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Other urls found in this thread:

I fucking hate this cuckold faggot and his shit taste
>bro im gonna play all the FF series
>skips tactics and 11 but plays X2 and all the fucking 13 games
the DMC stuff is just the icing on the cake

Nobody ever says this as a serious statement.

>said no one ever as OP went further into his madness

you have to be retarded to think that

I thought he liked 1 but said that 2 is better than 3

More specifically he said it was because DMC2 had a dedicated dodge button

So skip the shit ones?

There's no fucking way someone could be that contrarian. Not even Yea Forums would say that, outside of shitposting.

He and his brother are numale cucks

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That's even fucking worse.

Poor guy, too much DS, he is broken.

>started with DMC3
>thought it was good but not great
>every list praises it as the best DMC ever
>too afraid to ever play any sequel ever again

user, that is retarded.

White "men" that look like this should be all killed. Only models and 8/10+ should be left alive.

DMC3 is the best one, but DMC1 is very different (and good too), so you can try that one.

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1 and 5 are great too

Fair enough, I still have my PS2, Ill try to shoot it cheap

Any opinion on the newer ones ?

This but kill all niggers too

I unironically enjoy how passive aggressive he is with his chat.

Got 5 for free on pc but it always crashes on the first V mission

What price is it worth ?

He's one of those retards that can only play games like he plays Souls so DMC2 having dedicated dodge button without having to equip trickster makes game somehow better for him than DMC3.

4 has amazing combat, but is clearly unfinished. V is fantastic. What 4 could've been if 4 was completed.

>What price is it worth ?

*When I "rebuy it" for console, I mean

Alright, thanks

>Soul degenerates invaded to muh dmc
Isn't there some soulsautist who made list of dmc bosses and put gugapede or some shit on the top?

Well that’s just fucking retarded. Just flick the goddamn analog stick or double jump, man. It ain’t that hard.

>plays dmc like ds
I refuse to believe that he just mashes basic Rebellion combo all game

reminder lobos cucked his twitch thot ex fiancé with another twitch thot

That's exactly what he did, everyone called him out on that.

I liked lobos until he dyed his hair teal like a lesbian

I thought he was bald

Is he not with fieldy anymore?

How come the interwebz didn't raise their pitchforks for that like they did with projared?

Well lobos didnt send dick pics to kids. Also not as popular as projared.

wasn't projared hitting on a 15 year old

>15 year old
What's the point
No tits no ass hairy cunt and acne all over face

Nope, they broke up.

you have never seen a 15 year old i guess

>never played any of these games because i cringe when i look at a white haired faggot wearing a trench coat
looks like i won

As you say

DMC1 has a dodge button too, it's called jump.

trust me i know my 15 year olds
at least in america
theyve got some fat asses


at least he donates a lot of money to charity.

based durrcringe poster

Cringe also you sound like patrick

Have Chuck
Formerly Seed

Doesn't this guy have some retarded as fuck colored hair now? I still remember him in borderline tears because people were making fun of his vaping on stream.

Sneedbasedcringe pilled

Who the fuck has 1 (one) seed

Fuck & Suck

>being this new

>Dante was only cool in DMC1 and 2

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Is that the quartering?


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Does he think that? I know nothing of him except some of his Dork Soles runs I've started watching weeks ago. He did give me an SJW vibe but he never really goes into it on stream or at least I didn't see so he seemed alright.


Pretty sure hes a lefty but his stream was apolitical as of when i stopped watching 2 years ago. I dont care about his stance as long as he isnt shoving it down peoples throats.

both are japanese games retard

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Ditto. The most SJW thing I've ever seen him display is colored hair and that's fine with me.

2's about as good as 4. They're both blatantly unfinished, filled with unfun parts, and are only good for 1-2 boss fights and fucking around in Bloody Palace.

It's easy to get suckered in by 4's fancy presentation and more modern gameplay style, but when you look past all the glitter, you see the same basic problems underneath it all.

Sure. Whatever you say, user.

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No fucking way. How can you miss the point that much?

DMC2 has a nice style but a piss-poor substance in a game series which relies upon both.

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4 is godtier, you fucking fag.

Sparda Costume Mod finally.

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DMC2 is the last DMC to actually keep the horror atmosphere from the roots of the series, granted most of it comes from the incredible OST.
The dark urban setting is also pretty fucking cool, something that DMC5 fails miserably at for some reason, one can only imagine how the game would play like if Itsuno didn't have to hastily put it together in half a year or so, you can see there's a lot of good ideas in there but with so little time you can only do so much.

Fun fact That dudes 6'3

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You really don't understand how bad DMC2 is unless you've played it. I have never played a game that missed the point of its predecessor this much. Granted they really didn't know what they were doing until Itsuno came along and salvaged what he could.

It still has more soul than DmC though.

is this the only DMC thread we have? alright


I don't think they can be compared honestly
It's a matter of choice
Honestly making dmc2 a JRPG was a pretty weird move, but it worked out for me, I don't get the hate

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But Donte is DmC, not DMC 2.