This is peak battlefield

this is peak battlefield

post your raifu

Attached: BF4.jpg (240x240, 28K)

It was the last good one, but it's far far from BF's peak

PDWs were underrated, had a lot of fun with them
Most kills I had was on the SRAW though, nothing better than landing a curveshot on a helo.

peak battlefield was 1942 and 2 you giant fucking zoomer

the problem with pdw's was that only maps were they were actually useful, were not so useful because they were engineer only class. Seriously who decided this?

MG4. Kobra, Flash Hider, Potato grip
P226. Ghost Ring, Flashlight, Muzzle brake

hurrr hurrrrrrrrr

Attached: BF4_M14_left.jpg (1920x1080, 357K)

>flash hider
for what purpose? It only gives you debuffs without giving any kind of advantage? It doesn't even look good

>Seriously who decided this?
DICE Sweden, who have always had weird ideas about class balance in the Battlefield series.

When I still played it didn't give any debuffs

it does now, such as increased sway while aiming (hidden stat fuck you for even thinking about using it) and slightly decreased accuracy

Wrong. BF3 was the last good one, BF4 was decent. Bad Company 2 and Vietnam remain the absolute peak of the series.

It all went to garbage after the release of BF3. Battlefield stopped being Battlefield and became just another COD-like run and gun FPS with no soul.

AUG A3 stubby, heavy barrel

Honestly don't remember using the M16 or M4 that much

Attached: a.png (664x467, 129K)

My ridefu

Attached: 331240947.jpg (640x473, 34K)

Back in my days no one complained about Engineer/Anti-Tank having SMGs/PDWs & shotguns only, because it worked well.
And also, use carbines instead.

But why did DICE decide that PDWs would be restricted to one class while carbines are all class?
It would seem that if carbines are all class then PDWs should be too.

my point is that I want to use pdw's with other classes, they are useless with engineer

>It would seem that if carbines are all class then PDWs should be too
Can't do that when DMRs are accessible as well. Universal weapons is a bad idea anyway.
Most of the PDWs are shit even if any class could use them when other ARs and carbines perform better in short range gunfights. AS VAL, MP7, and CBJ-MS are all you need.

I don't fucking care if it's meta or not but pdw's should still be universal. They are absolutely unusable with the engineer class so like this they might as well not exist

compact .45


She cute

Galil, PKM, M14 and RPK 74

Attached: BF4TOW.png (283x242, 63K)

The AEK's smaller, more accurate Jewish cousin.

Attached: Bf4_mtar21.png (392x190, 50K)