Just kiss ass at the gun club and jump through all the paperwork loopholes and you can own a Romanian AK in less then a year
Sounds worse than commiefornia
>Usa? Seriously?
yeah let's not act like western yurope, especially the UK, isn't a bunch of fatties too
youtube exists now, there's video evidence of you fatties waddling around just like us
AC is a luxury in most parts of the world, you can go without it poorfag
Ok I looked it up and no store sells window mounted AC in my country.
import one, retard
The boomers are all still in a daze after the moon landing.
They think the government is an ideal tool for accomplishing things, rather than just guiding more competent entities toward a goal.
t. has never been to australia
We get humidity all the time in urban areas.
no u
I don't wanna kill my gains
>basement in summer
I have to put a sweater and I can't feel my fingers. Its nice.
>urban areas.
you mean on the coasts like every other continent? or do more in land urbanish areas also get humid?
>Attic in the summer
I have to take off my skin to cool down
American ac obviously doesnt fit european windows genius
Central air install is around $10,000 here, and I'd only need it about 3 weeks a year so it's not worth it.
Are you retarded? They're designed to fit any window size. You can even insulate around it yourself.
window units aren't, portable units that just put a tube on the window are stupid inefficient
Make a Homer bucket cooler. They've got hardware stores and bait shops in your city right?
>muh global warming
>muh ice caps melting
>the sea levels will rise
>coastal cities will be wiped out
When the ice melts, the water will not spill out of the glass. Libtards ACTUALLY BELIEVE it will.
Yeah, but how of that ice is sticking miles into the air, user?
inb4 someone falls for this.
Is is the same phenomenon with salt water?
that's only an issue with antarctica, the north pole is the one people always bring up and almost entirely off land
>gonna be 30c today
fug :DDDD
Well that's why ice caps melting is what's worrisome, not ice melting in general.
You're forgetting the PH will also change which is also a big bad in either direction.
not a coffee guy but
>sitting on the balcony with my cat and drinking tea
those are the days
It started around the industrial revolution and it's going exponentially faster since. Use your brain.
Shut up lum
Because of us
At least our boomer dads are shutting up on the subject of global warming denial.
>It started around the industrial revolution
the aztecs had steam engines? recent research has found that a megadrought led to famine and disease spreading even before the spanish showed up, kinda like modern california
They and the Mayans did lots of slash and burn agriculture
Look up what the industrial revolution is. Nobody is talking about aztecs. Droughts have always existed.
Iâll be dead tomorrow or in a few decades. Ainât my problem until then.
It's not a normal heat wave
>caring about muh global warming
Unironically, who gives a shit that's alive right now? The worst of the worst won't start until we're all dead 100-200 years from now.
I literally don't give a shit. I unrinocally like polluting earth. I fucking hate all of you. Fuck humanity tbqh. The best possible outcome is that humanity doesn't exist 1000 years from now and earth can recover.
Thatâs like a normal summer in the south. Bunch of fucking babies. I used to do carpentry with my friend while the sun beat down on us. Practically worked in the sun for so long that Iâm darker than my spic friend.
Good lad. You have your priorities straight.
If humanity goes extinct we'll have to go through the loot box phase of the industry twice.
It's ok, we've all been edgy little teenagers once.
What a nigger
humans are the niggers of biology though
Lol this explains Europoorans and their climate change push
>It's so hot guys please give us AC
>Oi you nutta don't you know that air conditionin hurts the environment
>Oh righteo Mr. Bongstein, brilliant. I shall continue my perspirations
What is the ice age for 100
daily reminder that it's these people calling you all yurocucks, yuropoors, ahmed or any other combo
never forget.
me in the fluffy bear clothing
those people have AC and you don't
stay mad, yurosweat
>mutts calling mutts mutts
no shit
i dont need AC because i dont live in the swamps or deserts of southern europe
how quick are the mutts at rebuttal, as if they're always angry about their muttitude.
Thank you for proving my point.
Show me any other animal that can go to the moon and I'll grant you that humanity isn't the greatest speices on the planet.
Oh wait you can't.
>i dont need AC
meanwhile "yuropoors are dying in a heat wave" is making international headlines
top kek
isn't that girl in the bear suit that tittymonster youtuber egirl?
wtf I love /pol/ now
i've never seen such a level of cope in my life
it's just bantz, yurocuck. stop getting so butthurt
not my fault half of europe is a swamp or a desert swarmed with niggers
it's literally 11°c outside my window
>samefagging this badly
cope harder
>heat wave
>caused by climate change
>"wtf yuropoors are you retarded? why don't you buy MORE of the things that caused this problem to begin with?"
if everyone on this planet lived like the americans, we would probably need 4 planet earth to sustain our lifestyle
I sincerely despise you all
t.posting from my chilly room at 24°C with AC
have sex
There are no inland urban areas unless you count small towns.
>i-it's just b-bants! w-why are you so a-angry user!! s-stop getting b-butthurt
can you stop being a mutt?
i dont think so
that's what matters
The vast majority of Australians live on the coast, so yes.
Nah. If AC was free, every yurocuck would have it. That's not the reason why you don't. It's because you can't afford it.
cope harder
im a peabrain when it comes to climate change, can someone explain how a 1 degree celcius change over a 50 year period can cause heatwaves?
Not him but you really are being overly defensive and it's kinda embarrassing to watch. Euros have really thin skin I guess.
Based and autumn-pilled
Have AC
Sure, here's an outline.
climate change also fucks up currents
also, lost foliage in western cities over the past century has reduced shade by a fuck load making cities overall feel hotter
humans in warm climates used to rely on shade, now we just cut it down
I already have AC but it's still unbearably hot when I go outside. What do?
That sure showed him, user
This isn't /int/, Ahmed. Go be a butthurt 3rd worlder there.
kill yourself, /int/sect
t. spic
have ac
are you seriously that retarded?
USA has been living with AC since the 50s, while here in europe they only were a "thing" by the 80s, and only in the southern part of italy, spain or greece
you guys are so used to it that you take them for granted, since you live in a place with weird climate and 80% of your nation has 0 coastlines
>literally burning coal to give power to all those AC units
you are the reason the world is dying
Have AC
let's be honest here, actually needing air conditioning is the mark of living in a 3rd-world country.
go live in a real climate.
stop being a mutt
oh wait
If your country is cold right now, it actually is a shithole.
You can't prove me wrong. Show me a single country where it was less than 30C today and also isn't a shithole. You can't.
have AC
well the heatwave is over now
it lasted a week
We also do have ceiling fans in europe to cool down rooms, but ac is uncommon
we've already seen you dump these images, spic
There was a brief period of time where I lived in a crap trailer. Even the shit window unit was heaven on some of those hot days.
>i5 2500k usually 40C under heavy load
>30C outside this week
>i5 2500k cooking at 80C
I don't need it. I just want it. Being able to afford luxuries is the mark of a 1st world country.
i didn't say it was cold. i was saying that the heat has been quite bearable for me.
>the eternal mutt spreads
Show me a single country that isn't a shithole.
have AC
My AC can't even keep up. I'm overclocked and my GPU is at 95
have AC
Have AC
>when the oceans melt
>tropical canada
I'm extremely confused.
you can only respond to this post if you have central AC
Window unit cucks need not apply
>80F down to 70F within an hour
feels good man
have AC
have guns and AC
have ac
*turns down AC*
*gets comfy*
have AC
>buy transportable AC
>use for 14 days
>return it on the last day
>get a full refund
>go to a different eshop
I'm essentially pirating cool air
Will this marvel of the new world ever get back to Europe?
And Ill believe youre a faggot until Im proven wrong.
Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad Hoes mad
>this image is alien technology to euros
Aha ha ha ya i love pretending to be an idiot ha ha lol
>like 5 days of the year are warmer than room temp
>having ac
Kek. If you live somewhere that needs AC you are living in the third world
Hey Amerifriends, I have a question.
t. slavic 3rd worlder
>he still can't name a county like this that isn't a shithole
Hi Russian nigger
Have AC
cringe third worlder
GDP per capita is 80k here
there is literally no evidence of climate change
there is no country with $80k GDP/capita that didn't have 85F+ temperatures today
cope harder
Lying faggot
We literally know the world's overall CLIMATE has CHANGED over the past century to being hotter overall
>Solar cyc- who? no climate change is done by humans, the tv said so
this image hasn't aged well
Isn't MSG just flavor cheat codes
@ me
Is this what it's like to be poor without climate control?
>start recording temps some odd centuries ago
>methods are primitive at best
>develop new technology for more accurate recordings
>they're different
what a shock
next thing you'll tell me is yellowstone will just so happen to blow up in the same century we're able to record it
oh no no no noooo
Is it a good idea to put a PC in a walk-in freezer?
>not renting a place that includes utilities
its a little more expensive but being able to use as much ac, water, and electricity is great
I honestly learned today that euros don't have AC.
I can't imagine having to sit around in 80 degrees during the summer
It doesn't get very hot there, the highest I've seen is like 40 degrees. You don't need AC for that - its barely above freezing
>Nigger, a fucking a window unit is like $300. You can't shell that out even for hot summers?
You fucking what? More like $50 on craigslist and there are always a ton floating around every year in America even in my rural new england area. I just sold my old window unit because I installed a ground source heat pump and that takes care of my whole house now, it was a top quality GE about 4 years old and I was happy to get $55 for it.
>>literally burning coal to give power to all those AC units
>you are the reason the world is dying
AC is literally much more efficient and lower energy use then standard heating user (a reversible heat pump is going to work the same either direction, but most people in Europe and America are using standard electric, wood or fossil fuel for heating). And in France in particular most power is nuclear so no excuses there. Even in America coal is obsolete already without massive subsidies, natural gas kills it and solar+battery is already pushing below $0.05/kWh too.
Crying about "environment" with AC is literally just theatre, not real environmentalism. AC is not an issue at all.
>Also 80% humidity
Fucking Russian hackers. Donald blumpf. Brexit
anything above 74F room temperature is uncomfortable and peasant-tier
It's not our fault conservatives and libertarians hate the free market so much.
>broke Yurop resident who can't afford AC
eat shit.
it's motherfucking July in summer, retard.
good time to have AC
>That's bad for the environment user
it's not tho
>implying it's going to matter in a decade
If only you know how bad things really are.
yeah, not sure why people are shocked in mid-summer that it's really hot.
because it keeps getting hotter every year
actually here in Canada it's a cool 25c. one year it was 42+ heat wave at this time.
>but it's only getting hotter!
Error: guns are for white people.
>departures from average
but user your chart shows it was worse in 1993 than now!
>1955, 1961, above average about 1 degree
>2000, 2009, below average 0.5 degrees
and your chart shows temperature varies, as it has for eternity, idiot.
Are you fucking retarded? Did you flunk your basic math classes? Do you not understand trajectory and projection?
Oh no, sorry. You're right user. Scientists are wrong, glad you cleared that up.
I only reach upper 70s with my 2600x/1660 ti box at 30c (87f) ambient. Maybe you guys need better case fans.
Put it in this perspective:
When it jumped in 1993, that was an outlier.
Soon, outliers like that will get worse and worse. There could be a year within the next decade where the worldwide average temp jumps up much more than expected, causing even more increasing natural disasters.
look at the chart, user.
>above average 1950-1960, below 1980-1995
>above 1999, below 2005, above 2012, below following year
Nigger, I live where it can be -45 Celsius and +35, and I don't have AC because I don't need it.
This isn't normal.
This literally deviates from the norm, so it literally can't be considered normal.
and there could be a year where we get a heat wave of 45c like we had in canada about 10 years ago.
fucking liberal idiots and their lack of common sense, jump off a bridge. maybe then you will be at peace as the world is ending tomorrow (apparently).
nice bullshit comparison, user. show the total ice melt in that blue chart.
And the way it's changing right now is hotter and hotter. And projections tell us the world will be 1-2C hotter within a century, and that feedback loops like greenhouse gasses and less surface ice reflecting back sunlight.
You're so close to understanding this, user.
no no, jump off a bridge. save yourself from the CLIMATE APOCALYPSE that is coming tomorrow.
do it now.
We'll be fine, retard. The future generations will bet he ones that suffer the worst droughts, food shortages, water shortages, etc. that we're already seeing the beginnings of.
It's easy to not care when you will never have kids.
ever notice all the celebs bitching about climate change all use private jets that harm the ozone layer?
really makes you think.
>future generations
can suck my dick. also technology won't regress, we will create ways to deal with whatever shit humanity does.
Is it possible? Absolutely.
I just really, really hope they can start producing capture devices for real world scale within the next 5 years. Switzerland already has a huge capture plant and sells CO2 to other companies. It's neat. Not the same tech, though.
The insulation in your house could be shit.
buy a window unit poorfag
And the slight temperature and PH changes don't seem like the biggest deal, but microorganisms are extremely sensitive to this. No fish food, no fish, no fish eaters, shit gets bad quick.
>Let's give more money to climate change group so they can line their pockets, er I mean make the climate return to normal yeah!
Global cooling is exponentially worse than global warming.
>Just go to the guy called Karim and ask him for it its cheaper and its better then the american trash you smoke
this is so untrue in the older legal states
getting good weed in Colorado is about as easy as finding a McDonalds and there are deals literally every day
I get a free blunt at my regular place for just shopping there anytime from 8-10PM
True, but at least we're trying to fix it and work towards 100% renewable everything, or at least as much as we can. We have farms, we don't hunt for 100% of our food. Energy now, and hopefully we can just grow all our food, including meat, soon in the future.
Why is the trend linear? It looks close to exponential.
Minneapolis is hardly a small town
> News programs sliding actual news from public view, simply to bitch about how hot it is outside
What did they mean by this?
Clean your pc nigger. My cpu never goes above 50c and it was 43c outside yesterday. I cleaned it today and it didn't go past 45c. My gpu, on the other hand, is getting to 70-75c when playing monster hunter world, it usually stays at 60c when hell isn't unleashed outside
That doggo wants out
off to fagbook with you
yes yes
also meth, coke and opioids are legal just ask your local romanian
Enjoy the skin cancer
I just freeze a bag of water and place it on my tower. It probably did squat but I was a dumb teen with Windows Vista back then.
>tfw you finally fix that obscure and hard to pinpoint software problem after a fucking month and hours of testing and diagnostics
But my name is Ahmed
>tfw my city got 41 Âșc